The Heavens Come

Chapter 524: Ye Xing, who used this generation of tra

In the Fulian 1 movie, when the Hulk appeared and punched the whale ship hammer to the ground, with the heated BGM, the initial six members of Fulian made a circle to complete an exciting debut.

This picture is also one of the most exciting scenes in the compound movie.

But now, because Xiaolong suddenly stepped in to kill the whale ship one step ahead, the Hulk was deadlocked, and everyone else was a little aggressive.

However, after a few seconds, the members of the Confederation still came together according to the script, and each completed the classic scene with POSS. The momentum seemed to be much lower.

At this time, reminded by the Black Widow, all members of the Confederation saw that in the wormhole above New York, more intruders came out like locusts, among which there were several whale ships.

Iron Man said, "Come on, Captain."

In the beginning, Iron Man was very difficult to deal with the US team. Iron Man looked down on the Iron Man of the US team, and the US team did not look down on the iron man. However, after a series of incidents, they have reached a settlement and Iron Man also recognized the United States. The commanding ability of the team is willing to obey the order of the US team.

The US team will give orders to the members of the Reunion immediately.

But at this moment, on the street behind them, a few strangely shaped armored vehicles suddenly drove over, and at the same time, some black technology fighters from the SHIELD quickly gathered.

The armored vehicles were parked tens of meters away, and all heavily armed SHIELD soldiers quickly got out of the vehicle. They were all equipped with weapons and equipment of black technology.

"SHIELD? They're here to support us." Seeing the sudden appearance of these people, the black widow was pleased, and then went to contact these people.

However, the one in front of the SHIELD soldiers smiled and said, "Long live the Hydra!"

The black widow froze.

Hawkeye reacted and rushed over to throw the black widow to the ground. The two hid behind an overturned car.

Suddenly Suddenly

SHIELD soldiers and fighters in the sky are firing at the Fulian side!

The other members of the Confederation quickly evaded, and were aggressive.

The aliens are invading, these people of SHIELD suddenly turned against them! ?

Their weapons are not like ordinary weapons, and they are even more lethal than the energy weapons made by the US team on the spacecraft to study space cube energy!

"They're under the control of Rocky?" The US team shielded the shot with a shield and said with some surprise, "They call themselves ... the Hydra?"

"These guys ..." Thor shouted angrily.

He is an Asgard, and has no fear of human bullets, but now the soldiers of the SHIELD are very powerful, which makes him feel a bit of pain. Even the Hulk ca n’t completely resist the attacks of these firearms. Avoid it.

When Thor was talking, his eyes floated on the little dragons in the distance who were constantly killing the killers of Chitari, thinking that he didn't know how much he had been led ...

"Thunder god, call thunder and lightning to attract their attention, Hulk, you have to solve them." The US team quickly deployed at this time.

But when Thunder God heard his words, he just raised his hammer and before summoning the lightning, a figure suddenly appeared in the air, and quickly landed between the SHIELD soldiers and the members of the Federation.

The man gathered a spell of magic spells in his hands to resist those attacks.

It was Ye Xing who rushed over.

"You go to solve the Qi Tari invaders, give it to me here." Ye Chui turned his head to the Confederate Humanity, and he knew that the SHIELD soldiers in front of him were not SHIELD people at all, not even Jiutou. Snake people, they are all undead!

The people in Fulian are a little surprised, but although they are game characters, they have limited senses of the survivors of the outside world, but they still know Ye Ting's power, and Ye Ting is the person standing on their side.

So the US team quickly responded: "Listen to him, give him here."

Then he continued to follow the original plot of the movie and began to command the members of the Federation to fight the invaders.

Members of the Reunion quickly left here.

The survivors also stopped firing at this time.

One of them, a thin man, came out, took off his hood and showed his face, and looked at Ye Ting with a sneer: "It seems that you are the one who has been hindering our actions with the unknown person ... You are, Ye Vertical? "

The survivors entered the game through the loopholes of God's game rules. They could only enter the game that Ye Ting joined, so they knew early on that Ye Ting was also involved in this game.

It was just that they never knew where Ye Xing was hiding, and now they saw Ye Xing clearly appear in front of them, so it was easy to guess that the person in front of him was Ye Xing.

Ye Ting shrugged and admitted: "It seems that you secretly control a lot of forces."

"Yes, we secretly controlled the Hydra lurking inside the SHIELD, and further developed and gained a lot of black technology and equipment." The skinny man said confidently, "Of course, we also created A few qualified people, although you are very powerful and the unknown Christine died in your hands, you may not be our opponent. "

After saying these words, the soldiers assembled by the survivors aimed their weapons at Ye Xing.

"The Marvel Cinematic Universe is completely different from other heavenly worlds. Because of the cinematic universe, there will be many hidden elements in the Marvel Movie Battle Royale, and we joined the game as members of the SHIELD and became game NPCs. You can secretly get a lot of the hidden powers of this world. "The skinny man was proud of his face," You are strong, but you are only one person now ... "

"Who told you I'm the only one." Ye Ting interrupted the skinny man and asked with a smile.

With his words, Ye Ting suddenly began to appear behind the circles of yellow Mars splashing, and those circles were quickly expanded.

These are the scenes where Marvel's Mage-specific teleportation magic is turned on.

In these yellow portals, one by one, facing the weird mage, kept coming out.

The first three were Casillas, Baron Moser and Pharaoh.

They are all pale now, their eyes are red, and their fangs can be seen in their mouths-they are zombies!

The number of these zombies is forty or fifty!

"These people ... what did you do?" The skinny man was startled.

"This is my Marvel zombie training legion." Ye Chui sneered and waved his hands, so these mage zombies ran a variety of magic and rushed to the soldiers assembled by the undead.

The survivors immediately started firing. Their weapons were very special and powerful, but they had no effect on the zombies.

Zombie bodies are very powerful. Even if they are seriously injured, they will not affect their mobility. At the same time, their mage abilities have been retained. They can directly teleport their heads to each other's neck to bite each other. This fighting method can be said to be invincible. Already.

In addition, they are subordinate zombies generated by the power of the zombies strengthened by Xiaomei's opening power gems. Each has a jade corps ability, no fear of the sun, and the body is as hard as iron.

The quality of this generation of training regiments is definitely top-notch.

the most important is……

"You are operating in secret, and you must have spent a lot of energy to gather such a soldier-really kind." Ye Chui said sincerely.

Those undead who were killed by the mage zombie bite will soon tremble and climb up again after falling to the ground. This is infected by the zombie virus, turned into a zombie, and is still a zombie completely controlled by Ye Xing, which belongs to Xiaomei. Subordinate zombies.

Their killing of the killers will still give Ye Tzu points.

The survivors enter the game with the help of the SHIELD dragon set. They have the physical body of these NPCs. When they are bitten, the consciousness disappears. The survivors are equivalent to being dead. The physical body is transformed into a zombie and it is a real zombie.

Zombie training can still multiply automatically-Ye Ting himself thinks this is a bit excessive!

Then Ye Chui thought, "At the time of Reunion 1, none of the Marvel mages have played yet. At this time, they are not even dragon suits, so the survivors cannot enter the game to borrow the identity of these mages. If they directly Borrowing the status of Master Marvel, forming a Legion of Undead Masters would be troublesome. "

He saw that some Chitari killers were approaching here from the side street ~ ~, so he summoned his Hatch Venom forty meter sword to prepare to solve them, but at this moment, there was A strange attack suddenly landed on him.

With a bang, Ye Ting's body could not escape being blasted off and knocked down a car next to it.

The car was deformed directly and the middle was completely sunken.

Ye Ting turned quickly and jumped up alertly, looking at the direction of the attack from the side, and frowned, but he was not injured, but he discovered that the attack just fell on him, which was a bit scary. .

Does the opponent have the same ability as Xiaomei's cloak?

A bald man in a black robe was approaching from that direction. The man had a hawk nose, looked forty or fifty years old, had a cold face, and had a weird scepter in his hand.

The scepter is golden throughout, as if cast from gold, and on top of the scepter is a broken disc.

"This is a qualified person." Ye Chui thought.

The eligible person is the existence of the survivor in the survivor. They are stronger than the ordinary survivors, and can bring powerful power to the never-dead world, but what magical thing is the scepter in the hand of the eligible person Can make invisible and silent attacks!

While thinking about Ye Ting's heart, a sneer appeared on the eligible person's face, raised the scepter in his hand again, and went down to the ground gently.


The imperceptible attack left Ye Ting completely without any defensive clearance and fell on him instantly.

This time the attack came from the left. Ye Ting was involuntarily bombarded out, smashed into the street next to him, and crashed the wall of the shop on one side.

In the middle of the sound of clapping, Ye Xie quickly rose from the ruins, and her face became more confused.