The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 178: set

   "Zongmen Great Competition?" Liang Yan and Li Xiaosong said in unison.

Yu Xuanji nodded and said: "Yes, this time the big score is divided into two groups: Qi refining and foundation building. The top 50 in each group can get a lot of spiritual stones and contribution points. It is also a time to train yourself and exchange ideas. opportunity."

   Liang Yan smiled bitterly after hearing this: "Master, we may not be able to participate in this Zongmen Grand Competition."

   "What?" Yu Xuanji thought he had heard it wrong.

   "Just now, Komatsu and I took over a Yellow List Class A mission from the White Tiger Pavilion, and asked to rush to the Xiling Mountain Jianjian Pavilion within seven days."

"You two stinky little hairy boys, you just went to the Baihu Pavilion to pick up the quest?" Yu Xuanji's eyes widened, and said angrily, "Moreover, it's the Yellow List A-level quest. This is not a nonsense. Well!"

"Master, please forgive me. The reward for this mission is very important to the disciples. Moreover, once the Grade A mission is accepted, you cannot give up easily, otherwise there will be a lot of punishment, and you will not be able to receive it from the White Tiger Pavilion in the next six months. Take the task." Liang Yan said helplessly.

   "Huh, that's all!" Yu Xuanji waved his hand and said: "Originally, with your strength, you would definitely be able to enter the top fifty of the sect, but since you have already taken the task at Baihu Pavilion, there is no way."

   "Thank you for your understanding, Master!" Liang Yan bowed in salute.

   "But you are taking on a Grade A mission this time, the risk is not small. Liang Yan is fine, Komatsu, your cultivation level is too low, as a teacher, I will give you a thing as a life-saving purpose." Yu Xuanji said again.

   Li Komatsu's eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward and said loudly, "Thank you, Master, for the treasure!"

   Yu Xuanji nodded slightly, raised his hand and pointed, only to see a projectile shot out, instantly imprinted on Li Xiaosong's arm.

"what is this?"

   Li Komatsu looked down and saw that the projectile landed on her arm and took root, unexpectedly growing many fiery red vines, covering her whole body in a blink of an eye.

   Then the flames on her body, these vines hidden in her body, completely disappeared.

   "This is a fire-lacquered vine, it usually doesn't have the slightest aura, but when it encounters a fatal attack, it will spontaneously savior, and can withstand the three attacks of the monks in the early stage of foundation building." Yu Xuanji said lightly.

   "Wow! Just a few vines can withstand the attacks of the monks in the foundation-building period! It is indeed the best master who shows the sage!" Li Xiaosong gave him a thumbs up and praised him.


   Yu Xuanji waved his hand dumbfoundedly:

   "I've said everything that should be said. That's it for today, and you two will leave!"

   "Yes, Master!" Liang Yan and two of them saluted respectfully, and at the same time, they withdrew from the "Guanyu Palace" backwards.

   Yu Xuanji sat high in the main seat, looking at the back of the two leaving, muttered:

"Old drunkard, old drunkard, I can't beat you when it comes to drinking, but when it comes to teaching apprentices, you have to learn from me! Komatsu is definitely better than you when he is in my hands. Humph! Ten years later, let you see Look at my results, then you have to obediently pay me that bet!"


   In the early morning of the next day, when it was just getting light.

   In front of a stream at the foot of Yungang Mountain, two figures of a man and a woman were standing at this time.

   is about eighteen years old. She wears a green dress. She has long hair that reaches her waist. She has a straight nose and slender eyebrows.

   The male is in his early twenties, with a slightly fat body and wide lips. At this time, he is saying something to the woman next to him with a flattering expression. But the woman seemed lukewarm, and seemed to be indifferent to him.

   "Ling Wei, don't worry, although this mission is dangerous, as long as you stay with me, you will definitely protect you!" The fat man promised, patting his chest.

   The green-dressed woman he called "Ling Wei" just glanced up at him, and said in a merciless sarcasm:

   "Brother Zhu's strength is not directly proportional to the level of big talk!"

   The man surnamed Zhu blushed when she said that, but he didn't dare to refute, he could only smile and say:

   "Although I am almost in strength now, with my family background, I will always practice in the future. Sister Ling, you just wait for me to build a foundation in the future, and go to your house to propose marriage!"

   Ling Wei just smiled non-committal after hearing this, and stopped paying attention to him. The man surnamed Zhu was boring himself, so he had to change the subject and said with a bit of annoyance: "I don't know which two people are taking the task behind. The set time for the task is clearly 卯时, so why hasn't it been seen until now." "

   Just as he complained, he suddenly saw a long sword cut through the sky, and in a blink of an eye he came to them, and then they jumped off the sword. These two people, one tall and one short, are Liang Yan and Li Xiaosong.

   "Sorry! Liang was delayed in trivial matters. I was late for a while, and please forgive the two of you!" Liang Yan took a step forward and arched his hands towards the two.

   "Hmph! Which disciple of the peak are you? Knowing what identity I am waiting for, why should we be guilty of waiting so long?" The man surnamed Zhu coldly snorted.

   Liang Yan frowned slightly, but the matter was because he was late, and it didn’t happen for a while. He had to hold back his anger and said, “I’m watching Yufeng Liangyan below, I don’t know how the two would be called?”

   When the man surnamed Zhu saw him look plain, he thought he was a man who swallowed his breath, and he became more arrogant in his words.

"Liang what? Huh, I have never heard of it! A nameless person who dares to take on a Grade A mission, is he rushing to die? Listen well, your brother, my name is Zhu Yuepo, and this is your sister Ling Wei. If you serve tea and water well along the way, we can consider saving your life when you arrive at Xiling Mountain."

   He said with a smug look, and glanced at Ling Wei from the corner of his eye. Seeing that she didn't feel disgusted at all, but nodded with satisfaction, she couldn't help but feel refreshed. I can't help but show her face now!

At this time, a naive voice came from and actually rushed in front of Liang Yan and said: "Pig belly? I said this...Brother belly, don't you look so fat, why bother Do you want to take such an nickname?"

   "Pig belly?"

   Zhu Yuepo was a little confused at the beginning, but she woke up after a while, and the last **** of her name was opened and written, isn't it Zhu Belly?

   He has lived for more than 20 years, but he really didn't expect his name to be written like this!

   At this time, the beautiful lady was on the side, and she was so insulted. Zhu Yuepo became irritated and followed the voice, only to see a girl with a double braided head and a naive look.

   The girl was biting her finger at this time, making a serious and delicate appearance, and asked the boy beside her:

   "It's really weird! The pig belly can live freely without the pig. Brother, do you think this is because the pig belly has become refined?"

   "I don't know whether it's going to be good or not, but I know that this person must be extraordinary! People have trained their skin to be as thick as a belly. With this magical power, we can't match it!" Liang Yan shrugged.

   "There is actually such a magical power!" Li Xiaosong fluttered with a pair of big eyes, and looked up and down Zhu Yuepo extremely seriously.

   Seeing the two people sing together, Zhu Yuepo's lungs were about to explode. He stared at Li Xiaosong gloomily, stepped forward suddenly, and reached out to the storage bag around his waist.

   Liang Yan saw this, and took a step forward unhurriedly, just blocking Zhu Yuepo and Li Xiaosong, with a nice and leisurely expression.

   The atmosphere between the two of them suddenly flared up.