The Heavens Come

Chapter 302: For Mao Long will become this virtue

A powerful survivor appeared in front of Ye Ting. Ye Ting was ready to fight blood, but in a blink of an eye, the man was smashed into the pit by a fat dragon falling from the sky!

This dragon has to weigh at least a few thousand pounds from the perspective of its body shape. Ye Ting is estimated that even if he is in his current constitution, I am afraid it will be enough to be so suddenly ... He glanced at the big pit that was taken out and trembled. Then his gaze fell on the thing that was lying on the ground and was breathing.

"..." He was extremely skeptical whether he had hallucinations, but it was the case, and this was obviously the dragon of the dragon mother.

Ye Ting set off from Astapo to Yuankai City. It has been about a week until now. In this week, the dragon's body size has increased to a length of five or six meters. It can increase not only the body size. And waist circumference ... The original mighty Shenlong, at this time, was extremely fat, and the four claws could not touch each other. It would be a bit difficult to stand up to see the posture to support the body.

The original huge wings were attached to the body, reminiscent of the scene when it tried to stabilize the body in the air and kept flashing the wings, Ye Xing felt that the wings were poor.

Its body was originally black and gray, covered with cricket dragon scales, but now there are some white lines on the body-those lines are not because of mutation, but because his body size is too large, dragon scales seem to be all Unable to cover the body, exposing the white meat under the scales.

Although it fell from a high altitude just now, its sound is amazing, but now it seems that apart from being tired enough, it has not suffered much damage, and its bone is still very tough.

"... Meow meow, where did you get this stuff?" Although knowing the answer, Ye Ting couldn't help confirming with Meow Meow.

"Master Silver, it's Veserys." Neptune Meow stood in front of the Fat Dragon and patted him with pleasure, "Ben Meow has been feeding them well in accordance with your order from the Master Silver. . "


I asked you to feed them well and didn't let you feed them into this virtue. Don't say that it will make people's eyes blind when they appear, I'm afraid they will just laugh at people's teeth.

The most powerful dragon in the world of ice and fire ... What combat power is there to become this virtue?

No, Ye Ting glanced into the large pit next to him, saying that without combat power is obviously inaccurate ...

Ye Ting has been in contact with Meow Meow every day during this time, but did not share his vision. Until now, he realized that the dragons have become fat dragons. In fact, think about it. When you saw them last time, they appeared Something wrong ... not paying attention to Mao at that time!

Ye Ting couldn't explain the heartache.

He couldn't help complaining to customer service.

"God, I need to explain ... Because Mao Long will become like this, this is unscientific and totally unreasonable, you must be deliberately targeting me!"

[I think you have a victim delusion now, I will not make any changes to the rules in S-level games! 】

The ambassador immediately responded.

"Will that Mao Long become this virtue?" Ye Ting asked in his heart.

[The dragon set in the game of God requires the survivor to give food to cultivate it. In the rules and regulations, it can grow into the dragon image in the original drama, but the way you cultivate it is wrong ...]

"What's wrong?" Ye Ting asked in persuasion.

Then he just saw that at this time, Meow Meow was trying to open the fat dragon's mouth strongly, took out two goats from the space, and started to stuff the fat dragon's belly. To spit it out, Meow Meow summoned the trident and began to poke in with ...

"..." Silent for two seconds, Ye Ting said to the ambassador sincerely, "I'm sorry."


The first time Ye Chui heard an apology, the gods felt a little unreal ...

At this moment, the figure of the man in the big pit next to him snorted suddenly.

Thousands of pounds of dragon weighed against the top and smashed a large pit. He didn't smash him to death, and the physical fitness of this cargo was indeed strong enough.

It's just that he's embarrassed and **** now, and he doesn't have the cool look that he used to.

Leaping out of the big pit, the man's feet were forced to step on the edge of the big pit, his body took advantage of it, carrying the terrible killing intention, rushed to the meow on the side of the dragon, and at the same time an angry roar was issued "" A trap was set up to attack me, shit, you— "

Ye Chui was originally depressed, and when she saw that this person was not dead, the war in her heart seemed to burn again.

Not dead!

I'll come and fight you fair ...

Then ... the dragon Veselius suddenly turned his fat, his abdomen was flushed, and he opened his mouth and sprayed a dragon inflammation.


It is loyal to the dragon mother. As a friend of the dragon mother, the person who attacks the meow is its enemy!

The flames ignited and the equivalent was full!

Ye Xing is not very close to the dragon bucket, but still feels a blazing temperature, and subconsciously puts a layer of defense spells around him, and his heart is extremely stunned, "This dragon inflammation ..."

At this time, the dragon is calculated according to its length, which is about the length of the fourth and fifth seasons in the original drama. However, it can spray the lethality of Long Yan, and I am afraid that it has reached the state of six or seven seasons.

The flame almost dyed half of the sky fiery red, and the sea water in the distance seemed to be hot.

Long Yan spewed into the sky for ten seconds, then the fat dragon stopped, and the smoke in his mouth fell to the ground.

It was tired, not because of the spit dragon inflammation, but because it was tired for a long time.

"..." Ye Ting's eyes were dumbfounded, how powerful is Longyan of this stuff? Although his body shape is a little worse, his agility is greatly reduced, but this has increased its power of Longyan!

Long Yan, it ’s not an ordinary flame. Even in the low magic world of ice and fire, Long Yan has terrible power. No matter how strong the survivors, I do n’t have enough confidence to completely resist this. Level of fire offensive.

For example ...

Ye Ting sighed as he looked at the flying dust and the fan-shaped ground with lava flowing in front of him.

"Well, I was going to prepare for a **** battle, but my opponent turned into dregs before I shot ... Is this invincible loneliness?"


God made it clear that this is indeed the familiar old man!


With Ye Chui's efforts (...), the Dragon Mother forces successfully captured Yuan Kaicheng.

Tens of thousands of mercenaries in Yuan Kaicheng were also handed over to Meow Meow by Ye Ting. Meow Meow became the leader of the mercenary regiment. The mercenary regiment is now called the Magic Mercenary Regiment. Meow Meow dislikes it very much. Taste, I gave the mercenary regiment a new name, called Meow Meow Regiment ...

Ye Ting's side assisted the dragon mother's forces to temporarily rest in Yuan Kai City, preparing to advance to the final Mi Lin City.

Next, let's focus on the open team outside Westeross across the Narrow Sea.

On the morning of the second day when the forces of the Dragon Mother settled in Yuankai City, the zombie fox group also encountered an emergency ...

Not long ago, Xiaomei accidentally turned Jon into a zombie, and then Jon accidentally turned the entire camp of the king of the outside into a zombie ... Of course, there are at least tens of thousands of people outside the king of the outside, and the zombie found by the little fox There are only thousands, indicating that many people have survived.

Over the next few days, the little fox controlled the army of thousands of zombies and went on to find the three-eyed crow.

The area outside the Saipan is very wide, and the place where the three-eyed crow is very secretive. It is also covered with heavy snow, so the zombie team walks very slowly.

At the same time, the number of ghosts here is also increasing.

The little fox didn't want to have too many collisions with the strange ghosts, and she had been careful these days.

There are two types of ghosts, one of which is transformed from a dead person, and looks like a zombie, but the zombie is a sci-fi product. Physical actions rely on viruses to support it. The ghosts belong to the category of magic, even if they only have a skeleton. You can also move freely, even if the zombies are terrible, if they become bone scum, they can never move.

In addition to this zombie-like ghost, there is another type of ghost that is a type of night king. They have ice-blue skin, a cold face, and a powerful fighting force, similar to the commander of the ghost group.

The strange ghost is transformed by some kind of magic after the death of human beings, but the strange ghost king is not the case. The strange ghost king is transformed by a human male infant from a young age. In the original play, it is shown that the overnight king took away the human infant, and then Through the ceremony, the baby is turned into a picture of a "blue-eyed baby" with a blue skin.

Ordinary alien ghost foxes are not afraid, and the zombie army can easily deal with it, but the little fox is worried about encountering alien ghost kings, especially night kings.

That guy, the dragon can kill with a javelin.

Although it really doesn't matter that the little fox isn't his opponent, but from the nature of the heart, the little fox decides whether to meet or not.

At this moment, the army of zombies is marching on the **** ground uniformly, and their bodies are jumping around. Several of them are carrying a humble limousine on their shoulders. They have turned into humanoid foxes, sitting in an infinite manner. On the sedan chair, humming songs leisurely while moving forward.

She suddenly thought of something, so she stretched her neck and looked at the team. When Xiaomei didn't know where to run, she shouted, "Xiaomei? Where are you Xiaomei?" A short distance can be established between her and Xiaomei. This is the spell method of Ye Xing.

"Sister Lushuier ..." Xiaomei's voice came intermittently.

"Don't run away blindly, come back quickly." The little fox urged, there is snow outside the perimeter, Xiaomei seems to like this environment very much, these days have been adventure everywhere, very happy.

"I'm walking back ..." Xiaomei responded, "Sister Lushuier, I just found a big baby!"

"What baby?" The little fox asked with a smile.

Xiaomei is a zombie. Her aesthetic view is different from that of human beings. She found a giant skull two days ago. She was happy when the baby took it back, leaving the little fox with a bad meal. Now she doesn't know what she found.

"Is an……"

The second half of the signal was not good and I didn't hear it.

The little fox sat upright ~ ~ and tried to continue to contact, but at this moment she suddenly felt something, and turned her head in doubt and looked away.

The originally clear sky suddenly became overcast, and a faint snow was about to sweep.

An ominous premonition suddenly emerged in the heart of the little fox. She hurriedly took out Ye Xing's summoning scroll from her D Cup chest, released the demon **** power, and summoned a mutant bloodline that could turn into a hawk. Spirit-The summoned beast is now named Blood Spirit by the Little Fox.

The ornithology appeared and flew into the sky.

The little fox can see his vision with the help of the birdman.

The Birdman can't fly too high. This seems to be because of the rules. It can only fly in midair, but it is enough to see what happened.

After passing through a blizzard of snow, the little fox used the birdman's vision to see a piece of cliff in front of him. The silhouettes of the night king and several other ghost kings were looming, and around them, dense ghosts were moving in this direction. .

Is this ... a strange army marching?

what happened?

The little fox trembled vigorously, and hurriedly controlled the birdman to find Xiaomei's figure.

An army of strange ghosts appeared, and the little fox felt that he could feel secure only by staying with Xiaomei.

He soon saw Xiao Mei floating in the air in front of the strange ghost army.

Are the ghosts chasing Xiaomei?

But why ...

In the vague field of vision, the little fox saw that Xiao Mei's hands were holding something, and that thing kept struggling, and Xiao Mei was holding it firmly in her hand, it was blue ...

The little fox swallowed and distinguished carefully.

That's ... a strange baby!

Little fox: "... slump!"

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