The Heavens Come

Chapter 293: Open team action

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Isa wore a black panther armor made by Zhenjin. This armor is very defensive. All bullets are immune to the body. However, Ye Ting is not an ordinary person. The big sword in her hand is not an ordinary weapon. There was no problem forcing her through the back with a sword and penetrating her heart. Zhenjin was actually nothing at the level of Ye Xing.

Pulling out the big sword, Ye Ting glanced at the unbroken meow, and squatted beside Yisha to study, and wanted to see if he could pass the Panther armor.

This is a vibrating gold nano armor that fits perfectly to any body size for loading.

Item level epic.

Use conditions own it.

Item effects increase physical fitness, immunity to most physical attacks, a certain detection ability.

Remarks This item is an epic special item. It can only be exchanged and used after experiencing the Black Panther World Battle Royale.

Ye Ting put his hand on the armor, and immediately saw its corresponding information. This thing could not be used and exchanged by anyone other than the redeemer, so Ye Ting shook his head with regret and took out the Blood God. The book completely absorbed Isa's body.

Ye Chui is still invisible, but the dragon mother and the blood alliance guards are suddenly surprised that Isa was absorbed by the Book of the Blood God and disappeared. Afterwards, they were not surprised. For the survivors, some of the effects these gods created Game characters are automatically ignored.

"Master silver master silver, you are finally here." Meow Meow rushed over with great joy, her cat's ears shaking constantly, and her slender white tail flickering behind her.

The catwoman is very cute, and she smiles with a smile, but the key is that she is now the shape of Neptune, which is a bit unbearable. The strong body, the thick rough beard, Ye Ting is tall with a head tall, that is thicker than Ye Ting ’s thick thighs ... Now when speaking in this cute tone, he still hugged Ye Ting ’s arm and put his face on his face. Ye Ting's shoulders stunned ...

Ye Ting said that the pressure is really great!

"You are now a friend to Dragon Mother, and now continue to take out the goat to see if you can raise the trust to the highest level in one breath." Ye Ting said to Meow Meow, raised the trust to a partner, and then parasitized the Dragon Mother. You can completely control the power of the Dragon Mother, and then Ye Chui organizes her own forces to counterattack the iron throne of Westeros.

Meow Meow immediately agreed, watching the dragon mother open her arms, ready to continue calling the goat.

But Mother Long said suddenly, "My friend, you have enough goats, enough to bring us sufficient wealth and food. Even if you don't pay any more, you are the most trustworthy person around me."

"Huh?" Ye Ting couldn't help but hear the words Mother Long said, the most trusted person around me? However, the trust of Meow Meow is still a friend, and he has not reached the highest level of his partner ... meaning that the most senior partner cannot be obtained by giving food and money? There must be other ways to increase the trust of Dragon Mother ... Sure enough, can she do it in pajamas?

After thinking for a while, Ye Ting said to Meow Meow, "Let's do this ..."

Now it ’s actually possible to parasitize the dragon mother, but only with the trust of a friend, I ’m afraid that you ca n’t completely control the dragon mother ’s power. The three dragons that are critical in ice and fire may lose control. After all, the dragon mother was originally in the original drama. They ca n’t fully control them, and have to lock two of them into the cellar. Although it is not possible to parasite the dragon mother for the time being, Meow Meow has great influence on the dragon mother, which is enough for the time being.

Having dealt with these things, Ye Ting asked Meow again and asked her to tell Ye Ting in detail what happened during the previous loss of contact.

"This Orson could even unknowingly pull your consciousness into a special space world ..." Ye Chui immediately felt a cold sweat after hearing Meowing's story.

Thrilling, too thrilling!

This is a game of s-level difficulty. The survivor involved is essentially different from the survivors he has encountered before. They all have their own indefensible hole cards. The mysterious space world of Orson seems to belong to some kind of spiritual temptation ability. The Lord of the Rings couldn't stop the defense with this ability. It was just terrifying. The experience of Meow Meow was almost a lifeline, and it was almost going to be won by Orson.

I don't know how many dangers and crises there are!

While Ye Chui was feeling, he saw that the old man of the osmosis of Orson was screaming and crawling past him. Several blood alliance guards couldn't help but want to ...


Suddenly found that my own emotion was so unconvincing, how could it be broken?


The Ye Jin team formed by Ye Ting and Meow Meow successfully contacted the dragon mother, joined the power of the dragon mother, and by the way, the gold recharged a member, and then let us split the two paths and shift our eyes to the zombies. Fox's open team.

After separating from Ye Ting, Xiao Mei and Yan Shuier took Zombie Bran, all the way north, hurrying day and night.

Zombies do not need to sleep. Although they are not fast, they have successfully arrived at the Great Wall of the Extremity for more than half a month during the day and night. The Great Wall of the Extremity reaches tens of meters and spans the entire continent. The black castle strongholds, these strongholds are guarded by the night watchman.

The little fox and Xiaomei did not contact the night watchman. Before the game started, the little fox of the original drama easily found the Long Night Castle and the underground passage that can pass through the Great Wall of the Desolation and smoothly entered the outside. .

Their current task is to assist Bran in finding the three-eyed crow.

Saiwai is a world of ice and snow. There are wild savages and dangerous aliens. Little foxes and Xiaomei have encountered wild and savages several times after they came to Saiwai. For anyone who is south of the Great Wall or For the survivors, savages and strangers belong to the ranks of killers, and whenever they encounter outsiders, they will launch fierce attacks.

Among them, killing a savage can get 50 points, killing a strange ghost can get 70 points.

There are also two forces outside the perimeter where survivors can join, that is, savage forces and strange ghost forces, but these two forces are not good choices for other survivors.

Geeks have formed different tribes over the years, but because of the appearance of strange ghosts, they quickly assembled, and also elected a king outside the plug. This is also a significant role in the original drama ... at least when they first appeared That ’s it. Unfortunately, it was quickly sent out by the crew. The savage was quite powerful, but it was difficult to form a great climate.

Then there is the strange ghost camp. The strange ghost is undoubtedly the most powerful force in the world of ice and fire. Ye Chui sent the little fox and Xiaomei to the outside. The original plan was to see if they could join and control the strange ghost force. It is definitely the most powerful force that can sweep the Westeros continent. In the later period, all the forces of Westeros must be assembled to fight it.

But the key is that the ghosts are locked outside the Great Wall of Despair. They can't cross the Great Wall. The Great Wall comes with magic. The ghosts can't be destroyed. The only way to destroy the Great Wall is the dragon's dragon.

Of course, there are many powers among survivors, which can be used to destroy the world. But the Great Wall is an important measure to limit the strange ghosts. According to the previous urine of God ’s game, only the dragon can destroy the Great Wall. If it does, other forces cannot shake it at all.

In other words, if you want to join the forces of the ghosts and compete for the Iron Throne, you must first go to the dragon mother to get an adult dragon, turn the night king into a frost dragon, and then destroy the Great Wall of Despair.

I do n’t know how much it has improved, so from the beginning, almost all survivors ignored the plan to join the strange ghost forces ... except for some old insidious.


When Ye Ting made Meow Meow successfully join the power of the dragon mother, the little fox, Xiao Mei, and the zombie Bran went deep into the wall, and they went forward day after day. Bran can feel the guidance of the three-eyed crow, which is equivalent to the task guide. Don't worry about getting lost.

However, the closer the three-eyed crows were, the more strangers encountered, and yesterday morning, they encountered a wild man, and then the little fox found that they seemed to be close to the gathering place of the wild man, which was the king of the outer wall. Territory.

As Ye Xie ’s spirit, the little fox and Ye Xie share survivor qualifications, so when approaching the savage tribe, she also received a reminder message to join the savage power. The story mission to join the savage power is simple, just kill a vigil People, you can join the savage forces by taking your head back.

Of course the little fox didn't pick up the task, but she had some interest in other things ...

At this time in the afternoon, the little fox who turned into a fox fur collar was lying on Xiao Mei's shoulders, and Xiao Mei and Zombie Bran were standing together on a big tree, which was very close to the Savage Tribe, right in the tree. Not far away a group of savages came quickly in the snow.

One of the savages is obviously different from other savages. It is the illegitimate child of the wolf house in Ice and Fire, Jon Snow, who is one of the strongest characters in the protagonist halo, because he is an illegitimate child. He took the initiative to join the night watchman, and later patrolled outside the continent to play infernal affairs and mingled among the savages to be undercover, but also slept by a savage girl ...

In this divine game, Jon is now lurking among the savages.

"That's Jon, it looks like it's shorter in the TV series ..." The little fox around Xiaomei's neck tried to raise his head to look down. "The one who was next to him was sleeping Jon. Geek, she looks even more beautiful than in the original play. "

"Sister Shuier, what do you want us to stay here to see?" Xiao Mei stood on the trunk and asked the fox a little puzzled, "The master told us that our task is important."

"It's okay two or three days later, these two will soon have excitement, love, and drama. My popcorn is ready. This is the scene. High. Qing. No deletion ..." Little Fox glared Open your own eyes.

Xiaomei "???"

Jon and the savage walked behind the team, talking and laughing as they walked, it seemed that the savage was joking with Jon, and the little fox was so excited that he lifted himself to the side, but at this moment she Accidentally, Zombie Bran, who was also standing next to a branch, was encountered.

Bran was stiff and inconvenient to move like a cerebral thrombosis patient. It was a waste of energy to let him stand on a branch. As a result, he was hit by the little fox, and his dangerous balance was immediately broken. He fell off the tree.

The savage who was about to leave suddenly watched over with vigilance.

In the snow under the tree, Zombie Bran stood up with a grim expression.

"Bran !?" Jon had already pulled out his sword, but he saw his dear brother, and he was shocked!

Among the five sons of the wolf family ~ ~ In addition to his second daughter, three silly children, he is a very good relationship with several other people. The dead brother, Jon's heart was filled with a huge surprise in an instant.

He hurriedly dropped the sword in his hand and quickly took a few steps to Bran's side, holding his brother in his arms.

Bran being held in his arms by Jon "..."

As a novice zombie, he now expressed panic, and then ...


He instinctively opened his mouth to bite Jon's white and seductive neck!

——Bran is not the original Bran now. The memory is long gone. He is a zombie. At first I saw Ye Ting ’s master wanted to go up and take a bite. After that, Ye Ting modified the blood in his body. The spirit array has enough wisdom and will, but Jon, a living person, can't stand it! ?

The little fox on the branch "... slump!"