The Heavens Come

Chapter 203: How kind you look at my eyes

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At this time, Ye Ting was standing in the lobby of the Longgong Villa, and he was surrounded by four crooked walls. The walls were riddled with holes, and it was said that it was a dangerous house, and Ye Ting could not stand there. Obstructing seeing the outside.

Chang Ting exerted this ability, and some old faces flashed a little tint, but soon returned to normal, pretending to be a pair of his ability, this is how it used to be, Lengheng said, "Ye Xing, don't Blame me for being overbearing. Bai Yan's death is a bit overdone. For the time being, you should stay here first. "

This is to detain Ye Xing.

As soon as Ye Chui came here today, he was immediately suppressed by the exquisite formation in the Dragon Palace. Now Chang Ting's shot is not to attack Ye Xing, but to trap him. The Dragon Soul team does not intend to kill him immediately. The only thing to do is to keep him in charge and wait for them to discuss how to deal with it.

"This kid is a magician. Who knows if there is any special method. The exquisite magic circles here are useless to him. I want to say that he should be killed for a while before he saves him from making any moths." That The faceless woman chuckled coldly, and was just blocked by Ye Xing for a few moments, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Sister Mo, don't you do this absolutely?" Ao Jiao said unhappyly, and she looked at the trapped Ye Ting. "I will deal with Bai Yan's affairs, and I will give you a wrong for the time being. You can rest assured that I will not let People hurt you. "

The mean woman listened to Ao Jiao's words and hummed coldly. It seemed to intentionally oppose Ao Jiao. When she twisted her body, she rushed over here at Ye Ting, flung her right hand in the air, and cracked, and a long whip appeared. Hands.

She is a survivor of a warrior's blood, and this is what she wants to do immediately to teach Ye Ting!

Ao Jiao frowned, and a golden mist rose immediately on her body. The dragon phase was revealed, and she stepped in front of the woman.

Along with the sound of breaking through the air, Ao Jiao reached out and grabbed her hand. As soon as she said that it would not cause Ye Xing to be hurt, the woman immediately attacked and gave her too little face.

The other people in the hall saw the two fighting, and the atmosphere was a little tense, and everyone showed a look of hands.

It seems that there is some discord inside the Dragon Soul group. Bai Yan was killed by Ye Ting. This is just an introduction. They are always ready to help and fight.

Ye Ting glanced around and couldn't help sighing. This small broken tissue was really full of things ... He took a step forward and reached down on the wall formed by Chang Ting's special ability, looking very casual. Push forward.


Four walls surrounding Ye Xing collapsed.

At this moment, everyone's attention was attracted to Ye Ting, and they all looked at them in vain.

Although Chang Ting's ability does not seem to be in tune, but the power is still very strong, such as Ao Jiao can not easily get rid of this level, Ye Ting just just casually pushed it to crack!

"..." Chang Ting stunned his eyes.

"Don't be excited, I'm not here to provoke you ..." Ye Ting said with a friendly expression to the surroundings.

He really didn't come to find something this time.

Although I do n’t have a cold about Dragon Soul and do n’t want to participate in the Dragon Soul, after all, the Dragon Soul is also the first organization in China, and the blood of the Dragon family on the old Dragon King and Ao Aoxing belongs to the blood of the legendary era. He has the blood of the protoss. Now the person behind Bai Yan wants to be detrimental to the blood of the legend. He also said that God does not allow the blood of the legendary era to exist. They now stand on the same stand. He also does not want to see the Dragon Spirit group being suppressed by other organizations. .

But although his face was friendly, he cracked Chang Ting's ability barrier, and it seemed to give some other people very bad signals. The mean woman who was entangled with Ao Jiao, drew back the long whip, and shook his hand again. Poppy, the long whip made bursts of breaking air in the air, bypassing Ao Jiao and falling to Ye Xing.

Ao Jiao was a little surprised because Ye Ting broke the barrier and had no time to stop.

The mean woman's long whip flew to Ye Ting's face in a blink of an eye.

Ye Ting saw the spiked whistle appearing in front of her, and sighed in his heart. He was motionless, and a layer of pale green spell lines appeared in the air in front of him, banging, blocking the flying black whip. .

The mean woman's flying whip was thrown out, and the person followed closely and bullied herself up. A long sword had appeared in the other hand, the cold light broke, and the heavy sword shadow fell on Ye Xing from different angles.

"Oops!" Seeing this scene, some people who care about Ye Xing or don't want Ye Xing to have such an accident immediately screamed.

The mean woman has the blood of a warrior, but the martial arts world she went through was not the world of the Jingu system, but the world of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and the heavens.

Regarding the popularity in all parts of the world, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon may be regarded as the most well-known martial arts movie. After all, there are four Oscar awards. The local audience in China may be a little bit cold about this movie, but in other places This movie is very weighty.

The style of martial arts in Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons is very different from that of the Jin Gu world, although there are also descriptions of martial arts styles such as flying eaves walking on the wall and point acupuncture, but they can be more realistic.

Just watching the martial arts lethality in the movie is naturally far less than the ancient world of gold, but it can be well-known in the game of God. Some things born in this movie are by no means simple.

This sword in the hands of a mean woman is an epic weapon named Qingming Sword. It is invincible and sharp.

The swordplay she uses is also the Wudang swordplay in the movie.

Although it feels a lot loyal to the Sunflower Collection, the Jade Girl's swordsmanship and so on, the lethality is not bad at all. Of course, the mean girl herself only exchanged a part of the Wudang swordmanship of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and could not fully use the youth The power of the Mingbao Sword, so the weapon she uses most often is the long whip in her hand. When she takes out the Qingming Sword, it means that she will use her own kill card.

This is to kill Ye Xing.

Qing Ming sword shot, Ye Ting is afraid that he will be seriously injured by sharp sword immediately.

However ... the scene that happened in the next moment made everyone a little dazed.

I saw the almost unsolved sword shadow falling on Ye Ting. Ye Ting could not escape, and seemed to stretch out his hand at the same time, and kicked out at the same time, the mean woman flew out with a surprise in her mouth. Screaming, his body fell on the coffee table book case placed on the side of the living room.

The Qingming sword has been taken by Ye Xing.

Just like Li Mubai captured Yu Jiaolong's Qingming Sword in the movie ... well, but the mean woman is a little bit worse than Yu Jiaolong. Ye Ting feels that she has a little Li Mubai's charm. (Little Fox……)

"I want to have a good talk with the old dragon king, don't do it first, okay?" Ye Chui said in all directions, his eyes fell on the Qingming sword in his hand, and his fingers gently talked on the blade, "Really Good sword! "

The others were stunned.

The temperature in the hall suddenly dropped by several degrees-the temperature dropped when the atmosphere was tense, which is actually a psychological illusion. Now the temperature has really dropped by several degrees, and a layer of frost on the ground has spread to the leaves, and some snowflakes have fallen in the air. Come down and cover Ye Xing's body, look at the Ye Xing of the sword in your hand, and hold it slightly, then turn your head.

The mean woman was kicked by Ye Xing, and the cold narcissus standing behind Ye Xing immediately acted. She was squatting on the ground and put her hands on the floor.

"Sister Leng, stop by now!" Ao Xing beside Leng Narcissus quickly stopped.

But it was too late. Ye Ting's body was immediately surrounded by ice, which condensed him into an ice sculpture.

Leng Narcissus sighed slightly and stood upright. She had short hair and full of vitality. She shook her head habitually, with a sense of contentment on her face.

She is a mutant bloodline survivor, and she is also a very lucky type of survivor. She only exchanged for ordinary bloodlines, but unexpectedly awakened this cold ability.

From all aspects of performance, her ability is very similar to the X-Men Iceman.

This is definitely a big luck. If you directly exchange the Iceman's variant ability, it will also need at least 10,000 points, and you can exchange for ordinary variant blood, only 3,000 or 3,000 points.

"Rest assured, I didn't kill him, just let him calm down first." The corners of Leng Narcissus's mouth slightly tilted and he glanced at Aoxing, saying so.

It feels really cool to freeze someone and say to calm the other person ...

Crackling, crackling, and crackling sounds suddenly joined together.

The ice sculpture that froze Ye Xing was suddenly broken, Ye Xing shook his head, and shook his body again. He shook off the ice residue on his body, and it looked completely unscathed. He looked free from the frozen bondage. .

Not only was he not angry, he looked surprised at the expression of the cold narcissus. "You are indeed a bloodline mutant."

I don't know how it compares with the cold ability of my own zombie?

"..." The cold narcissus trembled at her body ~ ~ Then a cold air blew up again on her body, and her fair skin became ice-colored, making her whole body look like an iceman.

A giant ice cone condensed in her right hand and rushed to Ye Xing.

"Don't do anything ..." Ye Ting saw the cold narcissus rushing up, shouted hurriedly, raised her fist and smashed the ice cone in the cold narcissus' hand, and saw that the ice cone in the other hand of the cold narcissus would condense again, so His other hand landed a cold knife on the neck of the cold narcissus. When the cold narcissus' body fluttered, he fell in front of Ye Xing, and the ice on his body faded.

Ye Ting turned his head and looked around. "Can someone talk well?"

"I didn't have any malicious intentions this time. Bai Yan is going to kill Ao Jiao and I will help you solve her. You do n’t have to thank me and you still want to attack me. Is it a bit excessive? I have no malicious intentions." He turned his head to look around, his expression more kind and kind.

You look at my eyes, how friendly, do you disagree with each other if you don't agree?