The Heavens Come

Chapter 492: Marvel Master considers the day training

【Congratulations! You survived this game smoothly.

Summarize your results below.

You killed 21 Runaway Armor Slayers and scored 10,500 points!

You killed the Whip Slayer and get 5000 points!

You saved 40 residents and got 2000 points!

You successfully protected Tony Stark and earned 5000 points!

Game rewards: You are ranked first in this game for points and earned the qualification to join the Iron Man team.

Total points: 22,500 points! 】

After Ye Ting resolved the whip, the reminder of the gods landed in Ye Ting's mind. The game in this game, Battle Royale, was finally over.

What Ye Ting thought of, his body quickly left this chaotic square and came to an unoccupied place. At the moment when the **** made the light curtain of the air wall in this game area closed, he went into a stealth state.

A level difficulty game has a ranking list, which shows the points earned by the survivors for ranking. There are some means to hide their name and point information. The stealth ability of the Lord of the Rings can be achieved. The point information is separated from the ranking list, which means that Ye Ting is invisible at the end of the tour, and the points he earned in this game will not be added to the ranking list.

Ye Ting did this to prevent someone from detecting the anomalous meow according to the ranking list.

Sure enough, when the game was over and Ye Ting looked at the ranking list, although the name of Meow Meow ranked first, the points earned were obviously not the points that Ye Ting got in this game. The points he got in this game were Hidden away.

"Xiaolong, have you finished the game? The points are almost the same as mine, with a hundred points more." After the middle of the tour, Ye Ting found that he could already contact Xiaolong.

"I just participated in the story mission about Thor, and also met Ao Jiao ..." Xiaolong quickly exchanged game experience with Ye Ting.

When it was known that Xiaolong had triggered the plot mission "Unhappy Thunder God", Ye Ting was still a little surprised. He did not expect such a setting, but unfortunately he did not trigger such a plot mission about Iron Man, which was a bit small. It's a pity, but it's very rewarding to get venom.

"You didn't reveal your identity, did you?" Ye Ting put her hand on Xiaomei's shoulders, turning on the spatial cube transmission ability.

"No ..." Xiaolong sighed slightly, thinking of Ao Jiao's misunderstanding.

The next moment Ye Chui returned to the Supreme Sanctuary. He heard the message from Xiaolong and went on to say: "Then you should come back to the Supreme Sanctuary first. You can't be contacted at Lushuier ..." Ye Cui can't contact now To Lushuier and Claudia, "It seems that she has also entered the game, it is estimated that she will meet the Gamma Monster Slayer, I don't know if she can do it."

"Ye Xing, you are too underestimated Sister Shuier." Xiaolong is still very confident in Shui Er, "Although she does not have legendary weapons, she can actually be considered a okay character in heaven, Nine-tailed demon **** The blood is also very precious, and it is no problem to deal with the gamma monsters. "

"The point is that she may not want to play against these Gan Gamma monster killers, and then find a place to hide until the end of the game." Ye Chui smiled wryly at the thought of the little fox's temperament.

I still don't know how well this works ...

Xiaolong was silent for a while, but continued, "No, Sister Shuier ... she wants a face anyway."


"This place looks safe and good, so hide in here until the end of the game."

At this moment, a fox spirit was saying to himself.

This is the Bronx area of ​​New York. In this game, the Hulk, who was supposed to be in Southeast Asia, who was avoiding the SHIELD hunt, was hidden by the magic.

Before Reunion 1, there was an invincible Hulk. Strictly speaking, this invincible Hulk also belongs to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is still the first work of Marvel Cinematic Universe that was shot earlier than Iron Man (Iron Man is released first), but Because the movie was unsuccessful, its connection with the Marvel Movie Universe seemed very loose, and it almost wiped out this plot in the subsequent plot.

However, in this game of God, this story is obviously included. After the little fox came to the Bronx, with a very negative attitude, she did not want to complete the game at all, but the first time Found the safest place in the area: inside a large bank.

The Marvel Movie Universe is not the real world. This is a fantasy world that contains various elements. The bank settings are different from the real world. Many precious items are stored in this bank, so the bank ’s security measures are also taken. It is very in place. In order to prevent bank robbers with a high appearance rate in the movie world, the banks here are also equipped with several inches thick alloy explosion-proof metal doors that can be completely closed and can be said to be indestructible.

Mix it here until the end of the game and it's beautiful.

Soon after the little fox came here, the story of the Hulk game began: a special team came here to arrest Bruce Banner, persecuted Banner to Hulk, and caused a lot of trouble. In order to fight against the Hulk, the members injected themselves with gamma sera, and they turned into gamma monster slayers, and began to make a lot of noises.

——Invincible Hulk, in order to fight against the Hulk, only the leader of the capture team injected the gamma sera, and finally became the hatred of the Hulk ’s old enemies, but it is clear that in this game, magical changes were made and the gamma monster Twenty killers appeared.

Each of them has 800 points, and the strength is much worse than that of the Hulk. Judging from the points, they are similar to the Frost Giant Slayer. Each of them is sloppy in shape and terrifying in shape. This area is now completely in panic.

"I don't want to fight with these disgusting monsters. Xiaolong and Ye Ting can easily solve it. Why should I bother with that effort? Anyway, I can repeat the task in the storyline, and let them come back to get it." The little fox lying on the bank counter in stealth fox form, listening to the chaos from the street, said to himself in his heart.

The staff and customers in this bank have run away in panic after the game started, and now she is the only one here.

Claudia's little bat flew over the bank lobby, and finally fell into a humanoid shape in front of the counter. Intellectually impaired Lori asked with a puzzled expression: "Sister Fox, when shall we go out to fight?"

"No urgency." The little fox glanced at Claudia and said calmly, "I have my own plan. Don't worry about it."

"What plan?" Claudia asked.

The little fox pretended to be an old **** and said: "You may not understand my plan, rest here and wait for it-and you come to me as a bat, don't become a human figure."

"Oh." Claudia immediately expressed a look of admiration and surprise. Sister Fox was so inscrutable. When will she be as good as Sister Fox? Then Claudia turned into a little bat and crouched on the little fox's head, and began to think about what the little fox's so-called plan was.

It did n’t take long before time, with a boom, a car on the street suddenly fell from the sky and hit the street. The noise made the little fox tremble when he looked outside the bank. A brown-yellow monster jumped down and hit the street.

It is nearly three meters tall, with thick limbs and weird spikes. Its shape is more abomination than Hulk. It seems to have no wisdom at all. , Searching for any living creature, his head is still looking around.

The little fox shrank her neck subconsciously, and then relieved that she was invisible, she looked at a secret button on the side of the counter.

This button is the bank's insurance button. When you press the button, you will enter a state of full alert. Some insurance measures in the bank will be launched immediately. The previous little fox didn't press it immediately. In the bank, the little black house can be uncomfortable, but now she thinks it's better to press the button as soon as possible.

"Don't be afraid, anyway, there is Claudia by my side, but she is a legendary item. It is the same as playing Gamma monsters. What am I afraid of?" The little fox comforted himself in this way, and then instinctively searched for G Claudia's trail, "... Claudia?"

Soon, the little fox saw her.

The mentally handicapped child has turned into the shape of a gothic loli, who is dragging 45,000 to 88,000 onto the street outside, and the Gamma Monster Slayer immediately saw her, and her eyes fell on this little body.

Claudia in the shape of Lori is more than one meter tall, and the gamma monsters are extremely strong, and their calves are even thicker than Claudia.

Gamma Monster Slayer: "???"

"Claudia, what are you doing?" The little fox asked in a low voice.

Claudia turned her head at the little fox and smiled, "Sister Fox, I have guessed your plan." Then she held her chest on her hips, raised her head, and screamed at the hill-like Gamma monster killer. Kokoko, stupid monster, singled out! "


The killers were instilled with a sense of killing, not to mention that the gamma monster originally had its own violent attributes, but at this time it was a bit aggressive when it came to Claudia, but ... no matter what it is, as long as There was no problem with smashing, so the Gamma Monster Slayer immediately roared, raised his fist, and slammed Claudia.

Claudia then dispersed into a group of bats and flew towards the bank.

Bang! The monster's double fist suddenly smashed into a large pit on the ground, immediately followed by waving his fist and rushed into the bank, opened his fist and smashed the bats flying around.

The little fox shivered in the corner.

Suddenly, a harsh alarm sounded, and the insurance system in the bank was triggered. In the sound of a click, the bank's doors and windows immediately extended out of the alloy explosion-proof door, and the space here was about to be completely closed. This was after the robbery Design to keep robbers in the bank.

When the little fox saw this, he hurriedly sneaked out of the gate that was about to be closed.

But the swarms of bats hulled through the bank door and quickly condensed into the shape of Claudia outside. Intellectually impaired Loli smiled, stretched out her hand in the direction of the little fox, and raised her hand. Thumbs up.

Sister Fox, this is your plan. Attract Gamma monsters, and then break them down. It is indeed a fox sister!

The raging Gamma monster rushed towards Claudia immediately, and his body hit the door, which also successfully prevented the little fox from escaping.

The little fox was all bad, and he rushed outside the door and shouted, "Come, you come back to me ..." After shouting, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and put out two paws to cover his mouth.

However, the twinkling green eyes of the Gamma Monster were successfully attracted and looked over.

The stealth effect of the Lord of the Rings is nothing to say. As long as you don't make any movements, even the powerful killer in the game of God can't find it. Immediately stopped smashing the door, slamming the big casserole and hitting the little fox in this direction.

Hey, boom, wow--

The sound came from the bank.

The invisible little fox panicked and fled around, and suddenly she thought: "I can teleport out."

It ’s not that she speaks big words. When it comes to space hex, her skills are top notch!

The little fox immediately cast a hex, preparing to teleport out of the bank.

But the next moment, her body suddenly trembled a little: "Understand, why can't I transmit ... this space is blocked !?"

Outside the bank.

The book of the bleeding **** appeared in front of Claudia. A huge blood snake in the book of blood **** was spiraling out, coiling the entire bank, which rendered a layer of blood on the outside of the bank, showing a petrified appearance. Signs, Claudia's beautiful little face was showing a happy smile: "Sister Fox, I urged the basilisk blood to petrify the space around this big house, let alone the gamma monster, Don't even try to escape even if it's a fly! "

"..." I tried several times in a row, but I couldn't cast the teleportation demon, and the little fox was going to collapse.

That mental retard, is this going to kill her?

She can have a spiritual exchange with Xiaomei, but it is Ye Ting who has established a telepathic bridge between them, and Claudia is a weapon owned by Ye Ting. The media engaged in spiritual communication, but now entering the game, Ye Ting's connection was broken, and naturally the little fox could not contact Claudia.

Suddenly, the little fox felt a little quiet around her. She trembled, turned her head, and saw the Gamma Monster looking at her in this direction with a pair of cold green eyes-one after another, continuously performing black magic, that movement The successful Gamma Monster attracted him.



Two minutes later, the inside of the bank calmed down completely, Claudia blinked her eyes, manipulated the blood snake to open the gap, and the bank ’s severely damaged door rose slowly.

The little fox came out of it.

She looked a little breathless and had become a human form-after this period of cultivation, she completely restored Ye Chui's excellent posture when she first met her, but at this moment she was holding each hand with a large arm. Machete ...

Gama monster killers are no longer visible.

Of course, the machete in the little fox's hand is not a real machete, but a thing with a transparent texture. It is the space blade that she condenses with the space demon. At the limit, the little fox didn't find his own space demon for the sake of counseling, and he could still use it like this!

"Claudia, I want to talk to you ..." said the little fox in a low voice.

But then her words were interrupted by Claudia, and Intellectually Loli opened her eyes wide and stared at the space blade in the hand of the little fox: "Great! Sister Fox, I understand. It turned out that It's a real plan, you have to cultivate your own trick! It's amazing, it's amazing ... "

"No, this is ..." The little fox was about to explain.

Claudia suddenly reached out and interrupted her: "Sister Fox, don't worry, I will do my best to assist you ..." During the conversation, a rumbling sound came, "I am using my bat avatar to hold Other monsters nearby are attracted, Kokoko, really a group of stupid guys, all of them will become the target of your sister Fox practice! "

"... lie, come back !?"


At this time, it was near evening. After returning to the Supreme Sanctuary, Ye Chui returned to the room filled with all kinds of strange but useless magical creations, and began to study some of the ancient books of the mage here. Xiaomei began to The kitchen was busy preparing dinner, and it didn't take long for Xiaolong to return here.

And when Xiaolong came to the study and hadn't talked to Ye Chui, Ye Chui and he felt what they were at the same time.

Someone entered here.

Ye Xing was laid out by the magical sanctuary outside the Supreme Sanctuary. It was difficult for outsiders to break in, but this one came in easily-he did not pass the magical formation, but through other methods.

Ye Ting and Xiaolong quickly left the kitchen and looked at the corridor aside. The portal at the end of the corridor had just faded. A tall white-haired man wearing brown mage clothes was walking over in doubt.

He was aware of the danger, and a yellow magical charm plate condensed in his hands.

This is the villain of Dr. Strange, a believer of Dom, Casillas! (Uncle)

He was deceived by Dom, held a ceremony to get Dom's power, and tried to summon Dom to this world, but the appearance of Dom's believers will change a bit, and see how he looks now Mamm, it is clear that Gu Yi and the owner of the New York Supreme Sanctuary have been in trouble one after another. He only felt a little curious before sending it here for inspection.

"What are you guys?" Casillas asked in a low voice, staring sharply at Ye Ting and Xiaolong and rushing over.

Xiaolong glanced at Ye Xing and found that Ye Xing had no intention of doing anything against the door frame. He still had a thoughtful expression on his face, and sighed. There were layers of lightning entangled in his hand and he was ready to shoot ... … But the next moment, when Casillas rushed through a room on the side of the corridor, he slammed the pan out of the pan and shot it directly on his forehead.

So Casillas rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

Xiaolong: "..."

This is the first Marvel mage that Xiaomei fainted?

Xiao Mei apparently was already familiar with the next process, and Chong Ye smiled sweetly ~ ~ then bent down and took Casillas's leg, preparing to lock him to the basement.

Ye Ting quickly stopped her: "Xiao Mei, wait a minute."

Xiaomei and Xiaolong looked curiously at Ye Xing.

Casillas should only be of medium strength in Marvel Mage. After accepting Domam's power, he could not beat Gu Yi, and he is even weaker now, but he saw an interesting thing when he saw him.

Marvel movies are different from other series of movies. It is a huge movie universe composed of more than 20 movies. Although this game is based on the complex 1, the attributes of the movie universe also make it involved. The plots and characters in other movies, such as Gu Yi and Casillas, appear one after another, which shows that there are other mages outside the game battlefield and may be summoned to the game.

Then ...

Ye Thui walked to Casillas and was about to wake him up-brother, don't trust Domham's pit, trust me.

Marvel Master considers it on behalf of the sky team!