The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1563: Liang Yan's speculation

Li Banxi's expression was a little surprised.

He looked at the gray-clothed man in front of him, frowned, and said, "What do you mean by that, fellow daoist? We don't want to prevent the opponent from weakening the barrier, so why are we just watching the 'poison sage' wanton slaughter in Langhuan Dao?"

After Liang Yan heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "You don't know something, but the person who made the secret attack came from the same sect as my teacher, and he is one of the nineteen star officials of Tiangong City, the 'Buddha Star Official'. Master Lianxin, I have fought against him several times, and I gradually got to know this senior brother, this person has a unique way of thinking, very different from ordinary people, what he likes most is taking surprises and making dangerous moves!"


Hearing this, Li Banxi frowned slightly, but did not interrupt Liang Yan, but waited quietly for his next words.

"Lianxin was seriously injured'Juntian, everyone should know by now, I believe Shennonghu will also take action. If my prediction is correct, the two elders and the four direct disciples should be sneaking into the ground right now. Brother Li , if you were Lian Xin, would you still be waiting there?"


Li Banxi hesitated for a moment, then slowly shook his head and said: "It's hard to say... the two elders and the four major direct disciples may not be able to fight against Lian Xin, unless we can also arrive in time. But from Lian Xin's point of view, If he doesn't continue to weaken the barrier, then 'Jun Tian' will heal the injury by itself, so wouldn't the previous efforts be in vain?"


Liang Yan smiled, and said, "Brother Li, you still don't understand that if Lian Xin were me, he would do the opposite at this time, resolutely abandon the achievements, and take advantage of Shennong Hu's being trapped and everyone leaving to sneak into the forbidden area of ​​the underground palace again!"

"What? What do you mean?" Li Banxie's face suddenly changed, and he murmured, "He's going to make a fuss, but the ultimate goal is Xuan Mizhu?!" "That's right!"

Liang Yan nodded and said: "Although the enchantment has been weakened, the 'Poison Saint' still cannot directly enter this small world. This is obviously not what Tiangong City wants. His big fanfare is just to cause turmoil in Shennong Mountain. This is the only way to attract everyone's attention. And when everyone goes underground to stop him, they will find that Lian Xin has disappeared

Speaking of this, Liang Yan paused slightly, and said in a deep voice, "If my guess is correct, Lian Xin should already be on her way to the underground palace by now."

"But just now...

Li Banxi seemed to want to say something, Liang Yan instantly understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "Brother Li, I know what you want to say. If I guessed correctly, the person in the formation just now is not Lian Xin himself." , but his external incarnation condensed with the 'Four Noble Truths'! In fact, I have long suspected that if Lian Xin was present, why didn't he take the initiative to attack us? Looking back now, that'Lian Xin, from beginning to end In the end, he was sitting near the bronze mirror, not daring to take a step away, because he was just an incarnation, once he made a move, he would be exposed!"

Hearing Liang Yan's words, Wuxin's face also revealed a look of surprise: "That's right! With Lian Xin's character, he will never sit back and watch us escape. Even if we escape the attack range of the bronze mirror, he will actively chase us. Killing, it is impossible to send only nine poisonous men over, the only explanation is that his deity is not here!"

"It's more than that."

Liang Yan continued: "We clearly saw Zi Lan enter the woods, but after the formation was revealed, Zi Lan was nowhere to be seen. I guess she may have gone to meet Lian Xin. The reason why we were brought there was because In order to hold us back and prevent us from interfering with Lian Xin's plan."

Following some analysis by Liang Yan and Wuxin, this hidden plan was gradually sorted out.

Li Banxi was a little startled when he heard it, and was silent for a while before he sighed:

"As expected of the Mistress of the Bihai Palace, Senior Linghu has sharp eyesight, and the people he chooses are really powerful!"


Liang Yan revealed a hint of surprise, glanced at him, and asked, "Didn't you come to Langhuan Continent long ago? At that time, I was not the master of Bihai Palace, right? How do you know who I am now?"

"Hehe, since Senior Linghu let me infiltrate this place, of course there are some small means of exchanging news. Before you came in, I already knew of your existence. It's just that Linghu

Seniors haven't contacted me these years, and I don't know what the outside world is like now.

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded slightly.

"Leaving aside external affairs, the most urgent task now is to stop Lian Xin. I have decided to rush to the forbidden area of ​​the underground palace immediately. Brother Li, can you go with us?"

After hearing this, Li Banxi pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay! I believe in the judgment of the fellow Taoist, and I will go to the underground palace with you!" The two reached an agreement, and Wuxin naturally followed Liang Yan, so the three of them turned into light and rushed towards the underground palace at the same time

About half an hour later, everyone came to the entrance of the forbidden area.

It was quiet outside the valley, and a dozen or so disciples of Shennong Mountain stood at the entrance of the valley, seemingly guarding the place.

But Liang Yan could tell at a glance that these dozen or so disciples had died!

The meridians in their bodies have all been shattered, all this happened between lightning and flint, more than a dozen disciples didn't even have time to escape their souls, they just died here for no reason, and after death they still maintained the last moment of life posture.

Liang Yan and Wuxin each released their consciousness and inspected carefully for a moment, their faces very solemn.

"Sure enough, it is the power of Vajra!"

"Well, Lian Xin has already entered... Judging from the time when these people died, they should have arrived about half a quarter of an hour earlier than us."

"It seems that we have come to the right place."

Li Banxi listened to the conversation between the two, and immediately cheered up: "Since we found his trace, let's go in quickly?"


Liang Yan didn't stop, and flew into the valley first, Wu Xin and Li Banxi followed closely behind, passed through a deep canyon, and soon came to the gate of the underground palace.

At this moment, the gate of the underground palace is tightly closed, and there is no trace of breaking the door!

"Strange! Lian Xin's aura disappeared here. He doesn't have Shennong's bloodline, and the gate restriction has not been broken. How did he enter the underground palace?" Wu Xin frowned.

Liang Yan didn't speak, but walked to the entrance of the underground palace, put his hand on the stone gate, closed his eyes slightly, and felt it quietly for a while.

After a while, Liang Yan slowly opened his eyes.

"Something is not good..."

Seeing his expression, both Wu Xin and Li Banxi had a bad feeling.

"What's the matter? Did you find any clues? Did Lian Xin go in?" Li Banxi asked impatiently.

"He's already in."

"But this gate..." Li Banli pointed to the underground palace restriction in front of him.

Liang Yan shook his head and sighed: "The gate was not broken, but people entered. It's not surprising. Because my senior brother may have comprehended the last aspect of the master's inheritance."

"The eighth phase?!"

As soon as Liang Yan finished speaking, Li Banxi was fine, but Wuxin's expression changed.

She had fought against Lian Xin before, so she knew the mystery of "Babu Yanyuan" well. At that time, Lian Xin almost killed everyone with her "golden body without leakage" and "four holy truths"!

This is just Lian Xin who has mastered the seven aspects of the Dharma. If he learns the eighth aspect, the whole exercise can be mastered, how terrible it will be?

"Are you sure? That bald donkey has grasped the last phase?" Wu Xin asked solemnly.

"The last aspect of "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" is 'No Self, No Buddha', the master proves the way with strength, destroys all Buddhas in the sky, destroys the Buddha of himself, and finally ends up with 'No Self, No Buddha', which is heaven and earth, I am the only one! I think Lian Xin should be the first to comprehend the superficial aspect of the last phase. When he first arrived at the state of "no self", he can turn his body into dust and be unrestrained. To enter this door, he only needs to move his mind." Liang Yan said slowly. .

Li Banxi was startled when he heard this, and asked, "The master Lianxin you are talking about really has such a method?"

"I'm not sure whether it's true or not. We'll find out when we enter the underground palace." Liang Yan said in a deep voice.

"But we're locked out now"

Li Banli glanced at Shimen, and sighed: "There is no way... It seems that I can only use my 'Kong Konger', but its space magic power needs a certain amount of time

The casting time of the spell is not long, about a quarter of an hour. "

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and the fat white spirit beast with the head of a bull and the body of a pig reappeared.

"Kong Kong'er" is obviously the name he gave this spirit beast. When he was in Yunzhong Mountain, it was Liang Yan who bought Li Banxi a quarter of an hour before sending away all the monks of the Baisheng clan.

"Don't be so troublesome." Liang Yan shook his head, reached out and patted the Taixu gourd on his waist.

The next moment, a ray of green clouds flew out of the gourd and landed in front of everyone, revealing a lively young girl in emerald green clothes.

"Qingqing, you heard it all, we are going to enter the underground palace to stop Lian Xin, and we need your help to open the gate of the underground palace."

"Qingqing knows!"

The girl nodded.

Although she has been staying in the Taixu Gourd, Liang Yan has not blocked the connection between the Taixu Gourd and the outside world, so she can clearly see what happened along the way, and knows that now is the time for her to contribute.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qingqing walked up to Shimen and was about to cut her finger, but Liang Yan suddenly stopped her.

"You don't need your blood essence, and you don't need to spend time coagulating the seal. You just need to think about it in your heart and let this stone door open by itself."

After Qingqing heard this, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Brother Liang, what are you talking about? This stone gate needs the blood essence of Shennong's lineage, plus a special seal to open it."

"I know, I don't have so much time now, listen to me, you just need to meditate in your heart." Liang Yan said calmly.

"It's... alright."

Qingqing still finds it unbelievable, but seeing Liang Yan's expression is very sure, she can't refuse anymore.

After a while, Qingqing closed her eyes, and said silently in her heart: "Shimen, Shimen, although I know this is stupid, but I still hope you can open it for me, because it is related to the safety of Shennong Mountain, please help...Qingqing Before the words in my heart were finished, I suddenly heard a dull and loud noise. Boom!

She opened her eyes and looked forward, only to see that the stone door, which had been sealed for a long time, was slowly opening

"It's really open!"

A look of surprise appeared on Qingqing's face, she looked back at Liang Yan, and shouted, "Brother Liang, I did it! This stone gate is really opened for me!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly and patted Qingqing's head.

"Qingqing is very powerful. We all believe that you can do it. You may encounter some troubles in the future. We still need your help."


Qingqing nodded repeatedly. For her, being able to help Liang Yan in this crisis is the greatest affirmation for her.

"Let's go."

Liang Yan winked at the other two, Wu Xin and Li Banxi knew what to say and what not to say, so they kept silent and flew deep into the underground palace at the same time

After more than forty years, Liang Yan and Wuxin entered the underground palace again.

This time is more urgent than forty years ago!

Several people fled all the way, and soon entered the depths of the underground palace, surrounded by faint candles, reflected a portrait on the wall in front, it was a fat crane with eyes on top of its head, hairless all over, body made of white bones, it looked It looks extremely weird.

Before they got close, a powerful demonic energy gushed out from the portrait, like a master of magic, ready to attack everyone.

"It's Senior Ling Zi's mount!"

Wuxin got Ling Zi's inheritance, and recognized the origin of this crane at a glance. Back then, Ling Zi sacrificed herself and sat here. Her mount couldn't bear to leave, so she chose to kill herself, turning her obsession into a pile of dry bones, and vowed to guard Ling Zi's tomb.

"Senior Xianhe, I am Ling Zi's successor, please let me go!" Wuxin took a step forward and said.

As soon as she finished speaking, a strange crane neighed on the wall and suddenly rushed down.

As the crane's wings fluttered rapidly, countless black silk threads appeared out of nowhere, like steel knives, cutting towards Wuxin from different angles.

Unintentional expression

With a slight change, he quickly pinched the magic formula with both hands, and a mighty demonic energy surged out, turning into a huge palm print and slapping the crane.


The supernatural powers of the two sides collided together, and there was a muffled sound, Wuxin followed the counter-shock force, retreated sharply, and returned to the crowd.

"You've talked to it so much, but it doesn't agree with you!" Li Banli exclaimed.

Wuxin looked puzzled, and murmured: "It shouldn't be, UU Reading I have practiced "Ziwei Heaven Killing Secret Art", it should be able to recognize my breath, why is it still doing something to me?"

"Because it has been shattered by someone." Liang Yan's voice suddenly sounded. "Um?"

After Wuxin listened, he hurriedly looked at it, and sure enough, he saw the crane's eyes rolling wildly, looking crazy.

"Lian Xin came one step earlier than us. He shattered the intelligence of this crane. Now it doesn't distinguish between friend and foe, and will attack as long as anyone approaches."

Liang Yan expressed his guess.

After a pause, he turned to Qingqing again, and said with a smile, "Qingqing, close your eyes and imagine in your mind the image of this crane being trapped on the wall."


Qingqing looked half-understood.

Although it felt very strange, she still closed her eyes slowly as Liang Yan said...

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