The Heavens Come

Chapter 170: The perfect combination of magic world a

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It's the third day after the game started.

It can be seen from the game ranking list that there are still 28 survivors who are still alive. Most of the survivors have scored a lot of points, and the number one Yuri has reached 540. Three points!

Most other survivors also have hundreds of points.

Of course, Ye Xing's achievements are particularly dazzling and memorable.

Only one point.

Even after being controlled, Slappy scored a dozen points.

You can only get one point for killing strong orcs before the start of the decisive battle in the holy helmet valley. Now the survivors' points have totaled three or four thousand points, which means that 10,000 strong orcs have been killed by less than half. .

Strong Orc Slayers have more points for beheading them in the final decisive battle. Although they have more points, everyone must also consider that if they fail to prevent the Strong Orc from rushing into the tower fortress in the Valley of the Helm, all survivors will be punished. Erasure.

In a B-level game, the rules are changeable, and survivors are hostile and competitive, but more often they need to work together.

When Ye Chui rushed past with the little fox as the positioning coordinate, he saw that many strong orcs began to gather, and gathered from the small group of small groups, and they will begin to confront the saint tomorrow, the fourth night. Attack of Helm Valley!

Along the way to the little fox, Mi Shuier, Ye Ting had to explain to the fox the spirit that he did nothing. The pictures the little fox saw were all accidents. He is a man of integrity and will never speak to Ao. Pride to do those things that are not harmonious.

The little fox responded to Ye Ting: "Hehe ..."


She shouldn't have been exposed to the Internet!

But soon, something happened over the little fox: "Hurry up, some other survivors have found Hatch!"


When the little fox found Hatch, the big mechanical dog was lying on a rock and thinking about his life, looking up at his head. If it wasn't for the occasional whistle of a tractor-like cry to the sky, Fan should not be too rich.

As Ye Ting rushed here, Yan Shuier noticed that someone nearby was approaching.

There are two men, one man and one woman.

They found Hatch's figure. They both looked like they were about 24 or 45 years old. They were wearing similar clothes and they should be from the same organization. They looked like Europeans. Blond hair, wearing golden glasses on her face, woman is slightly short, freckled, holding a magic wand in her hand.

After the little fox notified Ye Ting, she came quietly to the two, and she just heard the sound of their conversation.

The two spoke German.

The little fox Mishui did not wear a translator, but any language in the world she knew did not have a convenient communication connector in the legendary era. At that time, the survivors could inculcate the language ability into the survivors in a special way People's memories.

As the last glory of the legendary era, the Tian Fox organization, as a member of it, naturally received this language ability.

"... Oh my God, what did we find, a wild robot!"

The little fox heard the freckled girl so emotionally in the first sentence.

"..." wild robot?

"Is it a special reward in this game?" The man was also very surprised. "We must inform Mr. William that he will be interested!"

"Yes, Mark, I'll notify him." The freckled girl quickly said, took out a connector, it looks like a cell phone in appearance, but the cell phone has no signal in this world, it has obviously undergone a special transformation .

The phone has a weird logo-like pattern, a cross pattern with a magic wand and a gun intertwined.

Lu Shuier had a lot of information about the world of survivors today, and she recognized what the pattern represented, and quickly contacted Ye Chui: "They are members of the magic party!"

The Magic Party, a powerful organization among the seven major organizations, is based in Europe.

This organization, as the name suggests, attempts to integrate magic and science.

In Europe, there are not only the United Kingdom where literary works such as the Lord of the Rings and HP were born, but also Germany, which is world-famous in mechanical technology. The magic party seems to be an organization formed by combining these characteristics. Magic and technology are tolerated by them. The members of the organization have a very different temperament-Mao Mei Taisha has now joined the magic party, the image of a muscular man waving a fairy stick is the best interpretation of the magic party.

But the two men who appeared in front of the little fox at this time were quite normal in appearance.

She quickly said to Ye Tzu, "They are calling someone else, you have to hurry up."

The little fox had just finished contacting Ye Ting, and the freckled girl had also contacted the William. Almost as soon as the girl put away her phone, alas, a dark shadow appeared from the side.

It is the "phantom shift" in magic.

"Mr. William!" A man and a woman said quickly and respectfully.

William was a powerful magician and seemed to be German, but his appearance surprised the little fox.

The man was covered in a black robe, his head was covered by a hood, a mysterious appearance of a Death Eater, but when he reached out and took off the cap of the cape, the little fox found that his hands were full of mechanical texture, and a hood The face underneath is also mechanical. It is a gray-black metal face composed of countless parts. He has no hair, two black holes in his eyes, blue light burning inside, and a nose like a snake. Usually two small holes.

"..." This is a magician who transformed his body into a machine!

The survivor cannot exchange two kinds of blood. Since William can use magic, it is impossible to exchange mechanical blood. His mechanical body is most likely transformed by black technology!

The perfect combination of magic world and German craftsmanship?

"It's there, and Judy and I just found it," said the man named Mark.

"I didn't expect such a mechanical beast to appear in the world of the Lord of the Rings." The freckled girl Judy continued, and she spoke with a faint awe of William.

"You two idiots!" William looked at Hatch and recognized what it was. "This is an MP. I recognize it. It's Chris' old guy. Chris is dead. , It looks like he left his mount here! "

"MP?" Judy and Mark were a little surprised. MP was referring to Transformers.

"Yes, Galaxy worships the mechanical life created by the legendary survivors who control Tinder Cube. They treat mechanical life as confidential. I had wanted to purchase an MP from them at a great cost, but they rejected it ... this It's a good opportunity. "William's voice faintly excited," I want to take it away! "

"So what shall we do, Mr. William?" Judy asked.

"This MP is defective. It's almost like a stupid dog. It's easiest to take it away." William said confidently, he stepped out of his hiding place, and walked towards Hatch. .

Hatch quickly noticed William's figure, and immediately showed a vigilant look, his two mechanical ears were raised.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not malicious, I know you can understand me, right?" William asked in English, slowly approaching the past, something appeared in his hand, it was a high-energy battery, about from some science fiction movie world.

He lifted the battery in his hands and threw it forward.

Hatch was attracted and immediately jumped down from the stone. He sniffed the battery with his nose, then opened his mouth, drew the battery into his mouth, and started chewing. All the lights continued to flow out of his mouth. , As if splashing juice when eating food.

After smashing a battery, Hatch gave William a look of anticipation again.

"Very good, one more?" William's mechanical face showed a smile-like expression, took out a battery, thought about taking a bottle of lubricant from the space and squeezed it on the battery as if it were cream. In front of Hatch, "This is a Telford brand lubricant that I like very much. It has a silky texture and the entrance is instant. I hope you like it too."

Hatch opened his mouth and ate.

The little fox standing beside expressed his astonishment: "..."

This Nima is OK! ?

When Ye Ting arrived here for more than half an hour, she suddenly saw that William was happily playing with Hatch. Hatch seemed to be completely tamed by William, and kept jumping around William, one faction The lord's favorite harmony ...

Judy and Mark stood in the distance, and they were a little shocked to see how they looked.

"This guy is a magician, but transforming his body into a mechanical body, it doesn't feel good to me ..." The little fox climbed up to Ye Ting's shoulder, and told Ye Ting.

Ye Ting looked at William for a moment, and said, "Look, mechanical Voldemort?"

"What is Voldemort?" Lu Shuier asked with some confusion. As a survivor of the last century, she didn't know Voldemort's name now, but she quickly shook her head. "That doesn't matter, it looks like it is now Hatch was already under his control, what should I do? "

"It doesn't matter." Ye Ting shook his head and calmed his face after knowing what happened. "Husky is known as a magical creature who has not given up. A few batteries just want to tame it. It's too small to see their nature. It's ... "

Of course, Hatch is not really Husky, but Chris originally named his Transformer Hatch, apparently because he realized that this Transformer is very similar to Husky.

William looked at his achievements happily. He exchanged magic blood and transformed his body into a mechanical body through black technology. However, this transformation was not complete. He still had physical parts in his body. He wanted to convert those parts. All the transformation, you need some more mysterious MP technology.

However, Galactic Worship refuses to reveal the black technology in this area. Now, if we can bring Hatch back to the real world and study its structure, maybe it will make up for the shortcomings of his body.

"Very well, Hatch." William rubbed Hatch's head, took a robotic arm he used to replace from the space, threw it out, and said to Hatch, "Go, help me Pick it up. "

Hatch tilted her head: "Why?"

"Help me pick up my arm." William instructed and took out another battery. "I'll give you another delicious battery when I pick it up."

With the attraction of the battery, Hatch immediately scattered Huan and chased Fei's arm.

Ye Ting took the opportunity to keep up.

When Hatch found his arm in his mouth and was ready to return, Ye Ting had leaped onto its back.

"Who?" Hatch was startled.

An electric note appeared in Ye Ting's hand, and he patted it on Hatch's ass.

"! # ¥! # ¥ ——" Hatch screamed with an instinct and ran forward.

When Hatch just flew away, Mark and Judy came to William. Mark asked worriedly, "Mr. William, wouldn't this be risky?"

"Its IQ is similar to that of a dog. Rest assured, I have domesticated many hounds before I became a survivor. I have rich experience in such things." William looked confident.

Then Hatch in the distance ran to the place where his arm fell, and when he got up, he suddenly made a series of weird calls ~ ~ and ran away.

"Mr. William, this ..." Judy hurriedly asked.

"..." The smile on William's mechanical face slowly disappeared, then gradually became cold and shy ...

"It, it seems to run away!" Mark said in a panic.

William: "... chase me!"

Thanks to the batteries that William just fed, Hatch replenished a lot of energy, faster than before. I do n’t know how much.

Ye Ting sat on his back and turned to watch William continue to phantom chase, but he was slowly pulled away, and his face couldn't help laughing: "I want to tame a husky, eh."

After that, he took out another electric note and patted it on Hatch's ass.

"! #! ¥! ¥" Hatch's speed was a little faster again.

Little Fox:"……"