The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 477: Boss, who is our boss?

Written at the beginning: Would you like to see pirated friends come to order a few chapters, a full order will be more beautiful, half, half and half will do, write here to let the pirates see it, thank you!

I even ordered more. Okay, there is still a fourth chapter today. If the order is not long, I won't be motivated.

10 are ordered plus 5000 words, how humble o(╥﹏╥)o

……………………The following is the text

Finally, the devil's thoughts drove his paws to the right, which was the master bedroom.

Xia Zejiang slowly and gently put the handle on the doorknob, his hand was full of strength, and the doorknob opened with a light twist.


Xia Zejiang was stunned. Jiayi didn't lock it inside. Did she keep the door for me on purpose?

When he thought of this, Xia Zejiang was delighted. At the critical moment, the man knew how to choose, and what else he was considering.

The next moment, he pushed the whole door open, then stepped in and closed the door.

"Who!" Shen Jiayi asked knowingly.

Xia Zejiang said: "I, let me see if you still have back pain, I will rub it for you."

"Go away!" Shen Jiayi was embarrassed, but she didn't know why, but she was still a little bit happy.

"Jiayi, did you leave the door for me on purpose?" Xia Zejiang didn't owe it to him. Shen Jiayi kicked his leg with a backhand, and he grinned in pain.

"Sleep if you want to sleep, get out if you don't sleep, I'm sleepy." Shen Jiayi said.

Xia Zejiang's hands were not honest, and she didn't know what was happening in the dark, which drew a scream from Shen Jiayi, and then there was a gasp.


From this day on, Xia Zejiang felt that his every day was particularly fulfilling. The second bedroom was closed directly. From the first day, it was useless at all.

With the start, everything behind it is logical.

Xia Zejiang said: "Jiayi, I have to earn money and save up the down payment early to buy a house of our own."

"Well, I believe you!" Shen Jiayi said.

She said, "Are you going on a business trip next Monday?"

"Yes, I went out to run for customers, and I'll be back in about a week," Xia Zejiang said.

This was a plan he had made before, but he had been waiting for Shen Jiayi to come over. He was very calm. Now it is not the time to be immersed in the gentle countryside. Life still needs to travel.

"Then you work hard." Shen Jiayi clenched her fist to cheer him up.


In life, Xia Zejiang is not the only one chasing his dreams. In an old office building in Beijing, in a 50-square-meter room, the walls are all black.

Liang Rubo was busy with 5 people here day and night.

In addition to normal sleep, they have never rested since the start of work. Their purpose is only one, to build the "Yi Travel" on behalf of the driving platform early, but this work cannot be completed overnight.

A programmer Han Ke said: "Boss, tomorrow Saturday, let's take a day off, I can't keep it up."

"Han Ke, what are you doing?" Liang Rubo asked him.

Han Ke nodded: "A brother from my hometown is here. I want to take a day off tomorrow and take him around."

Liang Rubo nodded and agreed: "Okay, then you can rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and continue next week."

"Good!" Han Ke was very happy when Liang Rubo agreed.

The other four people also said: "Boss, let's rest. It hasn't been for two weeks. Now it takes a lot of time to look at the computer screen."

"If you want me to say, you are lazy, you are afraid of getting tired if you want to make money." Liang Rubo didn't bother to look at them.

But at the end he said: "Take a rest tomorrow!"

Just after speaking, there was a burst of cheers, and Liang Rubo gathered a total of 6 people, but this cheerful energy seemed to be able to overturn the roof.

"Also, I will take a good rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. From next week, I have to work overtime. I will get the platform up early, and I will drive you." Liang Rubo scared them.

Not a few people were frightened, they all smiled improperly.

"Boss, do you think we can do this project? We did a good job in the Jiujiu Room. Why did you come out and get an unconnected driving platform?" Zhao Yong asked, his heart lost.

He is one of four other programmers.

He said: "I haven't heard of the agent driving platform. Let's be the only one of Scorpion Baba."

Shi Guangdong nodded: "I have never heard of Li. If there is anything to learn from, I will be over."

"So we are starting a sect, brothers, when the platform is released, we will be rich." Ma Penghu said with a slightly exaggerated expression on his face.

The last Wang Xing squinted at him: "Lao Ma, which one of your eyes sees that it can make a fortune, I think we should not rest, hurry up and build the platform."

"Fuck you, I have to go to the supermarket tomorrow. I haven't bought snacks for a long time, and the birds are almost fading out of my mouth." Ma Penghu is determined not to work overtime.

Liang Rubo saw the 5 of them chatting there, and he was not busy, and said, "I'm free tonight, let's have a drink together?"

"Boss, AA system? Or do you treat?"

Shi Guangdong asked, and he said, "If it's AA, I won't go."

"I invite you!" Liang Rubo panicked, why did he accept such five scumbags.

But you have to admit that they are all good hands.

"Okay, then you must go" several people agreed happily.

While talking and laughing, Han Ke asked, "Boss, I heard that our project is supported by a big boss. Is this true?"

He didn't know what to do, but fortunately, there were still ninety-nine rooms for the support, and the salary offered here was not low, so he followed Liang Rubo's work.

Several other people also wanted to know about this in their hearts. When they heard Han Ke's question, they craned their necks to look at him.

In the next moment, I heard Liang Rubo said generously: "Yes, let me tell you that. The largest shareholder of our company is worth more than 100 million."

"Really, who is it, so awesome!" Wang Xing asked.

He is too curious.

Han Rubo smiled mysteriously. He said: "You should have seen his report. Let me tell you this. One of his companies spent only 5 months in the first half of the year, and its sales exceeded 100 million. It is said that This is not the entire turnover."

Han Ke and the others opened their mouths in surprise, this is real money, cash flow.

It's not that in the Internet industry, this company is valued at tens of millions, and that company is valued at hundreds of millions, or even billions, but it really allows them to use cash, maybe even millions of dollars.

"Good guy, it's amazing, we can be regarded as catching the wind, at least our company is not bad for money!" Shi Guangdong sighed.

The most worrying thing in their business is that the company cannot attract investment. Once they run out of money, there will be nowhere to raise money if they ask grandpa to tell grandma.

At that time, wages were all a problem, and they could face bankruptcy at any time.

But if there is such a ‘big gold master’ behind their company, there is no need to worry about this.

"Boss, I think I won't take a break tomorrow. Just take a day off on weekends. Get the platform up one day earlier. Do you think the big boss will give us bonuses when he is happy." Zhao Yong came suddenly. Sentence.

When he said that he would give up tomorrow's rest, the other people were very angry at first, but at the end, they were moved by the word "bonus" in particular.

Those who left their hometowns all the time these days came out to the north to make more money.

Now that there is such a hard-to-do boss, he doesn't want to earn more, so he still has the mood to play!

Liang Rubo looked at the eager eyes of the five people and said: "It should be given. As far as I know, our big boss is very generous in the bonus."

"There is something you should know. It was not reported on the front-end time website that a boss took more than two million in cash to give bonuses to his company's employees, because the company's employees exceeded their goals."

Liang Rubo mentioned this matter.

Several people nodded quickly, and the picture appeared on the Internet.

There are more than two meters of cash on the table, my god, it really greets them to death.

Speaking of this, Wang Xing had a sudden meal. The expression on his face was very funny. He didn't know what he thought of. With a very unbelievable expression, he said abruptly: "Boss, maybe our boss is the one... that Who is it!"

"Who!" Shi Guangdong quickly turned his head to look at Wang Xing: "Brother Wang, you guessed who, hurry up and tell us."

"That's who...Oh, Wocao, why the **** I forgot my name." Wang Xing patted himself on the head, usually bragging about it, why I forgot it today.

When he said this, Han Ke said abruptly: "Boss, Brother Wang, isn't our boss Xia Zekai?"

"I remember there are reports on the Internet that he has a company whose revenue exceeded 110 million in the first five months of this year, isn't it?" He kept staring at Liang Rubo.

After he said it, Wang Xing nodded fiercely: "Yes, I want to say it's him."

Liang Rubo smiled gently, neither admitting nor denying it.

He said: "I can't tell you exactly who it is, but I can guarantee that our big boss has always been very generous, guys, come on!"

"Bring out something early, maybe the boss will be happy by that time, there are really a lot of bonuses waiting for you!" Liang Rubo said with a smile.

When he said that, everyone is motivated. It’s nothing if you haven’t rested for two weeks. Han Ke said, “Boss, I think, I can work overtime tomorrow too. My brother from my hometown is here to look for it. For work, he won’t leave for a while. I’ll just take him around on boss, I can also work overtime tomorrow!"

"And me, you all come, but you can't leave me behind."


All of a sudden, several people quarreled about working overtime again, as if there were only one or two quotas for overtime work, it was like fighting over!

Liang Rubo said: "I will be a guest tonight. I won't be drunk or return tonight. I will rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Let's not miss this day!"

"Let me just say, the boss is the most considerate, you still don't believe it!" Shi Guangdong slapped him over, and he counted down all the 4 Han Ke and them: "You see what the boss said, It's really a villain's heart to save a gentleman's belly."


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