The Heavens Come

Chapter 480: Long live the 9-headed snake.

"You ..." The blue demon struggled to get up from the ground, watching angrily at the black widow who attacked himself.

The Black Widow itself does not have any superpowers. In the Marvel Movie Universe, she is set to be an ordinary person (the comic is the same transformation as the US team, but the movie is just an ordinary person like Hawkeye), but has only been subjected to strict agents Training, physical strength is stronger and more able to beat some, of course, she also has a lot of black technology, only the size of a coin-based stunner is one of them, she used to secretly attack the Blue Devil with this thing.

The blue demon's physical quality is much stronger than that of ordinary people. After being shocked once, he didn't immediately shock, and climbed up again, but there was spitting in his mouth. He stared at the woman in front of him, full of anger.

The black widow smiled charmingly: "Boy, do you want to date?"

During the conversation, her figure rushed to the side of the blue demon, and performed a good joint fighting technique. The two strong thighs cleverly gripped the blue devil's neck, and the body pushed hard and banged the blue devil. He fell to the ground, and clasped one arm of the blue demon firmly with both hands.

The blue demon struggled hard, and a blue teleportation light appeared on his body, trying to teleport himself away.

But in the end, he was fainted by the black widow's thigh just before the teleportation was completely completed.


The following battle soon came to an end. Under the cover of Ao Jiao, the people quickly retreated. Most of the agents are now targeting Ao Jiao. They have surrounded Ao Jiao groups and are constantly tightening the encirclement.

But when she was about to catch Ao Jiao, she only heard Ao Jiao's mouth screaming, a golden dragon shadow appeared on one arm, and the dragon roared faintly in the air. She grabbed the arm of an agent. , Om, shook the agent round and flew out, and flew out several agents close to her, and then her body was slightly pressed down and boomed, and the ground under her feet was broken, and the figure turned into a streamer and rushed into the darkness. In the night.

This scene shocked everyone.

Obviously, this woman with **** could easily put them all flat if she wanted, but she chose a more peaceful way.

Behind the agents of SHIELD, a slightly dangerous man with a hairline came out frowning, and he was using his mobile phone to communicate: "Sorry, Secretary, let them all run away, their strength is very powerful ... wait a minute "The man looked to the side, and the black widow was coming. The several agents suppressed the fainted Blue Devil and followed. The man continued to talk to the cell phone." Fortunately, Natasha is also here, she left one ... … Okay, I'll send him back to the base for trial as soon as possible. "

"Phil, who are these?" The Black Widow asked, wrinkling, "how can there be so many super criminals suddenly?"

"I don't know. We got the message. Someone robbed the bank and rushed over ..." The hairline man, Phil Coulson, shook his head and sighed, "I don't know what happened recently, all kinds of abnormal people Constantly appearing, the green giant, the thunder that will discharge ... Natasha, maybe the next task you will perform may also meet this kind of person. "

Natasha shrugged.

Phil went to the agents who were thrown to the ground, and the one who was grabbed by Ao Jiao was obviously the worst, but his physical fitness was obviously strong. Taking the helmet off his face in frustration, a pretty handsome face was revealed, and Phil patted him on the shoulder: "Rumlow, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Rumlow replied-this guy is exactly the crossbones in Marvel movies. He originally appeared in Team 2 and seemed to have some special feelings for Captain America. To pull the captain together and die ... But he also appeared in this game.

"You take him back to the base, and the director needs to know more from him." Phil then ordered.


Inside the Supreme Sanctuary.

Ye Ting didn't know what happened to Ao Jiao after he went offline. The metal spider he left was mainly to follow Mi Ya and his party. Of course, Ao Jiao also cares about Ye Ting, but he wants to wait for this game. After understanding the story mission, he planned to let Xiaolong act in stealth alone, but Xiaolong could take care of his daughter.

Ye Xing is now sitting happily in the study on the second floor of the sanctuary and enjoying the delicious lamb skewers cooked by Xiaomei. This supreme sanctuary is almost like a monk's house with almost no entertainment facilities and no Fairly delicious food, this is the only bad thing about it.

Fortunately, Hatch ’s holographic golden dog eyes are fully functional. You do n’t have to worry about watching movies or videos. You can also connect to a local TV signal, which can be said to be very powerful.

However, while Ye Ting was watching the video with a string of facial expressions, a portal on the side of the study flashing yellow Mars suddenly opened, and an old black came in-he was the original New York Supreme in the movie The owner of the sanctuary, the one who was killed as soon as he appeared.

Seeing the scene in the study, he went straight.

Ye Ting held a skewer in his hand, and on the wall next to it was still Hatch Projection's video clip (alias: self-cultivation of the mysterious organization) ... just say how embarrassing the scene was.

"You, who are you !?" Lao Hei finally responded. He cast a curse on his hands instantly, and a yellow magic disk condensed in his palm, preparing to attack Ye Xing.

Just then, 咣 ——

The invisible pan appeared momentarily, and it was directly photographed on his forehead, so Old Black rolled his eyes and fell to the ground as soon as his body crooked.

The pan flew back to Xiaomei, who was wearing a cloak to enter the study. Xiaomei slumped her pan and cape in her hand. She also held a tray with a freshly grilled skewer on it. "The new shish kebab is ready, master," said the mouth.

"... Um." Ye Ting nodded, casting a spell to imprison the fainted Lao He, and instructed Xiaomei, "Throw him into the basement too."

Xiao Mei agreed, and raised Lao Hei with one hand, humming to the basement.

Ye Ting's expression said that it was a little weird.

"It seems that the Supreme Sanctuary is still very important to Master Marvel. Then, in the next time, should there be no masters coming to the door in succession? For example, the old king ... see the number of masters in Doctor Strange It seems that there are still quite a few people who can form an army. "


An Aegis vehicle belonging to the SHIELD was driving fast on the road. It was Rumlow, who was previously awoken by Ao Jiao, who seemed to feel the previous encounter. Somewhat upset and gloomy, in the compartment behind the car, two agents of the SHIELD were guarding the blue demon caught by the black widow. The blue demon had a black technology shackle on his body to curb his launching ability.

At this moment, a car in front suddenly came over and stopped in the side. The car also bears the SHIELD logo.

Rumlow frowned, pushed the car door and walked down, a hand subconsciously clenched the pistol on the right waist.

In the car in front, two men in suits came down. They were both civilian staff inside the SHIELD. They looked familiar, but Rumlow couldn't remember their specific names. The two were fat. A thin.

Rumlow watched the two approached with some vigilance, and asked, "Is there anything?"

"Give us the prisoners in the car, we have a special use," Slim said, "this is the request of Secretary General Pierce."

Rumlow frowned, going to touch his cellphone: "I want to contact the director."

"No need." The fat man smiled mysteriously, and suddenly ran to Rumlow, whispered, "Long live Hydra."

Rumlow looked startled, looked at the two in surprise, then nodded, turned to greet others, and handed over the blue demon just caught, five minutes later, the blue demon had been transferred to another Above the car, the fat and thin men drove away.

Through the car window, the thin man glanced at Rumlow and others at the back, and couldn't help but smile proudly: "Long live Hydra is really easy to use."

"Hydra has penetrated the SHIELD, and their own style of operation will certainly be extremely secretive. It is estimated that many members do not know each other. This long live Hydra is how they identify each other." The driving fat man also laughed. "Our survivors can just take advantage of this and control Hydra and SHIELD in their hands in a short time!"

The fat and thin two people are survivors.

After the survivors enter the game, they will borrow the identity of dragons and passersby. Most of the characters in Marvel movies appear. SHIELD, as one of the largest special agent organizations in the film world, has more personnel. Except for those important roles, these people basically have It belongs to the nature of Longtao passers-by, and the survivors borrowed the identity of these Longtao passersby to mix in many members.

They don't know if they are the SHIELD or the lurking Hydra, but that is not important. They are quickly gathering. In the Marvel movie, the Hydra secretly penetrated the SHIELD, and at this time, After the praying mantis caught the cicada, the survivors were ready to completely control this huge force to do things.

"This guy who has the ability to mutate the Blue Devil ~ ~ will be a suitable fit." Skinny turned to look at the trunk of the car again, with a sneer smile on his face, and said their plans for the survivor "The survivors who entered this game, in addition to those of us who appeared in SHIELD, also appeared in space, and one of them even became a general of Chitari!"

The Chitari general mentioned in Slim's mouth is the one who seems to be arrogant in the movie instead of Domineering and Rocky. Although it seems that the role is very heavy, you must not think of his name after watching the movie. He He also appeared in the Guardians of the Galaxy, and then he was hammered to death by Luo Nan in the face of annihilation ... The dragon attribute should not be too hard.

"The freedom of this game is very high. Our companion will take advantage of the convenience of his identity and try to summon Destroyer, at least the Black Sergeant Four. When the killer of Kitari invades the earth, And we also took the opportunity to launch, inside and outside, can completely control New York in the hands, kill all survivors, and of course, those Avengers. "

The fat man went on to say that he could n’t help but laughed out: "At that time, the Chitarians conquered the earth successfully. As Hydra, we will take over and inform the earth on our behalf, so we will complete our mission and complete the journey from the dragon to the protagonist. Promotion, successful resurrection! "