The Heavens Come

Chapter 353: Lie down, wait for 1 to catch me!

"It's an endless game. Time is in sync with the present world. Now, the people in heaven have battled in that battlefield for almost twenty years. They can never end the game and escape the battlefield ... or you can say, They are forever sealed in that battlefield! "

The captive bull stopped here, and everyone else was shocked.

Stuck in the game ... Means that the people in heaven have not fallen?

Ye Ting listened to these words in shock. The little fox standing on his shoulder couldn't help shaking, she was from heaven, she had the greatest awe and belonging to the powerful and unmatched organization, but now she knew, Celestial court has not fallen ... It is just sealed forever in an endless game.

Divine punishment does not exist. The prisoner controls Bai Yan and plots the assassination of Ao Xing Aojiao, which is basically an obstacle to the eye, in order to increase the credibility of the divine punishment!

All five of Yoda and others looked terrified.

The prisoner went on to say, "My body ... the real prisoner has the epic weapon of Haotian Mirror. Thirteen years ago, with the efforts of my compatriots, I returned to the present world and happened to meet a person who was participating The prison bull in the game, so I seized it and occupied his body. At the same time, I injected the power from the undead world into his Haotian mirror, which was promoted to become a legendary item. "

He waved and pointed around: "This space is not originally the world in Haotian Mirror, it is the world between the undead world and the present world. It is the area created by the undead people. I lurk beside the old dragon king. After thirteen years, he gained his trust, brought him here, and repeatedly tested his power. Among all the legendary items, Xianxian Sword is the most lethal, and its characteristic is indestructible.

I slowly determined that if the old dragon king burned his life to control the 诛仙 剑, and issued the strongest blow, it would be enough to break the undead mirror!

At this moment, it is the opportunity I have waited for thirteen years. My compatriots, the survivors who have been trapped for countless years, are about to return to the present age! "

The unfinished mirror surface hovering over the five Yoda heads, the cracks on it were increasing, as if there were screams, cries, and screams from the mirror.

As if the ghosts were about to come out of the cage.

At this moment, a golden streamer suddenly appeared in the ashes floating in the sky, and the light slowly landed toward the controlled Ao Xing.

Ao Xing tried to struggle, but the captive cow pressed his shoulder firmly.

Those golden streamers began to infuse Ao Xing's body.

"This is ..." Ao Xing said suddenly.

"It is the dragon power of the old dragon king. After he falls, the dragon power will perfuse your body. This is an arrangement he has already made." The prisoner explained, seeing the puzzlement in Ao Xing's eyes, he explained, "I need you to receive these dragon **** powers, the survivors have no body, we need to rely on the human body to return to this world ... and an adult in the world of survivors is very interested in your body."

Aoxing's face looked angry and frightened.

The prison cow began to laugh wildly.

He should laugh, after planning for so long, everything is about to succeed, he is qualified to laugh wantonly ...

Then, in his laugh, a snoring noise suddenly appeared, and a red sword suddenly appeared, running through the prisoner's body in an instant.

This scene is really shocking-including Ye Xing.

It wasn't Ye Chui, the old insult!

That sword is a fairy sword.

Wu Xianjian is being held in the hands of the old dragon king!

The figure of his beautiful bald man appeared to Aoxing's side, and he opened the prisoner's hand on Aoxing's shoulder. He looked at the prisoner ruthlessly and said, "This is your origin and plan. "

"You, you ..." The prison cow was shocked, and a black shadow suddenly appeared on his body. The shadow wanted to break away from the body, but was firmly fixed on the body of the prison cow by the Xianxian sword that penetrated the body.

"I just used half of that sword just now," said the old dragon king coldly, and glanced at the mirror of the undead.

The cracked surviving mirror surface has quietened at this moment, it has not completely broken, and the roars, crying, and screaming from the mirror surface have suddenly increased a little.

Just now the old dragon king did not use up all his power, he did not break the mirror of the undead as calculated by the prisoner!

Five people such as Yoda saw this scene and were relieved in their hearts. They could feel the horror of the survivors. If they were released to the present world, they might cause huge disasters!

"But why are you ..." the prisoner's voice shouted puzzledly.

"Because I didn't believe you from the beginning!" The old dragon king said coldly, "you left traces when you controlled Baiyan, and someone reminded me to be careful of you."

"Who is it?" The prison cow shouted in shock.

Ye Ting and the little fox were also stunned.

"A person I originally thought was dead, although in my impression she didn't have much ability to boast, and was narcissistic, doing things was totally unreliable, always thought that everyone had a crush on her, There are a lot of bad habits, and many people are ashamed to be with her ... "the old dragon king recounted.

The little fox: "... She must not be me!"

Ye Ting: "..."

"But I regard her as my sister. She reappeared in front of me and told me to be careful of the people around her. She suspected that you were the black hand behind the assassination of my son and daughter." The old dragon king continued, "I trust her, Although you have always pretended to be perfect, I still trust her judgment. "

Little Fox: "In fact, I just guessed ..."

Ye Ting: "..."

"You think you're carrying out your plan, but I'm carrying out my plan." After saying this, there was a sudden flash of light on the face of the old dragon king, urging the power of the fairy sword in his hand to release the killing power.

The prisoner's bull yelled, his body and the shadow began to fall apart.

"You, you can't kill me, if I die, this Haotian world will collapse, and you will be trapped here!" Shouted the prisoner.

"I believe in the existence of divine punishment. I have been hiding in the world of your Haotian for most of the past ten years. I already know it very well!" The old dragon king said coldly, with a wave of the sword in his hand. The cow's body with the black shadow instantly turned to ashes, and disappeared.

The prison cow was thus resolved.

The shattering of the surviving mirror also stopped.

This seems to be joyEND ...

However, the five of Yoda and the Empress just breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions became tense again, because the Old Dragon King looked coldly at them.

"Dad, it's great that you haven't died ..." Ao Xing said with a look of excitement, tears were already in his eyes.

The Old Dragon King looked at Aoxing with a gentle face, and reached down on Aoxing's shoulder: "Xinger, you and your sister will support each other in the future, yes, your sister is not reliable. You will want to get married in the future. Caring more, Ye Tzu ’s kid is actually pretty good ... ”

Ye Ting: "..."

Ao Xing froze for a moment, and suddenly felt that the old dragon king was put on his shoulder, and the power of the dragon was continuously flowing into his body. The words of the old dragon king were more like explaining his last words, he was surprised: Dad, what are you doing? "

"Burning life can only use the attack. Although I have only used half of my power, my life has been exhausted ..." Laolong Wang said with a smile, "I will use the remaining half to open this world and send you away As for them ... "the old dragon king looked at Yoda, the empress and others," they will stay here and be buried with the collapse of this world. "

This is the real plan of the old dragon king.

He was not ready to kill Yoda and others with his own burning life in the beginning. He knew that there was a problem with the captive cattle, and he left half of the force. When the captive cattle showed their feet, the captive cattle suddenly appeared, and the world began to collapse. The remaining half of his power was for sending Ao Xing out of here.

Killing Yoda, the Empress and others is still his biggest purpose!

The eyes that the five of Yoda had just relaxed, panicked again, and they rushed over to stop the old dragon king, but the old dragon waved his hand, and a layer of mirrors appeared in front of the group of five, stopping them. ——The Old Dragon King is very familiar with this place, and can control the power here, and the prison cow is dead. This place has no land. It is about to collapse. The Old Dragon King's control becomes more handy.

"Dad, I won't go!" Ao Xing called quickly.

The little fox became very sad when he saw this scene: "Why is Xiaolong so stupid ... Ye Xing, what can you do?"

"..." Ye Ting is full of admiration for the old dragon king, but he can see that the old dragon king is now burned, even if the **** king comes, he can't save him, and at the same time ... can he send Aoxing away? Did they catch up too?

The Old Dragon King is ready to use the collapse of this world to trap Yoda and others here ~ ~ Then it is estimated that it will be difficult to escape here!

"Go on, be good with your sister ..."

The Old Dragon King's tone quickly weakened, and his body began to collapse.

After saying this last sentence, he pushed Aoxing hard, Aoxing's body receded, his body seemed to hit the mirror, and the mirror was broken. He shouted something in his mouth, but the voice could not be transmitted. His people have since disappeared.

"Slum, wait for me to get in the car!" Ye Ting wanted to get close to the old dragon king, and was even ready to release his invisibility, but he found that there seemed to be some weird force field around the old dragon king, and the sound and picture were distorted When he got up, he couldn't get close to the old dragon king, and his voice couldn't pass into the ear of the old dragon king.

The Old Dragon King's body collapsed quickly.

He looked up, with a serene smile on his face.

He is remembering his life.

Although there are some regrets, he has no regrets in his life ...

It made him feel very satisfied.

His own death can be for his children, for the Dragon Soul group, and to fight for the survivor's higher world status for the Chinese survivors. Everything is worth it!

His body was scattered, and his strong thoughts made his soul dead. Instead, he condensed into a phantom of the dragon, hovering and began to fly to the infinite void ...

At this moment he began to recall his life before becoming a survivor.

He remembered the run in the sunset.

Thinking of the night in the sorghum field ...

Click it, a silver ring suddenly fell on the neck of his dragon like a shackle.

That's the Ring of the Rings of the Ring.

Old Dragon King: "?????"

Ye Ting's voice then rang in the ear of the Old Dragon King: "Ah, I went, I finally caught up ..."