The Heavens Come

Chapter 392: Diaomin always wants to harm her brother

In the closed chamber of Cohor Castle, Matans continuously injects the energy from the source of the fire into Hatch's body.

With the flow of energy, the light source that originally emited light patterns gradually lost its luster, and its color changed from a bright metallic color to a black and gray like a stone—this legendary item can generate the energy of the tinder. This energy allows the metal to change according to the wishes of the operator, and even turns the metal into an almost mysterious active metal to gain life.

Tinder energy has a storage capacity, and it will continue to be generated in the Tinder source. After it is used up, it can be slowly refilled.

It just seems endless, but in fact it is extremely restrictive. To use fire energy to transform and create metal life, you must redeem ownership in the game of God. This number is not affordable for every survivor. of.

Ye Ting has exchanged Hatch's ownership, but now if Hatch is injected with the energy of the Tinder and upgraded, then after the games are over, Ye Ting needs to pay points to regain ownership, otherwise Hatch will be wiped out.

Matans didn't want the money to inject all the energy of the Tinder into the Hatch body, which is mischievous. In this way, Hatch ’s exchange points will reach an astronomical number at the end of the game. It will be obliterated.

Anyway, the tinder energy in the tinder source will be refilled, but it has to wait for constant time. In fact, he has not lost ...

Hatch, injected with the energy of the tinder, fell to the ground as if he was asleep, his body shrunk into a ball, and a faint white light emanated from his body. Matans stopped and glanced at the dim tinder source in his hand and smiled. Ome said: "I have already upgraded it, but when the game is over, you need to pay points to get it ... Of course, only a little points are needed."

When talking about this, Matans was still secretly proud of himself, and the member of the divine meteor in front of him would soon understand that the hint of irony contained in his words at this time ...

Can't bear the child's helpless wolf, it is impossible to take advantage of him!

Then Matans showed a terrified expression again: "I have done what you said as the strong one from the meteor, can you let me go?"

Ye Qingmei's eyes behind the mask looked at Matans, and a sword suspended behind her slightly trembled. She was hesitating in her heart. The dog was Ye Xing. There must be no way to hide this secret. After that, Matan Will Si find trouble with Ye Ting after he understands this?

My little brother is good and strong enough, but it is too kind. Everyone in the survivor's world has survived the battle. The strong should deter everyone, resist everything and look bad. All the guys solved it, but his brother didn't know what happened between him and the guy who hated the cult of Ye Ting. He let the other party set up a hellfire club.

Is this ridiculous? My brother is still too kind!

Instead, she must have been hacked to death for the first time.

In fact, when she learned that the ancestor founded the Hate Ye Chui religion, she did move this mind, but the kitten knew and dragged her out of her hands. The boss also personally warned her not to care about it, so she only Give up.

Regardless, the existence of the hatred of Ye Chui's religion has become strong evidence of Ye Qingmei's argument that his brother is very kind.

Alas, Diao Min always wants to harm her brother ...

This Matans, it would be better to do it forever ... Ye Qingmei's eyes were completely killed.

Immediately, Matans shuddered and immediately fell to his knees.

He knows that the Meteorological Organization is extremely mysterious. According to some information he has learned, this organization has no more than seven members, but each has the ability to easily destroy a large organization!

"..." Ye Qingmei still put away her sword after a while.

The man in front of him is a legendary survivor, regardless of the character of others. Today, 80% of the black technologies in the survivor world are from the galactic worship organization he created, which is closely related to the source of the fire in his hands. Killing the tinder source will be wiped out, and then the survivor world will not know what kind of changes will occur.

The most typical point is that almost all survivors now have a translator. This is the result of black technology, allowing survivors in different languages ​​to communicate without barriers, and even to translate some languages ​​in the movie world, such as Orcs Language, Naomi language, etc.

Although there are magic and variant capabilities to communicate between language barriers, after all, it is much more troublesome, and the black technology core of the translator is inseparable from the special parts provided by Tinder.

If the Tinder source is wiped out, then all black technology translators will probably fail.

The boss is probably going to get mad. The purpose of their gods is to act in secret. Although she has never known what the mystery of the community **** is, she must be careful in this regard.

After a moment of hesitation in her heart, she made a decision, then put away the sword, bent over and drew the dormant dog, and looked at Matans with an indifferent look, then turned and left. .

Matans collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, but with a smile on his face.

"According to my reckoning, to take that deformed creature out of the game now requires at least one million points to do it. With so many points, I am afraid that even the survivors of heaven can rarely reach it. This deformed creature is destined to be Will be spiked! "

He laughed with a mockery on his face, and suddenly he felt a little stunned.

"Speaking of millions of points ..." He quickly called up the survivor ranking list, because Galactic Worship was added to the neutral forces, and he didn't expect to earn many points in this game, so Matans paid close attention to the list. Little, the last concern was three days ago. At that time, he remembered that Ye Chui had earned more than 900,000 points. Those days have passed ...

1.28 million!

On the Zhutian Forum, there seems to be speculation that the rise of Ye Chui seems to have been helped by the Meteorological Organization ...

"This ... Fack!"

Matans' heart suddenly became ridiculous.


Outside Cohor City, Long Yan and Kitty stood on the low mountain and looked at the direction of the city. There was not much worry on the faces of the two. Although Ye Qingmei looked a little unreliable, but when it comes to combat effectiveness, then It is also enough to rank in the top five in the meteor!

"She's back." Long Yan stood straight, looking at the direction of the city, and gently shook his head while talking, and his long flowing hair fluttered in the wind.

"It seems that she has done what she wants to do." There was a small coffee table in front of the kitten, and there was a kettle and a tea cup on it. She looked at the tea cup, and the milk tea and heat in it were constantly emerging. The kitten face There was a hint of doubt, "Forcing Hatch to upgrade, I don't know what the consequences of this kind of thing ..."

"We'll just wait and see." Long Yan said with a smile.

While talking, I saw a billowing smoke in front of her. Ye Qingmei dragged a drowsy dog ​​and ran back with a trail of smoke. When she finally came to the low mountain, she leaped straight across a distance of dozens of meters, stable. Landed in front of the small coffee table steadily.

When she saw the tea in the water glass still scorching, she was relieved.

Pretend to be a full set, she is just such a person.

Hold the milk tea, grunt it and pour it into your stomach, and wipe your mouth: "This temperature is just right."

"..." The kitten looked at Ye Qingmei helplessly, then crouched down and looked at Hatch lying on the ground. Her eyes were particularly bright. "Is it undergoing evolution?"

"That mother egg is clever. Don't think I don't know what he's thinking. He thought that pouring all the energy from the Tinder source into Hatch's body would let God wipe it out. Hehe, he doesn't know me This is actually for my younger brother. My younger brother now has more than one million points. But Ye Qingmei said with a bit of pride in her voice.

"Matans poured all the energy from Tinder into his body?" Long Yan was slightly surprised. UU Reading at

Well, according to his understanding, ordinary Transformers need about 100,000 fire energy, and to create Optimus Prime Transformers, it only needs 300,000 points of energy.

Millions of points ... what will that create?

The universe king?

And ... this is still injecting this energy into the body of a mechanical dog that turns into a bicycle. Are you trying to create a big dog in the universe?

"Sister Qingmei, are you doing too much?" The kitten looked at Ye Qingmei suddenly.

"I was just letting the boy inject about 100,000 points of energy, but I didn't force him, he injected it with a brain, did he blame me?" Ye Qingmei sneered, holding her chest, "Huh, who Do n’t even try to bully my brother. "

"..." You must have misunderstood your brother.

It ’s just your sister and brother who bully other people inside and out together.

In this game, how can you selectively ignore the fact that your brother has played everyone!

Long Ling exchanged his eyes with the kitten, and then Long Ling said, "Since then, there is no way to say anything else ... Ome, kitten, let's go back to the Westeros land and wait for Hatch to find a chance Give it back to Ye Ting, so let's leave this game world. "

"Then let's go," said the kitten, raising two small hands, the space cube emerged between her hands, the space energy diffused out, and a space door appeared in front of the three of them, on the other side of the door. It looks like a forest, "I have helped sister Qingmei think of how to return Hatch to Ye Xing."

After speaking, there was a sound of wolf rumbling on the other side of the space gate, which was the cry of the icefield wolf.