The Heavens Come

Chapter 215: Why is it so hard to die?

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Ye Ting left Longxi Psychiatric Hospital and returned to his home at night.

Along the way, he kept pondering what Malekis said, and in that cell Ye was omnipotent, so he could be sure that what Malekis said was true and did not deceive him.

Ye Qingmei's memory was deleted in Ye Ting's mind. Those memories were erased by God. To retrieve Ye Ting's memory of Ye Qingmei, she needs to enter the terrible libo dream space.

The way to enter is to kill Ye Ye.

Ye Ting's mind recalled the movie The Pirates of Dream Space. The movie belongs to science fiction. People in that world have developed a way to enter the dream. The most exciting selling point of the movie is the interlocking dreams. In the movie, people enter The dream world can be separated from the dream as long as it is under the body or killed.

But there is a limitation. If the person who enters the dream world takes powerful sleeping pills, the body cannot wake up, and after being killed in the dream, he will fall into the libo space. Now Ye Xie enters the brain hole world because of the real gem, and in the movie The situation is similar, suicide cannot return to the real world, it will only enter the libo space.

The hours in the outside world are decades in the inside.

That world is the lowest chaotic region of human subconsciousness, and Ye Ting was obliterated by God. The lost memory of Ye Qingmei is there, and Ye Ting wants to recall everything about Ye Qingmei, she needs to enter libo.

At the same time, there is another more important thing-

Just in the hospital, when Malekis learned that Ye Qingmei was detained in the next cell where Ye Xing couldn't open, he gave a stun, and suddenly made even more crazy and ironic laughter.

"It turned out like this ... hahaha, your sister Ye Qingmei, her ontological will is now in libo space!"

"Here is your brain hole world, and she is erased by God in your memory, so everything about her will only leave a projection in the depth of your memory, that projection is in libo space, when Ye Qingmei enters you In the world of her brain, her will is automatically projected onto the projection in your memory, so she will appear directly in libo space. "

Ye Qingmei entered Ye Ping's brain hole world and was sent directly to libo space!


"She won't remember how she got there. The libo space is a chaotic field. When outsiders enter it, the memory will deviate." Malakis continued. "As long as you commit suicide in libo, you can wake up and return to this place. A layer of dreams, but she doesn't know what to do. If you don't go there to find her, and let her experience the long years in the libo space, she will really die. "

This is somewhat similar to the movie Pirates of Dream Space.

At the beginning of the movie, Xiao Li, an elderly person, woke up on the beach and met even older Saito. This episode happened in libo space. Saito died unexpectedly during the process of stealing dreams, and his will fell into libo space.

As long as he committed suicide in libo, he would return to reality, but he forgot about it until Xiao Li found him.

"Now, even if you don't want to retrieve the lost memory, you have to enter the libo space. Only by entering it can you rescue your sister!" Malekis shouted when Ye Ting left the cell, "Kill yourself, you can only save your sister by suicide now!"

Ye Qingmei's ontological consciousness was sucked into Ye Xing's brain hole world. She projected onto Ye Qingmei in Ye Xing's memory and was sent to libo space. Now even if Ye Xing does not want to retrieve her memory, she must also enter libo. Space rescues her, or she will die there all the time ...

In other words, now Ye Xing must kill herself and let herself fall into libo space.

Although he couldn't remember Ye Qingmei's affairs, the other party helped him to think for him many times. Ye Chui could not ignore her.

Entering the libo space was very dangerous. When Malakis proposed that Ye Chui committed suicide, although he did not lie, he was not at ease.

Anyone who enters the libo space will have a memory disorder. In the movie, Xiao Li and Saito recalled the real-world things through conversation. Malakis kept tricking Ye Ting to commit suicide into the libo space, just hoping that Ye Ting would also Memory confusion will occur, do not remember your purpose, and die in the libo space with Ye Qingmei.

But he had something unclear.

Ye Chui's legendary item The Lord of the Rings has a great defensive effect on the spirit. Under the blessing of the power of the Lord of the Rings, Ye Chui can determine that when he enters the libo space, he can stay awake.

"The concept of time in upper and lower dreams is different. The hours in the real world may be as long as decades in libo space. Now I belong to the first layer of dreams. For a few hours here, libo space China may have passed months or even years ... "

Ye Ting took a deep breath and made a decision in his heart.

Thinking of Ye Qingmei's lonely life in libo space, he suddenly felt a bit worried. God wiped out his memory of Ye Qingmei, but obviously it was not completely erased. When he was with Ye Qingmei before, they always He will unconsciously make some interactions between his siblings, and some things still remain deep in his subconscious.

This is his sister, and he will save her anyway!

It was eleven o'clock at night. Ye Ting was walking on the cold street, and suddenly heard a car speeding in his ears. A red light was displayed at the intersection, and a car was rushing around the corner. A few steps, facing the street lights appeared at the intersection.

Isn't it just suicide? Simple!

He watched the car rush towards himself at fifty, with a nervous expression on his face. After all, even after so many life-and-death battles, he couldn't face death so calmly.

The car's headlights were so bright that it made him feel a bit blinded.

He opened his arms and raised his head to meet the death.

Then, just listening to the loud noise, the galloping car suddenly slipped in front of Ye Ting with a slippery body, and then bumped into a tree on the roadside in the loud noise. Sidewalk tree on the trunk.

The trunk shook violently, and the leaves fell down, and the front of the car was deformed.


The driver just found himself, so hit the brakes?

The crashed car raised a billowing smoke, Ye Xing looked over, saw the fuel tank ruptured, the thick gasoline was continuously flowing out, the driver was being stuck between the driver's seat and the safety bag, he did not seem to have been too Severe injuries, the body continued to struggle, seeing Ye Ting approaching Ye Xing quickly and reaching out his hand, "Brother, help!"

Ye Ting pulled the driver out of the car. In such a collision, the driver did not seem to be seriously injured. He kept complaining, "Did you see a red light? Crossing the road at night, do you know? Knowing that the driving is not standard, my loved ones tears ... "

"Right, right?" Ye Ting had a headache. "Dude, you responded in a timely manner. In that case, you even avoided the car."

"Hide away?" The driver was stunned. Some bruises on his head were stroking with his hands, showing a little doubtful expression. "I was actually chatting with my girlfriend just now, I didn't see you at all, I also I do n’t know what happened and the car automatically skidded ... fortunately, otherwise, it would hit you. "

Does the car slip on its own?

Ye Xing froze and thought of something.

The driver took out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket and lightened himself with a cigarette. He took out his cell phone and called for someone to solve the problem, and handed Ye Chuiyan. Ye Chui did not pick up the cigarette, but only took the lighter. He stepped into the scrapped car with curiosity, hit the lighter, and watched the gasoline flowing out of the compartment.

"Well, brother, what are you doing? Stay away from the car and be careful to detonate the gasoline." The driver quickly reminded.

Ye Ting had already squatted down, holding a lighter in his hand, trying to ignite the gas that had flowed out.

It is iron law that a car collides with an explosion in the movie, but this kind of thing is also about probability, but if a dead guy actively ignites with a lighter, it will definitely cause the fuel tank to explode ...

But just as Yelt's lighter was about to lead the fuel tank, it was booming! A thunderous thunder suddenly sounded, and the sky that had just cleared the sky was suddenly overcast with heavy rain pouring down, and then the lighter in Ye Ting's hand was extinguished.


So, this world is protecting Ye Xing, preventing Ye Xing from dying?

"Is ... because of the Lord of the Rings?" This is the spiritual world, and the Lord of the Rings has a strong spiritual defense ability, so the defense of the Lord of the Rings in the spiritual world will become a way to prevent Ye Xing from being harmed. ……rule?

The world's big universe will not allow Ye Xing to die!

Ye Hao ignored the aggressive driver in the heavy rain and left here.

He did not return home immediately, but began his journey to death.

First he found a shop selling pesticides.

There are fields around Longxi Town. Many people in the town live by farming, so there is no shortage of pesticides.

Ye Xing slammed into the door and found a bottle of paraquat in the medicine cabinet. He unscrewed the lid and murmured everything into his stomach.

It's a bit bitter, but the taste is quite ... (Children don't learn it ~)

Then he sat on the counter looking at the rain screen outside, waiting for the medicine to come.

Ten minutes later, he finally felt the movement, as if something was moving in his stomach, and a hotness was spreading all over his body. He was nervous for a while, waiting for death to come.

Don't mention drinking a bottle of this stuff, I'm afraid that drinking a mouthful is enough to be fatal. This one is definitely dead ...


Then Ye Xing put a fart, everything was quiet, and the air was filled with the smell of thick biochemical weapons.

"..." Is it all right?

Is the poison exhausted?

It seems impossible to commit suicide by taking drugs.

Ye Ting left the pharmacy, strolled around in the night, and came to a small pond east of the town.

He used to come here when he was a kid, but when he was six or seven, someone accidentally drowned in it. After that, the adults would not let him come. Ye Ting came here to look around, and saw a few stones beside him He found a rope and tied it to a large stone, and tied the other end to himself. He laboriously picked up the stone and went to the deepest place by the pond. It is said that the water depth was at least three or four meters.

Looking up at the grey sky, he passed, Ye Xing jumped out of the pond holding the stone.

A few bubbles on the water surface ~ ~ will return to calm, only the rain of Xie Lili fell on it.

Under the pond, Ye Xing loosened the boulders, his body could not breathe, and a thick sense of suffocation came on ...

That ’s great. It must be dead, right?

Feeling choking ...



He suddenly discovered that it seemed like ... he didn't need to breathe at all!

Isn't it?

Five or six hours later, the sky was hazy and the rain had stopped. The leaves were creeping out of the pond, and the skin was a little puffy.

It's not that he can't continue, but the water in the pond is really bad ...

What kind of trouble is this? It's too hard to make a death?