The Heavens Come

Chapter 476: Mind Gem

Divine explanation made the little fox a little aggressive.

Ye Ting thought of it: "Do you mean that poultry eggs such as eggs and goose eggs can be scientifically determined to be male or female before hatching, and dragon eggs are hatching? Before, what it hatched was completely unknown and unobservable, that is, what it hatched was determined at the moment it hatched. Is this Schrodinger's egg? "

[Yes, this magical creation cannot be measured according to realistic theory. The dragon egg hatching is about probability, and it has nothing to do with its own quality. Any dragon egg hatching at a specific point in time may be born. Produce powerful dragons-it has nothing to do with selection, but only to the order of hatching. 】

God made the answer continue.

"The last time we were so strong in Europe, it was not just good luck, but before we accidentally hatched dozens of dragon eggs, the incubation law that dragon eggs follow is a certain number of dragon eggs, regardless of it. The incubation time has been successive or destroyed, as long as the high-level dragon has not been hatched, the probability of the high-level dragon hatching in the future will be higher. "Ye Cui said thoughtfully.

[Yes, when you launch the strongest dragon, which is the UR-level dragon you set, it will become a watershed; before the UR dragon is launched, the probability of the dragon egg hatching a high-level dragon will become higher and higher, And when a dragon egg hatched out of the UR dragon, the probability immediately dropped to the freezing point and then warmed up again, just like it is now. 】

God gave a positive answer.

Nowadays, after getting the dragon eggs in the weird town, every magician started the incubation business with great enthusiasm. Ye Ting did not share the scientific egg incubation equipment with them, but let them incubate the eggs by themselves.

They hatched eggs very slowly. In fact, only three eggs hatched in the past week, and they are all empty eggs (empty eggs cannot hatch, and they will crack if they are over-charged with magic). Ye Xing did not care about it at first. Thinking it was just normal probability, now he understood the problem.

To put it simply, number the dragon eggs and take the probability of hatching a high-level dragon as a benchmark. The probability of the number one dragon egg is naturally low, if it does not hatch a high-level dragon (you can also eat the dragon eggs. Seen as incubation failure), then the probability of Dragon Egg No. 2 will increase a little, and the probability of Dragon Egg No. 2 has not hatched, and the probability of Dragon Egg No. 3 will increase again, and so on.

Conversely, if a dragon egg hatches a UR-level dragon, then the probability that a dragon that hatched after it will start a high-level dragon will decrease sharply, even lower than the probability of the first dragon egg.

The last time the little fox was the last to hatch the dragon eggs, luckily hatched a UR-level dragon. In the next period of time, the dragon eggs will be hatched again, and the probability of launching a high-level dragon will be greatly reduced.

Realizing what was going on, Ye Ting was a little curious, and asked God's envoy: "Why did you tell me these rules so kindly?"

[According to God's rule, when a survivor consumes a certain number of dragon eggs, I have an obligation to disclose to you the rules of dragon egg hatching. 】

"So it is." Ye Xing nodded.

"What shall we do next?" The little fox understood what was going on, and looked at Ye Ting.

"Stop temporarily incubating the dragon eggs." Ye Ting looked at the direction of Hogwarts Castle in the distance, and laughed. "Next we are always paying attention to the weird town movement. This rule is impossible for them to discover. We will When they hatched the dragon, and when they started to display the high-level dragon, we smashed the eggs continuously and stopped immediately after we broke the UR dragon! "

Xiao Long nodded, thinking Ye Xing was very reasonable, that is ... Isn't it a little bad for the weird town? Ye Xing gave them more than 400 dragon eggs. Dare to be equal to letting them out. Risk of low-level dragons and empty eggs.

After they finished, they had to be extremely grateful to Ye Xing, who was too slippery to play with this hand.

The little fox spoke more accurately about this situation: "The gold player also found the law of smashing eggs. This game is really impossible to play."

It seems that the dragon eggs cannot continue to be smashed for a while, and Ye Xing then lets Xiaomei put away the nine empty dragon eggs, and the dinner has fallen.

In the next few days, Ye Ting has been staying in the Zijinfeng Villa, waiting for the start of a new game. In the recent period, one thing has made Ye Ting quite interested. Captain Marvel's new movie Surprise Captain has more than one month. It is about to be released. Ye Xing is not too interested in this movie, but he watched the movie trailer many times because the movie seems to involve space gems.

There is no space gem in the trailer, but all kinds of forward-looking and decrypted information fly around the world before the movie is released. There are even loyal fans on the forum. They ran to Marvel Studios in advance and smoothed out the script On the forum, it is almost certain that the ability setting of Captain Marvel in the movie is from the space gem.

In the battle between ice and fire, Ye Cui once inadvertently saw the silver-haired girl named Kitty, who controls the space cube, and absorbed the power of gems to enter a powerful state that emits blue energy. Really hiding Mitarai for seconds, then ... this kitten's ability to transform is from Captain Marvel's world, right?

The world view of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is completely connected, and the various abilities and items in the game of God must be more closely connected. In other words, if Ye Chui entered the battle royale of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, completely Using the power of space gems, he should also be able to enter the state of Captain Marvel transformed.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was time to start a new game.

Xiaolong and Little Fox return to the Lord of the Rings, Hatch and Claudia are taken into Ye Ping's personal space, Meow Meow and Ye Ting enter into a fusion state, Xiao Mei also sits next to Ye Ting, and after a golden light comes, A new game begins.

[Welcome you back to the game of God!

You will meet the killers of the gods world in the closed battlefield, they will attack you crazy.

Survive or die.

Duration: unlimited.

Heavenly Slayers: Marvel Asgard Protoss Rocky, Chitari Army Slayers!

Game difficulty: A level.

Hide rewards:

Need for Ability: Black Widow Fighting Skills (Join the Black Widow Squad through story missions and complete killing missions.)

Need for Special Ability: Never Fall (Join the Captain America Squad through a story mission and complete the kill mission.)

Epic Special Ability: Burning Fury (Join the Hulk Squad through a story mission and complete the kill mission.)

Epic Special Ability: Thor's Divine Power (Join Thor's squad through story missions and complete killing missions.)

Need for Goods: Mark 7 Armor (Join the Iron Man Squad through story missions and complete killing missions.)

Need for Ability: Eagle Eye Shooting (Join the Eagle Eye Squad through story missions and complete killing missions.)

Legendary item: Mind Gem (Available after killing Loki and blowing up the Chitari Fleet.)

game rules:

Rocky obtained the space gem and the scepter of the mind, and tried to open the portal to lead the Chitari alien army to invade the earth. The Avengers are about to gather. The survivors can choose to join the avenger members' squad through different story missions and survive. You can join different squads repeatedly.

When all the plot missions have been passed, Rocky is not attackable. When the plot missions are all passed, the Avengers will gather, and Rocky will open the portal to summon the Chitari Fleet to invade New York.

The final battle will begin!

Kill Loki and earn 3000 points.

Earn 200 points for killing an ordinary Chitari Slayer

Earn 500 points for killing a senior Chitari Slayer

Destroy a Chitari flying fighter and earn 300 points

Destroy a Chitari Whale Ship and earn 20,000 points

Kill an Arms Dealer Killer (Black Widow Story Mission) and earn 100 points.

Kill a Mercenary Slayer (Captain America Story Mission) and earn 150 points.

Kill 800 Gamma Monster Slayers (Hulk Story Mission) and earn 800 points.

Kill a Bodyguard Slayer (Eagle Eye Story Mission) and earn 150 points.

Kill an Armor Slayer (Iron Man Story Mission) and earn 500 points.

Kill 800 Frost Giant Slayers (Thunder Story plot mission).

If you die, then all traces of your existence in the world will be completely erased, your relatives and friends will not remember your name, and you are as if you have never existed in the world.

The game starts now! 】

Along with Jin Guang and the influx of thoughts in his head, Ye Ting and Xiao Mei appeared on a bustling and lively street, looking around. Pedestrians were rushing here, they were standing in the middle of the street, a car After constantly honking at them, Ye Ting quickly pulled Xiaomei to the side of the road, and he looked around strangely.

"The battlefield of this A-level difficulty game ~ ~ should be the entire New York city, and there are countless ordinary civilian NPCs, almost exactly the same as New York in the real world." Ye Ting sighed in his heart, and then Suddenly looking at the billboard next to the building, he was showing the image of Tony Stark and the words of pure and infinite energy, so Ye Ting added a sentence, "It's New York in the Marvel Cinematic Universe!"

He looked at the rules of the game carefully, and his face was quite pleasantly surprised: "Rocky and Chitari Army, this game is based on Battle Royale 1 as a model battle royale! But after some magical changes, at least not in the movie It involves things like gamma monsters and frost giants. "

"Game rewards include time gems!"

This is what surprised Ye Tzu most.

Space Gems and Mind Gems appear in Duplex 1, and they have a huge effect on stimulating the plot, but it is clear that the probability of two legendary items appearing in a game is very low. Through this game, only the Mind Gems can be obtained. The way to get it is to kill Rocky and blow up the Chitari army like Iron Man. To do this, it is still difficult for most survivors.

But it should not be difficult for Ye Ting!