The Heavens Come

Chapter 284: Among the 4 major pets of Ye Ting, the f

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"It really turned into a zombie ..." Ye Ting bent over and looked at the pretty little lady in front of her, with a look of emotion.

In the first season of Game of Thrones, Xiao Bran is definitely a pretty little Zheng, but after a while, she will gradually become disabled, and now he is exactly like a flower, and Ye Xing reaches out and gently rubs After rubbing his messy hair, "I have the feeling of a zombie master I have seen before, alas, look at these two small fangs ..."

"Wow!" Zombie Bran suddenly opened her mouth, biting Ye Xing's finger in her mouth.

Ye Ting "..."

Xiaomei, who was standing next to her, was anxious, and quickly hurriedly circled the zombie Bran. "Little pudding, hurry up, the master can't bite!" She looked at Ye Xing anxiously, and then continued to Bran said, "It's going to break your teeth!"

Ye Ting once again "..."

You're not worried about my owner being bitten, but you're worried that the little animal's teeth are broken? What happened to the little pudding? And what about this intense mother and child vision?

Under the control of Xiaomei, Zombie Bran loosened her mouth, but some red eyes with black circles were still staring at Ye Xing, it was not a special hostility to Ye Xing, it was just pure Zombies will be attracted by the vitality of living people-zombies bite people not to **** human blood, but to cultivate their own blood spirit.

Of course, zombies can also **** human blood, such as the Millennium Zombie King, who has been buried for thousands of years. Human blood can make his broken body quickly recover.

Looking at Xiaomei worriedly looking at Zombie Bran's mouth, Ye Ting's expression was a little stunned for a moment.

"After the zombie has transformed his subordinates, the subordinates will inherit the zombie's blood spirit mark, saying that there is nothing wrong with the descendants." The little fox recovered the human form, holding his arms beside Ye Xing, and touching Ye Xing with his elbow, " This kid is Xiaomei's first subordinate zombie. She will be a little concerned about her heart, but unfortunately this kid is a god-made game life, and it will disappear after the game is over. "

"I won't treat this little zombie ..." Ye Ting knew that the little fox was begging for Bran zombie, so he said angrily.

Of course, he is very clear about the zombie theory. Naturally, he will not be dissatisfied with Xiaomei's love for Bran. He is not such a narrow person ... He looked at his bitten finger and saw a shot on it The teeth marks, although not injured, still faintly hurt ... Then Ye Ting pulled out the big sword and walked towards Bran.

"Master!" Xiao Mei looked at Ye Ting in shock and trembling.

Ye Chui waved his sword and cut down at Bran!

In a flash of red light, flying spells flying across the sky, the little fox looked at Ye Ting's back waving his sword. In his mind, he immediately thought of some **** and violent eighteen forbidden corpse dismemberment pictures. Drool ...

But she quickly realized what, and quickly walked in front of Ye Ting, only to find that Bran, who was more than one meter tall, was fine, but the fangs in his mouth were cut off by Ye Ting with a big sword, and he also used the technique Force made a face correction to him, hiding the ashes of his face.

Except for his dull face, Bran now has no difference from his original. Even the little fox touched Bran's skin lightly and found that his cold body became a little warmer after he became a zombie.

"You ..." At the same time, the little fox and Xiaomei looked at Ye Ting in amazement at the same time. As a result of the **** splash of the big treasure sword, the result was a facelift for the little zombie?

"Zombie cosmetology, I'm professional now ..." Ye Ting said faintly, through the fishman's sensing ability, he saw the picture of Xiaomei's birth, witnessed the process of mysterious Taoist shaping Xiaomei, and now he is a magician. Xiu Weizhong can easily comprehend this spell, help Bran to correct his face easily, and even make him infinitely close to a real living person.

"What are you doing?" Xiaomei frowned, looking at Ye Xing.

"Although Bran was turned into a zombie by Xiaomei, he hasn't died yet. The storyline mission to save Bran has not been declared a failure. That is to say, now that Bran is brought to the three-eyed crow, he can still let Bran Learn how to become a three-eyed crow. "Ye Ting said in his mouth, Bran was completely dead, then this story mission should also end, but he did not hear the God's reminder to remind him of the end of the mission, which means that the mission can continue. .

Becoming a zombie does not prevent Bran from continuing to be a three-eyed crow!

"The mission can continue, right?" Ye Xing asked, raising his head.

The little fox immediately followed his head.

That's right.

God's consciousness came down.

The little fox was a little stunned, admiring Ye Ting, "From ancient times to now, I am afraid that you are the first person to have such a good relationship with the gods, and the emperor and **** of the year may not have been so casual with the gods."

"That's because you think about it a lot. The gods are actually very harmonious. She communicates well." Ye Ting said to the little fox, and quickly put spell spells in his hands.

"Really?" The little fox blinked at Ye Ting's words.

God is the manager of God's game. For every survivor, it is a sublime existence. Similar to the g in the real game, everyone must please him. This concept has long been ingrained in Little Fox's heart, but This feeling is obviously not feasible here at Ye Ting, and the little fox's ears have been slowly changing the view of the angel.

She is now trying to say "God, have some time to drink tea together?"


Little Fox"……"

Seeing the expression of aggrieved and frightened little fox, Ye Ting also had sweat on his forehead. The way you communicated was wrong ... the magic spell in his hand was printed, and with a wave in his hand, all the charms were sloppy Into Bran's head.

"Master?" Xiaomei looked at Ye Ting in surprise.

"I just added some spells about town spirit and wisdom, so that his head would not be blank. I knew nothing about it, and my spell could make him play the role of Bran perfectly." Ye Cui explained, originally With a dull face, Bran was already angry enough. His flexible eyes looked at his hands and feet. His slightly stiff body could even move freely.

Then he looked at Xiaomei, saying "Master!"

Ye Chui is equivalent to inserting an intelligent AI auxiliary system into Bran An. The method is indeed very similar to programming to some extent, and even more convenient. It is not difficult to do this kind of thing.

Xiaomei was immediately happy, and said to Brando, "You will call my sister in the future!"

"Sister Lord." Bran zombies rushed to Xiaomei immediately.

"And me and me," the little fox rushed to Bran immediately. "What should you call me?"

Bran glanced at the little fox and bent over. "Aunt Fox, hello."

"Fox ... Aunt?" The little fox stayed.

Bran looked at Ye Chui again, "Brother."

"Perfect!" Ye Xing nodded.

The little fox once again showed the expression of the vice grievances and looked towards Ye Tsui. As an awakening inheritor of the essence of the fox, the appearance of the little fox was indescribable. No problem, now this picture of weeping looks at Ye Ting is not to mention how tempting, but unfortunately Ye Ting can hardly bring up any sexual interest to her.

This is her ring spirit, a subordinate slaved by his soul. The sense of soul control really prevents Ye Ting from treating her as a beautiful woman with a free will ... It is no problem as an inflatable doll. It is known that there is still something like the valley of terror in the human subconscious. The closer it is to the human form, the more it will make people emotionally instinctively reject it after exceeding a threshold.

Little fox is a human being, and her existence is at the lowest point of the valley of terror for Ye Ting.

After waiting for the little fox to protest, Ye Ting continued to say, "Shui Shuier, Xiao Mei, the two of you will then take Bran to find the three-eyed crow outside the cypress."

"What?" The little fox immediately trembled and ran to Ye Tzu subconsciously. "You want me to act alone with Xiaomei?"

"Why are you so scared? Anyway, you are also a survivor of heaven at that time, and s-class games have also gone through two or three times, aren't you so timid?" Ye Xing gave the little fox a glance, and his eyes turned toward the little fox. A glance at the chest of the e-class in a satisfactory state, "You are now fully satisfied with the magic power of the demon, and the single-wheel strength should not be worse than those of survivors at the level of director and director?"

"Two different things. A group of people protected me when I was in heaven. Now it's different." The little fox still hesitated.

Xiaomei also showed some reluctance, but she was not afraid, she just didn't want to be separated from Ye Xing.

"The world of ice and fire is not too dangerous for us. Only the survivors are in danger. But we already knew from Ji Shen that only the weird towns of the seven organizations chose to go to the Great Wall of the North. They are not enthusiastic about the outcome of the game and will not attack you, so you will not encounter any danger when you go outside the plug. "Ye Cui explained.

He made this choice carefully.

What's the worst in the North? The night watchman, the savage, the strange ghost ... These existences are no problem for Xiaomei and the little fox to challenge the army alone, but the north is extremely cold, Xiaomei is not afraid of the cold, the little fox is a spiritual life, and it is also immune to cold Invasion, it can be said that the North did not pose any threat to them.

The Night King may be a threat, but in the original play, Bran found the three-eyed crow with the help of Addo and Li De's sisters. Ye Chui believed that the two little foxes and Xiaomei were stronger than them.

Even if you meet the night king, the strength of Xiaomei Fei Zhe's peak may not be able to stay away from the night king. At least there is a little fox, an expert moving from the heart, there is no problem to escape.

Next, Ye Xing is going to go to the other side of the narrow sea to pick up the dragon mother. Xiaomei's seasickness and invisibility with Ye Xing will also be a big problem, so let Xiaomei and the fox take Bran to look outside the plug for three eyes. Crow will be the best choice.

The little fox is Ye Xie's ring spirit. The little fox accomplishing this task is the same as Ye Xing's task.

After Ye Ting explained this, the little fox had to choose to agree. This was indeed a good choice. Xiaomei also comforted by Ye Ting and agreed to the arrangement. At this time, the sky was completely dark. Ye He took out all the remaining blood spirits in his blood god's book, sealed it with a spell, put it in a square-sized magic backpack, and handed it to Xiao Mei. "Save it, don't breathe all the blood spirits. It's all gone. "

"Shuishuier, I have something for you too." Ye Ting went on to the little fox.

The little fox immediately looked forward to Ye Ting.

Ye Ting patted the small fox's shoulder. "Make sure Xiaomei is intact anyway, otherwise I will definitely destroy you humanely. When you say so, you'll accept it."

Little Fox"……"

Among the four pets of Ye Ting's cat and dog zombie fox, the status of the small fox is really at the bottom ... Oh, she may be able to compete with the deformed husky a little, but do n’t even think about cats and zombies.

Seeing the melancholy fox preparing to go on the road, Ye Chui could not help but laughed again. He opened the Book of Blood God again, took out a scroll, the magic spells in his hand condensed one after another, and continuously extracted from the Book of Blood God. The blood power of each one and the masses of blood energy were sealed into the scroll.

Spell cultivation is almost full of leaves, and now he has a deeper understanding of blood power. Although he cannot recreate a new book of blood gods, he can still imitate and create a magic weapon similar to the book of blood gods. .

"I extracted the bloodline power and a part of the blood energy from the Book of Blood God and sealed it into the scroll. Your divine power can drive them to summon the bleeding vein and call the beast, but this magic weapon is not a flawed possession ~ www. ~ so each summon beast can only be summoned once, and you use it carefully. "Ye Chui continued.

"Yes." The little fox immediately took the scroll, and Ye Xingyu threw a wink in excitement-if she didn't give her the scroll first, she wouldn't thank Ye Xie much.

After explaining these things, in the night, the little fox and Xiaomei got up and went to the north.

If the little fox is not in the Lord of the Rings, the demon power in her body will continue to lose, so she directly changes into a fox mask and falls on Xiao Mei's face, so that the power in her body can be preserved to the greatest extent.

Xiaomei's body floated in midair, Chong Ye waved her hand and flew across the north, and Zombie Bran followed closely behind.

In the game of rights, ice and fire are a kind of symbol, fire is the dragon mother across the narrow sea, and ice represents the night king outside the northern plug. (The meaning of this is unknown, in the TV series, ice is more like Jon ), And now Ye Chui and Meow Meow are going to the other side of the Narrow Sea, Jin Jin conquers the dragon mother, and the little fox and Xiao Mei go to the north, and first go to the hanging club for a night.

The story of 氪 and hanging song will be staged in the game of God ...