The Heavens Come

Chapter 494: Women's clothes are funny ... what if th

When Ye Ting sent away Casillas and Lao Hei, and was enjoying Xiaomei's prepared dinner, the reminder of the **** suddenly came to his mind.

【Congratulations! You survived this game smoothly.

Summarize your results below.

You killed 5 Gamma Monster Slayers and got 4000 points!

Game rewards: You are ranked first in this game for points and earned the qualification to join the Hulk team.

Total points: 4000 points! 】

"Ah?" Ye Ting stunned when she felt the reminder message.

Obviously, this reminder message is the summary information of the little fox participating in the Hulk Battle Royale story mission. He is not participating in the story mission now and the little fox side is sharing survivor qualifications.

What Ye Xing never expected was that the little fox killed five gamma monsters in this game.

Although she was a lot worse than Ye Ting and Xiaolong, she still won the first place, and qualified to join the Hulk team. Taking the first place can only be regarded as a counterpart.

"Except for the Gamma monster killer, Sister Shuier did not trigger other killers and did not protect other civilians." Xiaolong checked the information, shook his head with a grin on his face, "She must not have been too diligent in this game . "

"This was beyond my expectation, and it was not easy for her." Ye Ting said with a smile, he could sense the position of the little fox, a space cube was condensed in his hands, and a blue space was opened. Door, picked up the little fox directly.

The little fox seemed to be panting, his hands still holding the transparent ... Meteor hammer?

"What the **** is this?" Ye Ting and Xiaolong both looked curious.

"The weapons I condensed with the space demon technique can be turned into various other weapons in addition to the meteor hammer ..." the little fox explained to Bara with a look of grievance.

"Kokoko, Sister Fox's new weapon is super powerful, and she created it with my help." Claudia proudly said.

Ye Ting looked at Gothic Loli: "How did you help her?"

"Hum, I wrapped a large house with the Book of the Blood God, and then constantly attracted monsters into the house, and let the sister Fox in the house practice with these monsters. This allowed the sister Fox to develop her new weapon. ! "

Claudia said with a frightened face on her hips and hips, Sister Fox was almost crying!

The little fox's face was drawn, a look of almost crying, seeing Ye Ting's eyes, I don't know how resentful ... you intentionally let this mental retardation follow me, right? ?

"Uh ..." Ye Ting could imagine the scene at that time, but his eyes fell a little when he stared at the space weapon in the hands of the little fox.

This is a weapon created by solidifying the space monster technique. Ye Ting is now full of knowledge of spells, and the opponent's inch spell is also very proficient, but he can never consolidate a solid space weapon like a little fox.

This is equivalent to forging the empty space into a shaped object. The extraordinary sound can be achieved only when the perception of space has reached a very high level.

"You are also very rewarding." Ye Ting comforted the little fox. He had the intention to exercise the little fox's fighting ability before, but looking at her, it was a bit unbearable. ... "

At this moment, Ye Ting suddenly received a communication link with Mi Ya. After a communication with Mi Ya, Ye Ting looked at the little fox with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Xiaolong asked.

"Mia found clues about other story missions, about the black widow," Ye Chui explained.

The Hellfire members who entered the game did not all act together. Mia and others are now staying at Dr. Heinrich's home, waiting for the Eagle Eye plot mission to begin, and some members are under the leadership of Cohen. Looking for other clues.

Not long ago, Cohen, the dictator, found clues about the Black Widow plot mission. As a SHIELD agent, the Black Widow was disguised and mixed up with an arms dealer boss to investigate some confidential information. United 1, the black widow appeared in a **** outfit during the reunification, and was assisted by a general of the E country to an abandoned factory for repair. From their conversation, it can be judged that some arms and materials were smuggled.

In the game of God, this plot was changed by the magic into a black widow's plot mission, General E also became an arms dealer, and the survivor's task was to rescue the captured black widow (although it seems that she does not Need to be rescued), at that time, it will face the pursuit of the arms dealer killers. The difficulty of this story mission is not high. After all, the arms dealer killers have only 100 points, which are only ordinary-level killers.

Just to participate in this story mission, there is a condition ...

"Don't let me go!" The little fox immediately said to Ye Ting.

"It looks like only you can participate." Ye Chui could not help but said.

"Why?" The little fox asked with a little frizz.

"The prerequisite of the Black Widow plot mission, the survivor must be a female, but also a beauty ..." Ye Chuichong said, the main element of the Black Widow plot mission is to sneak in.

The survivor needs to be close to the arms dealer and gain certain trust from each other, so as to trigger the plot mission. If he is not beautiful or male or Li Jianguo, the arms dealer will not let him approach.

To get this story mission, Ye Ting must participate in the story mission, or he must be his ring spirit. Now, there are only three ring spirits in Ye Xing, and Meow Meow must maintain the integration with Ye Xing. Xiaolong must not do it. Then this black widow story mission can only be done by the little fox.

Little Fox: "... Can you think about your own dress and try it?"

"How can an honest man like me wear women's clothes?"

Ye Chui immediately retorted, was that ridiculous ... what if you were addicted!

"This story mission must be participated by women. This is a game rule and cannot be disguised." Ye Cui solemnly patted Xiao Fox's shoulder. "Just so happily settled, you continue to work hard!"


In fact, the little fox's counseling does not mean that she is very good. Being able to get the blood of the nine-tailed demon is enough to show that she also has a strong potential. She was still very powerful when she was rushed. At first she was locked in a hundred ghost drawings It has not been refined for decades, which has shown her powerful side, so although she was unhappy, by the next morning, Ye Ting sent her to the area where the black widow was, and let her complete the black widow's Story mission.

This time the little fox did not let Claudia follow him.

Xiaolong also left Ye Chui. He still had some concerns about Ao Jiao in his heart, and was ready to take care of it. At the same time, among the six story missions, the last US team story mission that had no clue.

After the little fox dragon left, Ye Ting took Xiaomei away from the Supreme Sanctuary and was ready to stroll around. Maybe you can come up with clues about the US team. The Supreme Sanctuary is located in the Brooklyn district of New York, which is beautiful. The team also lives in Brooklyn.

This place can be said to have gathered a large number of heroes, not to mention comics, in those several Marvel American dramas, Daredevil, Luke Cage, etc. are all gathered around Brooklyn's Hell Kitchen and activities.

However, the connection between Marvel's American TV series and the movie universe is not close, and Ye Ting is unlikely to meet them here.

"Captain America should have been awake for a long time during the reunion period. He is in the recovery period of physical fitness and is exercising sandbags every day ..." Ye Ting thought about it, Mia had already asked him, and she did not look for As for any clues about the US team, it is said that survivors participated in the story mission of the US team, but none of them passed the mission and died in the game.

This surprised Ye Ting. Is the story mission of the US team very difficult?

At noon on this day, Xiaolong also contacted Ye Chui. Through talking with Ao Jiao, he also found some information about the US team, which is almost the same as that of Mi Ya. People who knew Ao Jiao participated in the story mission of the US team. , But also died in the game, and no other information about the story mission spread.

"The main enemy of the United States team before the reunification was Hydra ... Hydra's soldiers are just ordinary people. They are too far away from armored soldiers, gamma monsters, and frozen giants. What's going on? "When Ye Cui wondered what was difficult about the story mission of the US team, a harsh car whistle came out of the street near him, and some gunfire came from the front.

Is this a shootout?

Well, in New York City in the movie, this is a daily event!

Ye Ting quickly took the invisible Xiaomei to prepare to go and see what happened.

Just then, with a bang, something flew out of the crowd gathered in front and landed in a nearby store ~ ​​ ~ Xiaomei followed immediately and flew to the store, when she returned to Ye When she drew to her side, Ye Ting saw her holding a round shield in her arms—that was the team ’s Zhenjin shield. Xiaomei's expression of joy was telling Ye Ting: "Master, this shield is similar to my flat bottom It looks like the pan is the most suitable for pancake fruit. "

Ye Ting: "Uh ..."

Among the crowds nearby, the US team in blue uniforms came out-he just stopped a bank robbery. In order to stop a robber from shooting the hostage, he flew a shield and beat the robber. Fainted, now he waved at the crowd cheering and taking photos while walking into the store to find his shield.

"..." Ye Ting stretched his neck, glanced through the broken shop window, glanced at the American team whose cat was holding its American hips under the container in search of a shield, turned his head and said to Xiaomei, "Return the shield to Let ’s ... ”

This should be the way to trigger a story mission.

Xiaomei was shoving the shield into her backpack, and she said unwillingly when she heard Ye Ting's words, "Master, I picked it up by my true ability ..."