The Heavens Come

Chapter 273: Novice dad and catwoman daughter

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With the mysterious golden light, Ye Ting has returned to the real world.

When he entered the game, he was in the movie theater, so after the game, he still appeared in the darkened cinema hall. A few audiences were sitting around. Ye Ting was not surrounded by others. , Will be taken into the game together, he deliberately chose the open space.

Returning to reality at this time, the Neptune movie was still playing on the big screen. The story happened to be that Neptune and Mela were searching for the trident. When they found some clues, the black manta ray suddenly appeared with the Atlans fighter.

Now it is a very hot chase scene.

Ye Ting saw this picture, thinking of his experience in the game, could not help showing a smile on his face, and his mood was slightly weird. After all, he only returned from the battlefield of the Sea Kings not long ago, his eyes turned to the screen, and Ye Ting suddenly I felt a little strange, and then my eyes moved downwards. An explosion on the big screen gave off a bright light, and in the light, Ye Xing was just facing each other with a cute and delicate face.

It is a cat who is an incarnation of a catwoman. When she entered the game, she was just a cat like a doll. Now she has become a cat girl the size of a four or five-year-old girl. She has silver hair and a pair of cute pointed ears. She is wearing a white skirt and white. His tail is resting on his arm casually, she is lying on Ye Xing's body, grasping Ye Xing's clothes with both hands.

In the game, Ye Ting had meow meow parasitic on her, and then she did not separate. The meow meow in the parasitic state had self-will, but she never communicated with Ye Ting, and her parasitic state ended after leaving the game.

Unlike the little fox who becomes the Ye Xingjieling, the little fox has no entity, but only the spirit constitution, which can be recovered into the ring, and the meow has its own entity.

The gorgeous big screen is constantly bright. Meow Meow has a pair of big eyes with beautiful blue vertical pupils looking curiously at Ye Ting. Ye Ting is also watching him. Suddenly Ye Ting feels a little nervous. The previous meow was just The status of the pet cat now turns into a girl in a blink of an eye. The young girl's immediate sense of vision should not be too strong. How do you get along with the cat girl ... wait online, wait!

"Meow!" Meow Meow suddenly made a loud scream, a pair of cat ears kept shaking, tails fluttered.

On the big screen is the picture of Mela controlling the wine in the wine cabinet to kill the Quartet. The meowing call immediately caused the dissatisfaction of other audience members in the movie theater. A pair of eyes looked over in the dim-previously because of the two The derailed couple interrupted the movie watching, and they were still a little upset. The movement on Ye Ting's side made them very disgusted.

Ye Chui quickly pressed the cat's ears on the head of Meow Meow, and thought of something, and quickly controlled the ring power to turn Meow Meow invisible. Although he wanted to know the specific story of the second half of the Neptune movie, it is obvious now It was more important to take care of the good meow, so he quickly pulled the invisible meow and left the studio.

When I came to the outside hall, Ye Mei was held by Ye Ting's little hand, and she curiously looked at this familiar and unfamiliar world. She was originally a cat, her consciousness was simple, and she could only instinctively distinguish everything from the outside world. Safety is not her own place, but now she is full of new novelty and curiosity about everything around her, which is a new world for her.

"Meow ~" Suddenly Meow Meow stopped Ye Ting's hand and stopped, looking at a popcorn place in the lobby not far away, looking at Ye Ting, and looking forward to the popcorn, "want to eat."

"... You can eat?" Ye Ting is a little curious. As Ye Xie's precept, Ye Ting certainly knows that Meow Meow now has flesh, or flesh, if you look closely, it was originally on the neck of the doll cat The collar has also turned into a ring appearing on Meow's fingers. She should now also feel hungry, have a desire to eat and can eat.

Meow Meow immediately nodded, "Uh-huh." Full of anticipation.

"All right." Ye Ting looked around because it was noon and there were not many guests in the hall. Ye Ting pulled Meow to the place where popcorn was sold. "I want a creamy bucket of popcorn." Meow Meow immediately dragged Ye Xing's arm and pointed at the advertisement on the wall, "Big bucket, big bucket!"

"... replaced with a big bucket." Ye Chui quickly corrected with the waiter, and squinted at the meowing belly ... Well, it is not a normal creature anyway, so there should be no problem eating it?

After buying a big popcorn, Ye Xing picked up a hand and gave it to Meow Meow. "How about you taste it first? Can you eat it?" It seems that some cats cannot eat cream.

"Wow." Meow Meow opened his mouth and swallowed the creamy popcorn in Ye Ting's hand, chewing.

Ye Ting looked at Meow Meow with a kind smile.


"Well, you see that weird man again. We met before. He was holding a doll to watch a movie." A girl in a tea shop next to him surprised and lowered her voice to the boyfriend sitting next to her.

"I'm saying this person's brain isn't normal, it really is!" Said the boyfriend. "What is he doing? Feed popcorn to a daughter who doesn't exist? Hey, before holding a doll as a girlfriend, a movie came down. I didn't expect my daughter to fantasize. "

"I don't know if it came out of that mental hospital." The girl grinned. "I thought he was interesting because of that."

Ye Ting "..."

Although the voice of the two people was not great, with Ye Ting's current strength, they could clearly hear the content of their conversation ... Ye Ting's brain suddenly sweated, and he immediately pulled up the meow and left the theater. When I was outside, I handed the popcorn to Meow Meow. When Meow Meow got the popcorn, the popcorn followed her, and Ye Ting looked for a place to find a car worth tens of thousands of points, so that Meow Meow was behind. When you're done, step on the pedals and gallop to the house.

Half an hour later, he returned to the Zijinfeng Villa and released his pretend to walk into the villa.

A bucket of popcorn has been eaten by Meow Meow, and the cat girl looks very satisfied. There is also a popcorn on her lovely face. She returns to the familiar place and immediately runs into the villa.

Ye Ting noticed that her stomach was still flat, and a bucket of popcorn did not seem to change at all.

Ye Ting followed into the villa. Xiao Mei was sitting on the sofa watching TV in the living room. Meow Meow suddenly ran in, and she called meow. A flying body flew to the sofa next to Xiao Mei. Xiao Mei was Startled, they looked at Catwoman with curiosity, the two eyes widened and their eyes narrowed, and seemed to be stiff. Ye Ting walked to the sofa, pointing at Meow Meow about to introduce, Xiao Mei suddenly jumped from the sofa. stand up.

"Master ..." The little maid's body floated in the air and said with a shocked expression, "When did you have an illegitimate daughter?"

Private ... illegitimate daughter? Ye Tinghan said, "No, she is meowing ..."

"Master, when did Meow have an illegitimate daughter?" The little maid put her hands together, showing a somewhat exaggerated shocked expression.

"..." Ye Ting glanced at the TV show that was playing on the TV next to him, and he made up his mind. After that, Zhi Xiaomei continued to watch those domestically produced sand-sculpted dog blood TV shows ... They all taught the zombie! He reached out and rubbed Meow's head, "She's not an illegitimate girl, she's just Meow. Something happened in the game that made her what she is now."

"Meow meow?" Xiaomei bent over and looked at Meow Meow on the sofa in surprise.

"Meow meow ~~" Meow meow yelled immediately.

"Meow meow!" Xiaomei shouted.

"Meow—" Meow Meow followed.

"Master, she really is meowing." Then Xiaomei said to Ye Ting happily.

"..." Ye Ting stretched his hand slightly and scratched his head. "Xiao Mei, can you understand meow?"

When did your Cat Level 4 pass, why don't I know! ?

"No," Xiao Mei said of course, seeing Ye Ting's face confused, she continued to explain, "I didn't understand what Meow was before, but now I still don't understand, she really is Meow!"

Ye Ting "..."

Meier, you have a problem with this logic ...

"Master, you are welcome to come back from the game smoothly." Xiaomei curiously looked at Meow Meow, and then hovered around Ye happily for two times. "Master, are you hungry, I'll go and warm the rice."

"Today we have a different taste." Ye Ting thought of something, and quickly said, "We eat goats."

Then he asked Meow Meow to take one of the two million goats from his personal space. This goat is a Boer goat. It is said to be a meat sheep. I do n’t know how it tastes. Meow Meow promised a white goat. Appeared in the living room.

When in the space, the goat is in a frozen state, but it can appear in the real world. It immediately “sniffs” and starts to scurry around.

The sheep seemed very healthy. Ye Ting was eager to catch the sheep. At this moment, she only heard a bang, Xiaomei appeared in front of the goat instantly ~ ~ He gave the goat to a pan fall down.

"..." The pan-War God is mighty!

"Master, how do you eat this thing?" Xiao Mei crouched in front of the fainted goat, she was curious, she had never cooked a goat, especially a complete goat.

Ye Ting thought about it, and he was not familiar with the matter of killing sheep, so he summoned the little fox "Shuier, help Xiaomei cook this goat." Aunt Fox is very experienced and must know **** sheep.

But this made the little fox immediately blew her hair. She was meowing and sulking. Ye Ting promised to give her legendary items in the future, but she soon realized that she had lost her survivor status and could not get the redemption items. How could I get a legendary item, and now I heard Ye Ting ask her to cook goats, she was completely angry. "It's not enough for you to be a battery, a mount, a scarf, and a bedding. Now I still want to be a chef. dry!"

After listening to the little fox venting, Ye Chui quickly soothed his spiritual spirit, "You think too much, how can I let you be a cook? I mean you take care of the goats. This is the butcher's job ..."

"..." This is not as good as the chef! !! !!