The Heavens Come

Chapter 225: This hanging sperm!

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After Ye Chui opened his brain into the spiritual world with a real gem, he always made a mistake. When he found that he could be invisible, can use the road of violent and Alice physique, he mistakenly thought that he would make the real world special. Ability brought into the spiritual world, this cognition is equivalent to a yoke, allowing him to use these forces only in this world.

He thought he was only so powerful, but now he realizes his wrong cognition. He can use these special abilities and has nothing to do with his abilities in the real world. This is just a manifestation of the random effect of his utterance in this world.

To put it simply, Ye Chui originally thought that the effect of his words could not give him too much personal power, but now he found that as long as his heart is big enough, he can really become a one-man punch.

Letting go of Ye Xing ’s mind, just like the actor who completed the ultimate evolution in the Matrix, the nightmare creatures that rushed over were annihilated under his simple thunderbolt, but the community still remained In the same way, no grass or tree was harmed. At the same time, among the flying ash, a zombie was not killed by Ye Xing, that is Xiaomei who was just transformed into a nightmare zombie.

After all, it was the people around her. Although it was not true, Ye Ting did not take a hard turn to deal with her.

The zombie Xiaomei seemed puzzled a bit, and then rushed towards Ye Ting with a stunned look.

"Xiao Mei ... give me a quiet moment." Ye Ting quickly reached out and put his finger on Xiao Mei's forehead. The charm flowed from his pointing, and a spell was carved directly on Xiao Mei's forehead. This is the town. The charm, Xiaomei's movements suddenly stiffened, her eyes were only white, her body was slightly curved, her fingers had grown slender nails, and she could still have sharp fangs in her mouth.

Ye Ting used Xiaoling to suppress Xiaomei, but she did not regain her original consciousness. Her consciousness had been completely wiped out after being infected by the nightmare creature. Now what Ye Ting can do is to make her quiet and restore her. Keep it under control.

Noticing that Zombie Xiaomei's body was shaking slightly, she seemed to have reacted strongly to the sun in the sky. She was just an ordinary zombie, so Ye Ting thought about her side of her head and put her hand on the top of Xiaomei's head. He dreamed of Xiaomei in the real world.

Fantasy becomes reality.

The zombie Xiaomei's body in front of her immediately produced a force out of thin air. Her body rose from the ground and floated in the air. From an ordinary zombie to a jade corpse, she became a flying corpse, and layers of cold permeated her body. It turned into a layer of white cold fog surrounding her body, and even the clothes on Zombie Xiaomei's body also changed into the same red long dress that King Aida had exchanged for her.

But Ye Ting couldn't let Xiao Mei continue to ascend to the blood corpse, because he didn't know what the blood corpse looked like, he had never seen before-the power that Ye Ting could imagine, must be based on his understanding.

"I'm afraid realistic gems are not so easy to use, right?" Ye Ting looked at Xiaomei and sighed in her heart. "This is definitely the strongest I've ever opened."

Ye Ting looked around again, preparing to leave here with his own zombie maid.

Just then, with a howling whine, a big dog rushed out from the residential building next to it. It was Hatch, dropped by the little fox of the prophet. The dog was staring at Ye Ting, as if he was telling Ye Ting that you don't want to leave me ... Is this a psychological shadow left by the Prophet Little Fox?

Ye Xing shook his head, did not speak, and left a neighborhood with a zombie and a husky.

He just left here, because a large wave was left by Ye Xing in an empty and empty community, and a gust of wind suddenly blew. The ashes left on the ground by previous nightmare creatures killed by Ye Xing were blown by the wind. They quickly gathered in the air, and countless flying ash combined into a new figure-this is a woman wearing a black suit with sunglasses and still maintaining the shape of an agent.

She is not anyone in Ye Ting's impression.

She looked at her hand and looked at her body again. The eyes behind the sunglasses looked in the direction that Ye Ting left, but with a bit of helplessness on her cold face, she whispered in her mouth, "Hundreds of years For the first time, when I meet such a player who can do things, I must use thunder and punishment to sever this sperm once! "

If Ye Ting is by her side, she may not recognize her appearance and voice, but her resentment must be extremely familiar.


"Are you sure you're here?" Ye Ting, holding a phone in his hand, climbed to the top of a residential building while answering the call. There was nothing on the roof.

Ye Ting is on the phone with Lao Dao. After leaving the community, Ye Ting wants to come and say goodbye to Lao Dao. The existence of Lao Dao is similar to those with special abilities in the Matrix. It has far more power than ordinary people. He didn't help what he was facing. Now Ye Chui got some clues from the little fox of the prophet. Ye Chui wanted to come and say goodbye to him before heading to that address.

In the past, Ye Ting was inherited by Lao Dao, and he often used himself as the heir of the other side, but after all, he did not really see Lao Dao as a master. Now in the libo space, Ye Ting has learned a lot of techniques from him Feeling the knowledge, the status of master and apprentice is already genuine.

However, he called the old man and said that he would let Ye Ting come to this place to find him, but Ye Ting could not see him at all.

"That's right, this is it," said the old man in his mobile phone with a gasping voice. "You stand on the edge of the west side of the building and look down ..."

Ye Ting walked to the west of the roof and bent down to look down. This building is as high as seven floors and at least 20-30 meters above the ground. The overhead view made Ye Ting feel a little dizzy, but he soon saw At the scene that made him a little speechless, just outside a window on the fifth floor below, an old man wearing only a pair of flower underwear was standing there with his back against the wall ...

"..." Ye Ting immediately understood what was happening.

"Good disciple, find a rope and drag the teacher up." Lao Dao held the mobile phone in one hand and looked up at Ye Ting, and said quickly.

"..." At this moment Ye Ting suddenly had the urge to leave immediately, regardless of him. It was so shameful to have this master. This is really a bird of prey ... but he finally shook his head, turned his head and followed him in the air. Xiaomei said behind him, "Bring him up."

Based on Lao Tao's 500-year mana cultivation, in fact he wanted to come up easily, but Lao Tao has a principle that will never be broken, that is, when facing ordinary people and ordinary events, no matter what they encounter In this case, he will not use his own magic power.

Even if he was held down and blocked by someone outside the window, he would never use the technique, even if he wanted to, he could run flat on the ground.

After a moment, Xiao Mei, who had the ability to fly, dragged Lao Dao's legs and dragged him up, thumping to the ground.

Lao Dao was holding his clothes in his arms. He hurriedly dressed and looked at Xiaomei in amazement. As a Taoist, he was naturally familiar with zombies. He couldn't understand what a zombie-level zombie was like. He would obey Ye Ting's words, not to mention that this is not an ordinary zombie, but a nightmare zombie, but his astonishment and doubt soon disappeared.

His senses were affected by Ye Ting, and he automatically ignored what was wrong with Xiaomei's existence.

Ye Ting brought a zombie and just met other ordinary people along the way. Under the influence of Ye Ting, he ignored the existence of Xiaomei.

"Suddenly hungry, find something to eat." Seeing Lao Dao dressed his clothes, Ye Ting suggested, at this time it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, and it didn't take long before lunch, but Ye He decided to bid farewell to the old man, and eating together was the best way.

The old man touched his belly and nodded. "That relationship is good. I've been hanging on the wall for almost an hour, and it should be filled in."

A few minutes later, Ye Tshui and Lao Dao found a barbecue stall. This is the end of summer. The weather is still a bit hot. There are barbecue stalls all over the street. I asked the boss for some skewers and a bundle of beer. Asked for two skewers.

They ate and drank while they were eating. When the two bunches of roasted waist on the old way were eaten, the two pretty women who walked into the grill came into the barber shop. They talked and smiled, so the old way was attracted all the attention. Power, Jiu Jin came up shaking in the past, want to look at the palm of the hand.

Ye Ting took the beer bottle and poured the last bit of wine down his stomach, glanced at the old road, stood up and turned to leave with Hatch and Zombie Xiaomei. He was not used to saying goodbye, so he left.

This is an unreal world of dreams, everyone is illusive ... and the old way is long and wandering, and he doesn't need Ye Xing to take care of it.

Then shortly after Ye Xing left.

"Troubleshoot your bills first." The barbecue stall owner walked to the old street with a smile.

The old man waved "Find my apprentice."

"Your apprentice left early."


"Trouble closing the bill."

"... no money, can you credit first?"

"... Credit is OK, you just held two big waists, and you need to press your waist down here first!"


After leaving the old road, Ye Ting took out the address given by the Prophet Little Fox and went all the way to the railway station in the eastern suburbs of Hejian City. Here he needed to find a ticket seller, get the so-called tickets, and participate in the Nightmare World. Escape.

There is a keysmith in the Matrix movie, and the keysmith can open any back door of the matrix world without knowing what the ticket salesman is capable of.

"In the movie, the protagonist and the team played for twenty minutes in order to rescue the keysmith. UU reading estimated that it would not be so easy for me to see the conductor." Ye Cui thought to himself, the second in the Matrix One of the high tide passages in the ministry was to rescue the keysmith. The subsequent road chase lasted for twenty minutes. It belongs to the classic film history. Ye Chui came to the station where people came and went, and looked around.

While he was a little bit distressed about how to find a ticket seller, a figure suddenly sneaked up to him and "buy a ticket?"

Ye Xing looked up at the speaker. This girl was wearing a blue dress and a blue hat on her head. She looked and looked in all directions while talking ... This is Lan Yinger!

"Ticket conductor?" Ye Ting asked in a strange voice.

"Yes, I'm a ticket seller." Lan Ying'er nodded intently, and looked around vigilantly, "I have all tickets here, train tickets, bus tickets, tickets to the theater near the station at midnight · special · performance. I also have tickets here Affordable, child-friendly ... What kind do you want? "


Is this a scalper ticket seller?