The Heavens Come

Chapter 325: Not everyone can dance as awkwardly as S

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Joffrey died like this.

Everyone in the Red Fort's Chamber was panicked. Many indigenous people knelt down instinctively, some had dignified faces, and some attendants and maids were trembling with shock.

The few people in the future will only feel numb. When they enter the game, they join the King's Landing Forces and need to make good contact with King Joffrey to improve their status in the organization. It is most perfect for the people in their organization to marry with Jeffrey. Seeing that the wedding is about to take place, success is in sight, but Joffrey died.

The little green man Yoda's big eyes stared at the dead Joffrey, and his breath was quiet and heavy.

After all, he is not really Master Yoda. He can keep his peace of mind when he can't encounter anything. Alas, the legendary weapon Death Star originally collected by him appears again from his hand and floats above his head.

The grey sphere kept spinning, and finally locked the position of the equatorial Tian Asan.

"Datchis and Joffrey were both poisoned!" His hoarse voice became extremely cold, his eyes turned to Asan.

"This, it's nothing about our equatorial sky, and I don't know what's going on ... I just didn't get close to Joffrey!" Asan immediately panicked and explained quickly.

But Yoda didn't want to listen to his explanation. The red light slowly glowed on the dead planet, and the deadly death light was about to launch.

The sweat on Asan's nervous head continued to sweat, and continued, "I, I see, it was made by the people of the magic party ... The deformed witch of the magic party is lurking in the king's land. This is the news we got a while ago! "

Assan's words made Ye Chui stunned "Equator knows about the Witch of Deformation."

Indeed, for the deformed witch who can become anyone or even imitate the breath of others, latent poisoning is undoubtedly the easiest thing to do. Even Ye Xie was almost deceived by Mia, the transfiguration witch, at first, Fortunately, the deformed witch was deceived by his handsomeness and showed flaws ...

But Yoda obviously didn't want to listen to Asan's explanation. Now he just wants to kill Asan.

Asan kept shaking, knowing that what he said was useless, and he did not expect that a series of things would happen. Seeing the death light brewing on the death star, Asan knew that he would not be able to escape. This thing is a legendary weapon. Attack ... So, suddenly his mouth began to sing, and at the same time his body began to dance with the singing.

Ye Ting "..."

Ye Cui knew that A San should have the same bloodline of dance as Ajaye. This is a special bloodline born from Bollywood movies. The bloodline owner can make himself "open" by singing and dancing. Do those exaggerated moves in many Bollywood movies.

Asan sang and danced at this time, in fact, she wanted to use her strongest strength to resist Yoda's death attack.

It ’s known to know, but seeing this scene, Ye Tzuo, and almost all the survivors present, couldn't help but think of the scene in the Guardians of the Galaxy, and finally the scene where Star Lord attracted Ronan through dancing ... had to Said that they had fully realized the aggressive feeling of Luo Nan at that time.

Yoda could not help but stiffen slightly.

It's a pity that after all, A San is not Star Jazz. Even if he distracts others' attention, no one will take the opportunity to sneak attack-Ye Ting can actually try it while Yoda and others are aggressive, but he also There is no certainty that a blow will kill.


Death Star catastrophically radiated from the dead light, and instantly fell on Asan's body.

The strength of Ahsan is still very good. After bathing in the light of death, he persisted for two seconds, but after all, in a scream, the body turned to ashes ... No, there was no ashes left, and his body was completely Obliterated.

This is the terrible attack power of the legendary weapon Death Star!

Ye Xing frowned, thinking in her heart what would happen if she faced such an attack.

Assan was killed in this way, Ye Ting couldn't help but sigh. It really deserves to be a game of power. The alliance between the organizations is really fragile. Can't they trust each other a little ... This is what makes them as opponents. Ye Xing has no sense of accomplishment.

Yoda blasted Asan. The tall werewolf's face changed slightly, and he wanted to say something, but knew that Yoda was angry and could not say more.

"Master Yoda ..." he groaned a moment later, "Goffrey is dead, the King's Land must have a leader, and we must support a new king as soon as possible ..." He said here, thinking of something, and quickly said "Where is Toman?"

Toman was Joffrey's younger brother. After Joffrey died in the original play, Toman took over as king.

"Master Yoda ..." a Red Fort attendant said with a trembling voice. "Just at the wedding, I saw Prince Toman and was ... poisoned by poisonous mist ..."

"Dead?" The werewolf froze.

The voice of another survivor of the future conference was a bit heavy. "The King's Force is apparently under the control of the deer family, but the master is actually the Lion's house. The rules of the game limit the King's Force to choose only the important figures of the Lions. Boss, but now the lion ’s Joffrey and Toman are dead, Joffrey ’s sister is far away in Dorn, the lion ’s owner Tywin has been killed, the little devil has been expelled, James ... James has been Alas, he lost his right to inherit, and now we can only choose ... "

In the future, everyone's face will be embarrassed.

The only one who can serve as the leader of the King's Landing forces is left ... Cersei.

This ... it kind of makes you want to scold your mother.

They soon determined that Cersei was not dead.

Participating in the game must support one side of the power. The power must have a leader, and the leader will die when the leader is dead. For survivors, they need to control the leader through trust and other methods, and then control the power.

There are not many choices left for the future meeting ... The only thing they can choose is Cersei.

If the leader is like Geoffrey and Toman, they are all well controlled, but Cersei ... If there was not a series of manipulative operations in the original drama, how could there be so many things in the game of power!

People will look at each other in the future.

Ye Ting guessed that their eyes probably meant who of us was going to sleep in Cersei? Of course, considering Cersei's personality in the original play, it may not be difficult to sleep, but I ’m afraid it wo n’t work if I ’m afraid of falling asleep ... Is n’t that foolish?


For a moment of silence, Yoda sighed heavily. He closed his eyes and breathed softly. "The Force is with me ... I was just a little impulsive." He opened his eyes and glanced around indifferently. As if looking for someone hiding in the crowd, the mouth continued, "We were caught in a trap ... the people who killed Darchis and Joffrey may not be Equators, not even the Demons. "

Holding a cane in his hand, he slowly walked to the Iron Throne step by step, and Joffrey still collapsed in front of the Iron Throne. He waved his hand, and Joffrey's body was threw under his force. Fly aside, Yoda leaped, her small body sitting on the Iron Throne.

"We will win the Dragon Soul in the future with Equator, the Magic Party and the Galaxy Worship Preparation Alliance ... Obviously, some people do not want us to do this. This is a deliberate attempt to alienate our covenant." Yoda wore on his face. Admiringly said, "The poison first kills Daqis and then kills Joffrey. Let me kill the angel of the equatorial sky in anger ... and also tells us that the transfiguration witch is coming by using the mouth of the equatorial sky, let We put suspicion on the magic party again ... "

"The most important thing is that even if we guessed that this might be a trap, we still have doubts in my heart. If I guess correctly, the deformed witch of the Magic Party may be dead ... The Magic Party and Equator will blame us. The people who killed them, and we have to watch out for their intentions. "

Yoda put his cane on her legs, and said with a look of wonder, "The man who did all this secretly, the meticulous mind, the slyness of the mind, is something I have never seen in my life ... he may be from the Dragon Soul group. , Or maybe other organizations that don't want to see our alliance against the Dragon Souls! "

Ye Ting listened to Yoda's words, his expression was a bit aggressive, and he reached out and gently scratched his hair. It sounded so good ...

Well, yes, that's what I originally planned!

"No matter who did it, the Dragon Soul team will definitely die this time ..." Yoda continued, his voice became somber and his eyes slowly swept over everyone in the hall.

He guessed that the secret person must still be here. He said his wise guess, that is, to tell the person that he had guessed his purpose, and he was going to war against that person. You can't stop us ... ...

Ye Ting "..."


The northern border, the Great Wall.

At this time, it was night time, and the sky was a bit gloomy. The cold wind was wrapped in a piece of snow, making people feel indescribably cold.

"The winter is coming ..."

A dark shadow was standing on the Great Wall of tens of feet. He looked at the outside of the darkness and tightened his fur coat tightly, but even then he still felt a bit cold, and there was a raging fire behind him. Heap, companions are sitting by the fire grilling some food.

"The life of the black man in Saiwai is really meaningless ... I think we still have to leave here." The standing population said, as if it felt too cold, he took out his magic wand and waved it, casting it silently, and lowered it together The glory fell on himself, which made his frozen Tieqing's face flush a lot. You can see that he is a middle-aged man in his thirties.

"Darwin, we joined the forces of the people in black, but it's not easy to leave." The man sitting on the barbecue said, carefully roasting the meat in his hands, it seems to be some kind of poultry.

"Anyway, our weird town doesn't want to compete for the Iron Throne, just leave the people in black and join other forces." Darwin said, "this place doesn't look like a human ..." Suddenly found something, and made a squeak.

Just cast a curse ~ ~ some radiances fell, and some of those radiances fell outside the Great Wall, letting him see something.

He hurriedly waved his wand again, summoning a large white light, and the light spread out, and the large field of vision was torn in front of him-north of the Great Wall, somehow, a crowd of walking dead was standing there, Is it ... a strange army?

"Bitch ..." Darwin was taken aback. "The ghost army ... how did these guys suddenly appear here on the Great Wall? Are the rules of the game different from the American TV series, and they can also cross the Great Wall without the help of Longyan?" He hurried to his companion, " Lupin, hurry up, release the ravens, and tell the other groups about the ghost assembly! "

The organizations are fighting each other. There is no way for other organizations to contact the grotesque town. If you want to tell other organizations that the strange ghosts are coming, the best way is to use the world's indigenous way to raven.

However, hearing Darwin's words, Lupin stood up and glanced at the army of ghosts below, but his expression became very bad.

He handed the barbecue in his hand to Darwin. "The last two raven ... just cooked."
