The Heavens Come

Chapter 518: Nothing can't be leveled by a pan

At this point, in the top flight deck of the Airship, before the survivors are summoned to the Airship, the plot in the movie has already taken place:

The trapped Loki manipulated the scepter to deceive the Hulk.

Hawkeye led the mercenaries into the Airship to rescue Rocky.

After a scuffle, the Hulk jumped out of the Sky Mothership and disappeared.

Thor was trapped in a glass cage by Loki using a treacherous craft and dropped the spacecraft.

Worker Coulson Felt was killed by Rocky.

The one-eyed Nick Fury then inspired the US team and Iron Man with the death of Fuerte.

Finally, the Avengers went back to New York to start the first Avengers collection in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

During the "Game of the Rockies", SHIELD is also renovating the Airship and is preparing to go to New York to support it. This is different from the movie plot. Survivors are now on the Airship. The Sky Mothership took them to New York to participate in the war, and there was a two-hour break in the middle. When they arrived in New York, the army of Chitari would have begun to invade.

And at this moment, the one-eyed Chief Nick Fury stood in front of the empty window of the Sky Mothership, holding in his hand the American team card of Philt. The card was stained with Phil's blood. Previously Nick · Keffery told the US team that Filthe admired the US team very much, so he prepared a card on his body and planned to get a chance to find the US team to sign, but he was killed by Rocky.

These words inspired the US team and Iron Man, let them temporarily put down their prejudices, ready to work together.

At this time, Mary Hill, Nick Fury's most loyal subordinate, came to his side and whispered, "Sir, those cards have been kept in Phil's locker, not in his jacket. . "

"They need a little motivation," Nick Fury said, looking at the card in his hand.

This scene is exactly the same as the movie plot, which is like a cutscene in the game of God.

Earlier, Nick Fury's words to the US team and Iron Man were deceiving them. Phil did adore the US team, but he did not put the card on him, but in the locker.

Hill looked at Nick Fury's face. She suddenly smiled, approached Nick Fury slowly, and whispered something to Nick Fury that did not exist in the movie.

"Long live the Hydra."

"!!!" Nick Fury shivered violently, and looked at Maria Hill with one eye in disbelief. This subordinate, whom he most valued and trusted, even said this sentence to Hydra. slogan? He whispered instinctively, "MATHERF ..."

It seemed as if he was doomed, and this sentence had never been called out. A strange electric shocker in Hill's hand had landed on Nick Fury, so Mazefak fell to the ground in a twitch.

"Ha!" Maria Hill looked down at the stunner in her hand when she saw Nick Fury fell to the ground, with a funny expression on her face, "I knew he would be shocked to hear this! "

On the driving level, other SHIELD members saw that Hill had stunned Nick Fury, and immediately caused a commotion. Many agents instinctively took out firearms and wanted to aim at Hill.

But the next moment, another group of people suddenly started to dodge and stun them.

The SHIELD is divided into two parts in the movie universe, one is the Hydra, and the other is the real SHIELD.

But now in the game of the gods, the survivors sneaked in with the identity of the dragon set characters in the SHIELD. There are also Hydra and ordinary members. At this time, with the Hill corona, Nick Fury, these surviving set characters Started and subdued others.

Soon, the survivors took complete control of the SHIELD Air and Sky Mothership.

"Let's do it now, those survivors have now become lambs to be slaughtered, and you are free to dispose of them." Hill said looking at the surviving driver.

The survivors appear with the help of Dragon Set characters, and they need to complete their Dragon Set mission to be fully resurrected.

And the part of the dragon set they borrowed was part of the SHIELD and part of the Hydra. After the start of the Kitarari Battle Royale, they quickly gathered together. Those who borrowed the role of the SHIELD set The identity has also joined the Hydra.

The mission of Hydra is to dominate the world and control the supreme power of this world.

Now they can help Chitari to invade the earth, and cooperate with the Chitari invaders-the leader of Chitari's invasion army, and now also the survivors-can achieve this goal, which will bring these survivors completely to life.

Everything is perfect!

"It doesn't seem so difficult to do this," Hill said disdainfully, directing a group of Hydra survivors to lock up the fainted Nick Fury, who was an important character. He belongs to a non-killable character.

Several survivors of Hydra immediately agreed and were ready to drag the fainted Nick Fury away.

But at this moment, a very dissonant voice suddenly sounded.

"Nick Fury trusts you so much, how can you betray him?"

When this voice sounded, most of the talents in the driver's layer realized that a figure had appeared next to the fainted Nick Fury, and was squatting on the ground to check his status-this figure did not appear in a teleportation. He actually rushed in at an extremely fast speed from the outside, but most of the survivors here belonged to ordinary physiques, so he was unable to capture him.

All the survivors were frightened, and quickly aimed at the figure with the weapon in their hands.

The silhouette is naturally Ye Xing.

After knowing that Rocky had left, the survivors could take a short break and prepare for the next battle, but Ye Tzu had to deal with the survivors, so he immediately called Xiaolong and Xiaomei to the top driving level together. .

At this point, Xiaolong was standing at the entrance of the driver's floor, while Xiaomei was hiding behind Ye Ting.

(Ye Xing originally planned to call the little fox over, but she hasn't been leveled by that feline stranger, so she won't come to her for a show.)

Ye Ting stood up and glanced scornfully at the guns aimed at himself, and then fell on Hill: "You, the unknown?"

Maria Hill, although not so important in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she is definitely not a dragon, but a rather important supporting role.

She was also present at several scenes of the reunion. At the same time, the most important thing was that she was the most trusted person of Nick Fury. In US Team 2, Nick Fury suspected that SHIELD had a big problem and was attacked. Later, he began to sham, he was deceived by the US team and the black widow, but he did not deceive Hill.

To enter the game of the gods, the survivors can only rely on dragons who have no identity and can only act as background boards. Therefore, the hill in front of them is definitely not a dragon. Ye Ting can be sure that she must be disguised by the unknown.

There has always been a PY transaction between the unknown and the survivors.

"Who are you?" Hill also looked dignified, looking at Ye Ting-Ye Ting had changed his clothes, but still with some camouflage on his face, Hill asked in confusion, "Teach the ancestors ... Or is it weeping? "

"You can guess." Ye Ting said with a smile.

"No matter who you are, I think we can ... cooperate." Hill frowned slightly, she could feel Ye Xing was terrible, and the survivors on her side were ordinary people, and none could fight. She has an underdog who was ordered to kill Ao Jiao of the Dragon Soul Formation, but now there are no traces. She should have been killed, perhaps by someone in front of her.

"Sorry, it is my duty to eliminate the survivors." Ye Cui said rightly, "Maybe we can work together to target the survivors?"

"It's also a shame that we are on the same front as the unknown and the survivors." Hill shook her head regretfully, she glanced at the dragon standing at the entrance, and said with a movement of her arms and bones. It seems I can only kill you all. "

"So big tone?" Ye Ting pretended to be surprised, "So it seems ... you should be one of the seven leaders of the unnamed purgatory, Christian Donna, who has the book of life in his hand, right?"

Ye Tzu got the name from Kex, who owned the sword of Damocles.

"You seem to know a lot of secrets." Hill, or Christine, flashed a surprise on his face, and then smiled again. "Yes, I'm Chris, one of the seven leaders of the Unknown Purgatory." Donna Donna, the owner of the Book of Life. "

Along with these words, a book emerged in front of her, and the form was very similar to the Book of Blood Gods, except that the book cover and content looked like the style of European and American comic books, with Maria Hitch on the cover. Portrait.

"Do you know what is the scariest part of the Book of Life?"

Just like every qualified villain boss, although Kristin said that she would kill Ye Ting and Xiaolong, she did not rush, but started with a mockery of ridicule-mouth gun The role is often to explain some cause and effect, as it is now.

"Apart from the Book of Life, which can modify one's life, its most powerful ability is actually to 'capture' the lives of others."

"Capturing life?" Ye Ting asked in cooperation, and he also wanted to know what happened, "So you took Hill's life with the book of life?"

"Yes, I used the power of the Book of Life to make her into me ..." Kristin flipped over the floating books in front of him and said with a smile, "Here, I can see my life as Maria Hill, You can also modify it at will. For example, I once borrowed identity rights to obtain the obelisk from the SHIELD Strategic Science Corps, and used it to experiment with survivors who have obtained this world identity. "

Ye Ting nodded slightly, which explained the origin of the stranger in the warehouse.

"I originally wanted to use the obelisk to give these survivors with little ability to gain powerful power. Unfortunately, the conversion cost was too high. At most one of the ten people was suspiciously transformed into a stranger, so this plan had to stop. Kristin shook her head with a sigh. "Looking at your reaction, you should have already encountered a stranger in the warehouse?"

Ye Xing nodded and admitted.

"Hill is at the top of SHIELD and she has access to almost all the secrets of SHIELD." Christine continued to read the book of life. "About Hulk, Dr. Strange, Wakanda, Tony Stark Armor design ... Do you know what I did? "

What Ye Ting thought of, with a slightly surprised expression: "No?"

"You guessed right ..."

Christine smiled smugly.

Laughing and laughing, her slender figure suddenly began to grow and swell, and her black uniform burst in succession in Doraemon's voice, revealing the green skin inside, and some ugly bone spurs. Raised!

"I modified the past in the book of life ... In the past, I borrowed the power of SHIELD ... I restored Banner's experiment, letting the gamma rays shine on me, and I got a woman The power of Hulk ... although not very stable, it is strong enough! "

Christine's body swelled to a height of nearly three meters, and her clothes were all broken, but she didn't walk away. Light, because of the sound of "呲 呲", black metal particles burst out from her back. And quickly covered her.

This is a set of black nano armor!

The appearance is similar to that of Black Panther, and it is similar to that of Iron Man.

"I also modified the past, sneaked into Wakanda, stole the drawings of nanotechnology, Zhenjin, and the Panther Warframe ... and obtained the drawings of his armor design through Tony, and created this 'Nano Iron Leopard Warframe.' '! "

Speaking of which, two huge rings suddenly appeared on the fingers of her huge hands.

"I also went to Mount Everest and followed Gu Yi to learn spells!" Christine continued, with yellow spell discs condensed in his hands. "This may not be possible for the original Hill. , Everything that can control the Book of Life is possible. "

Ye Ting was already a startled expression.

This Christian used the book of life to control Hill's life, and almost learned several important forces in the Marvel movie universe!

"I combine the power of almost every Avengers ... I am the Reunion!"

Kristin yelled arrogantly at ~ and then ... just listening to her, Xiaomei's pan hit her on the head, knocking her out.

Xiao Mei in the cloak of cloaks is showing a look of impatience: She said a lot of things, nothing could not be flattened by a pan!

Ye Ting: "..."

He gave Xiaomei a serious look: could he not respect others? Is it easy for people to brew this shape that has been recessed for so long?

Anyway, let ’s take a symbolic two-shot first, and then knock down everyone!

Fortunately, Kristin's Iron Leopard Battlegear was protected by Zhenjin's Nano helmet. Although Xiaomei shot her flying, she was not really hurt, and soon she got up again and sent out An angry roar.

So Ye Xing was relieved.

With such resistance, it seems like a good fight ...