The Heavens Come

Chapter 525: This hanging is too heartbroken, right?

After being attacked for the first time, Ye Ting has become extremely alert, but even so, he still can't detect how the attack occurred.

Although such an attack could not harm him, his inability to defend still made Ye Tzu feel a little tricky.

This old insidious type of ability is unexpectedly used by some people even more than he!

"Hey, Ye Ting is indeed Ye Ting. The other survivors who participated in the A-level difficulty game were hit once by my eternal scepter, and they will definitely be seriously injured. I did not expect that you were hit twice and completely free of any Impact. ”The hawk-nosed man slowly walked over with a bit of abusive praise.

"Eternal Scepter?" Ye Ting glanced at the scepter in the man's hand. The next moment, his body moved suddenly. Instead of moving, it was a teleportation. His speed was so fast that it appeared in an instant. In front of men.

The forty-meter sword on the right arm is like a giant beast split from top to bottom.


The black sword sharply hid the man's body.

The building behind the man was also split by this sword, with the burst of rumble from the middle and collapsed.

"Hit him!" In that moment, Ye Chui flashed this thought in his heart, and he could feel that the forty-meter knife in his hand did hit the man and split the other side into two.

In the field of vision, the man's expression of horror was also seen. From the top of his head, his body cracked to the sides ...

Suddenly, a slight sound was the sound of the scepter falling to the ground.


Ye Ting felt a terrible force bombarded him again and smashed him out.

When Ye Xing got up from the ground, he saw the hawk-nosed man standing intact without any harm.

"..." Ye Ting's face couldn't help showing surprise, and his feelings could not be wrong. He had just hacked the man, but why he is now safe and sound. This doesn't seem to be the ability to heal the wound instantly. It's more like some ability to design powerful rules.

What about that scepter ...

"It seems you have realized it." The hawk-nosed man said with a smile, holding the golden scepter in his hand horizontally, and stroking the handle of the scepter gently with one hand. "The full name of the scepter is' KE Ronus's Eternal Scepter ', its power is to control the rules of time. "

"Kronos? The **** of time and eternity in Greek mythology?" Ye Ting was startled.

Since discovering the existence of the undead, Ye Ting has developed a strong interest in various legends and myths.

Many forces in the undead world may come from those legends and myths. Ye Chui will probably encounter them in the future. Although the myths and legends in this world and the abilities and items appearing in the game of God may be a little different, but Can still be used as a reference.

Koronos is the **** in Greek mythology, and he is also the creator god, the **** of origin, and the status is similar to the level of Pangu and son-in-law in Chinese mythology, and Koronos' ability is to control time.

What the Eternal Scepter has is the ability of Koronos.

Ye Ting's eyes lit up afterwards, but this thing is a treasure.

But ... Ye Chui couldn't help but point to the broken disk at the top of the scepter, in the buyer's tone: "This doesn't seem to be a complete scepter of eternity, just a fragment of it?"

"The Eternal Scepter is a super-legendary item. It is only one step away from the artifact. Of course, the cost of bringing it from the undead world is of course extremely great." The hawk-nosed man snorted, "The survivor I possess All the points add up, and it's only enough to never bring it to less than one-tenth the ability of the Dead, but ... it's enough to deal with you! "

"Everything is a slave to time, and no matter how powerful it is, it will eclipse in front of time." Cronos continued, he made a sudden step towards Ye Xing, and his steps were raised and lowered, looking ordinary. But then the body appeared in front of Ye Tzu. "And I can manipulate my timeline at will and change my timeline ..."

This is not teleportation, because teleportation is manipulating space distance to move, and he is manipulating time.

Mastering the eternal scepter, the timeline of the controller will be separated from the normal timeline, and the controller can control his own timeline at will.

To put it simply, after controlling the Eternal Scepter, the Hook-nosed man can let other people and things enter the state of time stop, the time of others is stopped, but the Hook-nosed man can move freely.

It's just that if he wants to attack or even touch other living creatures that stop, he will forcibly synchronize his timeline with the other party.

He made an attack on Ye Xing. During the time when the attack fell on Ye Xing, Ye Xing was in a state of stop, but after the attack fell on Ye Xing, time would enter synchronization.

Such an attack seemed to be fired against the forehead of an ordinary person, without any time to escape.


The golden scepter in the hands of the hawk-nosed man directly hit Ye Xing's body this time, causing Ye Xing's body to squat involuntarily.

"Your physique is really strong, but ..." said the man with a hooked nose.

His voice had just sounded. The attack that the scepter smashed on Ye Xing's body suddenly began to multiply, and a loud bang, a terrible attack appeared under Ye Xing's body, and a terrible pit appeared under Ye Xing's mouth. With a loud cry, the figure of the hawk-nosed man flashed to the edge of the big pit.

"Under the corrosion of time, dripping water can also wear stones, and it can take hundreds of attacks almost instantly, even if your body is strong, it will not be of any use." The hawk-nosed man continued, showing a trace on his face. The color of exhaustion.

He just entered the world when he stopped, and constantly bombarded Ye Xing with a scepter. When the attack of the scepter fell on Ye Xing, the time would be synchronized, but only at the moment of the attack. He attacked Ye Xing hundreds of times. To Ye Ting, it seemed to be attacked hundreds of times by a scepter.

Hundreds of attacks were launched in a split second!

This is indeed very powerful.


"A fancy operation, but in fact, there is no damage at point P." The smoke filled the big pit, and Ye Ting said suddenly.

The Eternal Scepter's attack is indeed invincible, but such an attack cannot harm Ye Xing.

Ye Ting is now physically strong, and it is difficult for ordinary attacks to hurt him.

If we use the blood strip in the real-world game as an analogy, an attack by a hawk-nosed man can at most cause a "-1" effect on Ye Xing, and the blood in Ye Xing's blood tank also has at least a thousand.

This is still the book of the blood **** is not around, if the book of the blood **** is around, his blood bar can be directly locked, or even break through the blood bar to grow in reverse ...

What about "-1" a hundred times in an instant? Sorry, Ye Ting's blood strip just went down by a tenth.

"This thing can exert its greatest power if it is in my hands." Ye Chui continued.

The power of the Eternal Scepter is indeed terrible, but the hawk-nosed man has such a powerful ability, his own attack is too weak, and dripping water can indeed wear stones, but this is only chicken soup, what is the use of fighting with people? Seeing the tired look of the eagle-hook-nosed man made him attack Ye Xing a thousand times in an instant, it is estimated that he did not have that physical strength.

If this thing falls into Ye Ting's hands ...

Alas, it's endless.

Originally, Ye Ting felt that the hangs he had obtained were already the strongest, and he did not expect that they could be stronger.

Playing the game keeps all the monsters and hostile players from standing still.

The hawk-nosed man heard Ye Trick's taunt, and his face was suddenly shocked. He immediately clenched the golden scepter in his hand and looked at the bottom of the big pit with vigilant eyes, ready to continue his time-stop attack.


The smoke under the big pit was cleared, but there was no Ye Xing.

"Stealth?" The hawk-nosed man stunned slightly, then said disdainfully, "For the Eternal Scepter, any hidden figure is useless!"

He immediately activated his ability to enter a stoppage state.

The world stops working, only the hawk nose can move freely, but he must be very careful ~ ~ Because the scepter of eternity has only one-third of the power, he can't touch any living thing in the world at this time.

If touched, the stop will end.

Hooked nose waved the wand to search for Ye Ting's figure. When the world stopped, Ye Ting could easily find it even if he hides himself.

However, the hooked nose soon showed a panic expression.

He searched in the vicinity of dozens of meters, but found no hidden leaves at all!

"Did he use any teleportation ability to make himself leave this place ..." Eagle Hook could only think so, and he sneered dismissively. "The famous Ye Xing seems to be just a coward."

What the hawk-nosed didn't realize is that the invisible Ye Ting at this time actually stood not far from him. The scepter in his hand even slipped over Ye Ting's body, but the invisible Ye Ting seemed to be Like a phantom, the wand passed directly through his body.

The Lord of the Rings and the Eternal Scepter are legendary items. The stealth ability of the Lord of the Rings is rule-level. When the world is stopped, Ye Ting's time will indeed stop working. However, the powerful rule-level stealth ability can make his body also Stop the world in nothingness!

The hawk's nose was lifted, and his face looked a little pale. The time for manipulating the scepter to enter the world was not infinite. The longer he stayed there, the weaker he was. The hawk's nose gasped for two mouths, and his disdainful words : "No matter where the boy Ye Xie goes, he can't escape my pursuit. I with the Eternal Scepter will be the most terrible hidden assassin ..."

Immediately after saying this, a sigh, Ye Ting's Venom Great Sword pierced his body directly.

At the same time, Ye Xing's voice rang.

"Sorry, I'm professional when it comes to hidden assassinations."