The Heavens Come

Chapter 393: 1 Husky who wants to bubble wolf king

The situation in Westeros is slowly moving towards the finale.

Ye Ting, who stayed in the Twilight Hall of Tus Island, watched the advent of the final battle through the eyes of the heart tree.

In the future, Oriana will make a final resistance, assisting Cersei to seize King's Landing, while the North Border, the Corps of Ghosts, and Dragon Mother's army are coming in from both directions.

The mother of the dragon was angry, and she was closer to Junlin, and returned to the vicinity of Junlin three days later.

The hearts of the people in Junlin were disturbed, but Cersei had already made some arrangements. She spread the name of Dragon Mother's brutality and gathered all ordinary civilians in nearby villages to King Lin City. It was not difficult to do this. Dragon Mother's Although the unscrupulous men disciplined themselves and obeyed the Dragon Mother's orders, most of the Dothrakis and mercenaries in Essos mainland acted extremely fiercely, and many of the nearby villagers were looted by them.

Gathering countless villagers in King's Land, Cersei claims to provide asylum for these innocent people, but in fact these people are meat shields and hostages. She believes that the dragon mother will never use the dragon in her face. Offensive King Pro.

But neither Cersei nor Olianna expected, waiting for them was a crazy dragon that was stunned by anger.

After reaching the vicinity of Junlin, the dragon mother gave Cersei a three-day surrender period, otherwise she would burn the city directly.

Hearing the threat of the dragon mother, Cersei put on her self-righteous, arrogant and indifferent face that often appeared on television, thinking that the dragon mother would never do such a thing, and stupidly sniffed at the threat of the dragon mother.

As the three-day deadline approached, the little devil and the eight-claw spider of the dragon mother camp persuaded the dragon mother to be kind and kind, but they could not change the cold look of the dragon mother, so the two directly reversed-they were at In the early morning of the third day, he led a part of the free people and secretly left Long Mu's army which has become extremely evil now.

This part of the free people is the army absorbed by the dragon mother in the liberated slave city in the land of Essos. They are the kindest and innocent people. They fight for the dragon mother because they believe in the dragon mother, but now they have slowly come to know it. The Dragon Mother ... For this part of the free people, the Dragon Mother naturally will not let them leave, and ride the dragon to pursue it in person.

Fortunately, the ingenuity of the little devil did not go offline at this time. He deliberately and an octopus spider took an army as a bait, attracting the dragon mother to other places, and took the opportunity to allow other people to smoothly go to the bay and escape by boat.

However, the little demon Tyrion was captured by the dragon mother, and the eight-claw spider was burned to ashes by the dragon of the dragon mother on the spot.

Dragon Mother was completely blackened at this time.

After bringing the little demon Tyrion back to the barracks near King's Landing, she was angry and **** the little demon, and he wanted the little devil to watch her burn the King's Landing with her own eyes!

The last time that Dragon Mother gave to King's Landing was noon on the third day.

In the morning of this day, Cersei was still stubborn and refused to surrender. She sat on the Iron Throne with unspeakable madness in her eyes. She would rather burn with the dragon mother and jade, and would never choose to surrender. Numerous "wildfires" have been deployed everywhere, this is a very lethal weapon in the world of ice and fire. In the battle of Blackwater Bay, Kinglin used this kind of thing to completely defeat the Stanislas fleet.

The dragon mother is crazy, and Cersei is actually in a madness now. Oriana, who assists Cersei, also knows that it is impossible to win, but she will be left alone in the future, and she already has the idea of ​​sharing everything. Already.

In the chamber where the Iron Throne is located, now Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne, with a tense face, wondering what to think. At this moment, the footsteps sounded, and her twin brother James pushed open the heavy door. Come in.

This man who was the most handsome knight in the Seven Kingdoms, with the name of a monarch, now looks extremely lonely and timid. The emperor Joffrey savagely beat him, causing him to lose all the former glory, and he always has Cersei, who is all paint-like, is also constantly disappointed in him, but this person is her favorite person after all, and she believes that he has always loved her deeply.

Even at the end of the world, they will always be together.

James, in his luxurious robe, came to the Iron Throne and stared at the woman on the throne that he felt more and more strange.

The two looked at each other quietly, the time was approaching noon.

"It's almost time," James whispered.

"Destroy it, destroy everything, we will be together even if we die ..." Cersei stood up, holding the hard armrest of the Iron Throne, and she trembled and hugged the man in front of her.

All three of their children died, which reminded her of the prophecy she heard when she was a child, predicting that her three children would use gold to make shrouds, and that she would die in the hands of her brother ... This prophecy is now fulfilled one by one, her three children are dead, and the dragon mother is brought here by the little devil. She thinks it fulfills the prophecy that she will die in the hands of her brother.

She should have tried to kill him when she was a kid, that **** gnome ...


Embracing James, he pierced a dagger into Cersei's chest at this moment.

"You ..." Cersei looked at James in disbelief.

James said coldly, "I'm sorry ... I, I can't watch you go crazy ..."

The brother who killed Cersei in the prophecy was not the little devil, but James.

Along with Cersei's death, Oriana, who was standing on the wall of King's Landing, also received a reminder from the divine envoy. The King's Landing forces joined by the future club, along with Cersei's death, also completely perished.

Receiving this news, Oriana only took a moment's notice. She didn't seem to be surprised at this. In front of the city wall, there was a dragon mother riding a fat dragon. The sun was shining and it was noon. The said deadline.

The burst of bells sounded quite well in King's Landing City. It was the ringing bell that jammed hard after James killed Cersei, which represented surrender.

But the dragon mother didn't respond when she heard the voice. She patted the scale of the fat dragon: "Dracarys!" (Long Yan)


The terrible dragon flame sprayed out of Zhuo Geng's mouth, and instantly burned Oriana, standing on the wall, to ashes, and also smashed the seemingly indestructible wall of Junlin. The innocents screamed and rushed into King's Landing, while the dragon mother controlled the dragon, hovering over the most majestic and famous city in the Westeros land.

Fury burns the city.


Ye Xing, who was in the Twilight Hall, saw all this through the eyes of the heart tree, and his expression seemed a little helpless.

The Dragon Mother did not expect to be so blackened, and even committed a crime such as the Burnt City ... He originally felt that it was a bit unbearable to control the North Border and the Corps of Ghosts to deal with the Dragon Mother, and he felt too cruel, he was Such a person of integrity and kindness did not expect that the dragon mother was blackened so thoroughly. Now the free people born of slaves under the dragon mother have left, and the remaining Doslacs, mercenaries and innocent people are completely indifferent. Worthy of mercy.

They are veritable killers.

The north border and the ghouls are now approaching King's Landing, and the dragon mother can be considered dead.

The final battle of ice and fire is about to begin.

"Let's go, too, look over the situation." Ye Ting stood up and said to Xiaomei next to her.

Next, Ye Ting took Xiaomei, Meow, Claudia, and Dragon Rega, and began to move northward. They went directly to the sea, and they let Meow Meow summon Carason, walking against Rega, and at the same time, Xiao Mei was turned off because of seasickness.

After two days in the sea, Ye Chui called Carason to shore. This place was already in the northern realm. Ye Chui landed on the shore and was ready to go round with the North Front Coalition. After two days, when they passed a forest, Ye Chuier There was a sudden howling of wolves.

This makes Ye Ting feel curious, is it an ice field wolf?

He didn't want to bother about these things and was about to leave, but at this moment, with a snoring sound, the two healthy figures in the forest in front of him came out. They seemed to be playing with each other. When they saw Ye Xing, they stopped. One of them immediately showed vigilant action, and the other looked strangely.

"???" Ye Ting also choked, because one of the two wolves appeared to be the ice field wolf that appeared on TV, as for the other ... Although the overall shape of the wolf remains, its body lines Stiff, although the body has the texture of hair, it can be seen carefully that it is a soft gelatinous substance, which is obviously not a real wolf or a real creature ...

Even looking at the black and white appearance of this creature, this is not a fake wolf!

"Hatch?" Ye Ting couldn't help but ask, don't think I don't know you if you change your skin!

"Woohoo?" The wolf froze ~ ~ quickly turned his head, stretched out a paw to swing the leaf, you confessed wrong ...


This Nima is definitely Hatch.

Ye Chui quickly looked around. Did his sister bring him here? The original Hatch shape can clearly see the mechanical structure, and it is composed of various mechanical parts, but now its appearance has become more rounded, which is obviously the reason for the upgrade.

As for the other icefield wolf ... Well, isn't this the second Melia in the original drama?

The children of the wolf family have an icefield wolf in their hands. This is a symbol of their status and also has an implicit meaning. The encounter of the icefield wolf symbolizes their ending even more. Of course, the existence of the icefield wolf in the game of God is very weak. The icefield wolf beside Xue Nuo disappeared from the beginning.

In the original drama, Erya was forced to be displaced, and her icefield wolf left her early. She became a female wolf king in the northern forest. Later, Erya became a top assassin and returned to Westeros. Namelia has encountered it.

After her sister helped Hatch to upgrade, she brought it here. Did she expect him to pass here?

"Hatch, come here." Ye Ting glanced at the wary she-wolf king, beckoning at a mechanical dog he hadn't seen in a long time.

However, Hatch didn't come over. Instead, she approached the she-wolf king and pinched the other's neck, and then she watched the wolf howl and howl, and there was a sudden sound of wolf in the distance. .

Soon, a group of Timberwolves appeared around.

This is the race of the she-wolf king.

Hatch stood beside the she-wolf king, raised a paw and waved at Ye Xing: I have found my own happiness. Come on, don't bother me ...

Ye Ting: "..."