The Heavens Come

Chapter 297: Open Hanging Joy (2 in 1

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Ye Ting watched Tilis fall to the ground without any surprise, and his mood was very delicate for a while.

Meow Meow is happy to take back the trident, and Chong Ye shows a "come and praise me" expression, and the tail behind him keeps fluttering. If you ignore the sea king's rough face and nearly two Mi's burly figure, then this picture should be very pleasing ...

"You did a good job ..." Ye Ting said to Meow Meow a little against her, and suddenly remembered in her mind, it seemed that a long time ago, Meow Meow had done similar things when she was a paper man?

In fact, Ye Ting can feel that Tiris's suicide may have been disguised. There is a powerful force in the hanging ring in his hand. It is about trying to attract meow to approach and attack, but in Ye Ting's judgment, Tilly Stewart's attack didn't do much damage to Meow.

But ... died when he died, and the other four major mercenary regiments could think of other ways to solve it.

Ye Ting walked in front of Meow Meow, stomped her feet (...) and stroked her head, then walked to Tilis, took the bleeding god's book and began to absorb his body. In the survivor ranking list, Ye Ting can Make sure Tilis is dead.

Then Ye Ting looked at the wand and the ring he had obtained from Tilis again. (The last chapter was about the precepts. Later, someone pointed out that the interposition was found to be a hanging ring ... Sorry, the previous chapter will be modified.)

These are two types of props used to perform magic. The value is not high, but it is also quite expensive. It is a magical creation, and Ye Xing shows a curious look.

Spellcraft and magic are the most typical fantasy powers in the East and the West. In the game of God, both are essentially survivors controlling the energy in the body, turning them into offensive or other forces.

The spells are cast by spells, and the magic is cast by spells.

If the magic wizard knows the spell well enough, he can easily abandon the props and use it to cast spells out of thin air, but the process of constructing the spell is essential, and the magician does not need to build a magic array to cast the spell. It can be cast silently, which is relatively more convenient than the magic wizard, but unless the blood is awakened, you need a wand to cast it.

Therefore, the magic wizard and the magician can be said to have two flawed and indiscriminate blood powers, powerful, and all depend on personal ability.

Now Ye Ting was holding a magic wand in one hand and wearing a hanging ring in one hand, which made Ye Ting's heart irresistible and a question "What would happen if you cast magic spells with magic props?"

The answer is actually obvious, but Ye Ting just couldn't bear to try it.

He stared curiously at the wand in his right hand, tried to inject the mana into his body, and then put on a stance, and he waved in the air, aiming at a vase on the side of this chamber.


There seemed to be a sudden breeze blowing in the empty hall.

Ye Xing's heart was happy, "Does it work?"

He stared at the vase ... two seconds later, boom! A sudden explosion occurred on the roof, and the shattered tiles fell down.


No, his magic wand was clearly referring to a vase. Why did the roof suddenly explode?

Ye Chui first put away the magic wand, and waved his hand to suppress the dust of the sky waste, then he continued to try unswervingly, injected mana into the magic wand, and waved toward the vase again.


There was another breeze.

After two seconds, boom! The wall behind Ye Xing burst suddenly, revealing a hole.

Ye Tzu "???"

He waved his magic wand for the third time unconvinced!


The breeze blew again.

Ye Ting suddenly had an ominous premonition, hurriedly pushed the meow standing beside him, and at the same time he jumped to the side.


The place where he and Meow stood stood exploded, and a large pit more than one meter deep was blown out. This temple was built of stone, and the foundations were all built with stones. The one-meter deep pit shows how powerful the explosion is ... but the vase is still there intact!

Meow Meow was pushed by Ye Ting and escaped the explosion. She glanced at the large pit on the ground and wondered a little. She immediately said to Ye Ting with excitement, "Master Silver Master Silver, we are now going to tear down the house. ?"

"... Don't talk nonsense, is that what you should do?" Ye Ting shook her head in depression, looking at the magic wand in her hand. It seemed that the magic energy could not be cast with the magic wand ...

what is this? Phaseless Blasting Curse?

It seems that magic wands cannot manipulate spells ... what about the suspension ring?

So Ye Ting looked at his left hand again.

In the spirit of exploration, he injected mana into the left ring of the left hand and stretched his hand forward. He thought for a moment and began to fantasize about Dragon Mother in his mind, trying to open a teleport to Dragon Mother like Dr. Strange. Portal.

Hey! Suddenly a bunch of sparks popped up in the air, and with Ye Ting's will, a small space door really appeared in Ye Ting's vision!

You can even see the face of the dragon mother through the space door!


Ye Ting's heart was happy, but then the portal suddenly disappeared, and something floated out of it and fell into Ye Ting's hand.

It was a soft white clothing ...

Ye Ting opened his clothes with a question mark in his head to look at it, but he was even more confused.

"This ... seems to be a certain style ... inner clothes?"

At this moment, the sound of footsteps hurried, and Ye Ting saw a black maid rushing in. This is Misunade. She was originally a female slave who used to be a translator for the trader without a trader. After the army, she was also absorbed into her side and became her own personal maid ... the c-girlfriend who arranged for the gray bug in the original drama is her.

She ran into the chamber with a little panic at this time. "Master Haima, the big thing is bad ..."

Ye Ting is still invisible. Misang Dai could not see Ye Ting, and she didn't care too much about the wolverines in the chamber, but she said that something bad was causing Ye Ting's heart to be worried. Is something about the dragon mother accident?

"What happened?" Ye Ting quickly asked to control Meow.

"It is Her Majesty. She suddenly felt some discomfort, and found that the bodywear and clothing on her body suddenly disappeared!" Misunade said in a weird tone--because things were too incredible, this exceeded God's design. Fixed, so she did n’t know what expression to put on when reporting the situation ...

And Ye Ting's expression is ⊙? ⊙

What's so special about this! ? How could this be! ?

"... must be an accident, right?" Ye Chui thought, and let Meow Meow soothe Misangdai a few words to let her leave. Ye Chui saw the beautiful little maid turned and left, so she quickly watched her continue A hanging ring was used.

This time the small portal was opened again. Ye Ting noticed that a white light flashed beside Misangde. The small portal on Ye Ting's side disappeared, but nothing appeared in Ye Ting's hand.

Ye Ting was relieved.

It seems that it was just an accident just now. Perhaps the suspension ring could be driven by his mana force unexpectedly, and the transmitted power was accidentally turned on the dragon mother, and she sucked her clothes. It was not that he could only control the suspension ring. Take off girls clothes or something ...

Then, at this moment, Ye Chui heard the conversation between Misangdai and the gray bug. Just when Misangdai came here, the gray bug also worriedly came over and stood outside the door. A little concerned and asked, "Your Majesty is not injured?"

"Her Majesty the Queen is fine," Misunade replied.

"What about you?" The gray worm asked again, faintly concerned in his voice.

"I wasn't harmed in any way," Misunade replied, paused, and she continued, "I never wear tight-fitting clothes ..."

Ye Ting "..."

Lying down! !! !!

He looked at the magic wand and the hanging ring in his hand, and was silent for a moment. After thinking for half a minute, he looked up at the hole in the ceiling and tried to contact God to make me "I feel I have been targeted again ..."

The arteries and magic veins are inherently different. What do you want to do if you have to use electric power to start a gasoline car?

God responded.

"But the random bombardment of the curse and the stealing of the girl Neiyi ... I feel that this is an insult to me." Ye Cui relented.

The consequences of using magic wands and magic rings for magical wizards are inestimable and have nothing to do with me ... really.

"Why don't I believe it ..." Ye Ting felt that something must have been done by God.

But then Ye Chui continued to question, but the God's envoy no longer responded. Ye Chui had no choice but to put away his magic wand and hanging ring, and prepared to study the principle and law of this thing in the future.

Apart from that, in addition to the fact that the magic wand's phaseless blasting curse does not necessarily explode where it is, it is still very powerful and consumes little mana. It is worth studying.

Then Ye Ting began to think about Yuan Kaicheng.

Yuankai City is a slave trading city with many mercenaries. The slave merchants in the original drama, Yuankai City, knew that the Dragon Mother was coming, and hired two mercenaries to help defend the city. Xia controls, in addition to the Ravens and Second Sons that appear in the original drama, they also control two other nearby mercenary regiments, the Spear Regiment and the Cat Regiment.

The combined strength of the four mercenary regiments is probably more than 10,000. Tilis and his companions are dead. Tilis is dead. His companions will know immediately through the ranking list. Next, Ye Chui has to find a way to solve these mercenaries. .

"It seems that I have to go to Yuankai City ..." Ye Ting thought to himself, he knew that this matter was not too late, and immediately explained to Meow Meow, "You continue to stay here to protect the dragon mother ... uh, The dragon mother itself is the leader of the power. Those lone rangers should not be desperate to kill her, but you have to be careful. After I leave, you will continue to feed the dragons. According to me, increase the number of goats every day. Strive for them to grow as much as possible. "

"Meow ~" Meow Meow's ears shrugged a little, and she reached out and grabbed Ye Xing's sleeve, with a reluctant expression on her face.

"..." If the cat-girl form doesn't know how cute it is, but the bearded cat-eared big-headed man ... It's really stressful, Ye Chui endured the discomfort in his heart and said, "Oh, I'll be back soon. "

After persuading me again, Meow Meow restored her mood, and Chong Yetui promised, "Master Yin, I will definitely feed those dragons well!"


Ye Ting left Astapo in stealth.

He dived into the water and summoned the Black Pearl. After identifying the direction, he drove quickly towards Yuan Kaicheng.

Astabo, Yuankai, Milin, these are the three great city-states in the Slave Bay, and one of the most prosperous places on the mainland of Essos. The Slave Bay is very large. It took two days to get here.

In the past two days, he continued to study the wand and the hanging ring ... but it didn't have much effect.

After wielding the magic wand, his spell will be transformed into some kind of out of control energy by the magic wand. This energy will randomly detonate within a certain range around Ye Xing, which is impossible to control or even predict.

As for the hanging ring, Ye Xing encountered two merchant ships while sailing, and made several experiments using the sailor crew on the merchant ship.

He came to two conclusions, one good and one bad.

The good conclusion is that using a hanging ring to open the portal does not necessarily steal women's clothes.

And the bad conclusion is ... it can steal even male inner clothes!

"This ability must be sealed ..." When Ye Chui left the merchant ship in hiding, listening to the sound of the sailors on the merchant ship screaming, Ye Chui secretly swears.

Two days later, Ye Ting came to Yuankai City.

This well-known slave trading city in ice and fire, the bustling trade, the best products produced are various female slaves, occupied by a group of slave merchants who claim to be lords but are in fact shameless.

When Ye Ting came here, he originally guessed that this place should be guarded by heavy soldiers. After all, the four mercenary regiments should all gather here, but in fact, when Ye Ting came here, he found that the gates were wide and the whole city Looks gloomy.

He walked into the city cautiously, guessing that his companion should not be killed because of Tillis' death, but he soon slaughtered the city, but soon he saw pedestrians and the army of mercenaries.

There are many people in this city, but they are all listless and lifeless.

Ye Xing walked on the street with surprise.

He saw a child suddenly steal a scone from a roadside stall and hurried away. The owner of the roadside stall saw this scene and immediately got up to catch up, but suddenly he stopped in amusement. It seems that everything is meaningless. He is too lazy to chase after stealing his own things ...

After the child who stole the cake left for a long time, he suddenly crackled. The cake fell from his hand. He glanced at the scone, hesitated on his face but was too lazy to pick up the cake, and then walked away like that. Just walked away.

People in the whole city seem to be in such an extremely negative state.

There are no dead people here, but it looks like a dead city!


What happened in this city?


Ye Ting was surprised and careful in the city, looking around, frowning.

Unconsciously, Ye Ting felt that her Lord of the Rings was slightly hot, and it seemed that some kind of mental force was trying to invade his will. Ye Ting looked around and did not see any existence against him.

"The whole city seems to be affected by some kind of spiritual force. When I enter this city, that spiritual force automatically falls on me, but is blocked by the Lord of the Rings." Ye Chong guessed.

But he couldn't see where that spiritual power came from, because the whole city seemed to be occupied by this spiritual will.

Ye Tzu searched around this dead city, but found no other survivors.

It was getting dark, and Ye Ting looked at the ring in his hand and made a decision.

His development of the legendary item of the Lord of the Rings is now very clear. He can wear the Lord of the Rings to hide himself, while wearing the Lord of the Rings can also reduce the spiritual defense of the Lord of the Rings slightly.

He wanted to see what was going on in the spirit that caused the city to die.

The Lord of the Rings was on his finger, and he was still invisible, so don't worry about what would happen.

When the Lord of the Rings' defense ability was reduced, a strong negative feeling instantly poured into Ye Xing's heart.

It seems that life loses its color instantly, everything becomes meaningless, and all the happiness in the heart is sucked away ...

"This is ..." Ye Ting's body trembled slightly, feeling a kind of weakness as if she was about to collapse.

What he thought of quickly raised his head and saw in the sky above him, black shadows emerged-the dementors in the world of Harry Potter!

There are other magicians among the companions of Tilis. He owns such monsters that feed on the positive emotions and spirits of humans such as "happiness and happiness." This city is only a dead city because of a group of dementors. Moving quietly in the city.

Although Ye Ting's Lord of the Rings had a completely invisible effect, but now he has reduced the spiritual defense ability of the Lord of the Rings, these dementors immediately noticed the spiritual energy on Ye Ting and gathered quickly.

They can't detect the specific position of Ye Xing, but they are surrounded by Ye Xing, constantly absorbing the faint happy spiritual energy.

This quickly made Ye Ting's will become negative.

Ye Ting wanted to immediately turn on the power of the Lord of the Rings, but this idea was subsequently depolarized.

He couldn't help but start self-condemnation--

"It is unfortunate for the other survivors to play with me in the same group. I am sorry for them. It is said that the most difficult to obtain the Lord of the Rings was obtained by me. I really feel ashamed ..."

"I get hundreds of thousands of points for each game. When I think of other survivors, I can only save tens of thousands of points when I die. I feel sorry for them. Everyone else has every point they have earned. It is extremely precious, but I have so many places to spend it. I also play a trumpet to collect points. I am really ashamed ... "

"Other survivors received those epic props and abilities as hole cards, but I used Nasir's sword to cut meat and Neptune's trident barbecue ... I really felt guilty and I must repent ..."

"The spaceship I redeemed with hundreds of thousands of points, but the biggest use is to sell vegetables ... I get the most powerful Protoss bloodline ~ ~ but the biggest use is to pretend ..."

"I still have the Book of the Blood God, Evil Eye Crystal, Evil Worship ... These are powerful items and abilities that other people have never thought about in their lifetime, and I have not used them in accordance with their instructions at all ..."

"Why let me hang up!"

"Why do I have my equipment clear and I have nowhere to use it, why, why is this ..."

As Ye Chui shouted in despair, the dementors kept approaching him, absorbing the happy spiritual energy in Ye Chui's body, but suddenly these dementors screamed in pain.

Their bodies began to swell quickly, and soon after the sound of gurgling sounds, the successive collapses disappeared.

Ye Ting's spirit calmed down immediately.

He stared at the black smoke left by the dissipated Dementors.

"Um ... are they killed by my happiness?"