The Heavens Come

Chapter 296: In order to prevent him from committing

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Tillis has magic blood, and he is also a very powerful magician.

Although Ye Ting had inflicted serious damage on him, but he must know that Ye Ting's **** pistol was strengthened. Shooting at ordinary people could tear the human body directly. Tilis was just being blown up with blood and did not. Straight flesh and four points, which has shown that he is strong enough.

The moment Ye Xie fired, he anticipated the danger and defended instantly. Ye Xie also noticed that a magic shield flashed in front of him, and his body was quickly blurred, which was the illusion of a magician. , Want to teleport away.

But time is still too rushed after all, the magic shield condensed did not resist the power of the **** pistol, it shattered in an instant, and the phantom shift of Tilis was unsuccessful, and was directly knocked down by the bomber.

He did not lose all of his fighting power because of this, but Ye Chui knew that he had lost the ability of the pajamas dragon mother in this game ...

"You!" Tilly rolled down to the ground, yelling, a magic wand appeared in his right hand, and a two-hole weird ring appeared on the forefinger and **** of his left hand-this is what appeared in Dr. Strange The suspended ring is a prop for the magician (mages) in the universe of Marvel Movies to cast a spell.

The magic of Marvel's world and the magic of Harry Potter are not the same thing, but in the game of God they belong to the same kind of power, but they are released in different ways. The magic wand in h and the pendant ring of Marvel are essentially They are the same, they are all prop weapons used to control magic energy.

Tillis has a magic bloodline. He uses the wand in h with one hand, and Marvel's pendant ring in one hand, and uses both of these casting items. He instantly points the wand at his crotch and begins to cast. Some kind of healing magic, the hand wearing the hanging ring also instantly condensed a shield with a powerful fighting force, resisting the direction of the meow.

In the mouth, he asked, "Hey God, what do you mean!"

When talking, blood was dripping from the crotch ...

"Meow ~" Meow Meow's ears vibrated twice, eyes wide open, and humans and animals looked at Tilis harmlessly.

Ye Ting walked to Tillis, glanced at his bleeding crotch, and couldn't help smashing his mouth.

He felt that the injury was cured, and it would be better to cut it off completely ...

Then Ye Ting stretched out his right hand to quickly end up with spell spells, and the spells' spells turned into blood-red chains in the air, and they were about to fall on Tilis.

And Tilis stared intently at the meow where he didn't know why he was selling, and his heart was full of strong vigilance.

I didn't expect Tzu to be so insidious. He just attacked him suddenly, but he didn't know how to attack ... but he was very confident in himself!

The magic shield he condensed is one of the most powerful spells in the Sanctuary of Dr. Strange in the universe of the Marvel movie universe. Dr. Strange used this spell to resist the attack of the Infinite Gloves of Mighty Control in Compounding 3. , Turning that terrible attack into a butterfly fluttering.

The godfather in front has the legendary trident, but Tillis estimates that even a trident can not easily break through this magic shield!

It can withstand any attacks from the Patriarch!

"Teach the ancestor, take out your trident, and let me see what kind of power this legendary weapon has!" He shouted coldly.

Then in a burst of voices, a chain erupted next to him, binding him firmly, shield magic and healing magic were immediately interrupted-his defense spell Can anyone resist the trident? No one knows, but obviously can't resist the old Yin ...

"What? This is a spell ... you still have a helper ... who !?" The ancestor's body was hung in the air and kept struggling, but was bound by the blood red chain and couldn't break free, and even his mouth was soon chained Sealed.

The magic wand and suspension ring in his hand fell directly to the ground, and then disappeared-Ye Xing collected it.

Although the magic blood can also be cast silently and without staff, that can only be achieved if the blood ability reaches the level of awakening. For most magicians, as long as they collect their casting props, they can greatly limit them. the power of.

Tilis had just taken out his magic wand and suspension ring because of his instinct. He obviously hadn't reached that level yet.

The sound of the battle in the Chamber quickly attracted the attention of others. The blood alliance guards and the innocent people rushed into the army. The dragon mother also wore a gorgeous robe and was surrounded by several elite innocent people in the gray worm. Next, came to the Chamber.

Seeing Tilis fancy hanging in the air, the dragon mother's face was suddenly shocked, and she quickly asked Meow Meow, "Her Majesty the King, what happened?"

Ye Chui quickly controlled the meow and said to the dragon mother, "Her Majesty, this man has attempted to assassinate you and has been wounded by me. Please don't worry."

When Dragon Mother heard these words, Ba Zi's eyebrows flew up suddenly, her face cooled down—Meow Meow was now her most trusted friend, and she would naturally believe her words, so she looked at Tilis fiercely.

Tiris struggled hard, grievances unexplainable at this moment in his heart, Shente's disarmation was severely hit, this ancestor and his companion who did not know where to hide were really shameless, knowing that he wanted to come to sleep in the dragon Yes, I just stabbed him decisively, put an end to the trouble first ... It's so outrageous, the idea is too clear!

Does the game play like this? what!

Then Ye Ting controlled Meow and said, "Her Majesty, please step down first, just give it to me here and let me solve him."

The dragon mother looked at Tilis again, and nodded, and left with the Blood Alliance Guard and the Innocent—the level of trust of a friend can control the movement of the dragon mother to a certain extent.

Then Ye Ting controlled Meow and came to the hoisted Tillis and said, "Your plan is very good. You first capture Yuankai City and use Yuankai city as a gift to the dragon mother, and you can immediately trust it. Promoted to the highest level, even directly to the highest level, you are much smarter than Orson's group of people ... You are a lone ranger, shouldn't there be only one person in your team? Do you have any companions? "

Tilis struggled hard.

"Looks like I guessed right." Ye Ting controlled Meow and said with a smile, then he stretched out his hands and began to cast a spell quickly, ready to completely block the magic in Tilis' body.

For Ye Ting, the mercenaries in Yuan Kai City must be conquered. That is the next powerful force in Draco, but now this power is in the hands of the lone rangers of Tilis, so Ye Ting wants Save Tiris first and see how to get these mercenary regiments.

However, Tiris is too dangerous. Ye Tzu's spell accomplishment can be said to be the peak of the wizard, and Tiris is not much worse. It belongs to the peak magician.

Ye Ting ’s seal spell had not been completed yet, and the chain around Tiris ’right hand suddenly broke with a slap, and he broke through Ye Ting ’s spell **** one step ahead.

Then he raised his right hand, and a new suspension ring appeared on the index and middle fingers, and he quickly swung the suspension ring down.

A strange twist of space appeared beside him in a vacuum, and under the influence of that twist, everything in the vision of others began to fold up like a thousand flowers ... this is the mirror space in Dr. Strange!

This mirrored space quickly spread all over Tilis, and he was sucking himself into the mirrored space to get rid of Ye Xie's shackled chain spell!

"Huh?" Ye Ting was slightly surprised, the spell that was being concluded in his hand stopped for a moment, his right hand quickly stretched out, and grabbed Tilis' leg that was about to enter the mirror world.

The flowers in the mirrored world folded and spread to Ye Ting's arm, which was a force of space magic, as if to cut off Ye Ting's arm, Ye Ting frowned slightly, and quickly controlled the mana in his body to protect his arm. Drinking it and pulling it hard, just listening to it, the space is broken like a mirror, and Tiris, who entered the mirrored world, was pulled out by Ye Tingsheng.


Ye Ting flew him to the ground aside, and Ye Ting's right arm was broken and his arm was a bit numb, but he did not receive any physical harm.

Tiris climbed from the ground, blood dripped, and his body was pulled from the mirror world, which caused him great trauma. He glanced around in amazement, realizing that an invisible and terrible existence was lurking. Here, the man has a powerful magical skill ... still a melee.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and suddenly a dagger appeared in his left hand, and quickly inserted into his neck.

This is to realize that there is no chance of escape, so why not commit suicide directly?

Even sworn to let the enemy know.

Facing desperation, he would rather end himself!

What a tough guy!

Ye Ting was also taken aback. Just when he saw that Meow Meow had summoned the trident and stood not far from Tilis, he hurried in his consciousness to Meow Meow, "Stop him!"


Meow Meow immediately yelled at Ye Ting's order, and he swiped his trident and threw at Trilis.

Tilis saw a meow rushing over, but a happy heart!

He wanted to commit suicide only as a strategy. He knew that Meow Meow wanted to ask for information from his mouth. When he saw that he wanted to commit suicide, he would find a way to stop him. His focus would be on the dagger in his left hand, and that would be his escape. Even the opportunity to counter generals-he dangled a powerful restraint curse in his right hand!

Meow Meow rushed to him in an instant ~ ~ A sneer sneered quietly at the corner of Tilis' mouth ... It's a naive guy.



The meow that rushed over, without a word, pierced the chest with Trident ...

Suddenly, Talis's dagger fell to the ground weakly.

He looked at the trident on his chest, looked up at Meow Meow, and couldn't express a subtle expression on his face ... your special meow's neurosis!

Have you stopped people from committing suicide like this? what!

Then as soon as he was crooked, he fell to the ground and died.

"Meow meow ~" Meow meow looked at Ye Ting, and the tail behind him kept beating-Ben Meow successfully prevented this person from committing suicide!

Ye Ting "..."