The Heavens Come

Chapter 216: Automatic invincible buff given by the c

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Ye Xing climbed to a tall building and stood on the top of the building and looked down.

The car driving on the ground in the morning was like a worm, and Ye Ting took a deep breath-although he found that he didn't really need to breathe in this world, he calmed himself down, and then he opened his arms and jumped upstairs under.

He felt the speed of his rapid fall, the wind was howling in his ears, and the sound of those winds soon became one ... huh?

The speed of falling suddenly began to weaken, and finally, under the strong wind that did not know where it was blowing, he landed on the ground at a slow speed, not only was not hurt, but also had a wonderful feeling of flying in suspension ...

Ye Ting reluctantly climbed up to the building again and continued to jump down.

call out--

Landed safely.


How do you think this super fun is broken?

It seems that the way to commit suicide by jumping off the building is not working, so he is going to try to cut the wrist or something. Now he is slightly stronger than ordinary people and cannot be immune to sharp weapons.

It was early morning. Ye Ting found a nearby grocery store. The store hadn't opened the door in the morning. Ye Ting broke through the door and found a fruit knife sold here. He stabbed at his wrist with a knife ... Click, fruit The knife broke off.

It wasn't that the leaves were **** arms, but that the fruit knife was a shoddy product and suddenly broke down.

Then Ye Xing picked up some kitchen knives and scissors one after another. These dangerous items seemed to be intact, but as soon as Ye Xing picked up, they would immediately become fake products.

Once he picked up the scissors. The outside of the scissors was a cardboard package. Ye Xing tore open the package, and the scissors were then torn in half.

"It seems that as long as I encounter something that can hurt me, it will automatically become inferior ... This is the universe's awareness of the universe." Ye Chui couldn't help but sigh.

He returned to his neighbourhood in frustration, crawled into the window and entered the room. His clothes were still wet, and he changed his clothes. In the process, he thought about **** himself perfectly.

Several previous experiences have proved that he can't do it himself. The death by his own will cannot be completed, and it will be disturbed by the consciousness of the universe.

This is ... a passive invincible buff?

"It seems that I can only rely on the hands of others." Ye Cui thought to himself, thinking of those detained in the mental hospital. "Those guys are the projection of my enemies. They should be extremely resentful to me. Go to a mental hospital and let them kill me! "

Just changed his clothes, Ye Ting was about to leave, his stomach suddenly groaned a few times, Ye Ting frowned, feeling a little tired, and now he was sleepy and hungry.

Originally, Ye Ting already belonged to the superman category. There would be no problem if he didn't eat or sleep for a few days. However, in the brain hole world, he recovered into an ordinary person and still felt hungry and sleepy.

"If I do n’t eat and sleep, will I kill myself?" Ye Ting lighted up, and then shook his head. "In that case, I do n’t know how much time it will take. It is too sinful, even if I really die." Entered the libo space ... I am afraid that the time there has also passed hundreds of years. "

Just then there was a knock on the door, and Ye Chui's mother Zhang Yun said, "Did you get up? Have a hurry and eat. Today you have to take Cuihua to school."

"It's up ..." Ye Tsing-guo said, leaving the room and making up his mind, eating first, then going to school, taking the opportunity to sleep during the morning class to recharge his spirits.

It takes energy to die, especially now that he is fighting against the consciousness of the universe.

After breakfast, Ye Ting and her classmate Elizabeth Cuihua left the house and went to the third middle school of Longxi Town.

Cuihua followed Ye Xing all the way, looking at the surrounding "big city" scenery with some novelty and anticipation. She also asked Ye Xing some special questions carefully, and she regarded Ye Xing as the master in her words.

This made Ye Ting couldn't help but start to sigh again.

After he turned the little fox into the spirit, although he could control the life and death of the little fox, the little fox also found that he was not the kind of irritable person, so he had a lot of courage in front of him, often Speak a few words, there is no consciousness of being a slave at all.

In fact, Ye Ting really liked the character of little foxes, but occasionally, some foxes would feel better if they were more submissive ... Now this feeling is projected on the classmate Cuihua in front of her.

Seeing Cuihua's appearance, I'm afraid Ye Chui will obey whatever she says immediately, because she is afraid that Ye Chui will send her back to Niujia Village ...

"Brother Ye Chui," Cuihua said suddenly, lowering her voice, and said to Ye Chui, "Did you notice that someone behind us seems to be secretly following."

"Someone followed?" Ye Ting looked back.

It happened that Banhua Xiaomei was taking her double ponytail head back from the corner.

"Well ... don't bother, it's normal." Ye Ting said with a little sweat, and went on to the school.

Xiaomei at the corner leaned her head back again, her eyes looked cold as if a knife followed the green flower next to Ye Ting, and her white jade teeth bitten fiercely, her cute little face with a bit of blackened breath……

This is not only an idiot, but also a sickly belly! ?

Ye Ting brought Cuihua to school, and the beautiful and charming Cuihua immediately caught the attention of many people in the school, and there was a lot of discussion. Ye Cui took Cuihua to the office, and after seeing it, Mr. Lan Yinger was preparing the lesson.

Lan Ying'er is the head teacher of the third grade.

Seeing Ye Xing coming in, she immediately showed a bit of an angry expression. Yesterday she saw Ye Xing going with the female hooligan Ao Jia to fight.

"She's the transfer student in our class, Elizabeth Cuihua." Ye Ting briefly introduced the tense Cuihua around her.

Lan Yinger obviously knew that it was Cuihua. Yesterday Ye Chui's dad had completed the admission procedures. Although Niu Cuihua was registered at that time, the name has now changed to Elizabeth Cuihua, but Lan Yinger didn't seem to feel anything wrong.

She kindly brought Cuihua to her side, and asked her some questions with concern. Finally, she pointed at Cuihua and said, "Ye Chui is your cousin? In the future, you do n’t want to learn from your cousin. You can Be a good student ... "

Cuihua nodded and promised, and worried that Ye Ting was unhappy to peek at Ye Ting.

Ye Xing rolled his eyes and turned to leave the office.

Lan Yinger is a member of the alliance. She projected into Ye Ting's mind as a school teacher. Ye Ting was a student, and the teacher had a business of managing students. This status is quite appropriate.

And she always wears a blue uniform, and under the skirt is a pair of beautiful black silk legs ...

Ye Ting didn't have a lot of black silk uniforms, and for the teacher profession, because the teacher was punished too much during school, although he sometimes had some unsatisfactory thoughts against beautiful teachers, he kept a sufficient distance in his heart.

This kind of sense of being far-sighted and unplayable is indeed very close to the blue A-developed Lan Yinger.

Lan Yinger itself is very beautiful, and it is estimated that she would not refuse the request of harmony if she looked in awe of Ye Ting, but she suddenly lost interest when she thought of the blue Avatar Ye Ting.

Back in the classroom, Ye Ting came to her seat, and fell asleep as soon as her head was planted.

Before class, Lan Yinger brought Cuihua to the class and introduced the transfer student. The atmosphere in the class was warm, and Ye Ting lay on the table and slept.

One morning passed quickly.

The middle lobe woke up several times.

When I woke up for the first time, I was in a math class. When the math teacher was teaching everyone how to use the landlord, how to use probability to calculate other people's cards ...

The second time I woke up was a Chinese lesson. The Chinese teacher was explaining a text, what pharmacist and what kind of doctrine, a line of characters on the blackboard behind 30 years Hexi 30 years Hedong, do not bully young people!

When Ye Cui woke up for the third time, the class became a music class. A female teacher who looked like Zhao Benshan was sitting in front of the electronic piano, and taught everyone to sing "The spring breeze of reform ..."

Towards the end of the last class in the morning, Ye Chui woke up completely. He wiped his mouth and drooled, and found that this was an English class. The English teacher was telling the love story of Li Lei and Han Meimei.


Listening to the English teacher's remarks about Li Lei and Han Meimei, Ye Cui was feeling deep in her heart. What the teacher taught in the brain hole world came from Ye Cui's own knowledge reserve ... It seems that everything she learned when she went to school Forget it.

This is a sad story.

English class is over, it's time for noon break.

During this time, there are two or three hours for students to eat, and they can sleep on the table. Ye Ting felt a good sleep in the morning. She was a little hungry. There was a cafeteria in the school, and the students themselves You can bring lunch, Ye Ting thought about going to the cafeteria for something to eat.

After one morning, Cuihua became familiar with the students in the class, and went to the cafeteria with a few people. Ye Ting didn't care about her.

When standing up and preparing to go to the cafeteria, Ban Hua Xiaomei suddenly came to Ye Ting, put a lunch box in front of Ye Ting, and ran away shamefully.


Ye Tzu opened the lunch box, which contained carefully cooked meals, and also used tomato juice to draw a heart-shaped pattern on white rice ... Is this a love bento?

At this point, some students stayed in the classroom for lunch and got together in pairs.

Ye Ting happily choked Xiao Mei's loving bento.

The female hooligan Ao Jiao and sissy Li Jianguo also sat in the back of the classroom for box lunch. When half of the meal, an outsider came into the classroom holding the lunch box. Ye Ting glanced at her expression and couldn't help but see that the man was wearing a sacred **** Clothing, UU reading books www. uukanshu. Com has a red hair, but it looks extraordinarily vicissitudes. It looks like he is at least 40 or 50 years old, and it looks ridiculous. The most important thing is that this person turned out to be the dragon team of the dragon soul group, which has the special ability to summon game characters, Chang Ting.

Seeing Chang Ting's appearance, several students sitting next to Ye Ting whispered.

"What's going on with this guy? Is he a school teacher?"

"No, he is a senior in our school."

"He's a student ... It's too anxious for him to grow up."

"You don't know about it? He is the backbone of the Dragon Soul group in our school. In order to maintain the Dragon Soul group, he resolutely relied on not to graduate in the third grade. It has been more than two decades and he has been rated as The most familiar face in our school, the new teacher comes to ask him the inside story. "

"So powerful? What's his name?"

"Not many people remember the real name, just remember his nickname, called Dasha Ting."

Ye Ting "..."