The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1562: dark

Wuxin turned into a ray of light, came swiftly, and arrived in front of Liang Yan in an instant.

The two had already communicated via voice transmission, and they didn't talk too much when they met. They only heard Wuxin say indifferently: "Qiu Xiangrong, please lead the way."

"Okay, two seniors, please follow me!"

Qiu Xiangrong responded, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the surrounding mountain walls suddenly opened up, revealing a faint secret path.

Wuxin entered first, and Liang Yan followed closely behind.

Not long after they entered, the nine poisonous men in the valley also arrived one after another.

Seeing that the target they were chasing hid in the secret passage, these poisonous men roared and punched the entrance of the secret passage without the slightest hesitation.


There was a loud noise, and the entire mountain wall was shattered inch by inch. Only the secret path where everyone was located did not collapse, but cracks also appeared due to the huge force just now. The secret passage expanded a lot, and nine poisonous men entered one by one, chasing after everyone.

"I'm here to break it!"

Liang Yan let out a low voice, pinched the sword formula in his hand, and the two sword pills Mayfly and Dingguang flew out at the same time, turning into green and silver sword lights, firmly blocking the poisonous man behind him. Under Jian Guang's blocking, most of the poisonous people lost their arms and legs. Although they could continue to regenerate, their speed slowed down because of this, and they still couldn't catch up with Liang Yan and the others.

This pursuit and escape lasted about ten breaths.

After ten breaths, a layer of water curtain appeared in front of it, and clear water poured down from above the secret passage, like a water curtain hole deep in a waterfall.

Seeing this water curtain, Liang Yan and Wu Xin glanced at each other, with one thought in their hearts:


No wonder there was no trace of the teleportation circle in the valley before, it turned out to be hidden by someone using illusion!

Facing the illusion in front of him, Qiu Xiangrong took out a golden bell from his sleeve and shook it gently in front of him.

Jingle Bell!

As the bell rang, the water curtain quickly parted to both sides, revealing the scenery behind, it really was a space passage!

Seeing this, Liang Yan's doubts about Qiu Xiangrong were greatly reduced.

In fact, the illusion in this secret path is not difficult to see through, but I was in the middle of a fierce battle just now, and I couldn't check every corner carefully, so I was temporarily blinded by the illusion. If he was given a little more time, sooner or later he would be able to find this place.

"Seniors, there is a space channel ahead!"

Qiu Xiangrong shouted loudly, urged Dunguang to get into the tunnel first.

With a burst of spatial fluctuations, Qiu Xiangrong's aura quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, Liang Yanhe Wuxin looked back at the nine poisonous people who were chasing after him. He only hesitated for a moment, and the next moment, like Qiu Xiangrong, he got into the space passage at the same time.

For Liang Yan and Wu Xin, the short-distance teleportation would not cause any discomfort at all.

With the cultivation level of the two of them, they just felt that their spiritual consciousness was in a trance for a while, and then completely returned to normal in the next moment.

As both feet fell to the ground, the stench that had filled the surroundings finally disappeared.

Liang Yan opened his eyes, looked around, and found that it was halfway up a mountain.

The back is leaning against a towering mountain wall. There is a space passage the size of a door panel on the mountain wall. The other end of the space passage is obviously connected to the "Dao Pavilion".

Wu Xin and Qiu Xiangrong arrived here at the same time as Liang Yan.

Qiu Xiangrong was the first to land, and waited at the spot for a while, seeing that Wu Xin and Liang Yan had come out, he immediately shook the golden bell in his hand.

Jingle Bell!

As the bell rang, the space channel was slowly closed, which meant that it was impossible for the poisonous man in the "Dao Pavilion" to come after him.


Qiu Xiangrong let out a sigh of relief, leaned his back against the mountain wall, and reached out his hand to feel the cold sweat:

"Fortunately, we walked fast. Those poisonous people are too fierce. Where did they come from? Why can't they be killed no matter how hard they are killed?"

"Because they are not things of this side of the world, there are

People shot. " Liang Yan said lightly.

"It seems that Shennong Mountain is in imminent disaster..." Qiu Xiangrong showed a look of distress on his face.

"What happened to the Mountain Lord and the others?" Liang Yan asked suddenly.

"Shanzhu... Alas!" Qiu Xiangrong sighed and said, "When the night sky just started to change, a figure in nothingness appeared outside the Shennong Hall. At that time, Shanzhu was discussing with two elders and his own disciples. to Shennong Temple.”

Hearing this, Liang Yan frowned slightly: "Shadow? Can't see clearly?"

"It's indeed a human figure! It's just... like a shadow!" Qiu Xiangrong swore, "And the shadow's strength is so high that even the Mountain Lord couldn't surrender. Jumped out of the Shennong Hall, and picked weak disciples to kill along the way. The mountain master and the two elders couldn't stop them, so they had no choice but to open the mountain protection formation, and now they are deadlocked with that shadow."

"According to what you're saying, the mountain master sent you to ask me for help?" Liang Yan asked. "It's not asking for help, but I want Senior to destroy a place."

"Oh?" Liang Yan was a little surprised, and asked, "Where is the situation more urgent than the current situation of Shanzhu?"

Qiu Xiangrong replied: "Shanzhu said that the reason why the monks outside Juntian City can cast spells across borders is because someone in Langhuan Continent weakened the barrier from the inside, as long as you find the location of this person and get rid of him, The Langhuan Continent will return to normal soon."

"I see

Do you know where this person is? "

"Before we left, the mountain lord had already told me the calculated location. We must hurry up. As long as we get rid of that person and repair the barrier, these poisonous people and the blood moon will disappear."

As Qiu Xiangrong said, he turned around and was about to lead the way, but someone grabbed his arm from behind.

He turned around and found that the person holding him was Liang Yan.

Under the moonlight, the man's face was half a smile, but his eyes were piercing. "Senior, what do you mean?" Qiu Xiangrong was puzzled.


Liang Yan smiled slightly and said, "Brother Li! How long are you going to lie to me?"

"What did you say?" Qiu Xiangrong was obviously taken aback.

"Li Banxie, fellow Daoist Li!"

Liang Yan said indifferently: "Your disguise technique is really mysterious, I didn't find any flaws just now. Compared with you, even Zi Lan, the poison star official who is famous for his disguise technique, is probably not as good as you." ?”

As soon as this remark came out, the expression of "Qiu Xiangrong" changed slightly.

He glanced at Liang Yan, and seemed to want to quibble, but after thinking about it, he finally sighed softly:

"How did fellow daoist find out?"

When he said this, it was tantamount to admitting that he was Li Banxie.

"just now."

Liang Yan pointed to the mountain wall behind him, and said with a smile: "That is not a teleportation circle at all. I have experienced this kind of space teleportation once, and it is not the same as a teleportation circle. If I guess right, Daoge , there is no teleportation circle at all, it is brother Li's spirit beast that teleported us out?"

"Oh... troublesome, really troublesome!"

"Qiu Xiangrong" heard Liang Yan's answer, and heaved a long sigh: "It's troublesome to deal with smart people! I'm so tired. If I knew this task was so troublesome, I shouldn't have agreed to it!"

As soon as the words fell, he stretched out his hand to wipe the mountain wall.

Liang Yan and Wuxin looked at the same time, and saw a flash of light on the mountain wall, and a moment later, a fat, white spirit beast with the head of a bull and the body of a pig appeared.

Half of the spirit beast's body is embedded in the mountain wall, with only one head exposed. It opened its mouth hugely, like a gate, and there were traces of spatial fluctuations in its throat, which was obviously the transmission channel just now. !

After the spirit beast appeared, it didn't even realize that it had been exposed. Its eyes glanced back and forth, and its face was slightly flushed, as if it was holding its breath.

"Stupid man, everyone has seen you, hurry up and get down from the mountain!" Li Banlai said angrily.

Hearing the words, the spirit beast widened its eyes and said, "Hey, hey, hey!"

He screamed a few times, and then he stopped holding his breath, closed his mouth, and rolled down the mountain wall.


Li Banxi slightly cupped his hands to Liang Yan, and then a flash of light flashed all over his body, and his appearance changed rapidly. In just a few breaths, he turned into a bald old man in common clothes.

Surprisingly, there was a spirit beast behind the old man, shaped like a gecko, lying on his back, his eyes kept rolling, and he looked very cautious.

Liang Yan saw the spirit beast behind him, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that the essence of Brother Li's disguise is actually this spirit beast!"

While he was speaking, he looked at the spirit beast, and his voice was slightly loud. The spirit beast seemed to be stimulated, shrank its head suddenly, and hid behind Li Banxi.

"I'm sorry this little guy is naturally timid."

Li Banxi chuckled, hugged the spirit beast behind him, and stroked it gently for a moment.

"Brother Li, this is your real face, right?" Liang Yan looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "Brother Li didn't show his true face when we met twice. I don't know who you are, why do you want to help me secretly? "

"Now, I won't hide it from you."

Li Banxi coughed, and said slowly: "Actually, I am a cultivator from Wanshou Mountain. I was entrusted by Senior Linghu to infiltrate here more than a hundred years ago. The purpose was to destroy the conspiracy of the Yeming Sect. Unfortunately, When I entered this place, the foundation of Yeming Cult had already been established, and for some reason, I couldn’t reveal my identity, so I couldn’t think of any good countermeasures.”

"It wasn't until more than forty years ago that "Juntian, Tuna, attracted Taoist friends up, and this gave me a glimmer of hope. At Yunzhongshan, I knew that Zilan and the others were going to be bad for you, so I told you early on." The purpose of waiting there is to help fellow Taoists."

After Liang Yan heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Are you from the Mountain of Beasts?"

As soon as the words fell, he thought for a while and said: "No! Since you are from Wanshou Mountain, how could you be entrusted by Linghu Bai? He didn't let the people of Wushuang City do such an important matter, but left it to you An outsider?"

"Hehe, fellow daoists don't ask about the reason, I can only tell you that Wushuang City and our Wanshou Mountain have been cooperating secretly for a long time. It’s better to entrust this kind of task to us instead.”

After Liang Yan heard this, his heart moved.

Yes! Li Banxi entered the Langhuan Continent more than a hundred years earlier than himself. At that time, "Cangnan Mountain Discourse" had not yet happened, and Lin Yueque, a traitor, was still hiding in Wushuang City. As for Linghu Bai, he had been missing for many years ... He was hiding in the dark at that time, and he really might not give orders to the monks in Wushuang City. If it is true as Li Banxi said, Wanshou Mountain and Wushuang City have cooperated secretly, then it is indeed possible for Li Banxi to complete it. This task!

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's expression softened a little, he nodded and said: "It turns out that Li Daoyou is a fellow traveler with us, so please don't blame me for having doubts just now!"

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist is prudent and careful, and Li also admires it! But now we don't have much time left, we must act as soon as possible."

"Action? Are you going to the place you just mentioned?" Liang Yan asked. "That's right." Li Banxi nodded and said, "Although Li has concealed his identity, what he said just now is true. Outside Juntian City, 'Poison Sage, that old immortal has already taken action, and the reason why he can cross the boundary Casting spells is because someone weakened the enchantment of Langhuan Continent and cooperated with him from the inside out."

"Weaken the barrier? Wasn't the barrier left by Shen Nongtuo? Who has such a great ability?" Wu Xin suddenly asked.

"You two fellow daoists don't know that the enchantment of the Langhuan Continent is of course solid from the outside, but it's different inside. Have you forgotten that there has been an unwritten rule in the Langhuan Continent since its establishment... "

Hearing this, Liang Yan and Wuxin looked at each other, and almost said in unison: "Is it forbidden to escape?!"

"That's right, that's the rule!"

Li Banxi sighed and said, "Although the enchantment left by Shennongtuo is powerful, this world is ultimately built on the foundation of the tortoise.

'Jun Tian, ​​on his back. This spirit beast has a very high state, but it can only breathe and breathe, and has no means of attack. Every fifty years, when it is about to breathe, the tortoise shell will loosen. At this time, its defense ability is reduced to the lowest level. Someone took advantage of this time and smashed its tortoise shell, seriously injuring Juntian, , so as to achieve the purpose of weakening the enchantment! "

"So that's how it is!"

Liang Yan finally understood the reason for the turmoil.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face. UU Reading

The person who seriously injured "Jun Tian" doesn't even need to guess, it is almost certainly Lian Xin!

In the past forty years, Lian Xin obtained the five-color soil through some means, and her strength returned to before.

Although he and Zilan were both monks who had overcome seven disasters, his supernatural power was more than a little stronger. Even the "Ghost Hand Scholar", who had already survived two disasters and eight disasters, died in his hands.

If it was Lian Xin, it would not be surprising that he could do this today. "Young Daoist Liang, time is running out now. We must sneak into the ground as soon as possible, find the people of the Ye Ming Cult, and stop them from hurting the divine turtle Juntian. !" Li Banxi said in a deep voice.

"No, we're not going underground!" Liang Yan said suddenly in silence.

"Huh?" Li Banxi was a little surprised.

Looking up, Liang Yan's eyes were piercing, with a smile on his lips: "Li Daoyou, I have other ideas..."

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