The Heavens Come

Chapter 295: We are gold players, we have to show the

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Ye Ting entered the Dragon Mother's Palace. He is now in a hidden state. He walked into this wide building all the way and entered a courtyard that was cleared out. The courtyard here is actually a training ground for soldiers.

Dragon Mother has a very powerful queen style. After receiving the army of the Innocent, she immediately used this army to gain control of the city of Astapo. Now she lives in the largest palace in the entire city-state. building.

Now, the warrior training ground has become the habitat of three dragons. As soon as Ye Ting approached here, he heard the fierce roar of dragons coming from inside. I don't know how many times it is high.

Two innocent people are guarding at the entrance. These innocent people are soldiers who have been castrated and brainwashed and survived **** struggles. They are like robots who fully execute orders without fear and without any desire. But now I heard the dragon's roar, Ye Ting could clearly detect that their bodies were shaking slightly.

The three dragons at this time are a little different from two days ago.

After all, this is a game of gods. In the original drama, the dragon of the dragon mother completely grew up and took several years. Each season they will change their face and increase their body shape. Although the time of the game is unlimited, it is not possible to fully follow the original For the dragon, they also have some game-like settings-giving them plenty of food will allow them to grow quickly!

On the second day that Meow Meow joined the dragon mother's power, Ye Ting was surprised to find that the original dragon was less than two meters long, and suddenly grew to a length of nearly three meters-because the large number of goats given by Ye Ting made them With enough food, they ate goats all night, so their body size grew quickly!

As long as they have food, they can eat endlessly, and then continue to grow!

In a nutshell ... Dragons need to be cultivated!

For other survivors, this may be a problem, because the current dragon is very small. Although it can fly up and spit out dragon inflammation, the lethality is almost negligible for those powerful survivors.

In order for them to have enough lethality, they must wait for their adulthood, so the difficulty of this game is to train dragons.

It was difficult to get food for other survivors, but for Ye Xing ... Ye Xing who knew this, almost laughed!

This is the taste of the gold player, ordinary players can not feel it!

Now in the training ground, the three dragons are obediently in the middle. There are no outsiders here except Neptune Meow. There are some blood on the ground, some messy wool, and some sheep bones spit by the dragon. The meow is standing in the middle of the three-headed dragon, and it is full of threatening inaccessible dragons to outsiders. At this time, it shows a strong intimacy to the meow. They keep approaching the meow with the huge dragon head and let the meow You can easily touch their heads.

As a dragon mother's friend, Meow Meow also gained the closeness of the dragons, and what made the dragons closer to Meow Meow was ... Meow Meow was constantly calling for goats to be sent to these dragons. .

"How many have they been fed?" Ye Ting asked as he approached.

"More than fifty have been fed this morning till now." Meow Meow looked back at Ye Ting and replied, "They are really rice buckets. They only know to eat, and they don't pull at all (...). How can I feed them? full!"

"This is the game rule setting. Of course, it ’s not enough to feed. Anyway, it is also the most powerful creature in the world. How can it be a rice bucket?" Ye Ting said with a smile, and he looked up and down the body of the three dragons with satisfaction. posture.

In just two days, they have grown from more than two meters to three or four meters in length. They are very sloppy and burly. In the last seventh and eighth seasons of the original drama, the three dragons of the dragon mother The body is about ten meters in length, which is already very scary. As one of the very few magical creatures in the world of ice and fire, the dragon can theoretically grow indefinitely.

The dragon of the dragon mother is only five or six years old at the end. It can be recorded that some dragons have lived to more than two hundred years old. The dragon mother's dragon looks very large, but it is still compared to the legendary dragons raised by her family. Much worse, the body shape is not a grade at all, for example, the most powerful dragon in the family history of the dragon "Black Death", compared with the dragon mother dragon, it is simply the gap between the sparrow and the eagle.

"Black Death ..." Ye Ting couldn't help but feel happy. In the game of God, cultivating dragons can be done without time limit. As long as they are given food, they can grow. In theory, they can reach or surpass Black Death. There are no problems!

"Increase the amount of food, and then try to feed them 100 goats every day, and then add 20 more each day." Ye Cui continued to tell Meow. The momentum is coming. "

"Oh ..." Meow Meow didn't know if he understood it, and promised in his mouth that when he saw a goat eaten by a three-headed dragon, he took out another.

Ye Chui was looking forward to the scene of the dragon in the sky. It is said that the black death is flying in the air, the wings are spread out, and the shadow is enough to cover a town. Did they hit with all their strength? Uh ...

Thinking about it this way, Ye Ting turned around the three dragons, watching carefully, full of surprise, but suddenly he frowned with some doubt.

"It seems a bit wrong. Is the shape of the three dragons a bit dissonant? It seems a bit fat. Did it have such a big stomach before ..."

While Ye Xing was wondering and wanted to take a closer look, a sound of footsteps suddenly passed in from outside the training ground. Ye Xing turned his head and found that here was an innocent soldier, and the innocent was still the original drama. The important role in the game, Grey Worm, is the leader of the Innocent, and one of the most loyal to the Dragon Mother.

Although he is a eunuch, because of the popular role, he was also assigned a beautiful c-girlfriend in the original drama, and even arranged for him to excite · love · drama ... Let's talk about how much attention this character takes.

"Master Haima, Her Majesty wants you to rush to the Chamber immediately." Gray Worm said politely to Meow Meow. "A guest from Yuankai City wanted to see Her Majesty and brought one Gift, Her Majesty wants to be with you when she meets her guests. "

"Guest from Yuan Kaicheng?" Ye Chui stunned and asked Meow to ask, "What gift did he bring?"

"Control of Yuankai City," Gray Worm replied.

Ye Cui was startled.

The road to the development and development of the Dragon Mother in the land of Essos is simply divided into three steps. There are three large city-states in Slave Bay, namely Astapo, Yuankai City, and the last Milin. Obtained the innocent in Astas, then obtained the loyalty of the mercenary raven group in Yuankai City and defeated Yuankai City. After finally conquering Milin, he began to learn the rule of **** and conquered the grassland tribe Doslaks. .

Now they are in Astapo, and they have received the army of the unscrupulous, and after a short period of cultivation, they were preparing to enter the next city, Yuanyuankai.

But at this time, Yuan Kaicheng had a guest who came to see the dragon mother on his own initiative ... This is not the original story. This guest is most likely a survivor, that is to say, other survivors have taken the lead to control Yuan Kaicheng. Prepare to use this as a bargaining chip to join Dragon Mother's forces to gain the trust of Dragon Mother.

This survivor (group) is very smart!

Yuankai City is a slave trading city-state. The slave masters (known as sage masters) recruited two mercenary regiments to resist the dragon mother. The two mercenary regiments were the Raven Regiment and the Second Son Regiment. The head of the group, one of whom was called Dario, was attracted by the beauty of the dragon mother, so he secretly killed the other two heads, surrendered to the dragon mother, and assisted the dragon mother to solve the second son group's conquest of Yuankai City.

Dario was also loved by the dragon mother, and successfully climbed onto the dragon mother's bed ...

"This is to learn Dario's pajamas dragon mother!" Ye Ting immediately understood the plan of the coming person, and had to say that this is really a survivor (group) with great ideas, and the possibility of their plan being realized It's very big. If the three people who are now surrounded by Dragon Mother are Orson, Isa, etc., they will definitely do nothing!

Five minutes later, the invisible Ye Ting followed Meow Meow and arrived in the parlour. The dragon mother had not yet arrived. There was already a person waiting in the spacious and luxurious parlour at this time. This was a white man wearing a black three-four The ten-year-old looks, very elegant and handsome, also gives a very deep and unpredictable temperament.

Seeing Meow Meow appearing, he paused for a moment on Meow Meow's cat ears and tail, and then said, "The shape of the sea king ... Oh, you are the godfather who got the Trident, right?"

"Meow ~" Meow Meow responded ~ ~ Hello Patriarch, my name is Tilis. "

The man in black robe introduced himself with a smile. He didn't have the slightest panic because of the appearance of meow. "In the period after the game started, I and my companions have successfully occupied Yuan Kaicheng, and the nearby The four major mercenary regiments are in their hands. The Raven Regiment, the Second Son Regiment, the Lance Regiment, and the Cat Regiment. We decided to give them to the Dragon Mother as a gift. You joined the Dragon Mother power, so we may work together. ... "

When Tillis spoke, Ye Ting had sneaked up to his side in stealth, took out the **** pistol of the hellboy, and aimed at Talis' crotch.

Pull the trigger.


Thilis screamed, his body was blown out, and his blood fell to the ground.

Then Ye Ting controlled Meow and replied, "Disarming before cooperation is the basic etiquette ..."