The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 523: 3 rounds

Liang Yan hid in the dark, seeing all of this in his eyes, his array of talents was superb, and he naturally saw the clues.

Although the black magic energy just now was extremely pure, the realm of the person who sneaked in was not much higher than Demon Lord Feiluan. The reason why Feiluan Demon Lord couldn’t even handle one of his moves was actually because he was in that weird "all-spirited blood formation", and he was always weakened by this blood evil spirit, so that the power of his supernatural powers was greatly reduced. , This was defeated by a trick.

He secretly thought in his heart: "It turns out that someone in the imperial mausoleum in this palace has set up a formation and is here to wait and see. Fortunately, I haven't rashly entered, otherwise I am afraid that the current fate will be the same as that person. Up."

Just as Liang Yan's mind was turning, the voice in the tomb suddenly rang again:

"Your Excellency is sneaky, since you are here, why should you hide it like this?"

Liang Yan was shocked. He didn't expect that he could hide so far, that he could be discovered by the monk in that garden. Just when he was hesitant to show up, there were three rays of light bursting out of the imperial tomb, flying in the direction where he was.

Liang Yan raised his eyes and saw that the monks in these three escapes had reached the middle stage of the Ju Yuan realm. It's just that they all hide themselves in a cloud of different colors, and they can't see their original appearance.

Moreover, these three people did not know whether they were intentional or unintentional, and there was a long distance between them. Although the three of them came here, none of them wanted to fly in front, but they all stood side by side at the same speed. Fly away.

"These three are not from the same force!"

Liang Yan took a look, and he already had some general guesses in his mind. He secretly urged the heavenly bead to completely cover up his own aura, and used the magic of "The Path of Origin" to change his body shape, and also learned the appearance of those people. A cloud of gray mist enveloped him.

After doing all this, Liang Yan flew into the air and showed up to see him.

Seeing Liang Yan taking the initiative to show up, the three people stopped to escape by coincidence. One of the figures hidden in the **** mist coldly snorted and shouted: "Your Excellency is covering up, let me try you. The fineness."

This person seems to have the most hot personality, he took the first shot, a blood-red palm print as big as the roof, and slapped Liang Yan with his head and face.

Liang Yan's eyes condensed, and one-handed sword tactics hurriedly pinched, a purple thunder burst out of the air, like a thunder in the air, and slashed towards the **** red palm print.

The opponent was a monk in the middle stage of the Juyuan realm. Liang Yan didn't dare to be careless, so he directly used the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword, and once he shot it was his strongest sword art: Flying Thunder God Sword Art!

This set of sword tactics was classified as one of the three methods of the Zhenzong by Yungangzong, and the sword moves must be urged by the five thunder divisions. When the sword comes out, it is like a nine-day divine thunder, which is a powerful sword technique for slashing demons and slaying demons.

Liang Yan's spiritual power surged around his body and used the "Purple Sky Thunder Method" to urge his sword tactics. The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword galloped and fought against the **** palm in midair.

But seeing the thunder light exploding and bloodshot dancing wildly, that **** palm burst into pieces, and the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword flew upside down. The first time the two played against each other, it was actually a similar situation!

"Okay! Take me one more trick!"

The figure in the **** fog seemed to be unwilling. There was a tumbling in the fog, and a blood-red flag came out after a while.

Above the flag, there was a grimace, which was constantly roaring and roaring, but there was no sound coming from above, which looked very strange.

"go with!"

The blood-red flag flew up in the air, and the grimace saw Liang Yan, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. When he saw his mouth, there was an infinite suction.

Liang Yan was the first to bear the brunt. He only felt that the blood vessels in his body were swelling and shrinking, and countless blood rushed wildly, as if he did not want to stay in his body, wanting to break through the shackles of his body and flew towards the grimace in the banner.

Surprised in his heart, he hurriedly ran the "Mixed Gong", with golden light surging in his body, forcibly suppressing the blood that ran away from his body. At the same time, the sword tactics in his hand hurriedly urged, and the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword galloped out, slashing towards the ghost flag.

This "thunder sword style" opened and closed, as if a thunder tearing through the sky, the grimace in the blood-red flag showed a trace of horror. He hurriedly stopped casting the spell, turned his head and vomited.

I saw a river of blood jetting out, winding and winding in mid-air, instantly trapping the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword in it.

Liang Yan drove the flying sword, rushing right and left in the river of blood, only feeling that the surrounding space was like a quagmire, and it was even more filthy.

If it hadn't been for his Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword, which had the characteristic of restraining evil spirits by nature, I was afraid that at this moment, it would also be contaminated by this river of blood and its spirituality would become a mortal iron.

Liang Yan fought this river of blood for a while. Although his flying sword couldn't cut it off, the grimace on the banner seemed helpless.

The figure in the blood mist was silent for a while, and suddenly raised his hand and took the banner back with a wave, and said lightly: "Your supernatural powers are not weak, we don't have to compare He has a word. After speaking, he took the initiative to take a step back, as if what happened on the court had nothing to do with him.

"Hey, isn't it so powerful? I don't believe in evil!" The figure in the black mist suddenly smiled: "Let me try my steps."

As soon as his voice fell, a black magical energy surged out, turning into a long sword in mid-air, slashing straight on Liang Yan's head.

Liang Yan's face condensed when he saw this. Although the long sword composed of black devilish energy was not a real flying sword, the purity of the sword in it was not to be underestimated.

He pinched the Jue with one hand, and the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword stepped up against the sky, blocking the blow for him. The devilish long sword was struck by the Lei Lei sword style, and it actually condensed without dispersing, showing no sign of collapse.

Liang Yan's swordsmanship changed from the "Lei Thunder Sword Style" to the "Thunder Thunder Sword Style". Although the speed was weakened, the power of the sword increased every time.

Two long swords, one with thunder light, and the other with devilish energy, split and reunited in midair. In a flash, they fought dozens of moves, and no one took advantage of it.

The figure in the black mist said "Huh?" It seemed a little surprised, but the next moment he raised his hand and took all the devilish energy in the air back, and said indifferently:

"I don't have to try this person, you guys are free."

As soon as he finished speaking, he withdrew a step back, as if he didn't intend to intervene in the matter in front of him anymore.

Now in the midair, only the figure in the cyan mist was left. This person was silent for a moment, and he smiled and said, "If this is the case, the old man will also come and learn two tricks."

As soon as his voice fell, an exquisite jade pagoda flew out of the cyan fog, slowly spinning in the air, emitting a green mist.

Liang Yan's eyes condensed. The jade pagoda contained the spiritual power of Taoism that couldn't be more pure, and there were many mysterious and subtle aspects in it, even he couldn't see through it.