The Heavens Come

Chapter 493: Zombies invade the Marvel universe?

In the Marvel Movie Universe, the mage of the earth is definitely a force that cannot be ignored. Their mission is to maintain the balance of the multiverse. Although Dr. Stoma's Dom is annoyed by Dr. Strange for the conditions, it can be said that the threat level It may not be worse than extermination.

If you turn so many mages into Ye Thui ’s fighters, then I do n’t know how many points I can bring to Ye Ting.

Now that Casillas was fainted, Ye Tzu held him in prison by magic, and then awakened him. He began to use his cult of evil worship to help Casillas brainwash him and make him a believer. To proceed more smoothly, Ye Cui also exchanged soul gems for Professor X's mind control ability, which relieved Casillas' defense and ensured that he was more loyal to himself.

Xiaolong stood beside him and couldn't help but sigh, Ye Ting's series of tools are all set.

But he thought of an important thing and asked: "Ye Xing, even if you turn Casillas into a believer, they are still independent characters in the game, even if they obey your order and kill the killings. Or you wo n’t earn points. "

"Hehe." Ye Ting held the evil eye crystal in his hand, while bewildering Casillas' consciousness, he explained to Xiaolong, "My ability to drive is not stigmatizing ... Ice and fire are escaping. Did you forget your army of ghouls? "

Xiaolong's body shook, then she turned to look at Xiaomei who was humming and cooking while cooking in the kitchen, her brows could not help but tremble: "Xiaomei's zombie power strengthened by the power gem ..."

Turn Casillas into a zombie, then he will become Xiaomei's subordinate zombie, and then kill the killer points will be attributed to Xiaomei's master Ye Ting.

The power of Xiaomei's zombie is another name for the power of training in Ye Chui.

"That's it." Ye Ting said at this time, with the baptism of his godfather, Casillas' eyes had turned red, and evil runes had appeared on his forehead. Now he has become a follower of Ye Ting , The mind has been completely controlled by Ye Xing.

This kind of control is not the kind of control that every word and action must be controlled by Ye Ting, but a kind of fanatical worship.

In the original drama, Casillas inadvertently felt the power of Dom's dark universe, so he and his companions became Dom's zealots, trying hard to summon Dom to the real world, even so Doing so will destroy the real world.

Ye Ting has now affected the heart of Casillas, making him regard Ye Ting as a Domam-like existence, and he is full of fanaticism.

"Next ..." Ye Ting turned to look at the kitchen next to him, "Xiao Mei, come over here."

"Master, do you want to eat stir-fried cashew for dinner?" Xiaomei floated out of the kitchen immediately.

"... No." Ye Ting was speechless, Xiaomei asked him what he meant by this, without a head or a tail. He said, "Go bite him and infect him into a zombie."

Although Xiaomei usually looks harmless to humans and animals, it is because Ye Ting has not allowed her to contact too much with ordinary people. If she enters among ordinary people, the vitality of ordinary people will be strong for her. The temptation is very easy to get out of control and bite people-it is for this reason that she bit Bran in the Battle of Ice and Fire. It is no problem for Xiaomei to bite Casillas.

However, after hearing Ye Ting's request, Xiao Mei immediately showed a hesitant expression, and Chong Ye Thui resisted: "Master, Xiao Mei is a kind-hearted zombie and will never bite at will."

"Uh?" Ye Ting froze, looking curiously at Xiaomei.

I'll go and do what we say in this business. Don't lie to yourself ...

When she continued to persuade her, Xiaolong said, "Zombies, especially high-level zombies, make strict choices about infection and create other zombies. Their relationship with lower-level zombies is similar to vampires and their dependents. Similar to the blood relationship, Xiaomei certainly won't bite other people casually. "

Advanced zombies are also extremely selective in biting people.

"Is that so?" Ye Ting understood Xiaolong's meaning. He thought for a moment and didn't want to make Xiaomei too embarrassed, so he walked in front of Xiaomei, stretched out his arms and sent it to Xiaomei, "Then you use the power gem Ability to bite me. "

Xiaolong looked startled.

Ye Chui comforted him: "Rest assured, Xiaomei is my zombie, and my blood mark is left in her blood, so her zombie power cannot hurt me, and let her bite me. I can use this to collect The power of the zombies is passed to Casillas. "

Xiaolong was relieved, but Xiaomei showed her fangs with a happy face: "Okay."

Xiaomei is a zombie. No matter what level of zombie, there will be fangs in the mouth, and the nails will become sharp and slender. This is a zombie characteristic. However, when the zombies increase in level, they will have self-control and put away their fangs. Xiaomei had obvious fangs at the beginning, but was also covered up by Ye Ting, but now she can control herself.

She opened her mouth and bit her on Ye Xing's arm.

Ye Ting: "..."

What a situation you are so happy when you bite me! ?

Ye Ting ’s flesh is very powerful. Xiaomei is just the pinnacle of flying corpses now. Her fangs ca n’t break through Ye Ting ’s skin, but her body is soon covered with a layer of purple blood. Her power was exerted to the utmost, and she gained the status of a king corpse. Alas, Ye Ting only felt a tingling in her arm, and Xiaomei bit her arm.

"His--" Ye Ting took a cool breath and quickly let Xiaomei release herself. Four small openings appeared on her arm. The wound began to heal immediately, but a black layer appeared under the skin. Strange blood.

That's the so-called corpse poison.

Zombie venom is not a poisonous thing in the game of God. It is more like a curse of power. Ye Chui quickly casts spells, controls those venoms, condenses on his fingers, and walks in front of Casilla. , Finger on Casillas's forehead.

The corpse poison then entered Casillas.

This made Casillas immediately show a somewhat painful expression. He was like the person after being bitten by a zombie in a zombie movie. His body began to weaken, his eyes appeared thick dark circles, and his fingers began to grow quickly and slender. Tooth decay began to appear in her nails ...

"He should be able to complete the corpse change soon." Ye Ting rubbed the wound on his arm gently, said in his mouth, then shook his body slightly, feeling a weakness-although Ye Ting was not afraid of Xiao Mei's release Zombie poison, but this thing will have an impact on him after all, especially this poison is still enhanced by the power gem.

Ye Ye suddenly felt a little bit empty.

"So, do you want to eat stir-fried kidney for dinner, master?" There was a drop of blood left in Xiaomei's mouth, and she wiped it gently with her hand, and asked Ye Ting with a smile.

Ye Ting: "... Okay."

After Xiaomei was happy to be busy in the kitchen, Xiaolong whispered to Ye Ting, "I think Xiaomei is actually smarter than we think."

When she saw Ye Ting turning Casillas into a believer, she already guessed Ye Ting's next plan, and even considered that she did not want to bite others. Ye Ting would let her bite herself to get the zombie venom. That ’s why I first asked Ye Ting if she had dinner to eat hot cashews ... and had to make up for her body.

"Yeah ..." Ye Ting thoughtfully.

Casillas' corpse change was completed quickly. He was a zombie who was directly transformed by the power of Xiaomei's zombie. He directly possessed the jade corps ability, and his body climbed up from the ground. No problem, at the same time, he can also cast the ability of the mage, but Xiaomei's zombie power seems to have changed his mage ability.

In the game of God, players cannot exchange two kinds of bloodlines (except for individual abilities), but there are special cases, such as vampires and zombies, their bloodlines are very special, and they can make others become their subordinates and dependents by biting others. Let them become the heritage of their own blood.

If they are strong enough and bite other survivors or people who have blood power in themselves, it may be possible to add zombie and vampire characteristics to the other's blood power, just like Casillas now.

He has the blood of a magician himself, and is now infected with a zombie poison, which will make him a special magic zombie. In addition, he also has the power of faith given by Ye Tzu.

Then Ye Ting sent Xiaolong to the basement to bring the old black up, and asked Casillas to bite the old black and turn it into a zombie. Casillas heard Ye Ting's order and immediately bite into the old black neck. on.

After releasing it ~ ~ There was still blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and he licked his tongue and enjoyed it.

"It is indeed Hannibal ..." Ye Ting sighed.

As for Gu Yi, Ye Ting was going to keep her in custody and not transform her.

Her strength is very powerful. There is a saying, why did n’t the tyrants in the Marvel movie universe collect the infinite gems at the beginning? It was because he was afraid of Odin of Asgard and Gu Yi of the Earth, and only dared to take action when both of them died.

Gu Yi is best kept closed, after all, although the eye of Agomo is a iron scale in Ye Chui's hand, it is a real time gem in her hand.

"Next, you will gather more companions and wait for the opportunity. In the future, the Chitari army will invade New York. At that time, the air portal appeared over New York. I want you to return to New York with your companions and help me meet Chita. Swiss army, "Ye Ting ordered to the two zombies.

"Yes, Lord Patriarch," Casillas said respectfully, and then took Lao He through the portal of the Supreme Sanctuary and left.