The Heavens Come

Chapter 283: Is my zombie going to hang?

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The little fox picked up Bran Fei and left like this. Koujiro is the **** of the ghost moon society, carrying an extremely powerful breath. The samurai's ability is very strong. Although it looks young, but his I'm afraid the blood is already awake.

Although the little fox itself is also the blood of the demon tribe's awakening, she always moves from the heart when encountering such an opponent ... that is, as the saying goes.

Bran was brought to Xiaomei's side, and the little fox put Bran into Xiaomei's hands. The body quickly turned into a nine-tailed fox lying on Xiaomei's shoulder, and her paw pointed in one direction. "Let's go there first. As you go, your host will soon follow. "

"Master doesn't matter, right?" Xiaomei looked at Ye Xing in the distance with a little worry.

"He doesn't matter, but the samurai is very powerful, and our staying here may cause him trouble." The little fox urged, "Take this child out of here first, and you hold him tight, don't lose it!"

"Okay ..." Xiao Mei agreed, and she grabbed Bran's body with a strong (emphasis), and lifted Bran's thin body to the top of her head, her body drifted off the ground, and she quickly flew towards the distance with a bang. go with.

Poor Bran was raised above Xiao Mei's head, and was struggling. From start to finish, there wasn't even time to say a word. The cold wind in the northern region blew on him quickly, as if a knife was constantly cutting him. Thin body ...

That taste was like two hundred miles of drag racing in the cold wind without wearing a helmet in the freezing cold.


Kojiro glanced at Xiaomei and the fox leaving with Bran, frowning slightly, the ghost moon club came here at noon today, because they took on the task of assisting the Iron Islands to conquer Winterfell, so very Easily joined the Iron Islands army led by Yarra and Theon, and easily assisted the Iron Islands to capture Winterfell. The Guiyue Society also joined the forces of the Iron Islands.

But Bran and Rickon, the two wolf children, fled.

Their escape seems to belong to God's arrangement, and saving the sons of the wolf family will become another story mission.

Guiyue Society naturally did not want to let the two descendants of the Stark family immediately chase them apart. Koujiro was lucky to find Bran's trace, but Ye Chui also appeared here and stopped in front of Kojiro ... ... this may be God's arrangement.

"I didn't have a chance to draw a knife in the sea before ..." Xiao Jilang not only wasn't afraid when he saw the godfather in front of him, but he showed a touch of excitement. "This is land. Your legendary items should not be used here? Let you try Taste all the swords I can cut off! "

His katana was held in his hands, but now he re-inserts the katana into the scabbard and assumes the position of pulling sword.

The man in front of him was a **** of the ghost moon club, and Ye Ting was quite alert and looking forward.

The strongest samurai ... he had to see what level he was strong.

唰 ——

Xiao Jilang has always been silent. He didn't say any more nonsense, and immediately pulled out the katana around his waist, as if a rush of falcon emerged, stepping on the muddy frozen ground.

His figure instantly appeared in front of Ye Xing, and Daoguang split to Ye Xing.

Ye Chui had already exerted Alice's physique and violent road to the limit, but in the face of Xiao Jilang's beating, the movement in the field of vision was still extremely fast. He sighed in his mind, and his body avoided him instantly.

Nasir's great sword crossed an arc in the air, and it was necessary to fight back against Jijiro.

However, after a sword is drawn and cut, Kojiro ’s samurai sword is followed by another gapless attack. This is the “serial chop” of samurai skills, followed by “one heart chop!” “Feiyan chop!” ... Kojiro in the eyes of ordinary people The katana in his hand seemed to have disappeared, one after another, the samurai skills continued to fall on Ye Xing's body, and the speed was too fast to disappear in the naked eye.

In the process, Ye Ting raised Nasir's holy sword with his right hand and backed up one after another. For a time, it seemed that there was no room to fight back.

嗖 ——

Once again, the "Moon Wheel Slash" was cut out, and the two-meter-diameter area around Xiaojiro was instantly filled with a silver-white sword, making his body appear to be enveloped in a full moon, accompanied by his katana. Out, the full moon broke away from his body and flew towards Ye Xing.

Ye Ting jumped back a few meters away again, avoiding this slash, with a bang, a terrible gully appeared on the ground beside him.

"You are very good." Although Kojiro's constant attack made Ye Thui's time to fight back, but he couldn't hit the middle leaves in the end, he also had some surprise on his face. "Then, let me taste it as the best Strong samurai skills ... "

With that said, his sword waved again.

Unlike his previous action of swinging the knife, this knife seemed extremely slow, and even slower in the view of Ye Xing, but when the sword was swung out, the exaggerated sword air burst out.

The knife air was instantly compressed to a point, and turned into a little flying swallow flying out of his knife and rushed to Ye Xing.

Ye Ting hurriedly drew his sword to resist, and his body receded again, and a feeling of extreme danger swept through his heart.

This knife is terrible!

唰 ——

Ye Cuimingming waved the sword to block the flying swallow condensed by the sword, but a wound appeared on his chest and blood spewed out.

This is the strongest samurai samurai skill, Yan returns!

Yan Hui itself is just a fine-quality samurai ability, but Xiaojiro has continued to exercise this ability, and thousands of times have been refined, which has sublimated this ability. Although this samurai ability is still a boutique grade, it has an epic-level The lethality is reputed as the insecure cut.

Xiao Jilang saw Ye Xing's chest was bleeding with a wound, and his face was chilly. "No matter how small Yan Yan's wound is, it must die, because my Yan Hui is aimed at destroying the vitality of living creatures. I It ’s not your flesh that hurts your sword, but your vitality. ”After a pause, he reinserted the katana in his hand and said a cool line.

"You're already dead."

"..." Ye Ting frowned and looked at the wound on the chest. The wound was not big, but the blood kept flowing, and no pain was felt. He could indeed feel that the wound was troublesome. Life is rapidly dying.

That knife gas is even devouring the mana in the leaf pituitary, and it is constantly increasing ... This is the ability to turn the knife gas into a virus to attack!

The smashing of the strongest warrior turned out to be horrible!

Then ... Ye Ting summoned the Book of the God of Bleeding, and instantly repaired the wound on the chest.

Xiao Jilang was ready to wait for Ye Ting's body to fall to the ground after he said the cool and middle 2 lines, but suddenly he saw Ye Ting calling out a red book, and his injuries were healed immediately. He couldn't help but stay still. "This ... My Yan returns, even if I have Wolverine variant blood, I can't heal easily, you ... how do you ..."

"Sorry, I'm off."

Ye Ting honestly said that the blood tonic is much stronger than the self-healing ability. Not only can the wound be healed, but also Ye Ting's flesh and blood body can be instantly reshaped, even if he is seriously injured, it can be completely repaired.

Kojiro "..."


Xiaomei held Bran speeding all the way.

When the little fox realized that the battle was far enough from Ye Ting, she reminded Xiao Mei to stop.

So the zombie maid stopped and placed Bran, who was raised above her head, on the ground, looking anxiously at the direction that had just rushed.

The little fox climbed down Xiaomei's body and recovered her figure to check Bran's condition. At this moment, her body suddenly stiffened.

Xiaomei looked at the fox strangely. "What happened to Sister Fox?"

"..." The little fox stood up with a black face and reached out and patted Xiaomei's shoulder. "Xiaomei, do you think if Ye Ting is angry, we will directly destroy us humanely?"

Xiaomei "???"


After a few seconds of hesitation, Kojiro once again pulled out his katana and exhibited Ye Hui to Ye Chuishi!

That weird and irresistible Feiyan sword slammed into Ye Xing again.

But Ye Ting already knew how to deal with Yan return.

This weird knife energy is really difficult to stop ... then it won't stop.

As if the knife gas is a virus, it will automatically look for live infections and destroy the living gas.

Then ...

With a wave of his right hand, Ye Ting only heard the sound of a cricket, and hundreds of goats appeared in midair in front of him out of thin air.

After brushing, the power of Yan Hui fell completely on the goats, or the strange qi of Yan Hui was absorbed by the vitality of these goats.

Xiaojiro suddenly opened his eyes wide, and looked at the goat that fell in front of the sky. His head was aggressive for a while. What is this?

Whoever sees so many goats will be instantly aggressive!

The next moment Xiaojiro had a bad feeling and realized that Ye Ting had appeared behind him, but when he was about to turn to attack, the Nasir's great sword in Ye Ting's hand had pierced his chest neatly.

"You ... you ..." Do you meow the neuropathy, storing so many goats in space! ?

With a quick pass, Xiaojiro fell to the ground without a surprise.

Ye Chui found that he had added 3,500 points to the ranking list, and Kojiro joined the Iron Isles. For other survivors, he already had the status of a killer.

"Hoo ..." Ye Ting breathed a sigh of relief. This Jijiro was really a tricky guy. "Fortunately, I have a goat to hang on for ..."

Everything can be hung, this is a kind of hung ...

The goats summoned by Ye Ting were scattered all over the place, and there were still a lot of living clutters who wanted to escape. Ye Ting quickly recalled these goats to the space. Those who died had only minor wounds on their bodies, but Their bodies are like dead from a serious illness, and they are completely inedible. Ye Chui called out a flame to burn these dead goats to death.

Finally, he squatted beside Addo to help Addo heal his injuries.

Addo ’s fate will end outside the plug. He does not need to do this mission in this game ... However, although Addo is the nc character of this game, Ye Ting finds that his body has flesh and blood, and even a soul .

It's just like a real human being.

"These ncs related to the plot mission are very different from ordinary killers, I am afraid they will not disappear after death." He thought so, and then contacted the little fox with thoughts. "Here the trouble has been solved, you where is it?"

"There is good news and bad news, do you want to listen to that first?" The little fox's voice rang in Ye Ting's mind, and his voice was trembling.


Ye Ting's body was stiff, and she was just dealing with Xiao Jilang and ignored the little fox and Xiao Mei. Is this a moth?

He quickly asked "What happened? What bad news is good news?"

"Let me tell the bad news first ..." The little fox paused. "Just when we left with Bran, Xiaomei had no experience with ordinary people. She held Bran a little **** her head and grabbed it. Once in Bran's body, he ran dozens of miles against the cold wind, you know Bran's body bone ... "

"What's the good news !?" Ye Ting went on with a sweat.

"The good news is ..."


On the icy grass, I saw that Bran, who had broken her legs, has stood up magically ~ ~ I also jumped around, but his face of the wife who has n’t had a long disability now says no The puppets were covered with dark circles.

Zombie fangs also grew in his mouth ...

Xiaomei floated around in the air, and Bran bounced behind Xiaomei, like a little follower.

The little fox glanced at this picture, and continued to say to Ye Ting through thoughts, "I had a clever move at the time, and before he was completely dead, let Xiaomei take a bite on Bran's arm and try ..."

Ye Tzu "Ha!"

"Although Bran exists in the game, it is different from ordinary killers. It is a real human created by God, so the zombie infection is effective for him ... Now he is successfully transformed into a subordinate zombie, and Because he was the first zombie transformed by Xiaomei, he had a jade corps ability at the beginning, and now his broken legs are fully recovered, jumping up and down ... "Little Fox carefully said.

Ye Tzu "???"

Turn your own zombie into a zombie in the world of ice and fire! ?