The Heavens Come

Chapter 461: Put down the stone in your hand first, h

Xiaomei rushed over suddenly, slamming a stone and smashing Meilin, which made Meilin's three companions stunned. Xiaomei also told them in a serious manner that this trick was called potato stew ... After the reaction, the three of them One after another picked up their weapons in preparation for siege of Xiaomei.

"You back down!"

At this moment, Mei Lin, who had been smashed into the air before, rushed out of the forbidden forest. This master with gray hair and beard wearing a decent suit. The shape was originally very **** and cool, but now it looks a bit more He was so embarrassed, he yelled at the three companions, "You go and solve the others first, and give me this zombie."

His eyes fell on the stone that Xiaomei was holding in her arms, and this baby stone could not be damaged anyway!

The three men looked at each other. They naturally understood that Green was shot before, not because Green was not good. He was just worried about the stone. In the real battle, the zombie Xiaomei could not be Master Merlin anyway. Opponent.

These three people, in addition to the hooded man who released the curse of death, the other two were women, a black and a white man, and the hooded man glanced at Xiaomei's direction and said to the two companions: "The two over there I leave it to you personally. "He looked up again and looked at the distant, unceasingly catching the monster's Ye Xing, stepped forward," As for Ye Xing, let me deal with it. "

"Can you be alone?" The white woman asked. She was wearing slim and fashionable clothes. At this moment, with the battle that was about to start, with a wave of her arm, the clothes were replaced by a woman's armor, and her head still appeared. A pair of helmets with wings on both sides.

"I'm the spokesperson for the **** of death ... even if you can't beat Ye Chui, Ye Chui can't defeat me." The hoodie said confidently, quickly chasing in the direction where Ye Chui was.

The other black woman also changed her clothes. It was a weird dress made of a straw skirt and coconut shell. A headband made of branches appeared on her head. Most of her exposed skin There was also a weird rune full of strange and mysterious atmosphere. After exchanging glances with the white female, the two quickly chased in the direction of Mao Mei and Irene.

"Don't run!" Xiao Mei saw this and immediately held the stone to stop them.

But a chain of magic condensed spread like a viper in the sound of snoring, entangled to the stone in Xiaomei's hands. The magic chain was the magic that Mei Lin exerted, and one end of the chain was connected to Mei Lin's left palm.

Xiaomei quickly hugged the stone, her body kept flashing, avoiding the circling chain.

At this time Xiaomei also found some strange things, her brows frowned slightly—her purple veins were already shining on her body, and the purple veins were the power of power gems. She could have transmitted this power to anyone she touched. The objects she reached, such as pans, such as casually slabbed bricks, were something she had determined for a long time, but now she found that she could not transfer the power of the power gem to the stone in her hand.

This stone will directly invalidate the power gem.

This has never happened before.

Xiao Mei evaded one after another, just as her body flew towards a bush, "Ga——" A monster suddenly came out and rushed to Xiao Mei, this is a eagle head, a thick body and a pair of wings The weird animal is the legendary gryphon, also known as the eagle-headed beast. In the world of Harry Potter, there is a magical animal called the eagle-headed horse with a beast. This animal is a variant of the griffon.

"Yeah!" Xiaomei was startled, and when she exclaimed, she would throw a stone in her hand and hit the griffin.

"Don't!" Mei Lin was startled when she saw this. If she hit the gryphon, she just threw a stone at him. The griffin was expected to be killed directly, but the stone itself said that it must be broken!

Mei Lin could not easily regain the stones from Xiaomei's hands when he cast a mouse, so in a hurry, he quickly controlled the magic chain, and in the voice of the gurgling, the chain immediately entangled the gryphon.

唰 ——

The chain was tightened, carrying a strong force to pull the griffin away, and flew away from afar.

"???" The target disappeared, Xiaomei stopped moving and looked at Meilin a little bit puzzled.

"Give me the stone!" Mei Lin said in a cold voice, stepping towards Xiao Meibu, the magic wand of his right hand shook, the surrounding space suddenly flashed with green fluorescence, and the air flow began to become extremely dense. He was in Imprison the surrounding space.

As a legend who has lived for thousands of years, Merlin knows more magic than any magician today.

"No!" Xiaomei said decisively. She could feel that space was being imprisoned, so her body quickly moved under the urging of the power gem, turning into a shadow and leaving the area of ​​imprisonment.

With the strengthening effect of Power Gems, Xiaomei can increase her speed to the extreme.

She came to a monster that was three meters tall and rough like a stone. It was a stone monster.

Raise the stone in your hand and hit the stone demon.

"Stop!" Merlin was startled, her magic wand fluttered in the air, the top of the wand was shining, and a wave of light was released. With a bang, it struck the stone demon first. Immediately scattered into a gravel.

Xiaomei's figure flew away very fast again. She had vaguely felt something, and she was swimming around to capture the monster's Ye Xing, and she accurately judged what she was doing. She contacted Xiaomei through her thoughts: "This magician It seems that you are very concerned about the stone in your hand, don't give it to him ... If you hit the monster with the stone, he will help you solve the monster. "

"Yes, master!" Xiao Mei promised, and she soon saw that four or five monsters were gathering together, so she held the stone in her hand and smashed it.

Mei Lin shivered between her eyebrows, and her body chased quickly. At the same time, she held up her magic wand, read a mysterious spell, and thundered. The magical attack of the four or five monsters exploded, and the limbs flew and bloody. Splashed.

"Wow." Seeing the power of this explosion, Xiaomei sighed indifferently, and then held a stone in search of a new target.

"..." Mei Lin came to Xiaomei with a tangled face. He felt that he had not been so depressed for thousands of years as he is now. The speed of this zombie was fast, and he was worried that the stone would be damaged and he did not dare. Using too powerful magic, it can be chased but not caught up. This makes the stone look like a hostage of Xiaomei. In order to protect the safety of the hostage, Merlin can only take the first step to kill the monster that Xiaomei is going to attack ... ...

He now rushed to Xiaomei and shouted, "First put down the stone in the hand, have something to say!"

Xiaomei lifted the stone and looked around. No new monster was found, and then her eyes suddenly fell on Mei Lin's body. The pretty and lovely face suddenly showed a happy expression, and then rushed towards Mei Lin with the stone.

"..." Mei Lin froze and hurriedly cast a curse. The green thorns and vines on the ground around him quickly grew out, like a living creature, to entangle and capture Xiaomei's figure, but Xiaomei's body kept flashing around. Moving, smartly avoiding the vines, rushed to Mei Lin's presence in a blink of an eye.

"I want to smash you." Xiao Mei reminded friendship, and smashed down holding the stone.

Meilin didn't dare to hide, for fear of avoiding the stone, it would break when it fell to the ground.

So he quickly stretched out his hands again to take on the impact of the stone, only listening to the bang, under the control of Xiaomei's powerful force, the stone smashed into the ground fiercely, causing the ground to crack a large pit, and Mei Lin was followed He smashed into the big pit. This time, he also suffered most of the power. He pressed himself into the big pit, and offset the strength of the stone.

However, this time Merlin's hands also hugged the stone firmly, while enduring the pain from his body, while performing magic, he tried to absorb the stone directly into his space.

But where is Xiaomei willing to let it go? Before his spell works, the stone is picked up again by Xiaomei, and Xiaomei is covered with purple blood. This moment in Meilin ’s eyes is more than what he encountered in the past thousand years. All the evil beings of God are even more evil. He quickly jumped out of the big pit, his body quickly moved away from Xiaomei's side, and appeared a few meters away.

"I'm here!" He yelled, opened his hands, and the wand that fell into the pit was automatically summoned back to his hand, and he had opened an invisible space door in front of himself.

If Xiaomei smashes the stone again this time, he will be steadily captured by the space door. He shouted madly at Xiaomei: "Come on me, you can continue to hit me if you have the ability!"

"Oh." Xiaomei gave a good consent, then put Ma Liu's stones to the ground, took the pan out of her backpack, and threw it with a bang.

The phoenix flame burned on the pan, carrying a beautiful phoenix sound, humming and turning around an arc in the air, bypassing Meilin's open space door, and slamming from Meilin, smashing from behind On the back of Merlin's head.

When Mei Lin flew to the ground, UU read a book www. The pan has returned to Xiaomei's hand. Although she is a zombie, how could such obvious traps be fooled, she still has a sense of fighting.

She shoved the pan back into her backpack, lifted the stone again, and rushed to Merlin: "That trick was just called" Steamed Pot! "

Merlin: "..."

Think he is a magnificent master, will he be ruined if he encounters such a zombie who does not play cards according to common sense?


"It seems Xiaomei can be entangled with that magician in a short time. Mao Mei and Irene need me to help ..." Ye Chui, who was catching the monster, thought secretly in this scene.

But at this moment, a bang, a strange attack suddenly landed on him, causing his body to fall to the side.

This attack was not terrible, but ... when it fell in front of Ye Chui, it did not bear any interest at all.

Stealth attack?