The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1492: Restoration

After Liang Yan sent the two away, he returned to the valley entrance.

With beautiful scenery and rich aura, it is indeed an excellent place for retreat and practice.

He walked around the valley and spent half a day setting up three layers of restrictions. After confirming that it was safe enough, he walked slowly into the valley.

There are woods, streams, medicine fields and a house in the valley.

The house is not gorgeous, there are only a few thatched huts surrounded by a wooden fence, which looks similar to a farm house in a secular village.

Most of the caves in Shennong Mountain have this style, and Liang Yan is not a person who likes ostentation, and he is satisfied with everything in the valley.

He casually walked into a room, which was already full of dust, cleaned it briefly with the dust cleaning technique, and sat cross-legged on a futon.

At this moment, Liang Yan felt a long-lost relaxation.

It has been nearly half a year since entering this strange world, and I have finally arrived at Shennong Mountain.

The situation here is better than expected. The owner of Shennong Mountain is very enthusiastic, and the matter of begging for the five-color soil is also very smooth. Now he only needs to wait quietly for a day, and he can clear the remaining evil spirits in his body and restore his cultivation to the peak.

The only ones who were a little worried were the Yeming Cult hidden in the dark, and the three Transformation Tribulation Patriarchs of Tiangong City.

Tiangong City is ambitious, these three star officials have been in Juntian City for such a long time, they must have secret plans. Now that Shennong Hu knew about the Stone Spirit Clan, it was impossible for them to delay any longer, and they would probably act ahead of time.

Once the Langhuan Continent is in chaos, the situation will become complicated again.

Liang Yan didn't want to see this scene, but he still hasn't figured out what the three secret star officials have planned. After all, the owner of Shennong Mountain is a strong sub-sage, and in the face of absolute strength, there is nothing to do. Time doesn't really matter.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much. Right now, I'd better wait for the five-color soil. After I recover my strength, I will wake up Wuxin and the others and discuss the next step together."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan closed his eyes and began to calm down, waiting for the arrival of the next day...

At dawn on the second day, a ray of light came flying from outside the valley and landed at the mouth of the valley, revealing a beautiful and watery girl, it was Qingqing.

As soon as she landed, she puffed her cheeks and shouted loudly, "Brother Liang, I'm here to see you!"

The sound was crisp and clear, spreading throughout the valley, and startled a group of birds out of the woods.

Soon, a gray light flew out of the valley and landed directly in front of Qingqing.

After seeing the person coming, the smile on Qingqing's face grew stronger, she reached out and took out an emerald green storage ring, and handed it to the person.

"Brother Liang, I'm bringing you five-color soil!"

"Okay, then I want to thank you."

Liang Yan also liked this lively girl, but it was a pity that she was the daughter of the Lord of Shennong Mountain, so he couldn't accept her as his apprentice.

After receiving the storage ring, Liang Yan released a ray of consciousness, entered the storage ring and inspected it carefully for a while.

Soon, a smile appeared on his face.

"There are so many five-color soils, which are more than the resources of Longding Mountain!"

"Of course, I took these five-color soils myself, and they dare not give me this face!" Qingqing said with some credit.

"That's really hard work for you."

Liang Yan rubbed Qingqing's head.

The latter was very satisfied, squinting his eyes and said: "I have made such a great achievement, you must not teach me a little more swordsmanship? Let me tell you, last night I used the move 'Swim the Dragon into the Sea', but those few The senior brothers and sisters were stunned, they have never seen the real flying sword technique!"

Qingqing's tone was full of pride, but Liang Yan felt helpless after hearing this.

After thinking for a while, Liang Yan finally did not refuse, nodded and smiled, "Since you want to learn swordsmanship, you can come back to the valley in a few days, but I will be in seclusion for a few days, so I can't be disturbed by anything."

After hearing this, Qingqing patted her chest and assured, "Brother Liang, don't worry, I promise that no other monks will come to disturb you within five days, so you can rest assured to retreat."


Liang Yan nodded, watched Qingqing reluctantly leave, turned around and returned to the thatched hut in the valley.

He sat down cross-legged in the room, weighed Qingqing's storage ring in his palm, with a smile on his face.

There are so many five-color soils, which are enough to clear the remaining evil spirits in the body, and the next step is to retreat and practice, so that one's realm can return to the peak.

Liang Yan suppressed his excitement, raised his hand and typed out a formula, and saw the magical soil emitting colorful rays of light flying out of the storage ring one after another.

The soil stuck to his skin one by one, covering layer after layer, but in just a few breaths, Liang Yan had already wrapped himself into a mud pupa, leaving only two eyes. exposed.

Inside the mud chrysalis, Liang Yan's spiritual power was circulating, and he began to expel the evil spirit of reincarnation entrenched in the deepest part of his meridians.

These samsara evil spirits are the most stubborn, but under the dual effects of the five-color soil and spiritual power, they have been unable to recover.

Soon, a ray of evil spirit was forced out from the meridians.

This evil spirit passed through Liang Yan's skin, and was instantly sucked into a piece of five-colored soil. The soil that originally exuded colorful rays of light turned into dull dust at this moment, flying in the air like scraps of paper. Finally slowly dissipated.

As the evil spirit of reincarnation continued to pour out, the five-colored soil on Liang Yan's body gradually turned into fly ash and fell from his body.

But not all the five-colored soil will dissipate. After absorbing the evil spirit of reincarnation, a very small number of five-colored soil did not turn into dust, but turned into a very special gray soil.

Although this kind of gray soil has lost its colorful glow, it seems to be alive. It is constantly wriggling on the surface of his skin, and occasionally touches Liang Yan's cheek, arm or chest affectionately, looking very close to him... .....

In the valley, the spring breeze was warm and the sun was shining brightly. Time passed slowly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three days, no one came to visit Shennong Mountain, the outside of the valley was quiet, and the inside of the valley was peaceful.

At noon on the third day, a large piece of spiritual energy suddenly gathered above the thatched cottage.

These auras became thicker and thicker, gradually forming the appearance of auspicious clouds, and then a suction force was generated below, as if a long whale drinking water, devouring the aura above it crazily.

Xiangyun turned quickly, like a huge funnel, and the bottom of the funnel was facing the thatched cottage.

In the thatched hut, everything was quiet and quiet, except for a mud pupa standing in the middle. The huge spiritual energy vortex in the midair was continuously pouring down, and it was finally absorbed by this mud pupa.

card wipe!

In the quiet thatched cottage, there was a crisp sound suddenly.

I saw a crack appear on the surface of the mud pupa, followed by a second, third...  

In just a moment, the entire mud pupa began to crack, and it was covered with dense cracks like spider webs.

The aura vortex in midair seemed to pause at this moment.

The next moment, there was a loud noise from the hut, and the mud chrysalis burst apart completely, revealing a young man in gray clothes.

This person sat cross-legged on a futon, eyes slightly closed, four colors of gold, green, purple, and blue brilliance surged around his body, and a canopy appeared above his head, as if a long whale sucked water, frantically devouring the aura above the thatched cottage.

All the spiritual energy hovering in the air poured down at this moment, pouring in from the Baihui acupoint on the top of the man in gray.

With the infusion of spiritual energy, the sleeves of the man in gray automatically moved without wind, and the aura on his body began to rise steadily. In just a few breaths, he had already passed the threshold of the peak of Tongxuan, and entered the transformation with the induction between heaven and man. Tribulation!

The next moment, the man in gray slowly opened his eyes.

The spiritual power in his body surged, and an indescribable sense of comfort spread from all over his body, making him unable to help but roar.

The valley vibrated slightly, and the whistling sound stopped, and another wave of coercion like a mountain roar and tsunami swept out from the grass hut.

When this coercion came, all the vegetation fell down, the stream stopped flowing, and hundreds of spirit beasts, regardless of their strength, were all prostrate on the ground at this moment, not even daring to make a sound.

Even the auspicious cloud of aura above the valley gradually dispersed at this time, as if an invisible sword was rushing straight at the bullfight, cutting a crack in the sky!

"Finally home."

In the grass hut, Liang Yan looked down at his hands, feeling the surging spiritual power in the meridian pool, with a relieved smile on his face.

Enduring in Langhuan Continent for half a year, and now finally back to the top, he is the ancestor of Huajie who possesses the sense of heaven and man!

And after returning to the peak this time, his cultivation has actually improved to a higher level than before, and he has reached the limit of the tribulation realm.

Investigating the reason, Liang Yan speculated that it might have something to do with the evil spirit of reincarnation and the five-color soil. When these two rare things met together, an unexpected fusion took place. This fusion changed Liang Yan, greatly increased his cultivation base, and also It was a blessing in disguise.

But Liang Yan didn't get carried away.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, making a formula with one hand, with a pensive look on his face.

"A misfortune depends on a blessing, and a blessing depends on a misfortune...Although this time I got a blessing due to a misfortune, but what followed, I am afraid there will be an even greater disaster!"

Now Liang Yan already possesses the sense of heaven and man, he concentrated on the futon, deduced it for a moment, and had a premonition that his second difficulty might not be too far away, it is very likely to appear in Juntian City... …

It wasn't long before breaking through the first difficulty, and the second difficulty was ushered in so soon, which Liang Yan did not expect.

But thinking about it, it's not impossible. After all, before breaking through the Tribulation Realm, Liang Yan's foundation was already very solid. The saint cultivation contained in Xuanyuan Potian's drop of blood essence was enough to allow him to break through the Tribulation Realm continuously. Stop at the peak of Tongxuan.

With this kind of solid foundation, coupled with the unexpected fusion of the evil spirit of reincarnation and the five-color soil, it is not surprising that the realm has improved so quickly.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan was both happy and worried.

The joy is that my cultivation base has improved rapidly, and I will soon reach the next small realm. What is worrying is that the three disasters and nine disasters are extraordinary, it can be said that it is a knife hanging over the head of every monk in the realm of transformation!

"You have to prepare early..."

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and struck out a spell, two rays of light flew out of the Taixu gourd, and landed on the ground, they were Hongwu and Laojin who were in a coma.

"Congratulations, you have finally recovered your cultivation." Lao Jin finally showed a long-lost smile on his face when he saw Liang Yan.

After entering this strange world, among the crowd, only Lao Jin and Liang Yan were sober, but they have both fallen in cultivation, so they have been cautious for the past six months, as if a big rock was pressing on them.

Now, with Liang Yan's cultivation restored, Lao Jin can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Old Jin, you have worked **** this journey."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, reached out and took out an emerald green storage ring from his sleeve.

As the daughter of the mountain owner, Qingqing wanted too much five-colored soil. After Liang Yan completely eliminated the evil spirit of reincarnation in his body, more than half of the five-colored soil was left in the storage ring.

That day when the Suixu Mountain group fought Lianxin, Wuxin and Li Xiaosong were the only ones who were really injured by the divine power of Vajra. As for Lao Jin and Hongwu, they only inhaled a small amount of evil spirit of reincarnation, and only then did they become comatose and fell into a state of decline.

The remaining five-color soil can just be used by Hongwu and Laojin.

"Red Crow is a puppet, and the evil spirit of reincarnation will not do much harm to him. You can use 30% of the five-color soil to help him recuperate. As for the remaining five-color soil, you can use it to clear the evil spirit in your body."


Lao Jin nodded, reached out to take the storage ring in Liang Yan's hand, covered part of the five-color soil on Hongwu's body, and covered the rest on his own skin. Sitting cross-legged, began to clear the body of evil spirits.

Liang Yan was not worried about these two people.

The five-color soil and the evil spirit of reincarnation attract each other, and as long as it takes a little time, they will be able to restore their original strength just like themselves.

What Liang Yan was really worried about was Wuxin and Li Xiaosong who were lying in the Taixu gourd.

They were all wounded by Lian Xin's "Four Noble Truths". Among them, Wu Xin was the most seriously injured. The vajra power destroyed almost all the meridians in her body.

Unlike Liang Yan, Wuxin has the blood essence of the "Immortal Dragon" to repair her body. This kind of injury is a devastating blow to her. Liang Yan has now recovered his cultivation. Although there is a way to revive Wuxin, it is very difficult. Heal her If it is not handled properly, even if Wuxin can save her life, it will leave a hidden danger that will affect her foundation.

This is what Liang Yan doesn't want to see.

So he didn't rush to treat him, but was silently thinking about the best solution.

Just as Liang Yan was frowning, a wave of breath suddenly came from outside the valley.

Liang Yan was no stranger to this breath, and it also made his eyes shine.

"By the way, why did you forget him!"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's face became excited, without the slightest hesitation, he pinched the magic formula in his hand, and it turned into a ray of light, and he came to the mouth of the valley not long after.

One person outside the valley.

Wearing coarse linen clothes, carrying a bamboo hat, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a generous face, he is the Lord of Shennong Mountain, Shennonghu!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :