The Heavens Come

Chapter 308: Stop it! (this

Through the ability of the eyes of the heart tree, Ye Ting can see any place where the "face of the heart tree" is engraved.

There are various religions in the world of ice and fire, and the mainstream religion on Westeros is the Seven Gods religion, followed by the ancient gods, the drowned gods on the Iron Islands, and from the other side of the narrow sea. The King of Light and so on, the ancient **** belief is to believe in the heart tree and pray to the heart tree face on the heart tree.

This is an ancient religion, but now it is suppressed by the Church of the Seven Gods. Only the people in the north still firmly believe in the ancient god. However, as the oldest belief, there is still a piece of prayer in every city. Shen Mulin.

Shenmu Forest is a small piece of forest. Among them, a tree is engraved with the face of the heart tree. This tree is called the heart tree. Most of the heart trees are fish beams, but it may also be other trees. In the ability to obtain the eye of the heart tree, any kind of tree can be engraved on the face of the heart tree by the leaves.

After Ye Cui's consciousness left from Xiaomei and the little fox outside the plug, he began to look at the eyes of the heart tree elsewhere. It felt like opening up a surveillance camera. Heart tree faces have many in the north, rich and rich. The south is much less, but still sporadic.

Even in King's Land (the capital of the Kingdom) there is a heart tree with a face carved into it.

However, this heart tree has not been prayed for a long time, and the sacred tree forest where it is located is overgrown with weeds. It is very barren. After checking the "cameras" in the north, Ye Chui came here curiously.

But what surprised Ye Chui was that when his consciousness appeared here, he found that someone in this barren godwood was coming in!


"This person is ..." A leaf phantom undetectable by others appeared next to the nearly dying fish beam. The monitoring field of the heart tree's face was only a few tens of meters in radius. If it exceeded this range, it would be lost. Wrapped in white mist, Ye Ting found that she was leaving nothing, and the two of them suddenly walked in from the mist of vision over there.

"I shouldn't have come here, this place should have been burned long ago, and the ancient gods of the Yankee faith should be destroyed with them." This was a somewhat violent boy's voice, accompanied by the voice, revealed a The handsome blond-haired boy came. He looked fifteen or sixteen years old and was pulling his sabre from his waist and chopping the weeds on the ground.

Ye Chui was slightly surprised: "Oh, I'm going, isn't this Emperor Qiao, a great emperor?"

The blond boy is Joffrey Baratheon, the most offensive in Ice and Fire-after he was assassinated at a purple wedding, this most offensive title fell to his mother, Cersei. on.

Almost all the audience applauded for Joffrey's death. The only regrettable thing was that he died was not miserable. At the same time, Joffrey was assassinated by the Rose's family, but because of Cersei's evil pen The devil's disgust forced the little devil to bear the name of the king, causing the little devil to go into exile, but now the little devil and Wallis have appeared next to the dragon mother, but Joffrey has not died yet.

The world of ice and fire has long been different from the original drama because of the setting of God and the intervention of survivors.

After Goffrey appeared, another girl also came out of the white mist. She walked beside Goffrey. She was young and beautiful, wearing a beautiful long skirt, graceful and graceful. I just listened to her with a smile and said, "After our wedding, we will find a way to level up the northern border and cut down these hellheart trees."

"Wedding?" Ye Ting looked at the girl. "Wedding with Joffrey ... The original engagement with Joffrey included the three silly and the later little rose. This woman is neither the three silly nor the little rose. She Survivors! "

It seems to be a survivor who has joined the King's Force, and wants to control this force by marrying with Joffrey ... Well, this is preparing to sleep in Joffrey, the taste is really heavy!

Ye Chuirao watched them as they walked into the grove. The eye of the heart tree allowed Ye Xing to monitor remotely, but it did not allow him to have any effect on the picture he saw. He could only watch and not do extra things. So Ye Ting soon decided to leave first.

However, just then, something that surprised him a lot happened.

"Beautiful Miss Oriana, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I really can't help but want to have a wedding with you immediately." Goffrey was holding the girl's hand in his hand at this moment. The idiot said, "I'm willing to do anything for you."

"My Majesty, I am looking forward to your wedding." Miss Suriana, the survivor, with a charming smile on her face, "I can't wait to be one with you ..." She suddenly pulled the laces of her clothes, and the beautiful red dress slowly fell off to her feet.

She dangled her back to Yeh, revealing a smooth and beautiful back.

Ye Chui could not help but swallowed.

Secretly, this woman is too much. He brought Emperor Qiao to the woods to force him to drive ...

Emperor Qiao couldn't help but swallowed his mouth, stunned and muttered, "This is not right. The mother said that the lady should not be like this. The king should also be with his wife after the wedding. Don't ... "

"I am destined to be your wife, your queen, we may not need to pay attention to those red tapes, are you right?" Oriana lifted Geoffrey's face with both hands, said softly, trying to kiss Geoffrey Mouth.

"No, this can't be ..." Goffrey resisted, but the voice of resistance was getting weaker and weaker, and he seemed a bit uncontrollable.

Ye Ting stood beside him with an angry expression. He was angry with his destiny. Why any tall ability fell into his hands would make him encounter such a scene. This is a curse, this must be a curse!

He looked at them condemnedly, especially the Oriana.

As a survivor, he is totally unscrupulous in order to accomplish his purpose. Such things can be done.

Stop short, he's still a kid!

Ye Xing walked around, preparing to condemn the two unscrupulous people in higher definition.

But at this moment, a very terrible feeling poured into Ye Xing's heart instantly.

Ye Ting looked up suddenly, and saw a star emitting gray light suddenly appeared in the originally clear sky, and then a white light burst out from the star, and instantly fell to Ye Ting here.

The phantom is nothing, and others should have been unaware of it, but it is clear that some of the survivors found his peep!

The white light fell on the sacred tree with the face of the heart tree instantly.


The face of the heart tree was destroyed, and the phantom of Ye Ting disappeared.


... Is this a holy light attack from the consciousness of the universe?


Westeros Land, King's Landing, in the Shenmu Forest.


The white light falling from the sky fell in the Shenmu Forest, and instantly split into the heart tree with the eyes of the heart tree engraved.

This violent explosion frightened both Emperor Joe and Oriana. Emperor Joe wanted to escape even more instinctively, and screamed in horror, Oriana hurriedly shot, a knife fell on Joffrey stuns Joffrey in the back post.

Oriana frowned at the sky, and the star that had suddenly risen disappeared instantly. She glanced again at the heart tree that was smashed by white light, and hurriedly put on her clothes. At this time she noticed Someone came to Shenmu Lin, and she turned to look at the shadowy tree shadow beside Shen Mulin, and there were people who were less than a meter away.

The man had green skin but had large green ears and a crutch in his hand.

Oriana said with a panic, "President, I'm bewildering Joffrey in accordance with your order ... what happened?"

The stars and the white light are both the chairman's means, the legendary item controlled by the chairman-and called the president, obviously the chairman of the future society in the organization of the seven survivors.

He is one of the two dwarfs in Mitarai!

"Someone was peeping at you just now." The chairman made a low voice.

"What?" Oriana stunned. "That's impossible. I've been alert all the time."

"That person peeped at you through the face of that tree. Very interesting ability ... it should be the ability of a three-eyed crow. Someone got it!" Said the chairman Shen Sheng, slowly walking from dim with a cane. He walked out, completely exposed to the sun-his appearance is almost exactly the same as Master Yoda in Star Wars!

This is a survivor who redeemed Yoda's bloodline ~ ~ Oriana frowned. "It's this ability ... that I can hide my force induction."

"Your perception of the Force is not enough." The president whispered softly. He waved his hand, and Joffrey, who collapsed on the ground, automatically floated. The president put his hand on Joffrey's head. I will erase his memory, and you will continue to work hard. The peeping person will not appear again. "

"Yes, President." Oriana nodded quickly, complimenting a bit, "Chairman, your legendary item is too powerful, I've seen its power for the first time."

"It's a pity that the rules of the game in this world prohibit flying, which weakens its power a lot." The president took care of Goffrey's memory, threw him back to the ground, and opened another palm, a small gray ball from The palms floated up.

That was the star of death in Star Wars!

The Death Star is a huge celestial weapon in the Star Wars heavens world. It can destroy a planet in one shot, but in the game of God, it has been modified by magic so that it can be transformed into this model-like thing. The power is also Greatly weakened.

But even so, it is one of the most terrifying legendary items!



Sorry, this chapter is here today, so it was issued for free ... This chapter has been revised many times, and I found after the first pass ... It seems a little too much. The name I originally thought was "Hurry up, My brother is going to vomit "... some descriptions that are too outdated have also been deleted. I do n’t want to ask for a manuscript. I have deleted such prohibited things directly ... In addition, since it is free, please ask for it by the way Recommended monthly pass ...

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