The Heavens Come

Chapter 292: Shock! Neptune vs. Panther

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Orson's nightmare space.

After discovering that the dried fish couldn't seduce Meow, Orson gritted his teeth fiercely and waved his hands vigorously. The dried fish that appeared next to him disappeared immediately.

Dried fish can't seduce meow, it doesn't matter, he has other options ...

Meow Meow just took out the trident, which proves that she is the one who won the final victory of Neptune, that is to say, she is most likely the godfather who hated Ye Ting's theology.

Even if you do n’t teach your ancestors, it will be a little bit more!

That's easy, Orson found other things that can seduce meow ... So Orson waved his arms again, this time a figure appeared to him, it was a prisoner wrapped in chains around him. Young man-it is Ye Ting!

"His Majesty the King of the Sea ..." Orson said to Meow, pointing to the figure of Ye Xing who appeared to him. "The person you hate most is Ye Xing, right? Come on, I will give you a chance, you can kill Fuck him. "

Then all kinds of weapons appeared in front of Orson, knives, sticks, and even a chainsaw. He pointed to these weapons and said to Meow, "You can choose any weapon and easily kill here. He, come on, pick up the weapon on the ground, and kill the person you hate ... "

A little girl meowing just now, this time immediately attracted attention.

Her eyes fell on the imprisoned Ye Ting phantom, and she froze slightly, then suddenly stooped and lifted the most terrifying one of those weapons.

That's a chainsaw!

The chainsaw was very large, almost a little bigger than Meow Meow. She lifted the chainsaw vigorously, and the chainsaw started immediately, making a buzzing sound of deterrence.

Orson was so happy that it worked!

In this way, just wait for Meow to kill Ye Ting's phantom, then you can complete the temptation ...


The little cat mother came up with a chainsaw larger than her size.

With a smile on his face, Orson will successfully seduce this legendary survivor. Killing Ye Ting will cause Meow Meow to fall into her desire and desire, then he can smoothly transform into a nightmare devil and devour her. Already.

And after swallowing her, he will definitely become stronger, he will ... uh?

The meow who came up holding the chainsaw directly cut off the chainsaw blade that was constantly rubbing at Orson.


It was called flesh and blood.

An horrible wound appeared on Orson's body instantly, and he quickly backed away, with a scream in his mouth. Although the nightmare space is a dream, it is also real, and the injuries suffered here will be returned to the real world.

Orson can be hurt in this world, which is the limitation of this ability.

He shouted in horror, "You have cut the wrong person, Ye Ting is there!"

"That's right, Ben Meow cut you, you are not allowed to hurt the master silver!" Meow Meow shouted, holding a huge chainsaw with a fierce expression on his face, and moved his short legs towards Orson. past.

The main silver is guarded by Ben Meow!

"Stop, you stop, this is wrong ..."


The chainsaw kitten mother chased Orson.

This completely made Orson angry.

"Enough!" He shouted.

The chainsaw in Meow Meow's hands suddenly disappeared, and this originally empty world also changed. It became a spooky hell. The ground was covered with magma, all kinds of bones and corpses, and the air was dense. Smell of sulfur.

Meow's dizzy will suddenly cleared up. She instinctively took out the trident and looked around with both hands clasped. Because of this terrible environment, her tail suddenly straightened, and she began to call Ye in her heart. Down.

But now she is completely offline, she can't communicate with Ye Chui through the Lord of the Rings, nor can she borrow the stealth ability of the Lord of the Rings.

"Little things ..." There was a lava pool next to it. The magma inside was tumbling with bubbles. A creeping demon figure slowly crawled out of it. It was Orson's nightmare form, and he was completely angered now.

In Nightmare Space, Orson can be transformed into a demon, but he is not a great demon. He can only seduce people who enter the space. When the other person is confused by desire, he can easily devour the other person.

But now Meow Meow is completely free of his temptation. Under the fury, he had to change into a demon form. Although he did not have much fighting power in demon form, he still had at least a very powerful weapon.

That is-fear.

This hippocampus seems to have only a child's mind, and the demon he incarnate is the most evil devil in European legends, just the image is enough to scare the child to cry, and then stop crying ...

When Meow Meow saw Orson's appearance at this time, he was a bit frightened, his body began to tremble slightly, and he held the trident tightly with his hands, his expression on the cute little face was a little bitter.

"I'm going to eat you, I've smelled your sweet soul, and I'm going to devour you!" Orson cracked the horrible mouth and showed his mouth full of fangs, while he was terrified to meow with fear. While slowly approaching the meow, the cracked mouth can swallow the little body of the meow into the belly. "When you are swallowed by me, your soul will merge with me and you will become Part of my demon power ... "

The demonic mouth is about to devour the meow.

Meow Meow kept trembling all over, she was scared, looking at the mouth full of fangs and the scarlet tongue that kept creeping, Meow Meow was almost scared to cry, but just when that huge mouth was about to swallow Meow Meow She finally reacted.

What should you do in the face of a huge mouth about to swallow you?

Ordinary people may respond to running quickly, but after all, Meow Meow has just become a human, and her reaction is ... find something to cover her mouth!

So Meow Meow quickly summoned a sheep from the space and stuffed it into that huge mouth.

Orson swallowed the sheep into his stomach.

Although this space is a dream world, it is also real, and the survivors brought here can still take things out of the space. The existence of this place is similar to the space world in the night view of Hundred Ghosts. She took out the trident, and now she took out another goat.

Although a goat is just an ordinary item for exchange, it is still a real goat.

"What's this ... uh ... what's wrong, you ..." Orson's nightmare engulfing will merge him with the soul of the devoured person. Now he has swallowed a sheep, and his soul will be in harmony with The goat's soul is fused.

"Meow?" Meow meowed and immediately summoned two sheep, one small hand and one hand, and rushed to Orson's mouth that had not been closed. After the plug was finished, two goats were summoned. Continue to plug into Orson's mouth.

"Stop ... 咩咩 ... Stop quickly ... 咩 ——" Orson kept struggling, trying to get rid of the meow, but although his appearance was stingy, the combat power was actually weak, how could it be a meow that inherited the power of Neptune. Meow opponent.

The terrible **** nightmare space suddenly disappeared.

Meow Meow's will was slightly dizzy, and she found that she was back in the Dragon Mother's palace. Ye Chui's eager shout "Meow Meow? Meow Me, what happened to you?"

"Master Silver Master Silver, I just seemed to have gone to a very strange place, where there were a lot of unpleasant little dried fish, and a big badass wanted me to kill you. In the end, he became a terrible monster, but Don't be afraid, I blocked his mouth with a goat! "Meow Meow immediately described to Ye Xing.

Ye Tzu "???"

Just now Ye Chui suddenly found that Meow Meow was out of contact, and his heart was extremely tense. He played the speed of the Black Pearl to the extreme. At this time, he had already docked at the port of the city of Astapo and was rushing over to Meow Meow.

He asked, "Are you okay now?"

"It's okay meow." Meow meow immediately answered happily.

But at this moment, Orson, who was on the side of this room, changed his expression several times quickly after returning from the nightmare space, as if he wanted to suppress a certain strong emotion, but in the end he couldn't suppress it. Earlier, Meow Meow summoned tens of thousands of sheep, and the Blood Alliance Guards had not caught the sheep clean. There were still a few running around in this room, and Orson was suddenly attracted attention ...

He suddenly yelled at the ground, ran down on the ground with the goats, ran over, and kept yelling.

"Orson !?" The black woman Isa was stunned.

Ye Xing, who sees this scene through meow's field of vision "???"

What happened, why did Orson suddenly become a sheep?

"Osson, my dear, what's the matter with you?" Dragon Mother also exclaimed.

Orson seemed to have completely lost his mind, yelling constantly in his mouth, and crawling with the scared goats.

"..." Isa looked dull, and she soon woke up, looking angrily at the hippocampus.

Orson just pulled this weird guy into his nightmare space and suddenly turned into this look. All this is the reason for the hippocampus ... This made Isa's heart immediately alert, and her body instantly A layer of magical armor appeared.

It is a nano armor, which is black and made of Zhenjin, which can cover the whole body in an instant-it comes from the world of Marvel movies, it is an epic item that can be exchanged after the Black Panther Battle, worth 80,000 points!

At this point, Isa has become a female panther!

Her body lay slightly on the ground, her eyes staring coldly at the hippocampus standing on the side of the dragon mother, "I killed you!"

"Isa, what are you going to do?" Longmu immediately shouted angrily, and a subordinate even dared to do something to our top deposit member?

Because of Isa's hostility to Meow Meow, her trust value in Dragon Mother immediately fell from her subordinates to her enemies ... well, it was so realistic.

The Blood Alliance Guard immediately pulled out his weapon and attacked Isa.

However, Isa shook her hands, and the sharp golden nails appeared on the armor covering her hands. Her body fluttered up and down, and the keen action killed the Blood Alliance Guards who were close to her, and finally rushed away. Three blood allied guards rushed over and waved. The three blood allied guards were blown out under the action of a wonderful force-this is the force!

Two companions, Thain and Orson, died one after another, but Isa was not despaired because she was the strongest of the three of them. She had the blood of a Jedi, and it cost a lot. Points were redeemed for this Black Panther Warframe, and in the Lone Ranger of the Survivor World, her combat power can definitely rank among the top ten!

She looked at the King of the Sea Horse and said coldly, "Although I don't want to do it directly, there is nothing I can do now ... you should just get the **** ancestor of the God of Trident?" You have the power of Sea King ~ ~ And I have the power of the Black Panther! "

Haima King "Meow?"

Female black panther Isana's nano armor covering her whole body is smooth and cool in shape. She stretches her claws and slowly approaches the hippocampus, and is about to launch a terrible attack. At the same time, her eyes are staring at the hippocampus. The figure continues to say, "Let ’s take a look, is Neptune powerful or Black Panther more powerful! You should know that in the real world, the film Black Panther is better than Neptune from any aspect ... ... "


Nasir's great sword suddenly attacked from the back, and instantly pierced Isa's chest.

Isa "..."

She looked down at the blade that appeared on her chest, and fell to the ground as soon as she crooked ...

The old Yin who just arrived here forced Ye Ting to pull out the Nasir's Great Sword from Isa, shake the blood above him, and sighed in his heart, "Say that Black Panther is better than Neptune. What is going on with you?" Isn't there a little b number in my heart ... "