The Heavens Come

Chapter 523: New York War, I'm here to collect points

Rocky holds space gems and mind gems. Mind gems are the scepter of the mind, which can be used to command Qitari's invader army. Space gems, also known as space cubes, are used to open the wormhole.

To open the space cube, it needs to be located at a high place, and it needs an adequate energy supply.

The Stark Industrial Building with ark pure energy will be the most suitable place!

Rocky and his brainwashed men have opened a space cube on the top platform of the Stark Industrial Building and opened a huge teleportation wormhole in the sky. Countless Kitari invaders have poured in like insects. , And the most terrifying of them is Qi Tari's unique huge floating battleship that combines machinery and creatures: the whale!

The significant event in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Battle of New York, has begun!

The Avengers are quickly gathering.

The sky and mother ship led the survivors to arrive at this time. With the golden light, the survivors were teleported to various locations in New York, and everyone received a reminder from the angel.

[You started the story mission: Battle of New York!

Mission Difficulty: Level A

Grim Slayer: Chitari Slayer! (unlimited)

Duration: Unlimited

game rules:

Save a resident to get 50 points

Earn 200 points for killing an ordinary Chitari Slayer

Earn 500 points for killing a senior Chitari Slayer

Destroy a Chitari flying fighter and earn 300 points

Destroy a Chitari Whale Ship and earn 20,000 points

Kill Loki and earn 3000 points (10)

Legendary item: Mind Gem (Available after killing Loki and blowing up the Chitari Fleet.)

Note: New York is the center of the earth and the universe. The primary goal of aliens to invade the earth is New York. To protect the earth, we must first protect New York. 】

Ye Chui, together with Xiaolong and Xiaomei, were teleported to a chaotic street in New York. The final part of the battle in New York City, similar to the Battle of Ice and Fire, will be a team against the killers Mode, if you stand together before transmitting into New York, it will be transmitted to the same place, and at the same time, Ye Ting ’s mind receives these reminders from the divine, and receives other information

[You have six story missions.

Black Widow Squad Mission: Kill 100 Ordinary Chitari Slayers and destroy 10 Chitari Flying Fighters.

US Team Squad Mission: Kill 200 ordinary Chitari killers and rescue 100 residents.

Eagle Eye Squad Mission: Kill 50 Ordinary Chitari Killers, destroy 20 Chitari Flying Fighters, and save 50 residents.

Hulk Squad Missions: Kill 300 ordinary Kitari slayers, destroy 20 Kitari fighters, and destroy three Kitari whale ships.

Iron Man Squad Mission: Kill 200 Ordinary Chitari Killers, destroy 15 Chitari Flying Fighters, and destroy one Chitari Whale.

Thor's Squad Mission: Kill 300 ordinary Chitari killers, destroy 20 Chitari flying fighters, and destroy three Chitari Whales.

Note: The number of killers in different story missions cannot be superimposed. You need to kill a total of 1100 ordinary Chiari slayers, destroy 85 Chiari fighters, destroy seven Chiari whale ships, and save 150 residents.

Note: You have started the "Unhappy Thunder God" competition mission. As long as the number of kills exceeds Thunder God, you can win the competition. The right to interpret the number of kills belongs to Thunder God. 】

"It seems our task is very heavy." Ye Ting glanced at the information given by the divine messenger, and then turned to Xiaolong and Xiaomei and said, "Let's start the killing ring."

Survivors in this battle royale game can join the team of the members of the Confederation, complete story missions to obtain various special abilities, items come, six members of six teams, most of the survivors choose to join a team, but Ye Chui Of course not like everyone else, he wants everything!

The story mission of the six squads has made his task extremely complicated.

"Not only dealing with the killers, but also rescue missions." Xiaolong also shared the information, saying at this time, "We also have to save civilians."

In the reunion movie, the US team and Eagle Eye have described the rescue of residents for evacuation, so in their team mission, they also need to save a certain number of residents to achieve the goal.

"This is easy." Ye Ting smiled slightly.

They were standing on the street at this time, because the invading aliens invaded, and the crowd on the street was fleeing in a panic, and the sound of car collision screamed endlessly.

Ye Chui appeared a space cube in his right hand. The blue teleportation energy was activated by him. Alas, his figure turned into a shadow, dragging the blue teleportation energy, and immediately passed the panic crowd. Wherever he passed, those panic The crowd disappeared.

But after half a minute, Ye Ting went back to Xiaolong and Xiaomei again: "Get it!"

The original flustered street has become silent.

"Where did you teleport them?" Xiaolong was a little surprised.

"The Dragon Ranch," Ye Ting explained.

If Ye Ting wants to send outsiders to the dragon ranch, it takes some effort, but now it is much easier to freely use the transmission energy of the space gem to transmit, the energy of this thing is almost unlimited.

"Just now I teleported all the people on the street to the dragon ranch, about three or four hundred people."

Although it is almost exactly the same as New York in the real world, it is essentially the game world. It is impossible that the number of residents is exactly the same as the real world. If it is the real world, on a street in a metropolis such as New York, it includes residents on both sides of the store building. How can there be only three or four hundred people.

"When you meet residents, put them away and release them when the game is over." Ye Ting continued.

"Uh ..." Xiaolong's expression was a little weird, although when he first mentioned that he wanted to save the 150 residents, he reminded Ye Ting to fight against the killers and don't forget to save the innocent residents. After all, they were not bad people. … But now I heard Ye Ting ’s so concerned about saving the residents, Xiaolong said a bit, “These residents are the game life created by God, and the game will disappear after the game. I do n’t think you have to worry so much about them. "

Ye Ting looked at Xiaolong with a surprised look. He was manipulating the energy of the space gem to open a portal. He said, "Look at what you said, isn't life in the game life? How can they be so cruel-what are they doing? It's worth fifty points. "

"Only fifty points." Xiaolong followed Ye Ting into the portal.

"Xiaolong, do you know why you have been so poor all the time?" Ye Cuichong expressed a meaningful expression to Xiaolong. "The point to be used for credit is to accumulate less and more. Even a point can not be given up. This is the meaning of the point." "

Xiaolong is speechless, saying so much, isn't the mystery of your credits just open?

Then Xiaolong discovered where Ye Xing's portal was opened: here is the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building, on the raised platform.

Already put on Asgard's battle armor, Loki with a shofar helmet, now standing in front of them with a scepter like a king, he has seen Ye Xing and Xiaolong, teleported from his face. The arrogance on the air immediately showed a little fear, but it quickly turned into an evil smile.

"You're late, the wormhole has been opened, and the invasion of the Chitari army has begun. You humble earthmen will be dead!" Rocky opened his arms and shouted proudly and arrogantly. Road.

Beside Ye, the invisible Xiaomei immediately held the pan to shoot him, and she could not see such a arrogant person!

But Ye Ting stopped her and took the pan from her: "Let me come."


Ye Ting rushed over to the pan and knocked Rocky to the ground.

Cracks were smashed directly on this hard platform. Rocky's coquettish horned helmet was discounted with a horn, was shot from the head and flew off, and rolled off the platform.

Crockety didn't seem to be hurt much, his face remained the same, and his hair was not messy.

"Well? Is he still unkillable?" Ye Cui was startled.

"Humble mortal, how dare you!" Loki quickly rose from the ground, his face full of anger. "You have to pay for your wantonness, I'm a noble **** ..."

Ye Xing lifted the pan.

Rocky slipped back a few feet as soon as he slipped.

Ye Ting: "..."

Can you be more pitiful?

Rocky's eyes stared at Ye Ting with a cold breath, and the corner of his mouth suddenly aroused again, exposing a sneer of evil spirits. Then, only listening to the sound of crickets, Rocky's body suddenly split Out of the shadows, quickly rushed to all directions.

"Clone?" Ye Ting stunned.

[Reminder: Rocky splits himself into ten!

Each avatar Loki will have the ability of the body, and is killable.

If you want to kill Rocky, kill these ten Rocky avatars.

Note: If you want to get the soul gem, you must kill all ten Rocky avatars yourself! 】

The reminder of God's voice then fell into Ye Ting's mind.

"Well, this is the case?" Ye Ting gave a slight stun, and then came to understand.

In fact, he was a little puzzled at the beginning. At the beginning of the game, in the list of killers displayed, among them, Loki's points were only 3,000 points. It should be known that Loki is also the ultimate villain in the reunion. It ’s pitiful, but it ’s also God. Why should he be worth tens of thousands of points?

In the reminder that just started the battle in New York, ten Rockies were also shown.

It turns out that this is because Rocky will split into ten avatars, each of which is worth 3,000 points. If you want to kill Rocky completely, you will get 30,000 points. This value is still very good for Luo basic body.

At the same time, the difficulty of obtaining soul gems is also reflected here.

Ye Ting must kill ten Lokis to complete the "kill Loki" condition (Xiao Long and Xiao Mei killed Ye Ting's head, because they share identity with Ye Ting), if there are other The survivor intervened to solve a Rocky, then he could not get the soul gem.

"Rocky's avatars appeared all over the battlefield ..." Ye Ting glanced around. After Loki split, he left only one avatar in place, and the other nine had no idea where to go.

Ye Chui immediately took out the Book of the Blood God and summoned Claudia.

"Master, what do you want me to do?" Claudia asked immediately after she appeared, her eyes glanced around, and her eyes fell above her head, just as there were impulses of the Chitari killers rushing in. Immediately, he showed a clear expression, "Ah, did your master's plan to dominate the world have already begun? I know, I will assist your men to conquer those stupid rebels ..."

With that being said, the wings were stretched out to join the battle to help the invaders invade the earth.

Ye Ting's sweaty face stretched out her hand and held her head, "I don't know what the brain circuit in your brain looks like ..."

"Master, it's a spiral circuit, as if someone had told me so before." Claudia immediately answered seriously.

"???" What is the structure of the spiral brain circuit?

Ye Xing shook his head and ignored the matter, he ordered: "You split into bats and explored the whole city for me, and found that Rocky ... is the trace of this smirking guy in front of you, please contact me immediately."

"Yes!" Although she had a bad mind, after receiving Ye Tzu's order, Claudia would still do it very carefully. She glanced at Rocky, and broke into a bat in one direction. Dispersed and went looking for Loki's trail.

Ye Xing is the remaining Rocky avatar walking towards here.

"Stupid mortal, you are destined to surrender in the face of the noble God, and when you bow down in front of me and ask for forgiveness, I will enjoy the taste of taunting and spurring you ..." Rocky roared arrogantly.

He shouted and shivered back as he shouted.

"..." Ye Xing rolled his eyes and rushed to Loki in an instant, and the pan in front of him smashed Loki in front of him to the ground.

This time Loki was no longer immune to death, and ashes disappeared.

But the scepter in his hand remained—when Rocky was split, the scepter was also divided into ten parts, and when Ye Chui picked up the remaining scepter, he saw that the color of the scepter of the mind had become gray. The colored, top psychic gems are also dim.

Ye Xing nodded. "It seems that ten sticks need to be collected to restore it to its original appearance."

At this moment, Claudia's voice sounded in Ye Ting's ear.

"Master, I found a clone!"

"Xiao Long, solve him." Ye Ting immediately opened the portal through the coordinates sent by Claudia, and said to Xiao Long.

Xiaolong was looking at the battle scene on the street below, looking for the trace of his daughter. He nodded when he heard Ye Xing's body, wrapped in lightning, and entered the portal.

Ye Ting returned the pan to Xiaomei, took out her venom sword, and opened a portal.

He decided to ask Claudia to search for the location of Rocky's avatar, and when he found it, he teleported to resolve it.

At other times, address other killers and rescue civilians.

New York War, I'm here to collect points!


In the street below, the police were panicking and directed the crowd to retreat. The two policemen were talking in panic, expecting the army to come to support.

At that moment, the US team turned around to avoid the bombardment and appeared in front of them. The mouth immediately laid out: "Send someone to these buildings. When the people in the building escape, they will be affected by the fire. They will be taken to them. Take the basement or subway, don't let them come down the street, block here to 39th Street! "

The two policemen looked at the US team a little aggressively. One policeman said, "Why should I listen to you?"

Bang! A fire fell and blew up a car next to it, and then two Chitari killers landed nearby. They were heavily armed and equipped with terrible alien weapons, and immediately savagely rushed to the US team.

The US team waved Zhenjin Shield, with smart and capable actions, and thumped up. They solved these two mighty killers who are very powerful to ordinary earth people, and by the way put a cool POSS.

"..." The policeman who just called the US team immediately turned and left to arrange for the other policemen, "Send someone to these buildings to take people underground, don't go down the street, block here to 39th Street!"

Seeing the police busy, the US team smiled.

A group of killers nearby appeared again, approaching here while firing.

With a tight expression, he immediately trembled Zhenjin Shield and was ready to confront him.

But at this time, a blue portal suddenly opened, and Ye Ting's figure suddenly came out, stopped in front of the US team, and rushed to the US team and said, "Leave it to me to solve it, you can go to the other as soon as possible Of Avengers meet on Main Street, Queens, where it will be the main site of the invasion! "

The US team looked at Ye Ting aggressively and said in the mouth, "Why should I listen to your command?"

Bang! Bang! The group of Chitari killers has approached, and there are at least thirty or forty of them. They continuously shoot Ye Ye and shoot here, and some powerful fires continue to detonate the cars next to it, accompanied by explosive debris flying around, Several cars exploded and fell to the ground again.

The US team quickly resisted the explosion with a shield and looked at Ye Xing.

Ye Ting was not afraid of the impact of the explosion. He held the Venom Great Sword in his right hand. At the same time, Hatch had been summoned and equipped on his right arm and the Great Sword. One, let the big sword grow to a few meters in length, this is a forty meter sword form.

At the same time, the venom was attached to it, and the front part of the sword cracked into a mouth full of sharp red tongues.

This made Ye Ting's right arm into a terrible black giant.

唰 ——

Ye Ting wielded a venom forty meter sword in his right hand.

Under the power of the venom, the blade edge soared in an instant, wrapped in a terrible sword atmosphere, and drew a terrible fan shape in front of Ye Ting, completely covering the thirty or forty Chitari killers.

Alas, with the sound of cutting, these Chitari killers were beheaded and splattered with green blood, and then quickly turned to ashes.

A tall building next to it also collapsed under the influence of Ye Ting's terrible slash.

After issuing this terrible slash, Ye Chui also set a POSS by the way.

"..." The US team that Ye Ting just called out immediately turned away and said to the other Avengers through the communicator, "Don't worry about this street anymore, everyone will gather on the main street in Queens as soon as possible, where the main invasion will location!"

After the US team left, Ye Ting started transmitting energy and started sending some civilians here to the Dragon Ranch. At this time, he heard Xiaolong's contact: "The Rocky here has been resolved ... I saw a whale ship, I'll deal with it. "

"Okay." Ye Ting nodded, and took out his scepter for a glance.

After Xiaolong killed a Rocky avatar there, the scepter was originally dark and slightly brighter.

"Huh?" Ye Ting suddenly felt something, looking towards the direction of the Supreme Sanctuary. "The surgery I left in the Supreme Sanctuary was triggered ... It was Casillas, who was carrying an infected zombie. The virus mage is back! "Ye Ting smiled," Okay, I'll summon them here! "

His zombie drillers are in place!

The Croatian contact reappeared in Ye Ting's mind: "Master, I found another clone."

Ye Ting then opened a portal through the positioning signal from Claudia and said to Xiao Mei, who was next to him, "Go and fix him."

"Yes, master." Xiao Mei, who had been unable to hold back and wanted to shoot people, immediately agreed, and entered the portal.


On the main street in Queens.

The US team and Thor, Hawkeye, and Black Widow are converging. Iron Man is also rushing here, but behind him is a terrible whale ship. This whale ship is a hybrid of Chitari people and The mechanical warships are huge in shape. They are not so much a whale ship as a puppet in Chinese legend. They can fly in the air and easily destroy buildings.

Iron Man told others that he was drawing the whale ship over.

Just then, in a beeping sound, Dr. Banner was driving a small motorcycle from the street into ruins.

While aboard the Airship, he was driven mad by Loki and fell off the battleship, at which point he returned to his senses and returned to the battlefield.

Stopping the motorcycle, Dr. Banner came to the US team and talked for a few words.

Just then the figure of the terrible whale ship appeared in front of everyone, Dr. Banner took a look and walked towards the whale ship.

"Dr. Banner," the US team quickly said, "now is the best time for you to be angry."

"Tell you my knack, Captain." Dr. Banner took a look at the US team, his body began to turn green and became huge, "I'm always angry!" After he said this, he growled and turned green. giant.

The huge whale ship had already rushed in front of him, his body rubbed against the ground, and his horrible mouth opened to bite at the Hulk.

Hulk raised his casserole fist and was about to hit the whale ship.


Just as the Hulk's fist was about to fall on the whale ship's head, a bang, a cyan sword light dragged blue lightning suddenly came from a distance, and fell immediately on the whale ship's head. .

The immortal sword gas exudes unparalleled killing power, as if using a huge nail directly pierced the whale ship's skull and nailed it to the ground. Its huge body could not help but tilt upwards. Various mechanical devices are constantly breaking down and falling down ...

Hulk with his fist in the air: "..."

Xiaolong's figure quickly dropped to the side ~ ~ He waved in his hand and summoned the blue celestial sword.

The huge body of the whale ship fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone in the Fulian Union has a strange look.

Thor knows Xiaolong. He and Xiaolong have competing tasks. At this time, he can't help pointing at the body of the whale ship to Xiaolong: "This can only be counted as one."

Xiaolong hesitated, lying down, the whale ship's size can be counted as dozens or hundreds of ordinary Chitari killers. The former Frost Giant Wang Lao Fei did not matter. You have such a big face?

Just about to refute, the reminder of the Divine Lord suddenly sounded in Xiaolong's mind.

【remind! The right to interpret the rules of competitive tasks belongs to Thor. 】

Xiaolong: "..."

Is this special also okay?