The Heavens Come

Chapter 384: This is not a catwoman, this is a cat ma

Meow Meow arrived at Dragon's Fort two days after Mia lost her faith. The power of the dragon mother was originally to go to King's Land. After all, it was the center of power in Westeros, and the iron symbolizing the crown of power. The seat of the throne.

However, due to the situation of Mia, the dragon mother had to temporarily rest in Longxibao, waiting for the return of the hippocampus.

Prior to conquering the monarch, the hippocampus suddenly left. Although Mia explained to the dragon mother instead of Ye Xing, and later assisted the dragon mother's great cause of conquest, the most trusted dragon mother was the hippocampus, and the hippocampus As far as mothers are concerned, they are only one step closer to becoming the most senior companions.

Two days later, on a pier in Shipwreck Bay near Longxi Fort, the sea suddenly rolled up. A terrible sea monster got out of the sea. Sailors and boatmen on the pier on the shore knelt in horror, shaking their bodies. .

"Meow ~"

With a clear cry, a petite figure leaped quickly from the sea monster's head and fell into the sea water on the shore, and when the figure reappeared from the water, it had become a burly body with two Tall man with tall beard and a rough and brutal feeling.

Meow Meow has become the form of Neptune, and she is now the Seahorse.

Soon after arriving on the shore, someone received a message to greet him, but it was Cohen who was given the name of the dictator by Ye Ting. He possesses the variant ability of "mobile arsenal" and is second only to Mia in Hellfire Club .

After entering the game, he and some of his subordinates were attacked by the blood god, and the captive view of the blood **** transformed him into a blood dependent. Later, Ye Ting met a hunting dog on the road and asked the hunting dog to find his trace.

Originally, there was no way to rescue the trapped Cohen and other believers by hunting dogs. Fortunately, the blood **** was attracted by the duel of the old dragon king and Yoda, and decided to pick up a cheap one. Then he was inexplicably killed by Ye Xing Picking a bargain, this made the blood relatives transformed by the blood **** collapse on the spot.

The hound successfully rescued believers such as Cohen, and quickly went to the dragon mother forces to meet with Mia and others.

At this time, Cohen had not lost his faith. The Jin Chan continuously attacked the believers during this time. While the believers recruited successively, they also collected more and more information about the Jin Chan, knowing that this thing seems not Be afraid of any attack and never have any contact with it.

Cohen actually encountered several golden cicadas during this time, but he tried to avoid contact. However, he did not absorb the power of faith. His mobile arsenal allows him to stretch out a powerful weapon around his body. Defend yourself in all directions, it is true that even insects cannot reach it.

"You are finally here, please come with me, and I will take you to see Miya them." Meow Meow has the power of Neptune, so Cohen easily identified Meow Meow, knowing that this is the clone Ye Ye said.

"Meow ~" Meow Meow responded with a smile, and happily followed Cohen to Longxibao.

Cohen kept looking at Meow Meow on the road, and felt that this clone seemed a bit weird ... Then, they entered the city gate and met a group of patrolling soldiers. When the soldiers saw Meow Meow, they immediately raised their left hands and put them on their heads. , Make a gripping claw shape, and chant "Miao Meow!"

"Meow meow!" Meow meow responded to them by doing the same action, and her voice is now very rough-these soldiers are mercenaries of the meow meow regiment. Meow meow is the head of the mercenary regiment, and by using goats to save gold, She has very strong control over the Corps, and she has personally established the Corps' etiquette rules.

Cohen and others who saw this scene "..."

Soon, Cohen took Meow Meow to a garden under the Storm Castle. He asked Meow Meow to wait for a while, but he immediately went to look for Mia, and before leaving, Cohen watched vigilantly, To meow meow, "Please be careful, that bug may be lurking around now, please remember to never touch it with your limbs."

"Know meow." Meow meow replied casually, as if she had been completely attracted by a flower blooming in the flower bed next to her, and she was intoxicated by the flowers ... and then "ahhh" bit the flowers in her mouth Mouthed.

"..." is not Cohen's distrust of the Patriarch. He feels that the ancestor's so-called avatar looks a bit weird ... and his image. Although the people in the game are restricted by the rules, they will directly ignore the surreal appearance of the survivors. For other survivors, a sturdy man with a strong muscle and a big beard, but with cat ears and a cat tail, this image is really shocking.

And ... there doesn't seem to be any trace of the power of faith on Meow Meow?

Cohen left, and several believers remained in the garden with Meow.

Meow hovering around the flower bed happily, just then, a buzzing sound suddenly rang in her ear, her cat ear suddenly shook, turned her head and caught a golden The trail of bugs.

It was the golden cicada, who was flying around in the air chaotically, waiting for the opportunity to fall on Meow.

It noticed her from the moment Meow Meow entered Longxibao, and from the attitude of Cohen and the reactions of those soldiers to her, he was surprised to judge that this weird catgirl ... well, not a catgirl, it should be a cat man, should It is the rumored godfather.

Although ... this image is different from its imagination, but there are always strange things happening in the survivor's world, and probably no one will think that the equatorial sky in the legend is actually a weird and noble Bug.

Jin Chan flew closer to Meow.

Meow Meow's eyes were still staring at Jin Chan.

Then ... just as Jin Chan was about to fall on Meow Meow, a snoring sound appeared, and a golden light appeared in Meow Meow's hand, as if it were a fly swatter, snapping and hitting Jin Chan with precision.

Jin Chan was bombed immediately, it was startled, wondering if this weird cat man was even equipped with a fly swatter?

No, it stabilized in the air, and soon realized that it was not a fly swatter, but a golden trident ... it was a reduced version of the sea king trident, which was being meowed as a fly swatter in its hands.

"..." Can legendary weapons still be used this way?

When Jin Chan was surprised, Meow Meow had already lifted his trident, and approached him carefully with a look.

Hehe, Jin Chan sneered in his heart, knowing how fast it was in this state. It would never be possible to catch it in this way ...

Then he saw that when the cat walked three or four meters away, it suddenly chopped down the trident in its hand. The trident, which was not half a meter in length, suddenly swelled to a few meters long, banged, and hit The position of Jin Chan.

Jin Chan was shocked in his heart, but still shunned aside smartly.

But meow meowing a few meters long trident, and smashing at it continuously, hum-boom! Hum-boom! This originally beautiful and quiet garden suddenly became embarrassed. The believers and soldiers who stayed here hurried out in panic, staring at the Sea Horse King who was struggling with Jin Chan.

After smashing for a few minutes, Meow Meow felt a little tired, and the trident returned to a length of two meters. She held the trident and looked around vigilantly.

Abominable bugs, the most annoying thing is this kind of thing!

Soon, Meow Meow found the trace of Jin Chan again, at this time Jin Chan was lying on a big tree.

It is also tired. It has not encountered such a tossing player. It has been replaced by other survivors. If you realize that you cannot hit it with a trident, you will definitely not continue to work hard, but Meow Meow is super persistent. , Even smashing for a few minutes, but ... Jin Chan knew that Meow Meow had found it again, but it did not move this time, and let Meow Meow approach.

This time it deliberately pretended to be tired, waiting for Meow to approach.

It is very good at controlling human psychology. It knows that Meow Meow just couldn't catch it even after being attacked. At this moment, when it sees it is still, it will become extra careful. She will approach it as close as possible. This is human nature.

And shortening the distance will also be its opportunity.

As long as it touches Meow Meow's body, it can immediately become a totem, merge into Meow Meow's body, and steal the power of faith in it ...

Meow meow approached.

Jin Chan's weird big eyes quietly stared at Meow's hand. As long as she waved the trident, it would take the lead to attack.

It was motionless, waiting for the perfect moment.

There is only half a meter between Meow Meow and Jin Chan.


"Ahh!" Meow Meow suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed Jin Chan into his stomach.

Golden cicada w (Д) w

The believer who saw this scene next to him (⊙-⊙)

Believers such as Mia and Cohen hurried to the garden. This beautiful garden has now been destroyed by a wolf howl, creating traces of being destroyed by a trident. The hippocampus Meow is standing in the middle of the wolf's garden. She exchanged her eyes with Cohen, and rushed to Meow Meow in anxiety, and Mia said in awe, "What happened to you just now?"

Cohen also quickly said, "Is that bug attacking you? Are you okay, that abominable bug, I must crush it with my own hands, it ... it didn't touch you?"

"No meow." Meow Meow tilted his head and thought, swallowing his stomach ... shouldn't it be encountered?

The next few believers were waving their hands in a random way, wasn't it because they didn't touch each other ... How could that be ... They wouldn't speak for a while.

Mia and Cohen also wanted to talk, and the innocent leader Grey Asher, who followed them, complimented to meow, "Master Haima, the queen is very glad to know that you are back. She is waiting for you in the storm hall." After a pause, the gray worm said vaguely, "Master Queen misses you very much."

"Did she want to play a game with Ben Meow?" Meow Meow immediately said with her hips, there was nothing she could do, her tail flicked behind her butt, "let's go now."

Then Meow Meow followed the grey worm to the castle.

Mia and Cohen looked at each other and played a game ... Is that the game they understood?

After Meow Meow and Grey Worm left, the believer next to him shouted like a dream, "Just now, he just swallowed the golden bug into his stomach!"

"... slump!"


Through the evil eye crystal, when feeling Cohen's request to contact him, Ye Tingzheng and Xiao Mei just passed a forest. They were resting. When they heard that the meow meow the golden bug directly into their stomach, Ye Ting opened wide I haven't looked back for a long time.

"She actually ate that bug in her belly!" Ye Ting could not help but exclaim.

"Meow meow actually eats insects !?" Xiaomei stood next to Ye Ting cooking food. She heard Ye Ye's words, Xiao Mei was also surprised, and then she said seriously, "I told Meow Meow many times How can you eat the worms directly? You should fry them first, then put cumin ... "

"Isn't it okay to eat it!" Ye Ting interrupted Xiaomei, "And, isn't she eating insects for the first time? Why don't I know!"

"Meow is a cat. When she was a paper man, she loved catching trees, but she would never touch some disgusting bugs. Now she ca n’t catch mice. Otherwise ... "Xiao Mei explained to Ye Ting seriously.

"That's enough, don't say it." Ye Ting interrupted Xiaomei's words with a sweat, and he knew that Meow Meow liked to eat, but it was not necessary for her to eat. She wasn't actually a creature at all now. The body is similar to the structure of a doll. Her eating is completely affected by her past habits, and what she eats will not be digested, and of course, it will not be excreted. Ye Cui ’s pet is like an idol star. Need to go to the toilet.

Ye Ting guessed that there should be a strange alien space in Meow Meow, and everything she ate would be stored in it.

Now she swallowed the golden bug into her belly ...

"How is she now?" Ye Ting quickly asked Cohen, who was listening to Ye Ting's deity through the evil eye crystal.

"He's in Dragon Mother's room now." Cohen responded quickly, and his connection with Ye Tzu was actually connected through thoughts. This kind of thoughts don't need to worry about the difference between her and him. Cohn paused slightly, something weird. Continued, "As soon as he arrived at the castle, the dragon mother couldn't wait to be pulled into the room, saying that he wanted to play a game ..."

"What !?" Ye Ting was shocked, and he quickly said to Cohen, "Well, I know what's happening over your side, and I will contact the Seahorse King."

Ending the contact with the evil eye crystal, Ye Chui quickly used the Lord of the Rings to try to contact Meow Meow.

However, although he could perceive Meow Meow with the Lord of the Rings, he could not contact her directly as before, let alone see the first perspective of Meow Meow-there is a mysterious magic on the wall of Fengxibao, Mia Cohen and Ye Xun need to board the highest tower. Meow Meow is now inside Fengsibao, plus Ye Xing is now hundreds of miles away from Meow Meow, and it is impossible to see Meow Meow easily. Perspective.

"Abominable!" Ye Ting's heart was angry, just like when 99% of the movie was downloaded and suddenly no resources were left!

"Xiaomei!" Ye Ting immediately stood up, summoned Claudia above Xiaomei's head to her side, ready to incarnate the state of blood God, "departure, there may be something wrong with Meow Meow, we start quickly! "


Wind Breath Castle, the most luxurious room.

This room is naturally inhabited by Dragon Mother now. At this time, a scene that can not bear to look at is being played in the room ... Dragon Mother is playing with Meow Meow · Hide Cat ~ ~ You can't catch me !! You can't catch me! "Meow Meow roamed around the room happily, with a series of cheerful screams in her mouth. Although she was very happy to be with her host, she was under great pressure. She had to face various battles at any time. She is now a human being. She Also need a normal way for adults to relax!

The dragon mother was panting, and at last she seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and her body fell softly on the bed.

"Meow?" Meow meowed curiously, "Why don't you chase me?"

Dragon Mother "..."

She thought there must be something wrong ... Looking at the rough and handsome face of Haima King, Dragon Mother suddenly flashed a thought in her heart, her body suddenly sat up, and her mouth was about to kiss Haima King's face .


Meow meowed her on the bed with a slap, and stunned her. Then she jumped up with a frizzy body, fell down on a nearby cabinet, and squatted down, staring angrily at the faint. Dragon Mother.

She was angry.

What was she doing just now? I kindly played games with her and she wanted to kiss me!

The master said that kissing would be wiped out by the will of the universe!

Meow Meow stared at the dragon mother for a while, and when she heard a knock on the door, she walked curiously and opened the door. She saw Mi Ya standing outside the door with a strange look. She glanced into the room with respect, with respect in her mouth. She said, "You swallowed the golden bug, are you okay?" Then she saw the dragon mother fainting on the bed, and her face was startled. "Daenerys her?"

"I just punished her a little." Meow Meow wiped her face and wanted to kiss her!

She whispered away from Mi Ya.

Mia "... ????"
