The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 716: Snow Palace


read2();   Since ancient times, whether it is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or son-in-law coming to the door, it has been a very troublesome problem, especially for people like Li Yi who are more innocent and sophisticated.

   Therefore, Jiang Yue, who was walking next to Li Yi, immediately raised his hand to cover his forehead after hearing the words. After a long time, he could not speak. After a long time, the little prince spoke again:

   "Brother Li, next time you and the young girl go back to your natal house, if you don't mind, take me, I will say a few words to you, and I promise to make you better in front of your father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Li Yi nodded, and the scenery around the two of them gradually changed. At the end of the dense jungle, there were bursts of deafening sounds, wrapped in waves of incomparable wildness, and even the celestial robe on Li Yi's body It blew backwards, hunting noises.

   Then Li Yi's **** light flashed to the extreme, and the still cold voice continued:

   "But I have a hunch, don't look at the calm and calm during this time, this is just the calm before the storm, the storm is about to sweep, you and I want to have free time, I am afraid it is not easy."

   "It's so good. During this period of time, my body is going to be moldy. I can't wait to chop off the enemy's head with a knife in my hand."

   Jiang Yue stretched out his right hand and shook it firmly, and then his voice came out louder and harder:

   "Brother Li, you just came back, so there is a lot of information that you don't understand. According to your majesty's arrangement and the development of the whole situation, this time the center of the storm that is about to erupt is in the far north."

After    Jiangyue’s voice fell, Li Yi stepped forward and paused slightly with his feet, and the little prince’s increasingly louder and more excited voice sounded in his ears:

"Brother Li, do you know that the northernmost part of Daxia, but the site of Wangjiang Clan in Bei'an, is also my site. I remember that the first head I cut off in my life was a snowman from the northern snow field. , The scarlet blood sprayed on the white snow, so dazzling and so exciting."

The murderous voice of the little prince Jiang Yue fell, and the two happened to walk out of the tree-lined avenue, and a huge martial arts field appeared in front of them. At this time, the wind and clouds in the martial arts field were changing, the void trembling wildly, and extremely powerful. Waves of momentum swept outwards, this is a picture that will be extremely frightening when you see it.

In the center of the martial arts field, the earth is trembling, and the two giant beasts are in a fierce battle against each other. The figure of each giant beast is as huge as a hill, and the sky above the giant beast is huge, covering the sky and the sun. The black dragon, the dragon roar, resounded throughout the void.

In the eyes of the two, the black dragon guards above the sky are no longer the original five heads, but a full eight. The number of the Great Xia Fury Beast Army above the ground is the one that makes all enemies count down. Million!

   In these relatively calm three months, the young emperor and the Daxia Dynasty did not do nothing, but quietly accumulated strength, and the growth rate was even far beyond everyone's imagination.

   If it was said that Da Xia a year ago was a Qianlong dragon, then after these months of dormancy, this dragon, half of its body has already rushed out of the water, almost soaring up above the clouds, overlooking all beings.

   At this time, the gaze of the lord of Great Xia Zhao Yu, the direction he was looking at was the northernmost snowy field in the vast land of Shenzhou!

Above the snowy field, cold storms and snow raged wildly. The most extreme cold temperature made this place a forbidden area for ordinary humans. The three-year long polar night made countless green plants alive and dead in the darkness. Dawn and light are coming.

   The northern snowfield under the extreme night is the product of the overlapping of darkness and white snow, synonymous with desolation and loneliness.

In the northern snowfields, the area of ​​snow tribe activities is actually not small, and the most important thing is that, including the aboriginal snowmen, no one knows what the northern end of this snowy field is, because that is a life restricted area that is really difficult to set foot in. , The extreme low temperature and oxygen content are enough to kill any snowmen.

   In the middle of the snowfield, between the mountains and valleys, darkness is everywhere in all directions, only the sky above is like a slit, with flowing dazzling aurora, emitting a slight light.

   Under the light, in this inaccessible valley, there is a faint young voice lingering:

"Unexpectedly, the end of the Ying's imperial mausoleum turned out to be the northern snowfield. This is simply appalling. It takes so much manpower, material resources and time to dig out such an inestimable length of the imperial tomb tunnel under the ground of the hundred thousand mountains. I have been waiting for almost half a year!"

   This voice that surrounds the canyon, although surprised, is still extremely calm, and then an equally young and steady voice sounded:

   "This underground imperial tomb secret road spanning the vast distance, the entire Ying clan dynasty gathered countless artisans, day and night, it took a full 1,300 years to dig it."

As the voice of this question and answer sounded, just over the canyon, there was an aurora floating past, making the canyon have a fleeting faint light. Under the light, two tall and young figures stood In the snow, his body was not burly, but it seemed to completely withstand the entire void, even blocking the gust of wind.

At the same time, behind the two of them is a city gate made of huge black rocks. Above the gate, the four bright red characters of the Ying clan's tomb exudes a desolate and simple atmosphere, and the huge gate that is half open , Just like the huge mouth of a **** beast that has opened its fangs, almost swallowing everything that it steps into.

   If anyone who has seen the Ying clan's tomb in the Shiwan Dashan Mountain is here, they will find that the former is exactly the same as the gate of the northern snow plain at this time.

   One of the eight forbidden places in the vast land of China, the Ying's imperial tomb is not one at the entrance of the city gate, but two that are separated by countless distances!

   Located under the gate of the northern snowfield, two former enemies, the most talented and most well-known young leaders of the Sun Empire and the Great Xia Dynasty, stood side by side strangely and talked to each other.

   Tuoba Yunxu, who was dressed in white clothes, only left his left arm, his face was still very handsome, and in this snowy, freezing northern snowy area, he didn't feel any discomfort, but felt like a fish in water.

   And Guan Zhengqing beside him, I don't know when, has taken off the black armor of the Windbreaking Netherwing Army that once represented glory, and only wore a thin single coat.

   In the darkness, this Da Xia dominates the three rankings and is regarded as the first of the legendary younger generations by young people. He pressed his thin lips tightly, and his eyes were full of complexity.

   After a long time, he finally stepped out and said softly:

   "Let's go, out of this gorge!"

   But Guan Zhengqing knew in his heart that he had no turning back when he stabbed that shot, and out of this gorge, he would be Daxia's mortal enemy.