The Heavens Come

Chapter 522: The demon fox growled: "Wow, wow--"

The stranger who was created by Christine's book of life to change Hill's life and then created is very powerful.

It has the variability of the space system, and can almost manipulate the space within a certain range. In addition to allowing it to teleport at will, it can also use space attribute attacks. This is very scary. Defense in the physical sense will not be able to defend the space at all. Type of attack.

This guy is still very difficult to deal with, but the little fox ’s own space magic is also very powerful. Although she can counsel, but after so long working around, there is no injury. The stranger was instead found by the little fox. Opportunity wounded a lot with the space weapons she condensed.

Although they felt a little nervous when they realized that the leaf weeping of the little fox was hurried to the bottom warehouse, when they came here, they just saw that the little fox was becoming huge. In the form of a nine-tailed fox, a claw fiercely pressed the feline alien to the ground and rubbed it.

The nine-tailed fox is huge, and this warehouse, which is four or five meters high, can't let her stand upright, her body stunned slightly.

The warehouse is already in a mess, and a large number of weapons stored here, including even some heavy weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles, have now become completely powdery, which is the consequence of space attribute attacks.

The little fox's appearance did not seem to be damaged, and Ye Ting and Xiaolong were a little surprised. At this time, the little fox's golden soft fur faintly exuded a layer of crystal white light, as if there was a glass armor. Wearing the huge nine-tailed fox's body.

Then Ye Ting realized what it was: "She condensed a piece of space attribute armor for herself, covering her whole body?"

"I don't know how she did it ... Sister Shuier really improved her defense ability to the extreme." Xiaolong also sighed.

At this time, the little fox also noticed Ye Xing, Xiao Long, and Xiao Mei who appeared in the warehouse. Her huge body suddenly turned around and was thrown into the feline stranger caught in the paw-the stranger had apparently hung up. .

Her fox eyes stared at Ye Ting, and the huge fox's eyes were exuding glamorous blood.

The huge body slowly approached Ye Xing here.

"Well?" Xiaolong suddenly realized that she was wrong, "She seems to be unable to communicate now!"

"Well ... I can't communicate directly with her with the Lord of the Rings." Ye Ting frowned. "Is this ... hey gone?" Then he paused and dashed to Xiaolong Road. set?"

"She has the blood of the demon tribe, and she has also upgraded her fox spirit blood to the level of the nine-tailed demon god. The blood in this realm is difficult to say." Xiaolong was also a little nervous. The situation with the blood of the demon **** is similar to that of the sister Shuier. Nine heads of golden carvings, golden-winged Dapeng, and even our dragon tribe have the precedent of the demon, but the sister Shuier ’s demon **** body has always been in peace ... ”

"Hurry to stop her." Xiaolong said to Ye Ting.

"Let me try it!" Ye Ting said, his body fluttered up, slowly flying towards the huge fox's head, and he stretched out a right hand, said warmly in his mouth, "Shui Shuier, My most trusted lingering spirit ... "


As soon as Ye Ting said a word, the huge nine-tailed fox suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed Ye Ting.

"Bottom!" Xiaolong's body shuddered immediately, no matter what resentment, so simply!

Xiaomei was also startled, and quickly clenched the pan.

I saw the mouth of the nine-tailed fox squirming and quickly swallowed, but a black mist quickly condensed around the huge nine-tailed fox's body, and finally turned into a black collar, stable. Around the fox's neck.

That collar was the ring that made the Spirit, and it began to narrow quickly.

Nine-tailed fox clasped the collar tightly, opened his mouth and snarled silently, and nine huge tails continued to stir.

Ye Ting rushed out of her mouth and fell to the ground wetly: "I'm going, this excitement ..."

Nine-tailed fox's ring collar is shrinking fast, her huge body is shrinking rapidly, one claw is holding the collar, one claw is reaching Ye Xing, and her body is still rushing towards Ye Xing.

She soon came to Ye Tzu.

It was only then that her figure had shrunk to the size of an ordinary fox.

Her eyes were still red, and she rushed in front of Ye Xing, and her two small claws continued to grab Ye Xing's trousers ferociously, and the demon fox roared angrily in her mouth: "Wow, wow--

Because the body becomes smaller, the sound is milky.

Ye Ting: "..."

Xiaolong: "..."

The small pocket fox brutally scratched Ye Ting's legs a few times, and she became breathless without even scratching her clothes, and began to lie on the ground and continue to pant.

After a while, I continued to scratch the leaf lobes, but soon I was out of breath.

A few times this way, she lost her strength completely, and the red blood in her eyes slowly dissipated, and she returned to her original black eyes.

The shape of the small pocket fox slowly changed, and turned into the appearance of little loli. The collar on the neck also turned into a ring and appeared on the fingers. The body fainted on the ground.

The runaway apparently exhausted the D Cup-level magic power that the little fox had finally accumulated, making her look like Loli.

"The restrictions of the Lord of the Rings stopped her runaway ..." Xiaolong sighed with relief as she looked at the little Luo Li who was fainting on the ground. . "

"That is to say, her original upper limit only reached the point where D was barely reaching E. Can she grow to F or even G in the future?" Ye Cui said thoughtfully.

Xiaolong: "That's true ..."

"That's a good thing." Ye Ting decided to ignore the problem that he was drooling by the little fox. He quickly took out the clean clothes from the space and put it on the body, and hugged the little fox in the state of loli. stand up.

The little fox was very weak at this time, still asleep, and with Ye Xing's lifting, her body slowly turned into a mist and was absorbed into the Lord of the Rings.

In the game of God, the survivors all belong to the trinity of physical, soul, and blood power. There is no physical body in the spirit, but there is soul and blood power. Through the master of Ye Xing, they can give them other powers. The bloodline power can also continue to grow, and the little fox now belongs to the bloodline power that has grown.

In addition to being forced to the extreme with a feline alien, another important reason may be that she has a deeper understanding of space black art.

At this time, there were some footsteps and conversations coming from the warehouse corridor on the side. It should be that other survivors heard the movement here, so they came to check it. Ye Xing stopped staying, and quickly opened the transmission with a small Mei and Xiaolong leave and return to the driving level.

In the warehouse, a group of survivors quickly walked in cautiously.

Now that Rocky's game is over, the remaining survivors, even if they were somewhat contradictory, are now gathered together friendly, and they are shocked to see the situation in the warehouse.

"What's happening here? How did it happen?" Someone exclaimed.

"This is the result of that Lin Dao and his disciples fighting the stranger." Cahill, the grotesque town, was among the group, and he explained, "The Lin Dao also easily resolved Voldemort's killing. By."

"What forest chief?" Ao Jiao and Li Jianguo were among these people, Ao Jiao asked.

"That was a man wearing sunglasses and a white coat with a hat, a Huaxia man, but he couldn't see the appearance, but was very powerful," Cahill explained.

"Ah?" Ao Jiao heard this description, and immediately thought of something, "Is this person the same companion of Dragon B? When I met him, he was called Bigou Qingjuro at first, and then changed his name to bat. Here comes the knight, and he easily solves the samurai killer. "

"Did you all remember it wrong?" The interface was that the first meeting of Ye Tzu ’s future will be Cossa, "I have met this person, and he easily killed the Sharen killer. He said clearly that his name was Xiao Yan's! "

Ao Jiao took a look at Ke Sisha: "Yes, he originally called Xiao Yan to come, but later changed the setting."

other people:"???"

"Listen to you ... I think the Demon King we met also seems to be him." Orc Ozu said at this moment.

As a member of Hellfire, he was originally opposed to Ao Jiao, but now that Rocky's game is over, they have no energy for the time being to continue to torture, after all, the battle in New York is about to begin.

"Dark Demon King?" Everyone looked at Auzu.

Ozu nodded: "He also has a wheelchair-shaped throne and a sad eunuch, and he easily killed the Medivh Slayer."

Everyone: "?????"

Mia, who had not spoken, stood on the edge of the back against the warehouse wall and couldn't help snorting. After transmitting to the Airship this time, she did not encounter a killer, which made her feel a little unhappy. But she quickly thought of something: "Wait a minute ~ ~ Listen to you ... There are five killers in Rocky's game. Except for Li Jianguo there, all other killers are Killed by this person? "

Others heard Ao Jiao say this and discussed with each other, and it was confirmed that this was indeed the case.

"It's so powerful ... Is he teaching the ancestor to disguise? The throne of teaching the ancestor looks a bit like that ..." Miya's eyes flashed.

But Orc, the orc, immediately waved his hand and denied, "I can use my faith in teaching the ancestor to guarantee that he will never be the ancestor."

"Really." Upon hearing Ozu's assurance with faith, Mia dispelled this suspicion. It seemed that there was someone else, "I don't know who that person is, it sounds very powerful. ... Teaching Ancestor has never made an appearance and has no idea how he is doing. "

Hearing that Mi Ya and Aozou discussed teaching the ancestors, Ao Jiao and Li Jianguo showed a little bit unhappy here.

"We don't have general knowledge with them. The battle in New York is about to begin. By then, how many killers will overpower them." Mia whispered to Li Jianguo.