The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 47: Sealed hog snake

   In the capital, there is a school built specifically for students to stay for the exam, and Liang Yan stayed in it. It's a comfortable life to reciting poems with some like-minded students every day, commenting on the past and the present.

   He is talented, and some of the students and old Confucian scholars who think they are hopeless in high school have flattered him in every possible way. There are a lot of words to please him, and they all hope that he will promote himself after the title.

   Although Liang Yan was disdainful at first, after a long time, he gradually adapted to the surrounding flattery and took it for granted.

   Until this day, the day the imperial examinations were released.

   Liang Yan stood in front of the emperor list blankly, looking at the list in front of him in disbelief, without a trace of blood on his face.

   "No! Impossible! I answered all the questions on the scientific examination like this, how could this happen! Why didn't I even have me at the bottom of the list!"

   Liang Yan trembled, "Wow!" spit out a mouthful of blood, startled: "I have been studying for many years, but it is the result of this, how can I go to see my father..."

   Since that day, the scholars and scholars who used to surround him every day in the school have moved away from him. Some were even anxious to get rid of their relationship with him, pointing at them with a look of disdain.

   Liang Yan sees the state of the world in the cold, and his heart is even more ashamed. So every day I drunk my sorrows, drunk life and dream of death.

   On this day, Liang Yan was buying drunk in Zui Xianju again, and drank until the sky was dim, and the night was quiet. Suddenly there was a noisy footsteps outside the store, and more than a dozen black-clothed customers with knives swarmed in in an instant.

The owner of   zui Xianju is also a person who has seen the world, and immediately ordered his servants to remove the tables and chairs, and at the same time closed the shop doors, and went out to avoid them, obviously to protect themselves.

   Liang Yan also knew that something was wrong. He stood up drunkly, pointed at the crowd and asked, "Liang, a fallen scholar, I don’t know who is going to fight such a big battle?"

One of the people in black sneered: "Stupid and poor, I don’t know how high the world is, I have offended Young Master Li, and want to participate in the imperial examination? Tell you the truth, your test paper has been secretly dropped. One place!"

   Liang Yan's eyes were distraught: "It turns out that you gang of traitors are secretly manipulating! I'm fighting with you!"

   He didn't even think about it, and rushed towards the man in black, who knows that as soon as he raised his fist, it was so soft that he couldn't use it. He punched the man in black, but it seemed to be tickling.

   "It's bad! The wine is poisonous!" he secretly said in his heart. Then his legs softened and fell to the ground with a thud, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

   "Hahaha!" The black-clothed man laughed wildly, "A mountain boy also wants to fight against the sky!"


   Waiting for him to wake up again, only to find that he was lying in an exquisite small room.

   "Is this the Yin Cao Jifu? It's also very unique!"

   He grinned and struggled to get up, causing a tearing pain, only to realize that his whole body was covered with bandages.

   Suddenly the door opened, and a maid walked in with a bowl of medicinal soup in her hand. At this moment, she was pouting a small mouth with a look of reluctance.

Seeing Liang Yan wake up, she put the medicinal soup on the table, and said unceremoniously: "Your life was saved by my lady, and you will be a servant of our palace in the future. Our palace does not raise idlers and drank the medicine. Report to the management office."

   did not wait for him to reply, and once said the general location of the office, he turned and left.

   Liang Yan gave a wry smile and drank the medicinal soup on the table. Then follow the route that the maid said, all the way to the management office.

   There was a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face sitting there, and he heard Liang Yan's introduction. Without raising his head, he threw a waist card and said, "From now on, you will be the low-level guard of the palace. You will be responsible for patrolling the security of the palace. You will go to the lobby during your schedule and check day and night. If you dare to steal work, you must have family law. !"

   Liang Yanxin said: "I couldn't succeed in the imperial examination, but I was confused as the guard of the palace. Not to mention, since this life was picked up, it should be served here."

   Thinking this way, Liang Yan nodded respectfully, and reached out to take the waist card, and since then became a guard of the palace.

   Spring goes by and autumn comes, time flies by.

   In a blink of an eye, Liang Yan has been in the palace for three years.

In the first year, Liang Yan relied on his martial arts to be strong and outstanding, and he was quickly promoted to the position of guard commander. This incident was also alarmed by the prince. After a family sacrificial event, he praised his youth and talents. . He unexpectedly promoted him to his own guard.

After   , the wind went smoothly, and the position in the guards got higher and higher. Especially in a mission to guard the prince out, Liang Yan desperately rescued him, and since then won the prince's trust, not only gave him a sword that cuts iron like mud, but also handed him the post of deputy captain of the personal guard.

   The Guards can be said to be directly under the prince’s troops. Its status is much higher than that of other subordinates. Needless to say, the position of deputy captain is already very prominent.

   I also heard that the prince’s daughter has frequent contact with Liang Yan, and it seems that he has a soft spot for Liang Yan. In this way, it is not surprising that one day he will become the son-in-law of the palace.

   Liang Yan at this time can be said to be in the limelight and full of ambition. The haze of imperial examination failure three years ago no longer exists.

   That night, Liang Yan was walking in the woods outside the city, carrying a pot of soju with a red face. He had just returned from a secret rendezvous in the forest with the daughter of the royal family. He was in a good mood at the moment. He had a pot of soju in a wine shop outside the city and was drinking while walking.

   suddenly saw a person standing in front of him, tall and tall, with a seven-star sword on his waist, facing him at the moment.

   "Captain Lu?" Liang Yanqi said: "Why are you here? Are you looking for me so late?"

   The man in front sighed, turned around and said, "Xiao Liang, you have been following me for almost a year. To be honest, did Lu Chong treat you badly this year?"

   "Captain Marine has a great deal of love and righteousness, and he treats his subordinates even more with righteousness and pride. There are not many people I admire Liang Yan, so you count as one!" Liang Yan said sincerely.

"Okay!" Lu Chong seemed to be quite excited, and a little tear appeared in the tiger's eyes. He stepped forward, hugged Liang Yan, patted his shoulder and said: "It's rare for you to be so caring, but you are actually old. Brother, I came here today to ask you for help!"

   "The Marines just speak up, as long as I can do it, I will not refuse!"

   "Okay! Actually it's not a big deal, I want to borrow something from you."

   "Oh? What does Captain Lu want to borrow?" Liang Yanqi said.

   "I borrow your item to use the human head!" As soon as these words came out, Liang Yan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. When he looked down, a sharp knife was stuck in him.

   Liang Yan slapped Lu Chong with a palm in panic, but Lu Chong fluttered and retreated. He didn't greedy power with a single blow, and quickly backed away, pulling the two apart by two feet.

   Liang Yan pulled out the sharp knife inserted in his abdomen, gritted his teeth and said, "Lu Chong! I have no grievances against you, why do you treat me like this?"

"No grievances, no grudges?" Lu Chong said coldly: "Hmph! You and I have a grievance! Do you know that since you Liang Yan took the position of deputy captain, I've been in danger and can't sleep day and night? Are you young? Because, even hooked up with the princess, the prince may let you replace me at any time! Do you know that before you come, everything in this is mine!"

   Lu Chong became more excited when he spoke, and almost yelled at the end.

   Suddenly two people walked out of the forest. One of them clapped his hands and laughed: "Captain Lu is cruel, and he doesn't get muddled in his work. In the future, he will not be in the pool!"

   Another person said nonchalantly, "What are you doing with so much nonsense? Quickly kill this Liang Yan, so I can go back and return!"

   Liang Yan turned his head to look, and saw that both of them were in strange costumes, one holding a knife, the other holding a sword, with light footsteps, condensed internal strength and not scattered, they are obviously rare masters in the world.

   "It seems that Li Xun will not let me go!"

   The cold-faced man with the sword said: "You are still a ghost!"

And another swordsman in Tsing Yi laughed and said: "If you are to blame, you should blame yourself for being sharp. You were originally a bug. Even if you didn't trample to death, Li Gongzi wouldn't bother to look for you again. Who knows that you have been caught up in the wind in the past few years. When the water is born, you will be the princess's husband. How can Li Gongzi still tolerate you?"

   Liang Yan smiled miserably after hearing this: "So I was blocking your way!"

   Lu Chong was already impatient at this time, and he reached out his hand and drew the sword from his waist, and rushed towards Liang Yan to kill him. The two killers sent by Li Xun followed suit at the same time.

Although Liang Yan has a martial arts skill, but his lower abdomen is severely injured. At this moment, he is one enemy three, and all three of them are first-class masters in the world. They can't go through thirty tricks. They are already dangerous, and they lick a few more. New injuries.

   噗嗤! With a sound, Liang Yan was chopped by Lu Chong behind him, creating a long and narrow wound, blood surging violently. Liang Yan staggered at his feet, and was again struck in the chest by the swordsman in Tsing Yi.

   "Ah!" Liang Yan staggered back.

   "I am not reconciled! I am not reconciled!"

   Bloody water gradually blurred his eyes, and Liang Yan flashed through the past, the kindness of his father, the gentleness of the princess, the joy of being a deputy captain, and the spirited spirit in front of his subordinates. Everything flashes like a revolving lantern.

   "I finally got all this, I'm not reconciled!" Liang Yan roared inwardly.

   "Since you are not reconciled, then take back everything that belongs to yourself!". Deep inside, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded.

   Liang Yan opened his eyes fiercely, only to find that he was in the boundless darkness.

   "Since you are not reconciled, you should ask these people. Those things are originally yours. They owe you. Go get them back!"

   "What to get back? What are you talking about?" Liang Yan was full of horror, but didn't know how to deal with this weird thing.

   But the voice stopped responding to him, but shouted in a low voice:

   "Kill, kill, kill! Kill all sentient beings in the world, and enjoy glory and wealth!"

   "Kill, kill, kill! Kill all sentient beings in the world, and enjoy glory and wealth!"

   Gradually, Liang Yan's eyes gradually lost focus, his mouth opened and closed, and he seemed to be chanting something in a low voice. The voice became louder and louder, and it was already clearly audible in the end.

   "Kill kill kill..."

   "...Kill all the sentient beings in the world, and enjoy the glory and wealth!"

   Liang Yan shouted and woke up from the darkness. At this time, the steel knife of the cold-faced swordsman was no more than an inch away from his neck. It can be foreseen that in the next moment, he will be in a different place!

   But this situation did not happen, because Liang Yan's eyes were cold, and with a wave of the sword in his hand, a black light flashed, cutting the cold-faced swordsman's sword into two.

   The knife man was shocked, holding the half-cut knife and retreating frantically. But Liang Yan didn't give him a chance. With a wave of his hand, the long sword suddenly became distorted, and then the long sword disappeared. It was replaced by an eight-foot-long red python with its head high and hissing.

   The red snake was waved in Liang Yan's hand, and it grows as long as it sees the wind, and it is more than two feet long in the blink of an eye.

   puff! The snake head plunged into the heart of the cold noodle swordsman and chewed. With the red snake chewing, Liang Yan's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "You!" Tsing Yi Swordsman and Lu Chong looked dumbfounded. I don't know who first shouted: "This guy is not a human!" After speaking, they turned their heads and ran.

   Liang Yan glanced at the two of them coldly, waved his hand, and the snake sprang out quickly, instantly blending into the night. It didn't take long for two screams to be heard one after another, and it was obvious that the two of them had been killed.

   After Long Snake bite the two people's internal organs, Liang Yan's injury is also healed. He collected the red snake and turned it into that ordinary sword. Then, without even looking at the corpses of a few people, he turned his head and disappeared into the night...

   Not long after that, news that the captain of the guard was chased and killed by the enemy and died suddenly in the palace. And this vacant position of captain of the guard was naturally topped by Liang Yan, who was deeply trusted by the prince.

   And after that year, there was news that the prince would marry Liang Yan with his daughter. During that time, the entire palace was full of lights and festivities, and it was full of joy everywhere. And Liang Yan also took this opportunity to return to Yongle Town and took his father Liang Xuan to the capital. Only four years ago, the woman named Xiao Cui was completely forgotten by him.

   Liang Yan entered the Zuiwang Mansion, and since then he has jumped over the Dragon Gate. Later, he participated in countering the rebellion and was recognized by the current sage. He was given an official position in the army and started his military life.

   Liang Yan has also repeatedly made extraordinary achievements in the army. According to legend, once, Liang Yan greedily entered the enemy's army and brought an extraordinary soldier into the enemy's back. He was surrounded by enemy troops, just when the rear troops thought he had been killed.

   However, a spy came to report that he was carrying the only hundreds of subordinates left, and UU reading was killed out of the encirclement.

  According to the horse hunter that day: A killer suddenly rushed out of the enemy's army, holding a scarlet snake, and sitting down was not an ordinary horse, but a big gray pig.

   The red snake venom splashed all over, and every time it attacked, hundreds of people would die. If the enemy generals stepped forward to block them, they would be eaten to death by it, and there would be no viscera left in the abdomen. And that big gray pig is even more brutal and crazy. With its kick and kick, the enemy often bursts with brains or punctures his stomach to death.

   Later, the main force followed and repelled the invading enemy country. The blood flowed in the battle, and there were mountains of dead bodies. The enemy's army of nearly one million was defeated by Liang Yan's army of thousands of people.

   Since then, Liang Yan's prestige in the army has been soaring, and the surrounding enemy countries regard him like a tiger and wolf.

   In the private rumors of the enemy troops, he was even described as a demon god. According to legend, he held a long snake in his hand and rode a big gray pig. The two armies are facing each other, as long as they know that there is Liang Yan on the opposite side, the army will be distracted and defeated.

   Gradually, Liang Yan's position in the army became higher and higher, so that he finally became the marshal of soldiers and horses. Those who had offended him before, such as Li Xun and others, were all convicted by him for various reasons, and they ended up in the end. Not only those who offended him, but all those who opposed him in the DPRK were also eliminated for various reasons.

   Now, he is under one person and above ten thousand people. To be precise, even the superior emperor had to look at his expression. Because he holds the military power alone, he immediately rises up in rebellion, no one will be surprised.

   But today, he has to face the first even battle since joining the army. Because his opponent is an undefeated general of the enemy country, a myth, and a woman in white.