The Heavens Come

Chapter 275: The little fox felt like he had reached

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A lunch was quickly solved, and Meow Meow ate the whole fish, but she still could not see the slightest change in her stomach, but she looked full and looked like a cat and rushed to the sofa. After tumbling twice, he fell asleep with his eyes narrowed.

Ye Ting enjoyed the lamb meal, and when he saw the meow sleeping, he thought, "It's time to prepare a room for meow."

Meow Meow was just like a doll. Ye Ting didn't provide her with a special room, not even a nest. She didn't need it herself, on the sofa, cabinet, table, tree, Ye Xing's bed ... Anyway Except for Xiao Mei's coffin at home, she can take a rest anywhere.

Now that she's a catwoman, she needs to find a way to prepare her room.

So I finished lunch-Ye Xing is now also a Protoss physique. No matter how much food can be eaten, a big meal made by a hundred-pound goat will fall into his belly, and it will not be wasted. Then, Ye Ting asked Xiaomei and the little fox to help, and cleaned up a room in the villa.

Meow Meow got up after taking a nap and knew what Ye Ting was doing. She immediately ran over and pointed and seemed to like her room (site). The original facilities in the room were very complete. Rubbing Meow's head "Here is your room here. You can sleep here if you are sleepy. Don't run around anywhere, you know?"

"Know meow." Meow meow immediately agreed happily, fluttered on the soft bed and rolled over happily, unhappy.

Then ... When Ye Ting woke up the next morning, he found that Meow was lying on his bed with all his feet.

"..." There must be an adaptation process from a cat to a human being.

In the morning of this day.

"What's going on with you?" Ye Ting was sitting in the study, with a yellow rune paper between his fingers. The rune paper was emitting a light green light, and the charm on it continued to flash.

As soon as Ye Ting's words were finished, I heard a subtle woman's voice in the rune paper, "Teach the ancestor, please be assured, everything is fine here." The voice was in English and was translated into a translator by Ye Ting's ear Chinese.

"You left the future meeting, did the people in the future meeting not embarrass you?" Ye Ting was a little surprised. He was in communication with Mia. At the end of the Neptune Battle, Ye Chui gave Mia the yellow charm used to communicate. The amulet is called the note of a thousand miles. It belongs to a very clever method among magic wizards, but it is nothing to Ye Xing. The signal transmitted by it cannot be eavesdropped and has high confidentiality.

"No, other believers have not been embarrassed to leave their respective organizations. We have agreed on the meeting place and are ready to start the establishment of the club." Although the paper note is a bit distorted, you can still feel the slight excitement in Mia's tone. .

"Huh?" Ye Ting was a little strange, shouldn't it, is it so easy for people in large organizations to get out?

Ye Chui quickly thought that the reason was because those large organizations did not want to provoke Ye Cui, strictly speaking they did not want to provoke the ancestors.

Neptune's mid-level legendary item Trident has fallen into the hands of the Patriarch-Regarding the level of the Trident, others do not know that Ye Ting leaked out through Mia. This is a legendary item, and that Patriarch is the legendary survivor.

There are only a few legendary survivors in the world of survivors. A legendary survivor is like a nuclear weapon. It is a symbol of strength and status. No matter who has the purpose of the ancestor, the ancestor who received the Trident of the Trident is now a major Organizations dare not provoke the existence, Mia and other believers want to leave the organization, they will naturally not be embarrassed, at least not in the face, or they will provoke a legendary survivor for nothing.

The organization established by a legendary survivor is already qualified to rank among the seven organizational levels.

"Okay, be careful next." Ye Ting continued.

"Yes, teach the ancestor." Miya responded, and then looked forward to asking, "Teach the ancestor, an s-class game is about to be held, do you know this?"

"I know, I'm about to tell you." Ye Ting replied, "I'm going to participate in this game. There will be many powerful survivors in the game. This will be a great opportunity for us to teach. You and the dictator will also You have to participate, and you are picking a few strong believers to join the game together. "

"Yes," Mia said excitedly.

"As for the way to enter ..." Ye Ting frowned a little. It was necessary to go through other survivors to enter the game.

"Teach the ancestor, there is no need to worry about the way of entering. I contacted the dictator. He also has a friend who just wants to participate in this s-class game and invited him to help out. When we can enter with the dictator. Teach you ancestor ... "Miya replied.

"I don't have to worry." After hearing Miya saying this, Ye Cui was relieved, and said with a smile, "I have my own way. After entering the game, I will contact you. The yellow charm is left, and you can do it in the game. connection."

"Yes, teach my ancestor."

After ending the connection with Mia, Ye Chui also began to think about s-level difficulty games. He knew that the old dragon king would participate in this game. Based on the relationship between the old dragon king and the little fox, it was perfectly fine for Ye Chui to ask to participate together. But he had to think about how to talk to the old dragon king.

Ye Chui considered this problem, and soon he found that the problem was solved easily. That afternoon, Ye Cui suddenly received a call from the old Dragon King himself.

"Ye Xing, are you okay these days?" Old Dragon King said to Ye Xing in an elder tone. "You are a sister of Shuier. If you have any trouble, please tell me, I must I will help you. Recently, there is something that hates the God of Yechui. How can this be true? After some time, I will help you to recover a fair and deceive me.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine." Ye Chui said a little sweaty, the old dragon king was very aggressive, he asked, "Uncle, do you have anything?"

"You asked Sister Shuier to answer the phone. I have something to discuss with her," the old dragon king continued.

"Okay, wait a minute." Ye Ting knew that this might be the old dragon king officially invited the little fox into the game to help out. He quickly summoned the little fox in the Lord of the Rings and set the mobile phone to be delivered outside. "The old dragon king" Looking for you. "

When the little fox put the phone to his ear, he heard the old dragon king saying, "Sister Shuier, I have something important to tell you. This matter is very important. Ye Ting is just a junior. You find a place where no one is."

"Okay ..." The little fox looked at Ye Ting, didn't move, and quieted for two seconds before he said, "There is no one else here, Xiaolong, what do you say."

"Sister Shuier, help me!" The old dragon king said sadly immediately.

Ye Xing almost spit and strangled himself ...

Well, where have you been?

The little fox was obviously a bit scared, frowning. "It's about s-class games?"

"Yes, I just received news that several old guys in the three organizations of the future, the ghost moon club, and the magic party have secretly reached an agreement to remove me in this game and even let the dragon soul completely The group collapsed, my Dragon Soul group has limited masters, but Sister Sister your presence will become a killer, please ask Sister Sister to help me! "It is no exaggeration to say that the old dragon king feels almost crying after saying this.

He has always been a bold and unrestrained image in front of the Dragon Soul group, but in the face of Lushuier, he is more like the little brother who was brought into the heaven by Lushuier. He needs to rely on him. He needs comfort. Other organizations The guys teamed up to bully me ... sister, I'm afraid.

The little fox and Ye Ting both looked at each other a little, and Ye Guan, who was a bit disappointed in three views, hurriedly gestured at the little fox and promised him!

"You can rest assured!" Seeing Ye Ting's answer, the little fox immediately had confidence. "Your business is my business, huh, are those guys who look down on our heavenly courts? Joining hands to bully you, you must also look at me. If you don't agree, Miyoshi of Gizuki will also participate in this game, right? I just want to have a grudge against him! "

After saying these things, the little fox felt that her breathing had become agitated a bit, and she had not pretended to be so bold in the heaven ...

"But your state does not seem to be able to leave Ye Ting. If you want to join, you must pull Ye Ting into the game. It may be a bit dangerous to enter the game with his current strength ... Would he not want to join?" The old dragon king hesitated.

"You can rest assured that Ye Ting is a student I taught myself, and he will definitely listen to me!" The proud fox tail of the little fox sticks out from behind, wow, I feel like I have reached the pinnacle of life!

"I'm relieved to hear your sister say that." Old Dragon Wang was overjoyed. "Since Ye Chui listens to everything you do, you also decide directly about his and my daughter's affairs. I think they are quite right. suitable."

"Huh?" The little fox fluttering in the peak state of pretend, immediately calmed down and hurriedly looked at Ye Ting.

Ye Ting sneered, so the little fox couldn't help shivering, and said "this ... Xiaolong ~ ~ young people, we better not get involved, what ... we Let's talk about participating in the game first ... "

Old Dragon King "???"

After discussing with the Old Dragon King about participating in the game, after the call, the little fox respectfully returned the mobile phone to Ye Ting, and then dart into the Lord of the Rings before Ye Ting talked.

"..." Ye Ting couldn't help but face the problem, but the problem of participating in the game was solved.

So what will the next s-class game be?

"God's game is unpredictable ... It would be nice to know what this game is, and it's better to make some preparations earlier." Ye Chui thought.

Two days later, Ye Ting suddenly received a call from her sister Ye Qingmei.

After some nonsense for two minutes, Ye Qingmei suddenly pretended to change the subject unintentionally and said, "Yes, I recently discovered a super beautiful American drama called Game of Thrones. Have you seen it?"
