The Heavens Come

Chapter 433: She is a kind zombie

After Xiaomei and Mao Mei, Limei, and Irene would reconcile, they followed the hole that Xiaomei had previously opened, climbed out of the body, and sat on the mech body of a hill after falling to the ground. Breathing fresh air, the black mist dissipated, their sealed power was quickly returning to their bodies, and all three were exhausted.

The pictures of entanglement between blue light and thunder light in the sky also attracted their attention, but before they figured out what it was, the vigilant Rimi found something, holding a knife and looking not far away.

A tall man didn't know when he appeared there and was walking slowly.

Mao Mei and Irene also saw him one after another and hurriedly showed their vigilance.

"Are you with those people?" Mao Mei asked, holding the Storm Tomahawk with both hands, she could feel that the person in front of him was terrifying. It was a fighting instinct, "Who are you?"

"My name?" Said the tall man. He had a white face. I wondered if it was an illusion. His face subconsciously gave a very square feeling. He showed a little thoughtful expression, and then said, "This The body originally called itself Clark ... I like the name a lot, so keep using it? "

"Clark?" Mao Mei, Li Mei, and Irene were all stunned. One of the survivors did Clark, or a lone ranger. It is said that they are a very powerful guy. Mao Mei and Li Mei have not paid much attention to the Survivor Forum. Looking at the information of other survivors that may be encountered, this Clark is one of them they have followed. Mao Mei and Li Mei exchanged glances with each other. Mao Mei then asked, "Superman's Clark?"

"Yes, Superman's Clark." Clark said with a smile.

With his words, his tall body suddenly floated ...


"Fuck, this guy is Superman !?"

Ye Xing, who was hundreds of miles away, stood up from the top of the monster baby subconsciously because of surprise. He felt extra unexpected: "This should be the last qualified person among the survivors, right? His power is even Superman!"

Nowadays, the man-made movie is Marvel, and the dc in the two giants of the United States and Man. Are almost uplifted by Marvel, but the brilliance of dc is beyond doubt. The Superman series and Bat series two thousand years ago are the light of man-made change After becoming a survivor, Ye Ting also became interested in the dc universe. After all, dc's superman should be the strongest person in the role of change.

Especially the old version of Superman in the 1970s and 1980s, can directly reverse the earth and then set the time backwards. Can you say that is not awesome?

In the game of God, Superman is a kind of ability, or a very special kind of ability. Survivors want to have Superman ability, they must first exchange the blood of the star, the star blood itself is expensive, it is said that Million points.

Of course, 10,000 points is nothing to say, but you can become Superman with 10,000 points? That is impossible!

Because after exchanging 氪 金 血脉, it is only to obtain 血 星 血脉, so that the physical constitution of a certain evolution, but this is only the level of ordinary 氪 星 人, not Superman, and at the same time, 氪 星 血脉The power of spells and magic is almost zero, and there is also a fear of the fatal weakness of the puppet element. In summary, the bloodline is actually very pitted.

If you want to become Superman, you will continue to exchange Superman abilities.

This is similar to bloodlines such as warriors and magic. After exchanging bloodlines, you must exchange the corresponding internal force and magic energy. After exchanging blood of Xingxing, you must exchange different superman abilities, so that you can increase your strength step by step to become a true superman.

Superman abilities include many types and levels, and even "Day of Destruction" belongs to one of Superman abilities.

The blood of Pingxing is a veritable blood of Pingxing.

In the game of God, there are very few survivors who choose to redeem the blood of Xing Xing. On the one hand, it is afraid of the weakness of magic spells and elements of Xuan. It is even more prohibitive, but now I did not expect to let Ye Chuiyu now. Arrived one!

"The survivor chooses the possession of a qualified person, which can bring strength from the undead world, but it cannot bring blood. The Clark survivor himself has exchanged the blood of the star, and the undead who possessed him has brought superman from the undead world. Ability, but I do n’t know what level and type this ability belongs to ... ”Ye Cui suddenly became a little curious.

It seems he must hurry to the base!


Here at the base, when seeing Clark's body floating, Mao Mei and Li Mei felt a shudder at the same time, even the other side had Superman!

In contrast, Irene is much more calm. She was originally a stray girl. Recently, she has made up a lot of film and television dramas that may involve battle royale. For Superman, she still needs to think about it before she can understand it. After what it represented, she looked at the floating man in front of him, as if he was posing a tall man. He couldn't help but came up with a sentence: "What about your red underwear !? Don't you like to wear underwear outside?"

Clark: "..."

Little girl, I advise you to be careful!

The little fox was lying on the top of Xiaomei's head. She felt a little trembling. When she heard Irene, she couldn't help but whispered: "The superman this girl looks at must be the old version, and the new superman is not fashionable to wear underwear. She then patted Xiaomei's head. "Xiaomei, this guy may be very strong. We still have to wait for Ye Ting to come. Now the most important thing is to slip away ... hey, what are you doing!"

After exchanging these words, the little fox suddenly noticed that Xiaomei's body rushed towards Clark, and her body was already lit with purple blood.

"Don't be impulsive—" Little Fox reminded quickly.

But Xiaomei's shot was quick, she slammed in front of Clark, and the pan called to the other side's square face.

Clark's body couldn't help but crooked, almost fell to the ground, his eyes looked at Xiaomei angrily.

"Mushroom fried meat." Xiao Mei said in the mouth.

Clark: "?????"

"Is the person who just attacked me with you?" Xiaomei continued to ask, but she was still angry now, the kind with serious consequences!

"Are you the zombie? You actually attacked me ..." Clark twitched slightly, his face cold.

Then Xiaomei didn't wait for him to finish his words, and once again he picked up the pan and slammed on his face: "Large onion eggs!"

Clark's body was crooked again, and two pans were patted on his left face, his face was slightly bulging, his face was a bit shocked, and it could be said that he was too surprised to be attacked in the first shot, but For the second time, he was fully vigilant, but he couldn't catch Xiaomei's action?

In this state, he may have some gap with the real Superman, but at least he has reached a third of his strength?

How could it be so vulnerable!

Then his eyes became red, which was not a description, but really red.

呲 ——

Two laser beams shot from his eyes and blasted towards Xiaomei.

Xiaomei hurriedly blocked it with a frying pan, her body posture turned gracefully, and the frying pan rounded, and she slammed again, and fell on Clark's right face.

"Chicks stew mushrooms!" Shouted in the mouth after shooting.

Clark's head was twisted aside, and the laser in his eyes glanced directly over the nearby base, and the house continued to collapse.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, his eyes had returned to the original state, shaking his head vigorously and shouting in anger at Xiaomei: "Enough! Have you hit enough?" He touched his left cheek behind him while speaking ~ www ~ The place is swollen.

Xiaomei lifted the pan and tried to fight again. Seeing his red and swollen left face moved a little bit, it seemed that she couldn't bear to start.

She is a kind zombie ...

Then she handed the pan to her left hand, from bottom to top, and yelled into Clark's left face: "Braised pork ribs!"

There is no problem with another face!

Mao Mei, Li Mei, and Irene stood beside them: "..."

"Superman ... just bullied by Xiaomei like this?" Mao Mei said suddenly.

Erin also lamented: "I'm all hungry."

Mao Mei and Li Mei: "Huh ????"

Remi glanced at Irene silently, then frowned, "Should it be Xiaomei's zombie power that can restrain his blood of the star star?"

The power of Xiaomei's zombie belongs to the category of magic, and magic and magic are the nemesis of the blood of the star. Therefore, Clark will have no power to fight back in front of Xiaomei. Among the qualified people generated by the game of the undead, Liu He must control Xian Jian, his strength restrained Xiaomei, the original task was to target Xiaomei, but no one expected that a bald head suddenly stepped in.

Clark, who was originally used to deal with Ye Xing, has encountered Xiaomei now.

Now it's a good shot by the zombie girl!

The little fox was lying on the top of Xiaomei's head. She was a little subconscious when she saw that the other party was Superman. However, she found that this guy was not Xiaomei's opponent at all. She immediately calmed down, and even felt that the other party was a bit miserable. It was really angry, so the little fox contacted Ye Chui: "Ye Chui, come quickly, and Xiao Mei will slap this Superman to death ..."

Ye Ting: "..."

Hurry up, he finally encountered a superman ...

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!
