The Heavens Come

Chapter 510: The strongest user of sunflower book!

"You are afraid that although you can leave, I have just learned a few powerful spells recently and just tried it on Rocky." Aston was very confident in himself, and he waved his wand with a stun when he said this, A spell was released into the forward compartment.

His curse was blue. After falling on the metal door of the room, a tearing sound was heard, and the metal door burst into pieces.

The hatch was opened, others looked into the door, and the first time she saw the evil **** Rocky, but in addition to Rocky, you can also see another man with a strong body, the power in Rocky's hands. The rod was placed on the man's chest, and he was slowly lifting it. The man's eyes quickly became dark. At the same time, he was originally wearing a black sportswear, which could accompany the darkening of the eyes, and his clothes also changed. It became a green striped T-shirt.

The man has become a killer.

Rocky grinned at Ye Ting, and the figure disappeared immediately.

"I know him. He is a person who will meet in the future. He has a variety of blood that can desertify part of his body. Now he is brainwashed into a killer by Rocky. Everyone be careful." Cossa quickly reminded everyone that she waved her hands and put There were two machine guns that appeared to have black technological attributes-she had the blood of the Jedi, but the weapon she used was a firearm.

"Is it a mutant?" Aston sneered, waving his right wand vigorously in the air, shouting "DIFFINDO" in his mouth, and shooting a blue curse at the man.

The enchantment hit the man in an instant, and the next time he slammed, the man's body was torn apart, and Aston looked happy.

This "split spell" has been modified and strengthened by the magic master, and its power is truly extraordinary.

But the next moment, Aston's expression immediately stiffened: The man's body was indeed torn apart, but instead of being scattered into pieces of flesh, he was scattered into a drop of sand. The sand seemed to have life, flowing fast on the ground, suddenly Turned into a horrible big hand, grabbed Aston.

Aston quickly shifted away from the apparition, followed by a big hand on Shi Yijin who stood behind him, bang! Shi Yijin's big hand condensed by the sand grabbed it and pressed it against the wall. He yelled in his mouth, but couldn't break free.

"Is his mutant ability so powerful !?" Aston appeared next to Ke Sisha, surprised.

"No ... Although he has the ability to desertify, at most he can only desertify a part of his body, and it looks very chicken. He is not so powerful." She explained quickly, holding the machine gun in her hand, facing the beginning. A large sand sculptured hand pressed against the wall is a burst of shots.

"Oh?" Ye Ting stood calmly analyzing, "Is the ability to be strengthened after being brainwashed by Rocky ... No, it should be more than just ability enhancement." Ye Ting thought, seeing this mutant before After being brainwashed, the clothes on his body also turned into green striped T-shirts. Isn't this clothes the iconic clothes passed on by the sand people in Spider-Man 3?

Of course, the concept of mutants is not involved in the Spider-Man series, but the old version of Sandman, the second version of Electro-optic, and Spider-Man, etc., these types of super powers due to accidents, were used in the game of God It is called mutant bloodline. In addition to these other movies, the hulk and crocodile in the heavens of the world, because of various accidents, are all mutated.

Although the variant blood and the variant blood are not the same thing, they are similar in some respects. Because the variant blood is very tolerant, some of its ability types may be very similar to some mutation ability. The boundaries are very similar. blurry.

This brainwashed mutant possesses the ability of desertification, but after being brainwashed into a killer, his own will has been lost, and God is most likely to directly transform him into his ability according to his ability. The closest killer-in other words, the person in front of him, after being brainwashed, directly became a sandman killer from the old version of Spider-Man 3.

"That's what happened to being a killer after being brainwashed by Rocky." Ye Chui had this important information. He quickly contacted Xiaolong through the Lord of the Rings, told him about the brainwashing, and then hesitated a little. " Alas, Xiaolong, have you found Ao Jiao? Rocky seems close to you now, so be careful. "

"Okay, I see." Xiaolong responded.

When Ye Ting communicated with Xiaolong, Ke Sisha slammed the two machine guns. The sand sculptured hands splattered, and the sand and sand scattered directly on the ground collapsed, and a golden pant was liberated. Coarsely, Ke Sisha's shooting did not hurt him-Ke Sisha used the force sensing assist to aim, so that her shooting can be extremely accurate.

The sand flowed again and quickly reshaped.

"AGUAMENTI!" Aston hurriedly casts the curse again. This time the curse he cast is "Clear Water as a Spring Curse". This curse can summon water out of nowhere. With the cast of the curse, Aston waved his wand, in A series of water sprays on the top of the wand sprayed out instantly, and immediately fell on the sand man who was about to re-form.

The fusion of water and sand suddenly turned into a puddle of mud, which made the sand people's cohesion seem extremely difficult.

"Although the Sandman is strong, he is afraid of water." Aston saw his own means effective, and immediately said with pride, his eyes still glanced at Ye Xing-from the beginning to the end Ye Xing stood still, He believes that Ye Ting was frightened by this scene. Although the magic wizard is an oriental magician, it is said that it is very complicated to use, and it should not be easy to condense water out of nowhere.

It's still the most convenient magic ...

Then, at this moment, the sand man who was unable to condense because of the mixed water on the ground suddenly began to gather towards Aston. When Aston realized that the phantom was about to change shape immediately, the sand suddenly disappeared. I was entangled in Aston, and Aston climbed quickly to cover Aston. Aston was terrified, but he couldn't break free. His eyes were extremely shocked, his eyes just turned to Ye Ting.

"Huh?" Ye Ting saw that he was so pitiful, raising his arms and preparing to save him.

However, Aston's gaze stayed on Ye Ting for only half a second, he immediately turned away and looked at Shi Yijin next to him: "Quickly save me--"

Ye Ting: "..."

Excessive, how despised are you in your heart and are you selective about asking for help?

Then I won't help you.

Shi Yijin had already panicked God. He did not expect that the sand man still had this ability. He heard Aston ’s cry for help, and he was a little flustered, so he immediately shouted and waved his sword. He chopped down at Aston, who was wrapped in sand.


His sword easily cut through the mud covering Aston, and caused a terrible injury to Aston, splattering a lot of blood.

Aston yelled "Fack", and his face was completely covered with mud.

Ye Ting: "..."

What a pig teammate.

Creaking, a few cracked bones, Aston was still struggling in the mud, but soon there was no sound at all, the mud was flowing quickly, and it was quickly dislodged from Aston's already miserable body Slowly condensed into the shape of the sand man-The sand man in Spider-Man 3 is also quite powerful, and can directly absorb a large amount of sand and turn into a sand sculpture giant.

But he will dissolve when he encounters water, and become extremely weak, not as terrible as the sand killer in front of him.

"It seems that the sand killer's ability is different from that in the movie, and yes, although the sand killer is strong, it will be too obvious that the weakness will dissolve in water. If it appears in the battle royale game, the survivors know This weakness is easy to deal with it. "Ye Ting thought in his heart.

Shouting in the first mouth of being a pig teammate, waving the sword in his hand constantly attacked the condensed Shaman, but the Shaman was completely immune to physical attacks, his body was broken by the sword, and he quickly gathered together. Bian also shot one after another and bombarded the sand man's body, but he was unable to cause any harm to him.

"Hey! How long do you have to stay by your side? Stupid!" Shi Yijin's series of attacks came down without any effect. Suddenly he saw Ye Ting still standing by his side, his eyes turned a little, and he yelled.

After speaking, he suddenly flashed his body, and dexterously borrowed power on the wall of the corridor, and one fell behind Ye Ting-just after he attacked the sand people, this successfully attracted the sand people's hatred. Now Appearing behind Ye Ting, the sandman flew towards Ye Ting right away, but Shi Yijin was cold at the moment, and the blade in his hand slid across the air, and stabbed at Ye Ting's back quickly.

The Sharen killer is too terrible. He has calmed down and judged that he is not an opponent, so he wants to stab Ye Xing, let Ye Xing attract the attention of the Sha Ren, and then take the opportunity to escape.

After discovering Shi Yijin's plan, Ye Cui sighed. He didn't want to have any communication with other survivors. Even if he happened to meet him, he didn't want to entangle more. Ye Chui will kill the Sandman in time, and then drift away without leaving a cloud ... This is his vision. After all, not many of the survivors are good people. Shi Yijin was going to use him as a bait to escape. A little too much.

Ye Ting turned around instantly and stretched out **** to grip Shi Yijin's sword.

The sand man has rushed behind Ye Xing.

"Be careful!" Ke Sisha standing on the other side hurriedly reminded, but just as she said, "Bear--" The billowing flame suddenly condensed from behind Ye Xing, and immediately wrapped the sand man's body.

The flame was released from Xiaomei's pan. This is the Phoenix Flame.

The blazing temperature made Cossa dodged quickly aside, and in her horror, the flames swept the Sandman, and then was stolen again, and the body of the Sandman had completely solidified and became a sculpture of glass crystals ... this is The sand was instantly crystallized by the flame!

"The water is useless to deal with the killers of the Shamans. We should use fire." Ye Ting whispered softly, and the other hand waved, wow, the statue of the Shamans crystals shattered and scattered into a drop of glass **** The disappearance then disappeared-the survivor who was brainwashed into a killer, his body will disappear into ashes after death.

Ye Ting's gaze fell back to Shi Yijin's body: "What did you just call me?"

"..." Shi Yijin trembled. His sword was caught by Ye Xing's fingers, but he couldn't move. He couldn't break free. This power didn't know how much he weighed. The person in front of him was by no means able to provoke him. He The body shuddered, and then said in the mouth, "You ... you are a Huaxia or a magician, then we should be companions, but I exchange the blood of the warrior ..."

"Don't spoil the blood of the warrior." Ye Chui snorted coldly, pinching his first sword with a forceful finger, and then slapped it with a slap.

His current design is decisive!


On the other side, Xiaolong had already found his daughter Ao Jiao for the first time. He pretended to happen to meet him and temporarily walked with Ao Jiao. After contacting Ye Xie, he learned how the brainwashed killer was What's going on at the same time, knowing that Rocky is now hovering near them, his expression is a little alert.

"Jianguo is near here ..." Ao Jiao, who was walking in front of him, was playing with an instrument and looking at it and said, the survivors were dispersed after entering the spacecraft, and Ao Jiao wanted to be with the dragon for the first time The other members of the Soul Group converged, and they naturally had positioning equipment. During the time of speaking, Ao Jiao walked to the corner of a corridor. After turning around, she saw Ao Jiao at a glance.

What made Ao Jiao immediately vigilant is that at this moment, Rocky even happened to be standing next to Li Jianguo, and the spiritual scepter in his hand was slowly leaving Li Jianguo's chest.

Rocky laughed at Aojiao and Xiaolong, his body disappeared without a trace.

"Founding a country!" Ao Jiao was shocked, and rushed forward.

Xiaolong quickly grabbed her, frowning and looking at Li Jianguo-Li Jianguo's eyes became dark, and the bloated shirt on his body suddenly disappeared into a red costume dress with a huge skirt. He was originally a little demon The wicked face in it was a little more charming, and it exudes a murderous and aggressive spirit.

"This ..." Ao Jiao paused.

"He has been transformed into a slayer, and has become the strongest user of this ability." Xiaolong's expression also slightly dignified, "Eastern ... undefeated!"

Ao Jiao froze, "How can this be !?"

Talking ~ ~ The founding of the East suddenly moved—the characteristic of the sunflower collection is fast. It is extremely fast in the martial arts world, and the red suit of the Eastern Jianguo immediately rushed to Aojiao and Xiaolong. In front of him, he originally used a sword as a weapon, but now he stowed the sword, holding an embroidery needle in his hand, and quickly pierced Xiaolong's throat.

呲 啦 ——

Xiaolong took Ao Jiao's hand to avoid, summoning a thunder to split towards the founding of the East.

The founding of the East quickly escaped, and the body borrowed force from the wall, falling like a ghost to a few feet away.

"Is the East undefeated so fast and so powerful?" Ao Jiao was a little surprised. Although the East undefeated is the top master in the martial arts world, it should not be anything to them. He had no time to respond to his attack.

"After becoming a killer, your strength will be enhanced." Xiaolong quickly explained.

It is not difficult for Xiaolong to kill the founding of the East, but the key is that Li Jianguo is a member of the Dragon Soul group. He cannot shoot him, so he can only contain him and wait for Rocky to leave the Airship and let him recover. Normal, but this is much more difficult.