The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 713: Waves make a comeback


read2();   on the top floor of Shenjing Station, in the cabin, after hearing the report, Li Chunfeng stood up directly from the place, and the girl facing him asked Xia to speak:

   "Please Xia, you return to Sitian Pagoda, the old man has a hunch that the great summer calendar that has been calm for several months will be up again for ninety years."

After   , Li Chunfeng's white beard trembled and he raised his hand with a wave. When his whole body appeared again, he had already appeared in the middle area of ​​Shenjing Station, and in front of him was a thin young man wearing a black robe.

   The young man’s cold face was extremely pale, it was the color after excessive blood loss, and the most shocking thing was that the young man’s chest and abdomen had two fist-sized holes each running through his body.

   As soon as Li Chunfeng appeared, the teleportation secretary who had originally gathered around the youth spread out directly, and then a middle-aged secretary who was the leader came forward and said:

"Master Li, there is still a quarter of an hour before the opening of the Shenjing Station for transmission, but this person insisted on breaking in and was seriously injured. Only then has he kept repeating the four words of Yingshi Huangling, and the subordinates did not take their own words. I found the big Xia Yudie, who represents his identity, and on his robe, there is a mark from Dao Palace."

   "Take the water of life and the purification potion to save his life, I know this man, old man."

   Li Chunfeng watched the seriously injured young man lying on his back below, with a solemn face, and then slowly approached, squatted down, stretched out his hand to press the latter’s neck, felt the insignificant pulse, and the old voice continued:

   "The leader of the Dao Palace Shaking Mountain Academy, Li Changying, who can hurt you like this?"

After the voice fell, the middle-aged teleporter secretary had already fetched a large amount of life and purified water, and then fed it into Li Changying's mouth brainlessly. With the next breath, countless green lights enveloped the latter's body, and began to continuously repair its dilapidated Body.

   But the strange thing is that when Li Changying's breath of life, which was unfavorable, was repaired to the large hole in Li Changying's chest and abdomen, it was blocked by two mysterious breaths, one blue and one white.

  青 is a fierce wind!

  白 is a biting cold cream!

   Li Chunfeng's complexion changed again when he saw this, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it downward, using the power of space to temporarily seal the two pure and original auras, and then a solemn voice came out:

  "The gunshot wound, such a pure origin, turned out to be a joint action by two super-first-grade Taoist souls!

   "Come on, send the news to the White Emperor Palace, no mistake!"

At the same time, the Baidi Palace, the imperial garden, and the mysterious mysterious tree after a winter dormant, seemed to usher in an outbreak period in spring, and continued to grow crazily towards the nine heavens, rising almost every second, so Going on, it won't be long before Xuantian Shenmu will surpass Sitian Tower and become the highest existence in the entire Shenjing City.

   Under the heavenly woods, is the imperial garden that truly exudes infinite charm in spring. Countless rare flowers in the vast land of China sway back and forth under the spring breeze, exuding joyful emotions.

   Their pleasant emotions come from the spring, and even more from the softness of a white and slender brush, and then rouge's pleasant voice like the spring breeze faintly sounded among the thousands of flowers:

   "Your Majesty, it is said that the blooming flowers in spring are dreams planted in winter. It seems that the concubines have had too many dreams this winter."

After Rouge finished speaking, he showed a soft smile, and as his right hand flicked down, all the flowers underneath, whether precious or not, all rushed to bloom, as if working hard to bloom in front of the Lord of Hundred Flowers All of his own colors, trying to gain special favor.

   But the idea of ​​these flowers is destined to fail, because all of Rouge's eyes and attention are always concentrated on the young emperor who is walking beside him, his eyes are full of smiles and happiness.

Compared with before March, after going through the Inner Court Division and the Supreme Hospital, plus the careful care of the monks from Linglong Sect, Rouge's face gradually became rounder, and his complexion was extremely good, which made everyone happy. What's more, the belly under her palace attire, and the slight bulge outward, shows that the little life inside is thriving.

After    Rouge finished speaking, Zhao Yu turned his head and looked at the former's undiminished pretty face, smiling and joking:

   "There are so many flowers blooming in this imperial garden, rouge, you can't dream of dreaming in winter alone, you have to add this little guy."

After   , Zhao Yu stretched out his hand, gently pointed at the slightly bulging belly of rouge, and then continued to speak:

   "This guy is so naughty, how can I feel that he will be a male doll."

   Zhao Yu said this with a trace of melancholy, then Rouge turned around and held the young emperor’s big hand, and said eagerly:

   "The concubine knows that your majesty likes girls, but if it is a male baby, your majesty will treat it the same, although it is indeed naughty."

Rouge's dark green eyes were full of seriousness, and then she raised her hand to touch her stomach, and was about to open her mouth to continue speaking. Suddenly, her brows wrinkled and her expression was bitter, and she quickly reached out and covered her mouth. .

Zhao Yu, who had been prepared for this, hurriedly waved to a not far away, and then the court ladies waiting nearby rushed in and helped Rouge to vomit. This is also what Zhao Yu and Rouge said about that little life. Reasons for being naughty.

Rouge's morning sickness reaction is particularly powerful. Almost every day, especially in the morning, Rouge will be tossed severely. The young emperor has to see it in his eyes, anxious in his heart, and there is no way, although it has the power of purifying potion to supplement the original source, but It's really a terrible crime to vomit every day.

After some tossing, the maids supported rouge and returned to the harem to replenish sleep. Recently, the girl with a slightly convex lower abdomen became more and more lethargic. Then Zhao Yu, alone, slowly walked under the mysterious sky to deal with the mountain of memorials. Just walked to the entrance, Liang Po's burly figure had already been waiting.

   Then Liang Po walked closer, and at the same time a clear voice sounded:

   "Your Majesty, according to your early instructions, the transmission Si Dai Si Cheng Yuan Bai is already waiting under the Xuantian Tree, and there is an urgent message from Li Chunfeng Li at Shenjing Station."

   Hearing the word emergency, Zhao Yu stopped walking forward, his eyes were puzzled, and the meaning was self-evident. Then Liang Po's complaint continued to sound:

"Your Majesty, you sent out half a year ago to go to the Ying's imperial mausoleum to capture the two Taoist leaders of Yunxuan Tuoba. One person came back. Li Changying appeared at the Shenjing station through a scroll this morning. He was seriously injured, but Zhong Shenxiu was missing. Figure."

   "Let the Tianhui Army go to Shenjing Station to take over, take it to the small world of Floating Island to save life, I will personally intervene."

After the voice of    fell, Zhao Yu continued to raise his foot forward, and between the black and gold emperor robe shaking, the calm voice continued:

   "By the way, Guan Zhengqing, who also entered the former Ying clan's tomb, is there any news?"

   Liangpo shook his head, and then a response sounded:

   "Master Li said that Li Changying had two gunshot wounds on his body, so once he wakes up, everything will be clear."