The Heavens Come

Chapter 312: Shocked, the night king gave him a kneel

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remind! Discover the story mission to become a supporter of the Night King.

For countless years, the Night King has a strong obsession with the three-eyed crow for unknown reasons. It will use every method to kill every three-eyed crow.

If you help him fulfill his wish, it will allow you to join its power.

In the sacred tree cave outside Westeros, the little fox suddenly received a reminder from the ambassador.

"This is a story mission to join the Night King forces ... kill the three-eyed crow?"

After completing the task of escorting Bran, the little fox and Xiaomei stayed here temporarily in the holy tree cave. They left without anxiety, and Bran's condition has not been very good. The little fox's experience as a crow The memory was stuffed into Bran's head, which seemed to cause some problems for Bran's consciousness. After that, he seemed to be a statue, standing still.

The little fox guessed that Bran should now be in a state of "away from the soul". Like the three-eyed crow in the original show, "Green Vision", his consciousness is wandering through the memories of his past through his magic stick ability. .

Because he has no idea how to control this ability, he cannot return consciousness to the body.

"To join the Night King power, you must kill the three-eyed crow ... Now the old three-eyed crow is dead, and the new three-eyed crow is Bran, which means that killing Bran can join the Night King power!" Little Fox Could not help frowning, feeling that the task seemed too cruel.

They came outside to **** Bran to become a three-eyed crow, but then he would kill Bran himself!

This task is also full of human tests.

Ye Ting sent the little fox and Xiaomei to the perimeter. In addition to completing the story mission of escorting Bran, it was to see if they could join the power of the night king outside the cypress. The two most powerful forces in the world, one is the dragon mother. That's the night king. Ye Ting and Meow meow to get the dragon mother power, and the little fox and Xiaomei start to fix the night king. They want to come out with a song of hanging and hanging.

Other survivor organizations are playing a game of power on Westeros, and then Ye Ting wants to control the two most powerful forces in the world and give them one ... Now it ’s easy to join the night king's power, kill Bran can do it. Although Bran's little pudding has given the little fox a lot of fun these days, he can think of Ye Ting's expectations and petting, and the little fox quickly made a note of it.

A look of coldness turned to Bran's eyes.

"Sister Lushuier, what are you doing?" Xiaomei immediately stopped in front of the little fox.

"You just received the reminder? We have to kill him if we want to join the power of the Night King." The little fox picked up a knife from the ground and said to Xiao Mei.

"You want to kill Bran?" Xiaomei opened her eyes in surprise. "Zombies are so cute, how can you bear to kill them!"

"..." Listen, does it sound like a human being, do you think Bran Zombie is a rabbit?

The little fox explained patiently, "If Ye hangs here, he will definitely choose to do the same."

"The main talent will not be so cold." Xiaomei said insistently, and grabbed Bran's shoulder subconsciously with both hands. "I won't let you kill the little pudding, I ... hmm ..."

"It's useless to sell cute at this time ..." Little Fox shook her head and suddenly she found something wrong, "Xiao Mei?"

Xiaomei's hand touched Bran's shoulder, her eyes suddenly became blank, as if she had lost all consciousness.

She instinctively made a "chuckling" sound.

The little fox was startled, and hurried to Xiaomei's side, but he didn't dare to touch Xiaomei rashly, and shouted Xiaomei's voice in his mouth, but got no response.

"This situation ... Bran is Xiaomei's subordinate zombies. Xiaomei can control Bran's consciousness. She was in a hurry just now and accidentally followed Bran into the vision of the green. Now she is lost in her past memories. The little fox guessed, showing a helpless face, wondering what to do for a while.

Just then, there was a loud noise outside the Holy Tree Cave.

——The King of the Night King killed him!

"Why did they happen to come here by chance ... It didn't happen! It was because the Night King army killed over, so there was a story mission to kill Bran and join Night King. This is forcing the survivors to betray Bran at a critical moment. "Little Fox knew it instantly.

She was so tangled for a while that she wanted to kill Bran immediately.

But if Bran is killed, I don't know if Xiaomei will completely lose herself ... If Ye Tsue knows that her zombie has become an idiot (although it is almost the same), she will certainly not spare her.

After thinking about it for a while, the little fox settled her attention. She finally stroked her chest again and sighed, and finally managed to grow so big ... Then she took out the summoning scroll decisively, injected demon power, and went to the Holy Walk outside the tree cave while summoning the blood spirit.

"Even if I die, I will guard outside the holy tree cave. I will never let any other ghost enter the cave!" At this moment, the little fox took out the determination and courage that he never had.

She even had plans to put to death.

What kind of existence is the Night King? In the original drama, eight seasons of the super villain were brewed. The dragon can be inserted with a javelin, and then transformed into a frost corpse dragon. This terrible guy has absolute power It's a level of destruction!

At the time of entering this game, the last season has not been broadcast, but the little fox has predicted that in the last season, all human beings will be tortured by the night king. Do n’t let it go. The army of ghosts sweeping the Westeros land doesn't matter. With the characteristics of this TV series casually dying, the end result is the total extinction of human beings, and it is not impossible for the night king to sit on the iron throne.

(S is pretending not to watch the last season ...)

Outside the holy tree cave, the zombie army is enclosing a semicircle, enclosing the entrance of the tree cave, blocking the strange ghost army that slammed like a tsunami. The little fox summoned hundreds of **** spirits at once, she faded His human figure stretched out nine huge tails and turned into a huge nine-tailed fox covered with gold.

As soon as the terrible claws were photographed, they shot a bunch of strange ghosts.

"Xiao Mei obviously can restrain the strange ghosts, but she just dropped the chain at this time. She can't be trusted except for selling cute ... Finally, everything depends on me!" Jiuweihu thought, with great power.

Her huge body is directly blocked at the entrance of the tree hole, and she will never let any other ghost enter the tree hole behind her!


Above the long aisle in the tree cave, slipping, a broken hole opened, and the night king's body jumped down from above. It glanced at the nine-tailed fox that was blocking the entrance of the cave, and the nine were constantly in the tree cave. Shaking his tail, his expression seemed slightly surprised.

This guy is really strong, that is, his brain may not be easy to use ... Does she not know that this tree hole has only one entrance?

Another little figure jumped from above-a child of the forest!

When the little fox and Xiaomei came here with a zombie army, a child of the forest escaped through the back door. This child of the forest brought the night king here! If Ye Ting were here, he would yell angrily at him, "Your boy brought the devil !?"

The son of the forest created the Night King to fight against humanity, and now for the son of the forest, the little fox and Xiaomei's zombie army are more terrible and evil than the night king. !!

"Three-eyed crows are inside." The son of the forest pointed to the tree hole and said to the night king.

The night king coldly nodded and walked in.

In the relatively wide space in the tree hole, Bran and Xiaomei are standing there, as if they are sculptures.

Night King's face had a mysterious smile.

He walked a few steps, came to Bran first, and pinched Bran's throat.


Green Vision is an enhanced version of the Eye of the Heart Tree ability.

In the Green Horizon, you can see the memories of the past. These memories can not only be seen, heard, or even modified. Many similar plots have appeared in the original drama.

For example, Bran saw his father in his youth, he shouted his father's name, and young Ned heard about it.

Addo's experience is the most direct proof.

Bran was forced by the little fox to bring the experience of the third-eyed crow into his mind. He gained this ability but did not know how to control it. During this time, he has been lost in various memories of the past.

Now, Bran appeared in front of an altar.

Under the beam of the tree bearing the heart tree's face, the stone was placed in a weird spiral shape. A bare-chested man was sitting against the tree, his face full of horror.

A son of the forest approached the man slowly, holding a black stone in his hand, which was Dragon Crystal (Obsidian).

He slowly thrust Long Jing into the man's chest.

Men's pupils slowly turned blue, and their body skin was transformed into ice-blue-this is the scene where the children of the forest created the night king countless years ago!

Bran looked at the scene ignorantly.

Suddenly, the red shadow flashed around Bran, Xiaomei appeared here, and she followed Bran, and she also glanced at the Night King conversion ceremony there, and hurried to Bran to pull up the cloth. Lan's hand "Little pudding, let's go back soon!"

"Master Sister!" Bran saw Xiaomei with a smile on her face, but just half of what she said in the mouth, he suddenly showed an extremely painful expression, "I, I ..."

The figure then dissipated and turned into a mist of blood.

"Bran !?" Xiaomei was taken aback, and quickly stretched out her hands to gather the blood mist together.

In the Holy Tree Cave, Bran's body was completely killed by the Night King at this time.

Without the physical body, the soul thoughts will naturally dissipate!

Xiaomei is a zombie. Although she has never practiced her skills, she has some knowledge of her own race. With her efforts, the dissipated Bran turns into a mist of blood floating in her hands. This is the blood of the zombie Spirit-something that carries the soul of a zombie.

It ’s just that Xiaomei is n’t Ye Xing, and he ca n’t save the blood spirit for too long. Bran ’s blood spirit may seem to be scattered at any time.

Xiaomei was impatient for an instant, and she didn't know what to do, but her instinctual call to the master didn't get any response.

The transformation ceremony nearby has been completed, and the night king has been completely born. He is almost the same as today's night king, and is curiously looking at his hands and body. The children of the forest are surrounded by him with joy.

At this moment, the night king suddenly realized something and looked at Xiaomei who was at a loss holding the red dumpling.

Xiaomei's consciousness came here, but outsiders could not have noticed it, but the night king saw her-in the original drama, Bran was found and caught by the night king in a state of away from the soul, so Bran ’s arm was still Leaves the night king's fingerprints.

The night king immediately stepped towards Xiaomei, and he reached out and grabbed Xiaomei's shoulder.

"Oh !?" Xiao Mei was startled, her eyes full of eagerness suddenly turned on.

Blood spirit is the product of yin nourishing the soul and will dissipate naturally. Spells can save blood spirit. There is another way to prevent blood spirit from dissipating. That is to put blood spirit into the flesh!

The flesh itself is the container of the soul, and the blood spirit is also a kind of soul. The flesh can save the blood spirit—for zombies, this is an instinctive memory, like a flying corpse like Xiaomei. If her body is destroyed, the blood The spirit instinctively looks for other flesh.

In Xiangxi's corpse surgery, the evil method of nourishing the blood and its own body temperature with its own body temperature!

Speaking of containers ... Although Night King doesn't look like a human, it should be okay, right?

So eager Xiaomei, with a happy expression on her face.

After the night king grabbed Xiaomei, he suddenly felt that this person was a bit wrong. There was some kind of restraint in her body ... which made him afraid, and he was about to release and hold Xiaomei's hand.

But Xiaomei took a step faster and grabbed his wrist instead.


When the night king stays, what are you doing! ?

Responding to it was Xiaomei's slap.


This slap directly fell the night king fan to the ground.

The blood spirit floated next to Xiaomei, and Xiaomei stepped on the night king's chest and tried to open the night king's mouth-the night king just touched Xiaomei, so Xiaomei and it were connected, now Xiao Mei can fully touch it.

The night king's strong resistance wanted to get up.

So Xiaomei's little fist punched the night king's head again, "No movement!"

Xiaomei has already appeared purple blood lines on her body. She is now in a state of consciousness. The green vision is what happened in the past. What she is doing now is equivalent to changing the past of the world of ice and fire. This makes her use all of her body. power.

She opened the night king's mouth with force, and stuffed the blood spirit floating beside her.

The night king immediately wanted to spit it out.

Xiaomei covered the night king's mouth "No vomiting!"

Night King "¥ ..."

Who are we big villains! ?


In the holy tree cave, the little fox blocking the mouth of the tree hole suddenly felt something. She screamed in the mouth, quickly reduced her size, and quickly ran into the tree hole.

When she came into the tree cave, she saw Bran's zombie body turning into pieces of scum in the hands of the Night King.

Night King's hand stretched to his back ~ ~ I was going to pull out the ice sword that hadn't been pulled out for eight seasons, and looked coldly at Xiaomei.

"Xiao Mei!" The little fox's heart was despondent for a moment, and he rushed forward desperately.

Xiaomei is now completely defenseless. I am afraid that the power of restraining strange ghosts in her body will not work. She was attacked by the night king and was dead.

The child of the forest stood beside and looked at the little fox mockingly.

Then, at this time ...

With a quick pass, the night king suddenly knelt in front of Xiaomei, and his action was chic.

Xiaomei's white eyes slowly returned to color.

Just listening to the night king's mouth made a hoarse sound similar to Bran.


The little fox's movements also stiffened "???"