The Heavens Come

Chapter 209: Zhenjin pan is here

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When Ye Chui and the Old Dragon King met, the other members of the Dragon Soul group gathered in the lower hall, besides Ao Ao Ao Xing, and other elites such as the old man, Gu Wei, Chang Ting, and Lengshui Xian.

Li Jianguo and Ruth, who were not here before, are also here now, and there are more than 20 people.

The wolf-ridden hall has undergone a simple refurbishment. Many people have n’t eaten since noon. Now it ’s night and Ao Jiao makes people fall for dinner, but few people want to eat. Everyone's face is a little silent, even There is not much interest in speaking.

Today, the Dragon Soul team has lost all face, and they are guessing what happened to the meeting between Ye Ting and the Old Dragon King.

Ao Xing also asked Ao Jiao, "Sister, what did Ye Ye said about Daxu Lake and Niu Cuihua? What do you think is wrong? Do you think Niu Cuihua was a friend of my father's past? Is n’t that all the name? I heard that Dad came from the mountain before he became a survivor. His name was Wang Gou Dan, but it was later changed to Long Aotian ... "

The name of the old dragon king is Ao Mingtian. Of course, when he gave himself this name, Long Aotian was not a stalk ...

"Don't guess blindly, what was the first love of my father's first love? Is this something we should discuss as children?" Ao Jiao immediately scolded his brother seriously, "Even if you have caused any love debt, let's not say more!"

Ao Xing opened his eyes wide. "Sister, I just said that Niu Cuihua is a father's friend. You think more than me ... Your internet novel in that room is really worth nothing!"

When they were here, they suddenly felt something, and quickly turned to look at the stairs.

Ye Ting and the Old Dragon King were walking downstairs.

There were several people present, and their concerns were immediately revealed. At the same time, there was a slight expectation. They looked forward to the old dragon king violently sacrifice Ye Xing. Previously, the old dragon king heard that the small fox was destroyed by the real Tibetan dragon. People all feel it, and I think Ye Ting must have no good fruit to eat. Now maybe he has been completely subdued by the old dragon king.

Everyone looked down the stairs.

Ye Ting walked down first, followed by the Old Dragon King.

"... Are you really not thinking about it anymore?" This is the voice of the old dragon king, the old dragon king who always gives people a sense of majesty and inviolability, but at this time the voice is indescribably kind.

"I really can't agree to this kind of thing." Ye Ting looked at the old dragon king who was worried about his daughter with a headache, turned his head and looked at the confused Ao Jiao in the living room. "Uncle Long, talk later."

After the story was just finished, the old dragon king proposed to the little fox. Since Ye Ting is a student of Xishuier, and he happens to have a daughter who is like a flower, it is better to form a close relationship. The old dragon king does not have much to Ye Ting. Good feeling, but he has a kind of sister-like trust and even worship of the little fox.

But how could Ye Chui agree? He immediately offered his resignation, almost pulling down the golden fingers ... and this happened now.

He kindly waved at everyone in the living room and walked towards the door.

"If you agree, I can give you the position of the leader of the Dragon Soul group. You think about it." Watching Ye Cui leave, the old Dragon King said a little helplessly, this would surprise everyone, if he agreed, the Dragon Soul The position of the group leader gave Ye Xing? ? ?

"Think well, see you later." Ye Ting hurriedly walked out, the leader of this little broken organization who was too lazy to love who was the one, he glanced at everyone in the living room before leaving, those faces They were all aggressive, never seen before ... Ye Ting shook his head twice and left.

Old Dragon King "..."

He must tell his sister Shuier in turn, and he must teach this student well!


"I just made it, right?" The little fox immediately asked Ye Ting after leaving the villa, his voice was still a little stunned.

"Uh-huh, yes." Ye Tzu appeased, and the little fox relieved.

On the premise of the relationship between the Old Dragon King and the little fox, many problems facing Ye Chui are now solved.

Earlier, the little fox was also worried that Ye Chui's disagreement tied the elite of the Dragon Soul group. Will this make the old dragon king angry, but the truth is that the old dragon king did not take this seriously at all. The relationship between the little fox was actually a little fox as an elder sister, but now there was heavy pressure on her shoulders. The little fox suddenly appeared. Although her physical body was destroyed, the leaf stalk she cultivated was now so powerful that it made him feel relieved.

Ye Ting didn't want to join the Dragon Soul group, and his disgusted expression made him a little unhappy, but it was not too difficult.

Ye Chui also said just before leaving, hoping that the old dragon king would better not leak out the appearance of the masked man here, the old dragon king also agreed to it, Ye Qingmei came over and did not agree with each other and gave the dragon soul group a sharp meal. The Dragon Soul Group itself can't wait to hide it-the survivor world is just an independent world with three or four thousand people. After all, unlike the real world, there won't be as many gossips as the real world.

The autumn night breeze blew, Ye Ting riding his bicycle that was exchanged for 100,000 points, slowly walking towards Zijinfeng, and began to think about Ye Qingmei's problem again.

"What did Ye Qingmei come to Zhongdu City for?"

It was eight or nine in the evening when he returned to the Zijinfeng Villa. When he came to the door, he felt that there were outsiders in the room. Ye Chui took Hatch into the space and went in curiously.

In the living room, he saw Xiao Mei and the blue A Fada sitting talking together, and Xiao Mei was holding a bright silver pan in her hand.

Zhenjin pan is in place!

"You're back." Seeing Ye Ting appearing at the door, A developed (Nami star blood) Lan Yinger quickly stood up, and even a little nervousness appeared on the alien's face, apparently she knew Ye Ting Entering the b-level game held today, and the news of a great victory, this made her evaluation of Ye Ting's heart even higher.

The survivors of c-level difficulty participate in the game beyond the level, and it is great to survive, not to mention that Ye Ting is still outstanding ...

"The pan has arrived so soon? I thought it would take some time." Ye Ting looked at Xiaomei's pot in surprise.

"It would have been a while, but after the game ended at noon today, Galactic Worship immediately sent the thing over as soon as possible." Lan Yinger explained that Galactic Worship belongs to the merchants, and how much it will treat customers With different services, Ye Ting's performance has been regarded as a level, and I dare not neglect.

At the same time, it also proved that the worship of the galaxy did not care, Chris died in the same game of Ye Chui.

Ye Ting walked over to Xiaomei and took over to look at the pot. Lan Yinger smiled and said, "You are so amazing now. Do you know how you are called on the forum from this afternoon?"

"What's it called?" Ye Cui curiously, he hasn't had time to go online from the end of the game until now, but ... it should be a nickname like death survivor, survivor death, after all, he usually participates in the game , The game death coefficient will be automatically enhanced.

Lan Yinger smiled. "The nickname they gave you was Huaxia Thor, Thunder Hammer."


Looking at the leaf sag of the pan, the action suddenly became stiff.

Suddenly, the neurological disease that he rescued, clearly said not to spread this nickname ...

"Hungry, Xiaomei, help me prepare for dinner." Ye Ting shifted the subject a little speechlessly, and returned the pan to Xiaomei.

"Oh." Xiaomei immediately went into the kitchen holding the pan.

Lan Yinger took the opportunity to come to Ye Chui and chat with Ye Chui. There was a bit of stubbornness in her speech. It felt like Ye Chui was a thigh. She was an expatriate of the alliance and was responsible for contacting the new survivors and Things like running errands, naturally doing this job is because she foreshadows that she has no strength and cannot have a great future in the game of God, but it is not a problem to always go on like this. Knowing Ye Ting can be said to her It's a very lucky thing.

Previously, her attitude towards Ye Ting was not good, and Ye Ting didn't care much.

Just joking with Lan Yinger, Ye Ting saw the cat who was squatting in the corner of the sofa. She had just acquired a brand new body and was still in the stage of adaptation. Ye Ting curiously hugged it and rubbed it in her arms ... … It's more interesting than the paper man.

After half a day, Xiaomei's dinner was not ready. He got up strangely and walked to the kitchen. "Xiaomei, why is dinner so slow?"

"Master, this new pot is not easy to use, it must be a fake and shoddy product, and the oil hasn't been heated for half an hour ..." Xiao Mei looked at Ye Ting with a frown, and pointed to the stove next to her.

The pan was placed on the stove, and the flames were burning, but there was no movement in the pan.

Ye Ting "..."

That ’s Zhenjin. It can absorb energy, has an absolute heat insulation effect, and can boil the oil, and there is a ghost ... I prepared a Zhenjin pan for you to use as a weapon, not really let you cook Ah! !! !!

He was about to talk, and the old pine tree in the yard suddenly slammed, Ye Ting's body trembled slightly, and he frowned and went out quickly, saying "change a pot ..."

Laosong just told him that there is something outside!


Outside the villa, Ye Qingmei was standing on the trunk of a large tree, and she had taken off the red mask on her face.

In order to facilitate her movement, the mysterious boss of the God Meteor gave her a total of three masks.

The white mask can hide her own existence and make her existence in the eyes of others non-existent. It belongs to the mental interference type of invisibility, but it is not effective for some people with special observation ability.

The red Facebook mask can hide her personal breath and voice. At the same time she wears a red Facebook mask. She has communicated with others. After that, those people will not be able to remember her characteristics, including height and signs.

She looked at the villa, frowning, holding a bun in her hand.

At this moment, Ye Qingmei suddenly felt something, turned her head and looked at her side ~ ~ in the dark night, a wrinkle suddenly appeared in the space there, and a circular hollow emerged out of thin air. She is familiar with the picture-the ability from the space gem, this is a portal.

What came out of the portal was not the barefoot silver-haired girl, but a young man with an exploding head and a look of hip-hop temperament.

The man left the portal, stood on the branch, glanced at the bun in Ye Qingmei's hand, and said with a smile, "It seems that you are really desperate enough for your younger brother, for he even violated the boss's order. Tonight you Still exposed yourself in Dragon Soul Formation? If you make your boss angry, you know the consequences. "

"I don't allow anyone to hurt him, this is my bottom line." Ye Qingmei dropped the bun in his hand, and a floating sword appeared beside him, his eyes staring directly at the man in front of him, "b."

the man"……"

Ye Xing, who came here in stealth, was also shocked. The man didn't know who it was, and made his sister swear curse as soon as she spoke ...

Then he heard the man say angrily, "I told you many times, my name is Malekis!"