The Heavens Come

Chapter 386: No light or heavy shot, don't accidental

Equator's legendary ability is a belief totem. This belief totem has a strong tolerance and assimilation power. He has taken the hatred of the church's faith power as his own.

Calculating according to normal theory, then he can now be immune to all attacks by the founder of the church ... But the actual situation is that Ye Chuili ignored him, and flew him with one kick.

The thing that made him most angry was that he immediately met Xiaomei, the zombie who followed him. Xiaomei slaps him off the pan without saying a word ...

Is there anything wrong! ?

He came with no momentum to intercept Ye Xing, thinking that he could easily take down Ye Xing, but that was the result! ?

On the equatorial sky that was photographed, his body landed on the desolate ground and smashed a large pit. He got dizzy and got up from the ground. His mind was still full of doubts, but after seeing him before, Immediately following the leaving girl in red, she ran back quickly and ran away, her body floating half a meter off the ground.

Coming to him, the girl's clear voice said, "I'm sorry."

"???" Why apologize?

The next moment, I saw the girl holding up the pan again, screaming "scallion burst meat!" In her mouth, and slammed it on his forehead.


The powerful force burst out from the pan and fell on the equatorial sky, and this power radiated out, the ground cracked, and Equator's body was severely thrust into the ground.

The zombie girl immediately followed and turned again, chasing Ye Xing away.

Ye Ting contacted her through thoughts "Did he get rid of him?"

"Solved." Xiaomei responded.

Although this third looks like a normal character, after all, he is also a person organized by Equatorial Sky. Just after Ye Ting flew him, he felt that it was not good to let him leave. He is not a person who will leave himself any hidden dangers, so Then explain to Xiaomei to come and make up the knife.

"Hurry up, I feel that the power of faith seems to be abnormal, Mia and Cohen, they must not be in trouble ..." Ye Cui was full of worry, "That equatorial sky turned into a worm to absorb the power of faith. This must be powerful. The hole card! "

Ye Xing, in a state of blood, hurried on his way.

Then, a terrible roar suddenly passed from the direction behind him.

Too bullying!

Anyway, he is also a legendary survivor who has been famous for more than ten years. He controls the largest survivor organization (Equatorial Sky has the largest number of the seven major organizations). It is absolutely unforgivable to treat him like this!

"Well?" Flying Ye Xing stopped quickly and looked behind him.

Boom--the sound of water flowing suddenly came from below the earth.

"Wow." Xiaomei put her hand on her forehead and looked back, showing a slightly surprised expression, "a lot of water."

Where Xiaomei knocked down the equatorial sky before, the big hole that burst out suddenly began to gush turbid water, and it swept around like a river breakwater. Ye Ting couldn't help but feel that Xiaomei smashed Asan into it. Is it in the underground river?

Soon, Ye Ting realized that these waters were not ordinary. They were not physical, but the realization of a certain ability.

The gushing water was not scattered in all directions, but quickly condensed together like a living thing, rushing to the direction where Ye Xie and Xiao Mei were.

As if it was a river, and just now A San is floating on the river full of anger, and his mouth is roaring continuously.

This is the power of the equatorial sky.

Summon the Ganges through the power of faith ...

In this movie of Kung Fu Little Fly, after the protagonist was killed, the soul appeared in the sound of flies. When it was just born, it was located in a stinky water channel. When it had not yet learned to fly, water suddenly appeared in the water channel. He fled in a panic, and spread his wings in an emergency to learn to fly. In the game of God, because of this plot, the special ability of the variable fly has obtained the effect of calling river water.

The equatorial sky can condense the river water through the power of faith.

The raging river water immediately hit Ye Xie and Xiao Mei's side, and then the turbid river suddenly started to condense and became ice. When the river was about to sweep Ye Xie and Xiao Mei, Xiao Mei stretched out her left hand to stop the sea. The ice strength was released, and the river water flowing to her and Ye Ting was frozen in an instant, and the waves stirred by the river in front of Xiaomei were frozen, as if turned into an ice sculpture.

"The power of faith ... seems to hate the power of Ye Ting's religion." Ye Ting looked at the frozen ice in front of him, and frowned slightly. He hated that Ye Ting's belief in power was born because of his evil worship. He was naturally familiar with it. But after this force was plundered by the equatorial sky, some changes seemed to have occurred, so that Ye Chui had not previously sensed it directly from the equatorial sky.

Ye Ting looked up and saw the ice sculpture's claws, the figure of the equatorial sky emerged, and he stared at Ye Ting with anger and arrogance.

Then Equator took another glance at Xiaomei, a little doubt appeared on her face, this girl ... seems like a zombie beside Ye Ting? But how did Ye Tzu ’s zombie appear near the ancestors? Ye Ting was at this time a blood god, and she looked like a **** demon. Equator Tian recognized Ye Tzu ’s deity, but it was the first time she saw the blood **** Ye Ting.


The frozen ice was broken by Xiaomei, and Equator's body slowly fell to the ground.

The broken ice quickly dissipated.

The equatorial sky now seems to exude an invisible majesty, which is the belief in the might of gods. If ordinary people stand in front of him, they can't help but want to kneel and worship, and have just been kicked by Ye Xing, making him realize He seems to be a bit beyond imagination, so he has raised his strength to the extreme.

"Equator?" Ye Ting tilted her head for a moment, and asked in confusion.

"It's me," Equator whispered.

"..." Ye Chui suddenly looked disappointed.

The game was over by sight, just like the duel of the movie with the oss duel to set off the high tide. Ye Cui was quite looking forward to it, and the sense of urgency in his heart had also risen to the extreme, but ... the oss was too bad. Are you out of your mind?

This game lasted for several months, and now it is left to compete with Ye Tzu. I thought it would be a hard fight, but this level is too low?

Seeing this shape is just like the court clown, there is nothing like the demeanor of Ajaye (the survivor of Asan encountered in the battle of the strong orcs).

Equatorial Sky "... What's your expression !?"

"Nothing. Nothing." Ye Chui beckoned quickly, Equator appeared here, and should have purposely intercepted him. So, Mia and Cohen should be safe now, and he was relieved.

Anyway, it ’s also the boss of this game. Ye Ting gave him some face. He turned to look at Xiaomei and said, “You do n’t have to do it.”

Xiaomei didn't take light or heavy shots, don't accidentally shoot this boss to death.

"Oh." Xiaomei nodded, and stepped back two steps smartly.

When Equator Tian saw Xiaomei retreating, his heart was slightly loose. He felt that the zombie girl was a little weird and difficult to deal with, but he was a little angry at the same time, and felt that Ye Ting seemed to despise him ...

He twitched his face, clenched his fists and prepared to attack Ye Ting.

Ye Ting waved again, "Wait a minute, I have to ask you a question."

——If you do n’t ask, I ’m afraid you wo n’t have a chance.

"You want to ask what my ability is, right?" Equator Tian said as if he knew what Ye Ting thought.

Ye Ting nodded. "You seem to have the fly-changing ability from the Kung Fu little fly, and the legendary item Faith Totem. You seem to be very powerful now, but why does everyone say that you have no combat ability?"

"My Totem of Faith is the most powerful ability to believe, but under normal circumstances I really do not have the ability to fight ..." Equator explained that he does not understand Ye Xing's reality and therefore wants to take a break for a while.

The survivor with the most blood vessels of the Equatorial Sky Organization is the blood of the **** dance. This blood is very weird. Born from the exaggerated movie of Bollywood, it is difficult for outsiders to understand what the so-called **** dance is ~ ~ 可In fact, the blood of God Dance itself is a composite type of blood.

Bollywood is a magical place, which is completely different from the mainstream movies in the world. Bollywood movies have their own special style, exaggerated style, and the necessary dance time in each movie.

Only for a long time, Bollywood has not had a representative bloodline.

The Dragon Soul group has warriors and magic wizards, the ghost moon club has warriors, yin and yang divisions, and there will be mutants, jedi warriors in the future, and magic parties and robots in the magic party.

But Bollywood has nothing.

But Equator changed this situation. He created the blood of God Dance. His legendary item is a totem, and believes in him, then he can get the power of faith he gave. If he exchanges for other types of blood, Equator ’s faith. Will be combined with this blood, and become the blood of God dance.

The blood of the **** dance is a compound blood that combines equatorial beliefs with any other blood.

Mutants, warriors, magicians, etc. can all become the blood of the **** dance. With the blood of the **** dance, personal strength can be strengthened through dance. In essence, those dances are to eulogize the equatorial sky, and to gain the faith of the equatorial sky. Use this faith to drive other bloodlines.

Equatorial beliefs are more like a catalyst.

Therefore, the simple equatorial belief does not seem to hate the Yechui belief. It has no fighting power.

Therefore, Equatorial Sky himself has no fighting power, and the faith power he created with his own ability can only transform any other kind of blood into a blood of **** dance.

Fortunately, he also has the ability to fly.

After the fly, it is equivalent to a rebirth reincarnation. He can temporarily get rid of the original equatorial belief. During this period, he can completely drive the ability to believe in the essence of the totem, and can plunder other faith forces for his own use.
