The Heavens Come

Chapter 385: 1 brain hole **** movie that turns into

Ye Chui originally thought that the equatorial sky didn't need to pay much attention, so she always went to Longmu side slowly with Xiaomei with the attitude of traveling around the mountain.

The Westeros land is a low-magic world. Most of the landforms are still in their original state. They have not been developed by humans. The total population of the mainland may be only a few million. If you exclude the threat of harsh environments, the scenery here is still quite beautiful of.

In addition, Ye Chui and a home travelling and dual-use zombie maid accompanied her, and along the way, I felt quite comfortable.

However, knowing that Meow Meow encountered the Jin Chan, and swallowed the Jin Chan into his stomach, Ye Ting became worried. He was relieved to let Meow Meow meet the Dragon Mother because he knew that there was no faith in Meow Meow. , The golden worm should not have any effect on her, but did not expect that Meow Meow ate it ... this was absolutely unexpected by him.

Ye Xing became the blood **** and began to work hard to get to Fengxibao as soon as possible.

Xiaomei can fly in the air. She floats in the air and follows Ye Xing, and the speed is not much slower than Ye Xing in the blood **** state.

Zombies are divided into five levels: zombies, jade corpses, flying corpses, blood corpses, king corpses, Xiaomei should now just enter the level of blood corpses, but the mysterious and legendary items in her body have greatly strengthened her zombie power, Now she estimates that there is no problem with Wang Shipk.

Ye Tzu's zombie, that's also a hanging zombie.

Resting at night, Ye Ting sat cross-legged beside the fire, and Claudia, in the form of a gothic loli, leaned next to him, drowsing with her head up, and a spit of water flowing from the corner of her mouth.

She was exhausted. Before the Book of Blood God evolved into a legendary item, she could only persist for more than ten minutes after merging with Ye Tzu. After becoming a legendary item, the time was greatly enhanced, and it could be continued for several hours. Consumption is also great.

Ye Ting didn't need to rest, he was now waiting for Claudia to recover.

The drowsy bat girl still screamed from time to time, "Your horrendous heretics, let me teach you the master ..." This should be the scene of dreaming what monsters are fighting, and then, "What, you These idiots don't understand me, let me talk to you in your language, meow meow, meow meow ... "

Ye Ting "..."

Probably the legendary bat of his own house is just this point.

"Master, this is your dinner." At this time, Xiaomei helped Ye Thui to make dinner next to her. When the time was urgent, it was simple. Let Xiaomei help him to make a roasted whole lamb with onion stew. And a drawer of lamb xiaolongbao ...

Ye Xing in the wild countryside doesn't want to eat too complicated and not good.

As he ate, he stretched out his hand, using the magical runes to gather a three-dimensional image in the palm of his hand. The image was the golden bug transformed by the equator.

Mia and Cohen explained the shape of the golden worm to Ye Xing in detail through the evil eye crystal. According to the memory fragment they provided to Ye Xing, Ye Xing condensed the shape of the bug.

It's just that they haven't figured out what this giant cicada-like bug is.

It seems that I don't remember any such thing in movies.

When it comes to Jin Chan, Ye Chui thinks of Jin Chanzi most directly. When it comes to Jin Chanzi, it is inevitable to think of Tang Seng ... Although Equator ’s legendary belief ability is quite similar to Jin Chanzi ’s identity, but Obviously not the same thing.

Just when Ye Ting was puzzled, the voice of the little fox rang suddenly in Ye Ting's ears. "Sit down, Ye Ting, you are not disgusting, stare at this picture when you eat."

"What picture?" Ye Ting stunned and waved, summoning the little fox from the ring.

Since the last time in the Winter City, Ye Ting decided to be better with the little fox, the little fox seemed to be completely scared, and has been sleeping in the Lord of the Rings for the next few days, missing her spit and making Ye Ting feel Full of disappointment.

The most indispensable when pretending is the reverse vomiting of the little fox.

The little fox was trained in the Lord of the Rings for a few days, and the magic power of the demon recovered a little. Now she also has the shape of the b cup. She gracefully sat down next to a wooden stake and clicked the picture with her finger. Big picture of flies, alas, you can also eat. "


Ye dropped, frowning, looking at the three-dimensional picture emerging from the palm of his hand.

Hmm ... Looks like it is a little bit like a golden, enlarged fly.

Originally, Ye Xing only felt that it was a bit like a cicada. When Mia and Cohen described them like Ye Xing, they always said that they were insects like cicadas, and their size was indeed similar to that of cicadas. Their slender and transparent wings and body shape , And they are similar to Cicada.

With this preconceived notion, Ye Ting instinctively thought of it in the direction of the cicada.

But in fact, its body is slightly sloppy, its eyes are a bit large, and its body has some bristles. It is not so much a cicada, but a bit more like a fly ... This is a person who wants to make himself a cicada fly?

"Well? What's your expression?" The little fox looked at Ye Ting with curiosity.

"... Nothing, I didn't expect you to be really useful." Ye Ting said sincerely.

The little fox "Hey?"

"If this is a fly." Ye Ting then looked at the picture on the palm of his hand, and frowned. "There are many movies about flies, such as the fly, but they don't look like this ..."

Little Fox interjected, "Have you heard of a movie called Kung Fu Little Fly?"

"Crouch!" Ye Ting had to look at the little fox differently, and she even said the name of the movie casually.

Claudia was leaning next to Ye Ting who was lethargic. Then she was awakened, sucking the drool in her mouth, and wiped her eyes in confusion.

"After freeing from the hundreds of ghost paintings, I supplemented these decades of movies. I have only seen Kung Fu Fly before, so I still remember it," explained Little Fox.

Kung Fu Little Fly is a well-known A Sanshen film.

It is about the soul accidentally attached to a fly after the actor was killed by the bad guy.

In order to avenge and protect the girl he likes, he armed himself with the help of the girl, and fought against the bad guys. Finally, he finally avenged his revenge. In simple terms, this is a brain-god that turns into a fly. sheet.

Ye Chui watched it occasionally when he was in college, but he remembers the plot very clearly. The main plot is definitely not an ordinary person.

The flies that the actor turns into in the movie are obviously out of the category of ordinary flies. They can even lift things heavier than themselves. God ’s game will magically change the movie ’s wish plot and make some abilities change unexpectedly. .

Maybe Equatorial Sky has the ability to change flies. After his death, his soul will become flies, and he can continue to evolve, so that he now looks like a golden cicada.

When Mia and Ozu found the equatorial sky, he apparently sought to die, because he had this ability, he did not have the fighting ability in human form, but if he turned into a fly through this ability, he could obtain Attack power, and ability to absorb the power of faith.

Although the **** piece of kung fu flies looks good, but I am afraid that most survivors will want to exchange for this ability to change flies?

In addition to making such a **** movie and popular A San.

"Yeah!" Xiao Mei, who stood next to her, didn't quite understand what Ye Ting and the little fox were talking about, but she understood what was happening. "The worm swallowed by the meow is a fly, how can this be? , Meow Meow hates flies the most. If she knows that she eats flies, she will definitely vomit! "

"Do not let her know for the time being," Ye Ting said immediately.

It may be because the meow meow does not have the ability to believe. After swallowing the golden bug, she trapped the bug in the body. This bug is difficult to find. Now she is trapped by the meow. It is best to wait for the leaf to rush. Longxibao, try to solve it.

Xiaomei, the little fox, and Claudia who just woke up all nodded.

But at this moment, Ye Ting suddenly felt the consciousness of meowing. She contacted Ye Ting through the Lord's Ring. "Master silver master silver, when are you coming?"

Ye Ting was taken aback, a little surprised, "You even called at this time."

During the day, Ye Chui contacted Meow Meow for a long time, but because Meow Meow was staying in the Wind Breeze Castle, due to the magic of Wind Breeze Castle, Ye Chui could not communicate with her ideas, but she suddenly contacted herself suddenly.

"I'm meowing on a dragon ride ~" Meow Meow's cheerful consciousness passed over.

She is now riding on the back of a dragon, flying above the Wind Breeze at night. The dragon is extremely fat, but the quality of the dragon ’s food has dropped a lot because the meow is not near them. The size of the two dragons has also been slightly reduced, allowing them to fly briefly in the air.

Because she left the magic wall of Fengxibao, she could smoothly contact Ye Xing.

Meow Meow went on to ask, "Master Silver, what did you say meow?"

Ye Chui quickly glanced at the zombies, foxes and bats around him.

Using Ye Ting as an intermediary, Ye Ting and his pets can have idea connections, which is similar to opening a group chat. Xiaomei is a zombie owned by Ye Ting, and Bat Claudia is a property that Ye Ting owns. Instrumental spirits can also join this group chat, as long as Ye Xing does not make special settings, you can share information.

"Nothing." Xiao Mei immediately responded with a guilty conscience.

The little fox also quickly said, "Just now we were talking about food."

Meow meow, she just asked casually, and didn't care too much about it ...

Then I heard Claudia responding in her inherent second and middle tone, "Stupid meow, I will not tell you that you eat not cicadas but flies, Kokoko ..."

Ye Ting "..."

Little Fox"……"

Xiaolong who has been diving to pretend that he doesn't exist "..."

"Meow meow, don't listen to Claudia talking nonsense ..." Ye Chui quickly persuaded.

Meow Meow

Suddenly, it's too late!


Inside a garden in Wind Breath Castle.

Cohen, who was awarded the name of a dictator by Ye Ting, was looking at the sky with anxiety and looking for the dragon's figure. He now began to suspect that the ancestor of the ancestor had really turned a cat into his avatar.

The strangely shaped King of the Sea Horse King even had to ride a dragon to go for a ride at night ... The dragon will not let outsiders ride casually, it will only have one dragon knight in its life, but Meow Meow is the person closest to the dragon mother, Obviously an accident.

This park is planted with many flowers and plants. Although it is very cold in the north, it is warm as spring and flowers, but Cohen is very nervous.

At this moment, something fell from the sky.

Huh? Is it raining?

No, what is this ...

Dried fish?

Just as Cohen was puzzled, a buzzing sound suddenly rang in his ear.

Not good, he immediately became vigilant in his heart. A handful of weapons and firearms instantly stretched out in the space around his body. He is a mutant and his ability to mutate is connected space. His body has space bubbles that are similar to portable spaces. .

And he loaded a lot of arms in it, which also made him known as a mobile arsenal.

The golden worm tried to attack him many times during this time, all blocked by his indiscriminate arms defense net, but now knowing that the golden worm was swallowed by the meow, he relaxed his vigilance and heard that When the worms danced back, it was too late.

Without waiting for him to fix the bug's position, the next moment his neck suddenly felt aching, and his body fell to the ground softly.

A mysterious totem emerged from Cohen's arm, and that totem quickly turned into a giant worm, which emerged from Cohen's arm.

Someone found Cohen fainted and hurried over, including Orc Auzu, who has become an orc form with his tomahawk in his hand. He just came to Cohen not far away and used the garden The central burning brazier was shining, and saw the golden bug lying on Cohen's arm.

He was startled and stopped quickly.

The golden bug shook its wings, and flew up again with the buzzing sound, but this time it did not escape immediately, the weird body suddenly began to change rapidly, and filled with a burst of golden smoke, golden smoke And quickly condensed into a human form.

It was the third man who was killed by the orc Auzu in the throne room of Yangji City. He reunited the human body.

"Equator ..." growled Orc's rough voice, "It really is you!"

He threw his tomahawk in anger towards the equatorial sky in front of him.

However, with a loud whistle, Equatorial Sky just held out a hand and easily grabbed the tomahawk, and said proudly to Ozu, "Your power is no longer effective for me ..." Wow, that handle The best-grade battle axe redeemed from World of Warcraft Heavens was easily crushed with the palm of your hand.

Orc Ozu was startled.


The place where the equatorial sky stood was suddenly surrounded by the fire.

Miya, who is on a tower in the distance, arrived here at this time. She has the ability to absorb and release energy. Her feet burst into flames, holding her body and letting her land slowly in the ground. Her eyes were nervous. Just the direction of the explosion.

The equatorial sky's body is standing intact as before.

"I have the legendary ability to believe in totems. The greatest faith can tolerate everything. Haven't you discovered it? Now you are my followers, and your attacks will invalidate me." Equator's tone was full of sarcasm. Road.

After the equatorial sky became flies, it absorbed the faith power of several believers. The faith power gave birth to the strong faith of the believers in the people they believed in. After being absorbed by the equatorial sky, Mia, Cohen and others did not change their faith. , But can no longer use the power of faith.

It is because of the belief power that they generated that they were plundered by Equator.

They are equivalent to becoming believers in Equator.

Equator ’s legendary belief is much higher than Ye Chui ’s evil worship. Among the Ye Chui ’s followers, Mia, Cohen, and Auzu are the three most important. They were baptized by Ye Xing in person. In the belief system, they are The apex exists beneath the leaves.

When the equatorial sky successively absorbed the belief power of Ozu, Mia, and Cohen, he looted the faith power belonging to Ye Xie.

To put it simply, for believers such as Mia and Cohen, he is now equivalent to replacing Ye Tzu.

At the same time, the legendary totem of the equatorial sky also allows Mi Ya, Cohen and others to attack him, which can be completely nullified.

"Do you know what is the most terrible place for my ability? Now if I kill your godfather, then the belief system he built will completely collapse, and you will all become believers in my equatorial sky." Equator continued.

"You can't be our opponent to teach our ancestors ..." Cohen, who had previously fainted, got up from the ground and said firmly.

"Oh, I understand your paranoia about teaching ancestors, but the facts are always cruel." Equator said here and looked up at the sky. The dragon did not know where he flew at this time, the one who swallowed him Damn guy ... there is no trace of faith in that person, and after he was swallowed, it didn't appear in the man's belly, but was trapped in some alien space.

He couldn't get out of it ... just when he was almost desperate, he didn't expect that weird guy to spit him out again.

This guy is a bit tricky, but it doesn't matter. He should be the clone created by the ancestor. As long as the ancestor is solved, then it is easy for him to solve it. Now Equatorial Sky has plundered the ancestor's faith. Under his legendary totem ability, he With just one fist, you can kill Ye Xing.

This is the scariest part of his legendary totem ability.

"Your **** ancestor is rushing here." Equator turned his head to look northwest. He could feel the existence of the ancestor. The existence was approaching here quickly, and a sneer flashed on Equator's face. "Then, let me go first Meet him ... "

After saying this, Equatorial Sky flickered and disappeared in front of Mi Ya, Cohen and others.

"Well, he's looking for the ancestor. He must contact the ancestor quickly!" Cohen quickly pulled out the evil eye crystal from his body and tried to contact Ye Chui.

The evil eye crystal couldn't answer his call.

After the power of faith is absorbed, the believer will not be able to actively contact Ye Tzu!

When Cohen's faith power is plundered, the believer's faith power transformed by Cohen will also disappear.

There is no longer a believer in Longxibao.

"Admiral Haima Wang may be able to contact the ancestor of the ancestor ..." Miya thought of Meow and quickly looked up to the sky, but did not know that the previous dragon had already flown there.


Ye Xing turned into a blood god, and quickly hurried in the night.

He was very worried about the situation of Meow Meow. After knowing that he had swallowed a fly, Meow Meow seemed to vomit directly, and then she lost contact. As Ye Xiling's spirit, Ye Xing could sense that he was not injured. , But the current state seems very bad ...

And Equator may have left her body now, wondering what it would do.

Ye Chui was very worried about those believers in Fengsibao.

He is still a few hundred miles away from Wind Breath Castle. If he drives the blood **** state to hurry, he should be able to reach Wind Breath Castle within a few hours.

Xiao Mei followed quickly as Ye Xing walked.

His body swept through a small piece of forest, and his body shuttled quickly between the lush foliage of the forest. He had to maintain a certain height so as not to touch the rules of the air void in the game, and at the same time allowed him to speed up.

As soon as his figure left the forest ~ ~ A sudden dark shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and a strange Asan stopped in front of him.

With a weird moustache, Asan was staring at Ye Ting with proud and cold eyes, and opened his arms to Ye Ting. There was a terrible power brewing in his hands. It was the equatorial sky, and he left the wind. The castle came here towards Ye Ting, and stopped in front of Ye Ting.

He could perceive the person in front of him, who was the godfather who created the hatred of Ye Ting.

The equatorial sky plundered Ye Ting's belief power, and used this power for his own purposes. As the creator of this power, Ye Ting's attack will also be immune to him ... Well, theoretically this is the case.

"Go ahead!"

Ye Xing roared awkwardly in his mouth, raised his foot, and pinched his stomach on the equatorial sky.

The equatorial sky's body suddenly flew.

Ye Xingyang went away.

The equatorial sky only felt the dizziness of Ye Ting's foot, and his body fell to the ground with great difficulty to stabilize his figure.

what's the situation?

Why does his Totem of Faith have no effect on this Patriarch?

Haven't figured it out yet, Xiao Mei's body immediately behind Ye Xing also floats in the mid-air half a meter above the ground and rushes towards him.

"Step aside!"

Xiaomei sighed with pride, and she already held up the pan.


As soon as the pan panned the equatorial sky again, the equatorial sky flew out spirally ...

Ye Xing in midair was very anxious in his heart. "This third man should be a survivor of the equatorial sky organization. He was here to stop me ... Damn, equatorial sky must be doing something!

He should have both the ability to change flies and legendary beliefs. If Meow Meow spit it out, I do n’t know what will happen. My followers, do n’t be in trouble, I ’ll save you ... ”
