The Heavens Come

Chapter 509: Ye Ting said: There is no fairness at al

When Loki was photographed on the ground, Ye Ting stretched out his hand and copied the scepter of the heart in Loki's hand.

Xiaomei's voice had not forgotten to add: "Dried tofu!"

"Return the scepter to me!" Rocky was obviously still immortal at this time, no matter how much damage he suffered, he would be safe and sound. He was irritated when he took the scepter, and led Chitari's army to invade the earth. With the rod in control, he must not allow the scepter to be robbed, so two daggers appeared in his hand, and he swooped at Ye with a swish.

In the face of the oncoming Loki, Ye Ting seemed to be completely indifferent, but his left hand stretched out and grabbed his left side.

The frontal Loki then turned into a phantom and disappeared-this is the shadow that Loki condensed with magic. His real killing trick was on the left. The body flashed out. Holding a dagger, he was about to sneak into Ye Xing, but he was just attacked. Ye Ting's left hand grabbed his wrist, with the same arms, and Rocky whipped up and hit the wall of the corridor next to him.

"Playing this old insidious trick in front of me ..."

Ye Ting snorted with a disdainful look. He didn't look at Rocky's eyes all the way, and he was always looking at the scepter of the heart. At this time, he found with some regret that the scepter of the spirit was still " "Insignificant" state, as if the game is played in the real world, the "task props" that players have in their hands are generally unusable.

So he couldn't help complaining to God's messenger: "Even if it wasn't available before, it's time for why I can't use it."

[... The Scepter of Mind itself is not an item for survivors! 】

God responded.

Ye Ting was a little regrettable. He originally thought that if he could control the scepter of the mind, he would grab Loki's scepter and leave him to the killer. Now it seems that this will not work. Then, what happened to him and asked, "So, what happens if I keep stealing the scepter and not return it to Rocky?"

This time God silenced for a moment and then responded:

[I advise you to be kind. 】

What is the skill of the bullying game NPC, look at the expression of resentment and fear in the face of Rocky who has been robbed of his scepter now ...

"I don't want to see Rocky brainwashed survivors, so isn't it kind to take his scepter?" Ye Chui argued.

[Useless, the survivor gets a scepter and will automatically return to Loki's hand after five minutes. 】

God kept responding.

When she heard her response, Ye Ting sighed. God ’s rules limit that the battle between the spaceship and the mothership will definitely continue. Survivors cannot prevent some survivors from being brainwashed into killers. Already strong enough, but the cruelty of the battle royale itself has never changed, and there was a glimmer of blue light in his hand holding the scepter.

It was a spell spell, Ye Xing marked on the scepter.

"In order not to cause innocent casualties, I will write down a mark on the scepter. Once a survivor is brainwashed into a killer, I can rush to the scene as soon as possible and settle the danger." Ye Chui said to himself. He is such a person of integrity and kindness that he cannot see other survivors suffering innocently.


It is a skill to be able to say that the cheating brush points are so right.

Ye Ting looked back kindly and returned the Scepter of Soul to Loki's hands.

Although Rocky is a character created by God in the game, he obviously has a complete mind. He found Ye Tzu right after the start of the game. His mission is to transform the survivor into the killer and create Confusion, he judged that Ye Xing should be the most powerful of all survivors, so he first found Ye Xing and wanted to brainwash Ye Xing.

It's a pity that Ye Ting has washed other people's brains. Under the protection of the Lord of the Rings, no one can wash him. Rocky was easily knocked to the ground and that was not wrong at all.

After accepting the Scepter of Soul, Rocky gave a slight hesitation, and then his face sneered with wicked sneer: "You have violated the majesty of the Asgard, and you will eventually pay for your pride ..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xiaomei next to Ye Xing lifting up the pan. Xiaomei is now wearing a cloak of cloak. When the pan is lifted up, it appears from the cloak, which immediately makes Rocky's body Just shivered.

Then his body disappeared without a trace—seeming to scare the child.

"He instantly appeared hundreds of meters away ..." Ye Ting sensed the signal from the magic spell on the scepter and judged in his heart, "Although Marvel's magic transmission ability is very strong, Crockety He hasn't demonstrated this ability. He just left and didn't open the portal. It seems that in this 'Rocky's game', God gave him the ability to move freely. "

God will make magic changes in the game, so that Loki can get this kind of teleportation ability, which obviously makes him easier to brainwash other survivors.

"This game is completely unfair!"

Ye Chui couldn't help but protest, and then pulled up Xiaomei and took out the space cube, followed by the signal of Rocky, and instantly left-that means it was definitely slipperier than Rocky.


God made it clear that the shamelessness of Ye Ting was really speechless.


The spacecraft is very large and huge, and its internal structure is very complicated. It can be roughly divided into five layers, one is the driving layer, the second to fourth layers are the crew living layer, and the fifth layer is the combat readiness warehouse. This "Rocky game" After opening, all survivors were randomly transferred to various places in the spacecraft carrier. Ye Ting was transferred to a crew living room on the fourth floor.

After encountering Ye Xing, Rocky instantly moved to the second floor above. Ye Xing soon followed the signal and came to a corridor on the second floor. He sensed a moment and walked along the corridor to the front.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps in front, and some slight conversations. They soon met Ye Tzu. These were the three survivors. It seems that they happened to be teleported to a short distance after the game started. So, the bouts quickly came together, three men, two men and one woman.

"Who?" The three of them were very vigilant when they encountered Ye Ting, but although Ye Ting made some disguise, it was easy to judge from the appearance that he was not a killer. This made the three slightly relieved. A tall woman among the people then said, "You are also a survivor ... now that we have met, let's act together. My name is Cossa, a Jedi."

"..." Ye Ting was slightly surprised, Ke Sisha, this female survivor could be regarded as Ye Ting's acquaintance.

She is a person of the future meeting. When she participated in the battle of the strong orc sacred helmet valley, Ye Chui had some communication with her. Later, she was put into the Colosseum by Ba Song, and Ye Chui rescued her. She played with Meow Meow and Ao Jiao in the same group, but it seems reasonable to appear in this game. It is just that Ye Ting has not met her in the past two days, so she was suddenly surprised.

When he heard his name exploded, Ye Ting thought for a moment and said, "Oh, my name is Xiao Yan."

"Everyone comes across, so let's act together first." Ke Sisha's personality is more bold-Ye Ting remembered that she was in the Holy Helm Valley at the beginning, and she was going to force Ba Song to do something to relax with her. He stopped Cossa and told him to do whatever he wanted ... Cossa quickly introduced the other two.

One is a white magician called Aston, and the other is a warrior from the country of sticks, called Shi Yijin.

"What blood do you have?" Aston asked at this moment.

Ye Chui took an unusual path after participating in the game of God, and rarely interacted with ordinary survivors. For ordinary survivors, when encountering strangers, they usually first ask the other survivor's bloodlines. This is common sense.

When he heard the question, Ye Ting thought about it and said, "Very bloody."

"Bloodliness and bloodline?" All three were stunned.

"Oh, a kind of bloodline." Ye Ting explained.

Hearing the blood of the spell, Aston's face showed a taunting expression—the magician despised the spell wizard, which is normal in the world of survivors, although Ye Ting, who is now known as the most powerful survivor, is said to be Sorcerer, but this chain of contempt has not changed because of this, the decline of the spell itself is a fact and there is no way.

Shi Yijin said with a smile: "I think that the most Chinese people are still the blood of warriors. After all, the blood of warriors has grown through our great country, and now it is a type of blood that cannot be ignored in the world of survivors."

Hearing the words of Shi Yijin, Ye Chui was unhappy.

The Chinese martial arts drama has been popular in all countries in Asia, and the country is also deeply affected. They have also shot a lot of martial arts film and television dramas ~ ~ But I heard he said that the blood of the martial arts was developed by them. I cannot agree.

How can you say that, you should say that martial arts drama was invented by you ...

"Okay, we're in the game right now, don't discuss these things." Cossa said, her eyes glanced at Ye Xing a few times, and she looked around. "Rocky will appear randomly in this game, Xiao Yan, have you ever seen Rocky? "

"See it." Ye Ting nodded, which surprised all three.

Shi Yijin hurriedly asked, "Where?"

Ye Xing pointed to a room not far away, "I just followed him here. He walked into that room and met you shortly. Ah, the evil **** Rocky is really powerful. It's so horrible, I suggest we leave here first, as the saying goes, thirty years river ... "

"You're afraid you can leave." Aston interrupted Ye Ting, he looked at the room with a sneer on his face, and a wand appeared in his hand. "I just learned a few powerful spells recently, just in Luo Let ’s try it on Ji ... ”