The Heavens Come

Chapter 274: What a big Pippi shrimp

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Although the little fox was very dissatisfied with Ye Xing's arrangement, as Ye Xing's ring spirit, Ye Xing had to obey her order. After complaining for a while on her hips, she was still upset and let Xiao Mei bring the goat into the kitchen. At first, he was worried whether Xiao Mei would have any psychological resistance to killing sheep, but soon he realized that he thought too much. After all, Xiao Mei was a zombie and couldn't see her with the eyes of ordinary girls.

When he started to get busy in the kitchen, Ye Ting went back to the room and changed his clothes and took a bath. When he came downstairs, he couldn't see Meow Meow. He came to the backyard with some curiosity and saw Meow Meow staying. Squat beside the pond.

There is a small pond in this backyard. The pond is not deep, and there are several carps in it. They are raised and eaten. They are usually stocked in the small pond. Now Meow is squatting beside the pond curiously, staring at the surface of the pond. .

When Ye Ting walked curiously, she saw that the carps in the pond were scrambling to get close to the meow, and even want to jump out of the water. This is the Neptune's divine power at play, and she is controlling these fish. .


A carp jumped out of the water and fluttered its tail in the air.

The picture was extraordinarily wonderful, and then ... When Ye Tinggang just came here with emotion, she only heard a whistle, a flash of gold in her hand, she took out a miniature trident, and pierced the carp with one. Then Meow Meow jumped up happily, with a cheering sound of "Meow Meow" in his mouth. When he saw Ye Xing, he immediately invited the trident to Ye Xing as he invited "Fish, fish, eat fish!"

Ye Ting "..."

If the Neptune in the movie knew that his divine power and trident were used for fishing by the meow, then he would be depressed to death ...

So Ye Ting took the carp off the trident and told meow to stop bullying the fish, and took the carp back to the kitchen with "add another dish at noon ..." Just said here, the outside yard was again I heard a splash of water, and Ye Ting was shocked. He hurried to the backyard and saw that Meow Meow did not know why he accidentally fell into the courtyard pool.

She apparently fell accidentally, tossing instinctively, and then remembered that she was not afraid of the water, so she immediately turned happily in the swimming pool, and the slender white tail fluttered, good. Sea cat ...

Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go back to the room, but frowned when he saw that Meow Meow suddenly lifted the pocket trident in his hand, screaming "Meow" in his mouth, and poked the Trident under the water.

The water in the pool boiled immediately.

"Crouching ..." Ye Ting was full of excitement, and Meow Meow was calling the sea monster Carason!

Calling Carlason in the pool, thinking of the terrible body shape of the sea monster, I am afraid that the entire villa will be completely destroyed as soon as it appears. Ye Chui ’s sweaty attempt to stop it is too late. The water in the pool was splashing everywhere, and Karasen's terrible body had appeared in front of Ye Xing, but Ye Xing was suddenly not worried.

Because the summoned Carlason was only the size of a swimming pool, his body just fits in the pool, and it was difficult to turn over. Several giant tentacles were uncomfortably rolling around by the pool. Its demon temperament had horns. The sharp chin and fangs of his face were looking to the left and right in a little panic.

The meow is sitting on its back, waving the trident happily, making a series of cheerful meows.

"Master, what are you calling me for?" I heard Carason's inquiry through Meow Yeye.

"Play with me, play with me!" Meow Meow responded to Carlason.

Carason "..."

His head suddenly looked at Ye Ting, and his mouth opened a roar. He knew through the meow that Ye Ting said, "I am the sea monster, Lord Carason, who is in charge of the ocean. Don't go too far!"

Meow Meow immediately jumped up and waved the trident and knocked on the top of Carason's head, "You are not allowed to kill your master."

Carlason was immediately subdued, and he was very afraid of the power of the trident. "Yes, master ... and master of the master."

"..." Ye Ting turned around curiously to watch Carathon around the pool, and he was a little surprised. "It seems that Carathon can be summoned as long as there is water, but the size of the water limits the summoning of Carathon individuals. The size of the pool can only summon Carason of this size, and the sea can summon Carason in full. "Then Ye Ting frowned again." Carason's appearance looks a bit inexplicable ... "

At this time, Xiaomei, who was listening outside, came out of the room. She saw Carason in the swimming pool and immediately cheered, "Master, what a big Pippi shrimp, we will add another dish at noon. ?"

"Huh?" Ye Ting suddenly woke up and took two steps backwards, looking carefully at Carason. "It's a bit like a large Pippi shrimp ..."

"Enough, don't you go too far!" Carason was completely angry. It was the most powerful monster on the bottom of the sea, the overlord of the bottom, and one of the powers of the second legendary item Trident in the game of God. These people are blaspheming its power, even calling it Pippi shrimp ...

"Pippi Shrimp, Pippi Shrimp!" Meow Meow didn't know what Pippi Shrimp was, but she seemed to like the name and immediately jumped happily to Carason's head, waving a trident and pointing at Carason's head. , "You will be Pippi shrimp in the future, meow!"

Carason "... Yes, Master."

"..." Carason felt so guilty.

Seeing that Carlason's face was about to be destroyed, Ye Ting felt very speechless and very funny. The sea meow king waved the pocket trident to summon the sea monster giant Pippi shrimp ... .

Xiaomei quickly prepared a table of delicious goat meat. After Ye Ting's persuasion, Meow Meow reluctantly returned Carason back. Ye Ting watched the Pippi shrimp monster in the pool. As the water disappeared, I couldn't help wondering. "Go back and try to make Meow Meow summon Carlason in the pot, will you directly summon a Pippi-sized Carlason ..."

Lunch was very rich. Xiaomei's cooking skills were full. Although this was the first time to cook goat meat, she still made many tricks. Each dish of braised, steamed and stir-fried came with a plate, and even I also made a hot pot, and the table was full of food, with all colors and fragrances. Unfortunately, Ye Xing and Meow Meow need to eat at home, but it was a bit deserted.

Meow Meow was placed next to herself by Ye Ting. There was a steamed carp on the table in front of her. Xiaomei took chopsticks, a knife and fork, and wanted to hand it to Meow Meow. In the eyes of Ye Ting, Little Fox, and Xiao Mei, she looked stunned. I saw that Meow Meow shook the trident in her hands. The pocket trident, which was only over one meter long, immediately accompanied her consciousness to quickly shrink to the size of a fork. She was holding the fork and preparing to insert meat.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Ting yelled at the fox.

The little fox is a legendary item that must not be ruined, and Ye Ting is surprised ...

Ye Ting took the trident from Meow Meow. How is the trident in the movie world unclear? In the game of God, the trident actually has the characteristics of a golden hoop and can be changed in size according to your heart.

Ye Ting holds the trident in his hand. He is the master of Meow Meow. He can directly use the meow meow power. Under his control, the trident immediately grows larger, and soon exceeds the length of nearly two meters.

Ye Chui hurried to the backyard and held the trident to watch it soar to a height of more than ten meters. At this time, its diameter was larger than the old pine branches in the yard, and its weight reached hundreds of pounds.

A dozen meters is already its limit height ~ ~ Then Ye Xing made it shrink, it finally became as small as two centimeters.

"This thing even has the characteristics of a gold hoop?" The little fox looked at Ye Ting's trident with a small embroidery needle enviously, she rubbed her hands and looked at Ye Ting, "Can you see me? "

"Take it." Ye Ting gave the trident to the little fox. He understood the little fox's experience and said to her, "I give you permission, and you can now use part of the power of the trident."

The little fox and meow are both Ye Xing's ring spirits. Ye Xing can serve as a bridge for the little fox to use part of the power of the trident.

The little fox immediately rejoiced.

She took the trident back to the sofa next to her, and sat on the sofa happily making the trident longer, shorter, thicker and thinner. A pretty charming face with a slight blush due to excitement was even more delicate ...

"..." Ye Ting, who sat down to eat again, suddenly felt that there was something wrong with this picture?