The Heavens Come

Chapter 290: The gap between ordinary players and gol

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Ye Ting also couldn't tell the accident. Some wondered why the dragon mother reacted so much. This seemed a little different from the dragon mother in her impression. At the same time, Ye Ting also found that the dragon mother also had a trust in Meow. It is soaring fast, and instantly upgraded from Moker to reach the level of friends!

The dragon mother breathed quickly, raised her hand and gently stroked the face of Neptune in front of her.

That's him. Some minor scars on his face are exactly the same. The most terrible easy walker can't look like this! Dragon Mother's face had a happy smile, and her hand fell on Neptune's acquainted chest, stroking the tough chest muscles.

"Meow meow?" The meow meowed with a little trembling, and the cat ears on her head and the tail behind her bounced out. She asked Ye Ting a little panic in her heart, "Master Yin ... "

"Don't be afraid, parasitic her now." Ye Chui quickly said that although the trust level had not reached the highest level of her partner, at this time, the power of the parasitic dragon mother and dragon mother could still be largely controlled by Meow Meow, Ye I knew that when I saw it, I took it, and the tail of the meow was exposed, and if I continued, I would n’t say whether the meow would reveal the stuffing. I am afraid that the cosmic consciousness would come out to interfere ...

It would be nice if the little fox came along this time. This kind of thing is professional.

And when Meow Meow heard Ye Ting say this, she immediately opened her arms and hugged her relatively small dragon mother in her arms. Her amazing ability from the puppet Slappy began to work, and she was ready to start. Bewitched to control the Dragon Will's soul will.

The Dragon Mother also took the meow in her arms. She felt the long-lost embrace, and clasped the meow's thick and strong waist with both hands.

And ... well, what is this root?


Meow Meow has begun to parasitic, but suddenly felt that the tail behind her was caught by the dragon mother, she immediately expressed frightened, the tail squeaked and straightened, and the instinct one pushed the dragon mother. Go out.

Longmu took a few steps back, almost fell to the ground, she looked at the man in front of her face, it was indeed the horse king she missed day and night, the strong body, the rich Beards and hair, that rough and majestic face ... but what about a cute cat with a white cat tail behind her ears?


The image of the strong cat cat in front of me made Dragon Mother directly for a few seconds.

Meow Meow is holding his tail in both hands, watching Dragon Mother vigilantly, with both ears standing upright.

Ye Ting "..."

The scene was very awkward ...

The Dragon Mother woke up quickly, her body hurried back, picked up a short sword placed on the side of the cabinet, and pointed at the meow "You are not my Zhuo Geng, who are you? The immortal sent Assassin? "

The status of Meow Meow also fell from "Friend" to "Enemy" at the lowest level.

At the same time, cluttered footsteps kept coming in from outside, and even several dragons rang out in the night sky. The three dragons issued warnings when they knew that the dragon mother was in danger. Pushing away, the two figures rushed in first. It was the skinny old man Orson and the black woman Isa.

Meow Meow quickly asked Ye Ting what to do. Ye Chue turned his mind to let Meow Meow take no action. At this time, the parasitic dragon mother was useless, and leaving Meow Meow invisible. Maybe it would reveal the secret of stealth ...

There is one last plan left for that leaf!

"Sean? What happened !?" the old man Orson shouted as he entered the room. He glanced across the room and landed on Meow's body, and then a capitalized bedroom was exposed on the old face.

Isa also saw the meow in the form of a strong man catwoman, followed by a crooked expression.

——Anyone in the real world must see this kind of painting style as a reaction ...

Immediately behind Orson and Isa are a group of dark-skinned prairie warriors. They are dragon mothers' blood allies. Each is a warrior of the prairie nomads. Everyone is watching meow meow, and now meow meow The trust with the dragon mother is the enemy, and they will treat the meow as an enemy.

"Karixi!" Orson returned to the dragon mother and bowed down to salute her. Kalixi is one of the n titles of the dragon mother, representing the wife of Ma Wang. Orson then looked coldly Meow Meow, "Who is your lord? What kind of organization does it belong to? Dragon Power is ours, please leave here!" Orson recognized Meow Meow as other survivors.

"I want to join the power of Dragon Mother." Meow's cat shuddered, and according to Ye Ting's instructions, she could imitate the voice of Neptune.

"Huh!" Hearing Meow Meow saying, Orson and Isa both sneered disdainfully, Isa even said, "Join the power of the dragon mother, rely on color and temptation?"

Orson approached Meow Meow a few steps and said in a cold voice, "I use my dreams to deceive the Dragon Mother, so that she constantly relives her days with the King of Horses, and then uses Thain to capture the heart of the Dragon Mother. You want to find a hole, impossible. . "

This remark also explained Ye Chui's previous doubts, why the dragon mother immediately tempted to see Neptune in the disguise of Meow Meow. It turned out that Orson had been doing hands and feet in secret. He asked Sinn to disguise the horse king, and then used any dream The Long Mother missed the King of Horses, and then made Jon sleep in the Dragon Mother, but it was a pity that Ye Xing disturbed the plan.

When Orson said these words, he didn't mind letting the dragon mother hear her. She didn't seem to have any reaction to the words of the dragon mother. In the game of God, NC automatically blocked the conversation involving the real world.

Meow Meow ignored Orson, and under the command of Ye Ting, she walked to the Dragon Mother with vigilance, and the tail behind her shook subconsciously, while the Dragon Mother and the blood Alliance guards under her hands were more alert to Meow Meow. Large, even the blood allied guards pulled out their swords and aimed at the meow.

The dragon mother looked at Meow Meow, and her eyes brushed on Meow Meow's face, and then she showed the color of anger. "You are tarnishing my day and star ... no matter what you do, I will not trust you!"

"Then ..." said Miao Miao, "I can give you this?"

Dozens of goats appeared in the room out of thin air.


Still on the Black Pearl sailing at sea, Ye Ting was somewhat nervous on the deck.

Gaining the trust of the dragon mother, she is only a wicked in pajamas. According to the rules, the most lacking of the dragon mother is money, ships, troops and food. So long as she meets these needs, she should be able to gain her trust. The world of fire can serve as food and even money.

Nomadic tribes on the land of Essos have no concept of money at all, they follow the barter.

So in theory ... Give the dragon mother enough goats, and you can brush up on her!


"Alas, alas ..." Dozens of goats appeared in the room out of nowhere, messed up, but the dragonhead brows originally locked by the dragon mother quickly spread out, and she showed a somewhat surprised expression. .

At the same time, her trust in Meow Meow immediately rose from "enemy" to "moker".

"It seems to work." Ye Ting was pleased.

The blood allied guards hesitated for a moment, and the dragon mother waved at them, so they took up their respective weapons, quickly rushed into the room to start catching sheep, and took a goat out of the room.

"..." Both Orson and Isa face each other. This is a game of God after all. Although Dragon Mother looks like a real person, it is actually no different from a game nc. You can get what she lacks Her initial trust.

Orson, Isa, and Thain also sold a lot of things in the first place. After all, they managed to raise a hundred golden dragons for the dragon mother, and successfully changed from strangers to passersby. Then they killed several hunting dragons. Mother assassin, step by step to increase trust to the present.

The dozens of sheep brought out by Meow Meow are basically equivalent to dozens of golden dragons, which can indeed eliminate the initial hatred of the dragon mother-still a gamified setting.

"Is that so?" Orson couldn't help but said to Meow Meow, "you can only get her initial trust with a goat ..."

Meow Meow glanced at Orson, and opened his hands again.

So more goats appeared in this room, this time there were hundreds of them!

They ran around, and for a moment the room became messy. The Blood Alliance guards tried to grab the sheep. After they caught the goats, the goats were immediately taken down and locked in the other rooms of the building.

The goat is a rare food for the blood alliance guards from a nomadic tribe. When the dragon mother first married the king of the horse in the original drama, they ate bad horse meat every day. The tribe raised many sheep. However, those sheep belong to the precious wealth and should not be eaten casually. Only when the dragon mother became pregnant did she say that she would kill the sheep and change the taste of the dragon mother.

So many goats ... It is also cherished for Dragon Mother's power today.

Dragon Mother's trust in Meow Meow immediately changed from a stranger to a passerby.

The blood alliance guards spent a lot of energy to catch all the sheep. Orson's face was already blue, but before he had time to speak, he saw the hands of the meow waving again, so more sheep Emerging ... thousands!

The value of Dragon Mother's trust in Meow Meow immediately changed from a passerby to a subordinate. The look of Dragon Mom towards Meow Meow was full of kindness.

But this is not over yet ...

When the Blood Alliance guards collected all the sheep into the house again, both Orson and Isa watched Meow Meow with a dull look and waved their hands again ... thousands of sheep appeared.

The value of Dragon Mother's trust in Meow Meow quickly changed from subordinate to close friend!

"..." Orson had already worked hard to turn himself into a dragon mother's close friend, but the guy in front of him could do it directly by recharging the goat, which makes sense to anyone! ? And ... what are you going to do to exchange so many sheep in the space?

About half an hour later, the sheep in this palace were cleaned up again by the blood alliance guards and locked in every empty room. There is a large room in the palace where the sheep are held. Some of the sheep's barks can hardly be heard. Absolutely ~ ~ Because the goats just ran around, making the palace extremely embarrassing, but the blood alliance guard and some nomadic residents under the power of the dragon mother were extremely happy.

But this is not over yet ...

Seeing that everyone was packing up here, Meow Meow waved again in the despairing eyes of Orson and Isa.

Twenty thousand sheep appeared again in every corner of this palace. That scene, the sheep and goats ...

Meow Meow successfully changed from Dragon Mother's relatives to friends!

This is already the highest level of status under the partner. Orson exhausted these days after the game started and could not reach it. The dragon mother would never easily trust others. Orson tried everything in the end and chose to leave. The evil way, let the barbarian Thain defeat the dragon mother's heart defense by disguising the Ma Wang, that was wasted and I didn't know how much mental strength finally pushed Thain to the identity of a friend.

But now, this mysterious meow is done directly by the golden goat ...

This is the disparity between ordinary players and gold players! Reliance can be filled directly by recharging!